Sasha Swift

Chapter 23 Greta


I hear what sounds like a clock ticking. Slowly peeling my eyes open I see I’m back home sitting at the kitchen island. Greta has her back to me. She turns around and smiles at me. “Sorry to interrupt your adventure dear but this is important.”

I look around confused. It looks like home but it feels so different. The air is stuffy and the atmosphere is so tense. “Greta, how did I get here so fast?” I ask. She chuckles.

“I brought you here of course.” She shakes her head. “This isn’t home the spirits allowed us here to talk. I don’t have much time. We have to speak fast. Their coming.”

I scrunch up my eyebrows. “Who is coming? Why don’t we have more time?”

“I want you to know I love you. None of this is your fault and please forgive Zane he really does have your best interest at heart.”

I stand up and my legs feel wobbly. “Please sit Sasha. Your so stubborn, like your mother of course.”

I sit back down. “You knew my mom. You knew I was part fae?”

“I knew your mother yes. She had many friends outside of the fae dimension. Like Mike and Julia who she trusted to take care of you. But it was frowned upon. The people that killed your parents are after you. Only you can stop them and save us all.”

“Me? I can’t possibly save anyone. I’m just a vampire hunter. I’m not special at all.”

Greta smiles and walks around the island and puts her hand on my cheek. I lean into it. “You are very special my dear. I hope I have taught you well. I’m so proud of you and all you have accomplished. I know you will do great things. I will still keep an eye on you from time to time.”

“Time to time. Why does this feel like goodbye, Greta?” A tear betrays me rolling down my cheek. Greta wipes it away.

“I have to go they are here. Just make sure you remember the Tale of Aragon. It will guide you in the right way.”

The lights around start to fade away. I hear what sounds like glass breaking and people fighting.

“Greta no! Greta, please come back!” The voices are muffled but I know I hear more than one. The pitch-dark room starts to shake and I jolt awake.

“Sasha thank goodness. I was so worried about you.”

My eyes adjust and I see Zane looking down at me. He helps me sit up and I see we’re still in the forest. I don’t see Theo or Queen Merda though.

“Where is everyone?” I ask. My head is still spinning.

“The elves came and took the queen home. Theo went with them. Though I had to make sure he left. He was concerned about you. So am I. What happened?”

The dream comes rushing back to me. But it wasn’t a dream it was real. “Greta!” I stand up. ” I have to go home. Something is wrong very wrong.”

Zane stands up beside me. “I’m going with you.”

I don’t care if he comes with me or not. Greta is in danger and despite what she said I know it’s my fault. They are after me. We make it to my car in a hurry and I’m speeding down the highway. Zane just sits quietly.

“I know you think I’m crazy but I had like a vision. Greta came to me. She told me she didn’t have much time. Someone was coming.”

Zane snaps his head to look at me. “Did she say who was coming or why?”

I shake my head. “She didn’t say. I just know she said it wasn’t my fault. I think they are looking for me. It must be the Royal Council.”

Zane reaches over and squeezes my thigh. I brush his hand off. Despite what Greta said I’m not sure how soon I can forgive him. he frowns at me.

“I’m sorry Zane I-” He cuts me off waving his hand.

“No need to explain. I screwed up. I know that. I don’t deserve someone as amazing as you.” Despite the sadness in his eyes he still looks at me as though I’m everything to him.

I sigh. “I have to focus on this Zane. Please if you’re not going to help then just leave.”

The car ride is silent for the next five minutes. Zane finally speaks up. “I’m going to help. Feelings aside the Royal Council is out there and they are after you. I think they might have been the ones to put a hex on Queen Merda.”

“Why do you think that?” I ask curiously. Greta did say the Royal Council is involved in all things supernatural.

“The Royal Council consists of a vampire; Vlad Udmire, a werewolf; Malachi, a witch named Isabella, a leprechaun who goes by Mr. Foster, and an elf queen named Merda.”

My eyes go wide with the amount of information I just learned. “Zane, Queen Merda is a part of the Royal Council?”

“Yes, they want all the important supernatural creatures recognized. The fae was a part of it also before they left for their own dimension. I believe the Royal Council is the only one who could convince Queen Merda to leave her home. We need to find the royal palace.”

I’m shaking. This is so much information. “I wonder where the Royal palace is. That is the most hidden place on earth, you know besides the entrance to the fae dimension.” I tell him.

Sneaking a peak at Zane while trying to focus on driving I see him deep in his thoughts. He looks sad. Like he misses something. He sees me staring and puts on a fake smile.

“Not sure where it is love, but I bet it’s lovely.”


We arrive back in Greenwolf around midnight. I pull into my driveway and I notice Zane looking around confused. He probably thinks I brought him into the woods to kill him. Which wouldn’t be a bad idea right now.

With the cloaking spell, Greta put on the house no one besides me and her can see the house others see an empty field. I get out of my car and stop dead in my tracks. Zane bumps into me from behind and holds onto my waist to steady himself.

“Where are we love?” He asks.

“Zane if you can’t see my house how did anyone else get past the cloaking spell?” I ask and then chant the spell Greta taught me and the house appears.

Zane gasps behind me. “No idea you had me fooled. I thought you were going to murder me.” He chuckles.

Remembering why I’m here I run over to the front door and unlock it. Taking a few steps in I see our small living room on the left is destroyed. Our small brown couch is flipped over, the bookshelf is broken with books all over the floor.

Continuing down the hallway I make a sharp right and see our kitchen. Like the living room, it’s destroyed. The windows are broken out. Holes and blood cover the walls, pots, and pans are broken, and chairs look like they have been thrown all around.

Looking around I spot her. I run over to Greta and cradle her in my arms. She has a long cut across her face that looks like it was made by a sharp nail, vampire, or werewolf.

Rocking back and forth with her in my arms all I can do is cry. “I’m so sorry Greta, I’m sorry I wasn’t here. Please forgive me.” I cry and apologize over and over.

I kiss her forehead. Greta didn’t deserve this. She was the kindest woman. She took me in when she didn’t have to. No matter how much I rebelled as a kid or teenager she never got angry. She was my guardian angel.

“Please wake up. Tell me it’s just a nightmare. Tell me you are still here with me. Promise me you won’t leave me alone.” I scream and cry. This can’t be real. This pain I feel is unbearable.

I’m not sure how long I hold her and cry but eventually, the sun comes up and I can barely hold my eyes open. I feel tingles shoot up my arm and someone trying to pick me up as an arm wraps around my waist.

“No Mom! No!” I reach for her but I'm being pulled away/

“Come on love, let’s get you to bed. Let me take care of this.” His voice is the last thing I hear before my eyes shut. I smell my blankets and his scent and I know I’m safe at least for today.

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