Sasha Swift 2 late to Die

Chapter 18


After Zane left I couldn’t stop pacing the living room. I look out of the window several times to the view of downtown but it does nothing to ease my worries.

“He will be fine. Don’t worry.” Theo tries to reassure me but it isn’t working.

“What if he gets hurt or Jonah kidnaps him also? Maybe we should have followed him.” I start for the door but Theo jumps in front of me blocking the exit.

“He told us to stay here. I promised Zane I would help keep you safe. If he thinks your safer here then we need to stay put.”

“Ugh!” I threw up my hands in frustration and go over to the couch. I need to distract myself but how?

Theo sits beside me and starts a movie. Halfway through the movie the door opens and I jump up. But I’m more surprised by what I see. Zane is carrying an unconscious Jonah over his shoulder. He carries him towards us and drops him on the floor.

“Damn, he is heavy, muscular bastard.” Zane rants and I run over and jump on him. He holds me on his hip as I wrap my arms around his neck.

“Your back! I was so worried.” I kiss his lips and pull away smiling.

“I was gone maybe two hours. This asshole took his time showing up.” Zane answers and kisses me again before setting me down.

“Why did you bring him here?” Theo asks from the couch.

“He is going to help us. He knows how to find the black witch.” Zane says and my jaw drops. He can’t be serious. I push him.

“Are you serious? This asshole kidnapped me. He held me hostage in a disgusting dirty room, he wiped my memories, and killed Robin. Now you want to pretend like none of it happened!” I shout.

Zane looks from Jonah to me. “I know what he did. I will never forgive him. But we need his help. Robin and I had been looking for the black witch for months. We never found her. If this asshole knows where she is we can end things for good.”

I stare at Zane and see he is completely serious. He wants to work with him. The asshole treated me terribly and now he gets a free pass. I kick Jonah and he doesn’t budge. I shake my head and take off toward our room. I can’t deal with this right now. That asshole killed Robin his best friend. How can he trust him?

I slam the bedroom door behind me and sit on the edge of the bed. Zane comes in and slowly shuts the door behind him. I refuse to even look at him. This is a terrible plan. “We can’t trust him.” I whisper and Zane sits beside me.

“I know. But just like when we first met you can pretend right? At least until we get the information we need. Then you can kill him like you planned to do to me.”

My green eyes stare into his gray ones. “You would let me kill your brother?” I ask and Zane grabs my hand and kisses it.

“I will give you the world if it makes you happy Sasha. But for now, I’ll just let you kill Jonah. You’re right I can’t forgive him. He hurt you, me and he killed Robin. She was my only friend for a long time and he knew this.” He releases my hand and I lay back on the bed. Zane hovers over me.

“She came to rescue me.” I tell Zane and I can feel the tears springing up. I can’t believe I’m getting emotional. “She said she saw it in a vision, her finding me. I think she knew deep down we both weren’t going to make it out.”

Zane caresses my face wiping away a fallen tear. “Robin was very smart. I’m sure she knew exactly what she was doing going after Jonah alone. I miss her and I wish I went with her. But she brought you back to me. She did save you, she saved us. And I don’t want to take our time together for granted. Please tell me you won’t leave again, that you will stay with me, Sasha. Don’t break my heart again.”

I can’t help it I start crying. I cover my face with my hands and Zane grabs me pulling me towards the pillows. I roll over on my side and let it all out. Zane lays behind me his arm wrapped around my waist. He moves my hair and I feel him kissing my mark.

“I love you, Sasha. You have completely captivated me. I’m yours please don’t push me away.” He stops kissing my neck and I roll over to face him. He caresses my face again.

“I’m sorry Zane, for everything.”

He leans forward and places a gentle kiss on my lips. His forehead resting against mine. “Why did you leave me, Sasha? Why did you break my heart?” I open my eyes and I see a single tear has fallen down his face. I wipe it away with my thumb and gently kiss his lips as he did me.

I’m racked with guilt which makes me feel even worse. I desperately want to tell him the truth. To let Zane comfort me and tell me everything’s going to be fine. But all my issues with the fae and the black witch have me contemplating the truth. Zephyr’s words come to mind.

“Your mother fell for a human and it destroyed her.”

“He’s lied to you before how can you trust him?”

