Sasha Swift

Chapter 12 The Gala Part 3


Opening my eyes I struggle to sit up. I'm exhausted. The last thing I remember is having sex with Zane. Looking around the room I see I'm alone. I slowly start to remember more. Zane had sucked my blood. Maybe that's why I feel dizzy. He must have drank too much and I passed out.

I stand up fixing my dress then put my heels on. I have to go find Zane he must be so worried. But I hear screams. I run to the door and into the hallway. Looking down below to the ballroom I see a giant fight happening.

Looking around for Zane. I spot him he is fighting 5 vampires but winning. Vampires and wolves are everywhere. I have to get to Zane. I start down the hall when I see a man at the top of the stairs. He looks terrified. I smile because Zane had shown me his picture before we parted ways. I know exactly who he is.

"Aquarius! I've been looking for you!"

He looks up at me with his eyes wide open in shock. He has no guards around him he is all mine. It's too perfect. I kick him down the stairs and slide down the railway to him. Aquarius jumps back up on his feet.

"Gonna take more than that princess." He smirks.

"Don't worry I got more asshole."

He goes to punch me but I dodge it. I punch at him and miss. He runs towards me and I kick him in the stomach. But he grabs ahold of my leg and throws me. My back lands hard on the floor.

I roll and land back on my feet. I kick him in the back making him fly forward. Turning around to face him he lunges for my throat and I kick him in the head. Then I punch his face.

He grabs my hair and punches my stomach. Groaning in pain he throws me down on the ground and climbs on top of me choking me. I struggle to breathe.

Lifting my head I head butt him. He lets go of my throat and I sit up. That's when I grab the blade I taped to my thigh and stab his leg. Standing up I knee him in the face. He falls back and then stands back up quickly. I give him credit he knows how to take a hit.

"Who are you?" He asks.

"You killed my family 11 years ago now I'm here to kill you!"

"It's you! I have been looking for you." He says with a creepy smile on his face I want to knock off.

"Well I'm here and I'm your worst nightmare. "Caldous esperamas." My hand starts to glow and a large wooden stake appears in it. I look at Aquarius and smirk. He stares at my hand.

"You perform magic also, wonderful, join me and I won't let them have you. You can be mine!" He snarls.

"Let who have me? Just tell me why you killed my parents!" I ask but he just laughs.

"Their death was an accident. They were supposed to come back with you! Your parents just got in the way. I should have hired better help." My hand starts to shake in anger.

"Why do you want me? What makes me so special?" Aquarius takes a step closer to me.

"I'll tell you if you come with me. If they find out who you are they won't stop coming for you. I promise they won't be as gentle as me."

I don't get a chance to respond. He lunges at me and I throw the stake into his chest. He falls down on his knees. Looking down at the stake and then to my face. "Fa-." He mutters then turns to ashes.

I turn around and see Zane. He has just killed a vampire his hand is covered in blood. He looks at me surprised and runs over using his vamp speed. He picks me up and twirls me around.

"I thought you were dead. What happened? Your heart wasn't beating?" He looks so worried.

I shake my head. "It was a potion I took. So no vampire would hear my heartbeat. It will wear off soon. I'm fine I promise." I wonder if I should tell Zane about what Aquarius said but I know this isn't the time.

He sets me down and pulls my face to his. "I'm so happy your okay love. I would be lost without you."

I laugh and pull him in for a kiss. "Aquarius is dead. I killed him. It's over." I reassure him. He grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him.

"Good. But he was taking orders from someone else. And I think I know who." Zane whispers.

He pulls me in for another kiss before I can answer. He kisses me passionately like if he stops I'l disappear. I kiss him back shoving my tongue in his mouth. I grab his hair. Getting lost in the moment.

"Sorry to interrupt but we're all done here." A deep male voice states.

Zane and I pull away from each other and a tall, tan gentleman with long black hair stands beside us. He smells like a werewolf. Zane pulls away slightly but keeps his arm wrapped around my waist.

"Thanks, Alpha Dexter couldn't have done it without your help." Zane thanks him and they shake hands.

"You're welcome. I'm happy to fight alongside a new friend and your girl is a great warrior also. I saw her take down Aquarius." I blush and the alpha walks away.

Zane turns to me. "So next we are going after the Royal council think you can handle that?" He asks. I kiss his cheek.

"Sure can. Think you can handle fighting alongside me?" I'm excited to finally be a step closer to getting all my answers. With Zane by my side, I know I can do anything.

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