Sasha Swift

Chapter 15 Meet Theo


My eyes slowly peel open and that’s when I remember I saw an elf. An actual freaking elf and he didn’t kill me. He didn’t look strong enough to kill me but still, I’m alive!

I sit up and the first thing I see is a campfire. On the other side sits the elf from earlier on a large wooden log. I rub the back of my head. It hurts a little but should get better soon. The elf must have noticed I’m awake because he jumps up and grabs my hand helping me up.

“You’re strong, an elf scream would have killed anyone else. In case you forgot I’m Theo. My people sent me to greet you and join you on your journey. Well, our journey now.” He says smiling and I wave my hands in protest.

“No way I’m not doing another team-up. The last one got way too complicated. I can handle this alone. Just tell me what I need to know about your queen and I’ll be on my way.”

Theo shakes his head disagreeing. “I’m sorry but that’s a terrible idea. Queen Merda is wary of outsiders. If she sees you she might run or kill you. I should come with you, for protection. Plus you don’t know what she looks like.” He says and I scoff.

“How hard can it be to spot an elven queen? Surely she looks similar to you right?”

Theo looks unamused. “No, she doesn’t. Besides our hair color and ears, we look nothing alike. I’m sorry Swift you aren’t getting rid of me that easily.”

I shake my head. This is a bad idea. I work best alone. I only partnered up once and that was with Zane and we know how that went. We went from enemies to lovers pretty quickly. Now Zane feels this need to protect me like I can’t protect myself. I feel my jaw ticking together when I see Theo watching me curiously.

“I don’t think this is a good idea. But I have a feeling you will pester me until I say yes?” Theo shakes his head up and down agreeing. “Fine, you can come with me. But no slowing me down. How old are you anyway?”

Theo has a bright smile on his face. He seems like an overhappy guy. “I’m fifteen. But I’m very mature for my age. So Swift tell me about you. I hear you're the best vampire hunter ever.”

I smile. I like this kid. “Your right. I’m a vampire hunter been doing it for three years now. Recently I killed some of the vampires responsible for killing my parents.” I tell Theo the story about my parent’s death and living with Greta. He's a great listener. He gets excited listening to me talk about vampires.

“Wow, you are so courageous, Swift. My people already think of you as a hero.”

I blush. “Thanks, Theo. But I’m no hero. Can you tell me more about Queen Merda? Where was she seen last or where she could be?”

We begin walking down a path as Theo tells me about Queen Merda. “Well, she was last seen at home. She had announced she was going to a market to buy something. I’m not sure what. The whole thing made no sense but I couldn’t question our queen.” I turn to look at Theo puzzled.

“Why would it be confusing to go to a market?” I ask and Theo sighs.

“I forgot I’m talking to an outsider.” Theo sighs again. “Back home we make everything we could need. Food, furniture, and our homes are built from the woods that surround us. There is no need to go to a market. It’s too dangerous to leave home, especially alone.”

“How dangerous Theo?”

Theo has a serious look in his eye as he stares up at me. “Very dangerous. You know people kill us for our ears. They think that eating our ears will give them magical powers. Just think how powerful a queen’s ears would be. Many would kill for that kind of power. Plus without her, the rest of us are doomed.”

I’m shocked by his words. “Doomed what do you mean doomed?”

Theo rubs the back of his neck nervously. “I’m only telling you this Swift because I trust you. But we elves can’t survive without a queen. Our lives are connected to hers. If she dies then slowly we will too. We will get weaker and weaker until we can’t even sprout a single flower. So when I tell you finding Queen Merda is important I mean it. We have to find her ALIVE.”

I take a deep breath. I’m going to do something I have never done before. “Theo I promise to find Queen Merda. I will bring her back safely no matter what.” Theo smiles at me and we continue our walk in peaceful silence.

I never make promises their easily broken and life is so unexpected, but I like Theo he's curious, kind, and funny. I can tell he has a huge heart. I want to do this for him and all the other elves. I'm going to do whatever I can to get their queen back.

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