Sasha Swift

Chapter 14 Elf Country


Driving down the highway with the wind blowing my blonde hair, my favorite sunglasses on, and a great song playing I get excited about my new adventure. Despite Greta’s warnings I can’t wait to go somewhere new.

Elves are very private, secretive creatures. No one has seen one in years. After elves were hunted down for their magical ears they disappeared or just hid better. Digesting an elf’s ears is supposed to give you their power.

The books I have read explain that elves help balance nature. They can grow a plant or tree with a single touch. But they are also known as mischievous little creatures causing havoc to those who wish to harm them. Rumor has it they can hide underground like a gopher and pull you under.

Regardless of what books and rumors say I'm on my way to Elf country. I have no idea if I’m even going to the right place since no one knows if elves even exist anymore. But Greta assures me that her friend gave her the right directions for me to follow.

But my journey is going to take another day to get there. After driving all day and most of the night I stop at a motel to get a few hours of sleep. Grabbing my overnight bag I check in and take a quick shower.

After my shower, I eat the turkey sandwich I packed and check my phone. I was on backroads and didn’t have service for most of the trip. I know Greta wouldn’t call me unless it was an emergency but I’m sure Zane has tried to get ahold of me.

Checking my phone I see I have several missed calls from Zane and two text messages asking me to call him back. I dial his number right away waiting for his husky voice to answer.

“Sasha, love, I have been trying to reach you all day?” He says and I roll my eyes even though he can’t see me.

“Sorry Zane I’m on a secret mission and I have been driving all day.”

“Hmm, secret mission huh? Sounds fun. Where is this secret mission aye?” I lay on my back and twirl a strand of my golden locks around.

“I’m not sure if I should tell you. It’s a secret.” I start laughing and Zane chuckles too.

“I miss you, Sasha. I’m almost done helping out around here then we can get back to finding out what the Royal Council knows.” He says and I bite my lip nervously.

“I miss you too Zane but I’ll be back from Elf Country real soon I-” Zane cuts me off.

“What??? Did you just say Elf Country? Elves are devious little heathens and are very territorial. You can’t go there! It’s too dangerous!” He yells at me and I sigh.

“Sorry, Zane but I’m already on my way. Tomorrow I’ll finish the drive and hike through the haunted forest to find them. Their queen is missing and they personally asked for my help.”

Zane starts yelling and cursing on the phone before he starts begging me to go back home and then asking me a million questions about where I am. It’s ridiculous. I’m Swift. I kick vampires’ asses all the time and I’m not afraid of some little elves. This will be an easy mission.

“I don’t know why you’re freaking out. I’ll be home soon and we can meet up. I’ve dealt with worse. Good night Zane, don’t come looking for me!” Despite his protest, I hang up on Zane and put my phone on silent. I roll over and go to sleep dreaming about the victory ice cream I’ll reward myself with after I find the elf queen.

The next morning I wake up early and eat breakfast at the nearest diner. I get a coffee to go and continue my drive to Elf Country. It’s still half a day away and I want to make it before dark so I drive way above the speed limit hoping not to get pulled over.

I make it to the large forest on the map Greta gave me. I’m somewhere in the Appalachian mountains and I have to hike through a part known as the haunted forest. The name already creeps me out.

Not many things scare me but ghosts do. They say the haunted forest is filled with the cries of a screaming lady. Supposedly she guards the forest and no one makes it out alive. I have no idea why the elves would make their home on the other side of a haunted forest.

Grabbing my backpack with a small tent, a couple of bottles of water, a flashlight, snacks, and a Firestarter I start my hike. I hate walking. I’m impatient. I don’t even walk on treadmills when I exercise. I hope this trek goes by fast.

The hike goes by slowly and it’s already nightfall. I pitch my tent and start a fire. As I sit and eat a granola bar I check my phone. Of course, I have no service so I can’t see if anyone messaged me or called. Deciding that having my phone is a waste of time I shut it off and throw it in my bag.

Sleep comes soon and after only a few hours I wake up with the sun beaming down on me and begin my hike again. After a few hours, my feet start to drag from exhaustion. I take a short break and look around the woods. So far it seems normal and not haunted at all. I’m beginning to think the rumors aren’t true.

Finally getting some energy back I start walking again. But soon it feels like I’m going in circles when I swear I passed the same large oak tree three times. That’s when I hear a twig snap and freeze.

“Umm hello? Is anyone out there?” I feel stupid for asking. Of course, a killer would be quiet and not announce his presence.

I try to listen for any movements but I don’t hear anything. I keep walking and notice I’m in a clearing. A loud pitched scream begins and I cover my ears but it doesn’t help. The scream seems to get louder and louder disorienting me.

Falling to my knees with my ears covered I try to see what’s making the noise. The wind picks up and the sky suddenly gets darker. Now I’m actually afraid and want to run out of here kicking and screaming, but I'm so dizzy now I doubt I'll make it far.

“Please haunted forest don’t kill me! I’m just here to save an elf queen!” I whisper to myself.

“Did you say, elf queen?” A male voice asks behind me and I jump up afraid. The screaming has stopped and I see a five-foot teenager staring at me.

But he isn’t just any teenager. He has red hair, brown eyes, and pointed ears. He smiles at me and I stare with my mouth open.

“I’m Theo, you must be Swift. It’s nice to meet you.”

He puts his hand out for me to shake and I must be dizzier than I thought because the trees around me start to spin and I feel my eyes starting to close. I reach my hand out but then fall over succumbing to the darkness.

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