Sasha Swift

Chapter 13 Back Home


After the gala, Zane and I go our separate ways again. Zane had left with Alpha Dexter and I received an urgent message from Greta to come home. Unlike the last time, we parted ways I'm confident about where we stand. We're together and nothing will come between us.

After a three-day drive, I pull up to the house carrying my two bags. I'm excited to relax and can't wait to tell Greta I had killed Aquarius finally and the other vampires who killed my parents.

As soon as I open the front door I'm hit with the sweet smell of Greta's famous potato soup. One of her favorite meals. "Welcome home Sasha, come eat!" She yells from the kitchen.

"How did you know it was me, Greta?" I chuckle and enter the kitchen.

"Nothing magical this time, I did call you to come home." She smiles.

"And I'm happy to be home I have so much to tell you." I smile back and sit on the same bar stool at the kitchen island.

"Well tell me."

So I sit there eating potato soup and telling Greta all about my travels with the arcade kid, the vampires, and finally Aquarius. Greta eats her soup and listens the whole time. I wonder if I'm boring her but she acts interested the whole time.

"I'm so glad to see you, happy child. Your parents would be proud of you."

I wipe away a tear I didn't know had fallen. "Thanks, Greta, I think they would be proud also. Now I just have to figure out how the royal council is involved."

"The royals are involved with all things magical and they try to control as much as they can. Everyone fears them. Except me of course."

I put my hand under my chin confused. "But why? Is it because they're so powerful? Rumor is they are some of the oldest living magical beings."

Greta stands up and walks over to her bookshelf next to the kitchen. She starts searching through the books and I watch her intently wondering what she's looking for.

Finally, Greta grabs an old brown leather-bound book and brings it over to the table. It's covered in dust. But Greta doesn't care and opens the page to a picture of a figure dressed in all black and only two yellow eyes can be seen.

"The royals are feared because they are rumored to be protected by the dark witch herself. They say she made a deal to give them power if they worked for her."

I shake my head and stare at the picture. "But why would the most powerful witch want help from vampires, wolves, and leprechauns? She is more powerful than all of them."

Greta closes the book and pushes it toward me. "No one knows why the black witch did anything she did. She was evil and selfish. She turned her back on her witch coven killing them for her power. She is crazy."

Greta laughs and walks back over to her pots and pans cooking something. I sit there and eat my soup thinking about the black witch and the royal council and to me, it makes no sense.

"I forgot to tell you why I called you here." Greta turns to face me.

"Yeah, why did you need me back home? Or did you just miss me?" I ask teasingly.

"I always miss you, sweetie. But one of my friends needs help. The elf queen is missing and they want your expertise." She tells me.

I run my hand through my hair and sigh. "Greta I'm not the police I don't go looking for missing people. Hell, I make people like vampires go missing."

"I know but the spirits tell me you need to find her it will help you along your journey."

"Not another journey Greta, I'm tired I just killed a lot of vampires I need a break," I whine dropping my head on the table. The spirits who want me to go on this trip are starting to get needy and annoying.

Greta walks around the table and rubs my back her touch is soothing and I almost fall asleep at the kitchen island. "Go rest my dear tomorrow a new adventure awaits you."

*Sorry for the short chapter. It's just a filler before the drama starts.*

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