“The black witch is your priority, not your relationship.”

“I’m so sorry Zane. I felt so guilty. Jewel escaped because of me. Innocent supernatural creatures are being killed every day because I let her go. I could have stopped her.”

Zane grabs my face with both hands. “Look at me, Sasha! It’s not your fault. None of us knew killing Vlad would release her from her cell. If it’s anybody's fault it’s mine! I killed Vlad and I would happily do it again. His reign of terror is over.”

“But he was only after us because of me!” I tell him and sit up causing Zane to also sit up. “He came after my parents, Greta, and Mary Beth. So many innocent people died because of who I am. Because of the evil fairy blood in me! It’s a curse.”

I’m so frustrated I stand up and start pacing the room. Zane stands up and grabs ahold of my shoulders looking into my eyes. “Sasha being a fae is not a curse. It’s just a part of who you are. Don’t let it define you. I know your struggling but you don’t have to do it alone.” He grabs my hands holding them to his chest. “Let me in, stop pushing me away. You can trust me.”

A whimper escapes and my lip trembles. Do I tell him the truth? Can I really trust him or is he better off not knowing? Instead of answering, I lean forward and gently kiss his lips. “I love you Zane.”

“I love you, Sasha Wilder. You stole my last name so now you have to keep it love.” He whispers against my lips.

I gently press my lips onto his and he grips my waist. I run my hand through his soft brown locks. His hips grind against mine as I feel his hardness rubbing against me. I’m desperate to have him even closer to me, deep inside me.

The door opening causes Zane to pull away. We both snap our heads towards the door to see Jonah standing there with a smug look on his face. His arms are crossed as he leans against the door.

“You knocked me out.” Jonah states earning a growl from Zane in return.

“Interrupt us again and I’ll kill you next time!” Zane threatens.

Jonah shrugs not caring about interrupting our private moment. “We need to talk. All of us.” He replies and leaves out of the room.

Rolling my eyes annoyed already by Jonah’s unnecessary presence in my life I caress Zane's face causing him to turn towards me. The smile is gone from his face and he looks just as annoyed as me. I guess playtime is over and it’s back to work.

“He needs to know he isn’t in charge. Any sign he is up to no good and I’ll stake him. I don’t trust him.” I say hoping Zane still has my back.

Zane sighs and kisses my forehead. “I know. Let’s go see what he wants. We will finish this later.” He winks and our lips collide melting perfectly together.

As we both get up from the bed Zane wraps his arm around my waist. I think us being back together is going to bring out the clingy side in both of us. I just want to be in Zanes’s arms all day and I think he feels the same.

We walk into the living room and see Jonah standing with a drink in his hand. Theo is sitting beside him at the kitchen island. I walk over to Theo and sit beside him. Zane grabs the glass from Jonah and takes a drink.

“I was saving that bourbon for a special occasion asshole.” Zane says and Jonah smirks.

“I brought your girlfriend back is that not special enough?” He asks and Zane growls.

“You also took her! Or did you forget that part?”

Jonah stands up from his seat so he and Zane are chest to chest. The tension in the room is clear and I’m really hoping I’ll get to kill Jonah. It’s been so long since I staked a vampire. I miss it.

“I also took care of her. She went to school and made new friends. She was happy.” Jonah argues.

“You mean the friend you were feeding off of. Let me guess you compelled her to be her friend? Theo checked and someone was feeding off all the women in the sorority house, I'm guessing you. Please you have no idea what makes Sasha happy!” Zane yells and I’m wondering how long this pissing contest is going to go on.

“And you think you know how to make her happy? Last I knew she left you.” Jonah retorts and Zane growls so loudly the walls shake.

But Theo doesn’t care for the tension. He gets up and stands beside the two brothers. “Come on guys we're supposed to work together. What is it you wanted to tell everyone, Jonah?” Theo asks. Seeing him be the peacemaker instead of being the one to argue with Zane is odd.

“My friend is going to meet us. He has met Jewel before and can lead us right to her.” He answers.

“Why do I have a bad feeling about this friend and where were going to meet him?” Zane asks and Jonah smiles.

“He is in Chinatown, dragon alley.” Jonah answers and Theo squeals.

“You meant we're going to meet a-” Theo asks and I interrupt.

“A dragon?”

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