Sasha Swift 2 late to Die

Chapter 19



“I think your girlfriend wants to kill me?” Jonah asks and I see Sasha in the driver’s seat staring daggers back at my supposed brother.

“Are you surprised? You kidnapped her, wiped her memory, and then pretended to be her boyfriend. Your lucky to be alive.” I remind Jonah who rolls his eyes.

“Sure it was messed up but still I didn’t kill her. I even treated her better than other women.”

I run my hand through my hair frustrated. Does Jonah really not feel any guilt for the way he treated Sasha? Jonah has always been a selfish jerk but this is beyond that. He could have killed her yet kept her and found his own personal gain. And I still don’t know why.

“Are you jealous?” I ask him. “You haven’t found your beloved yet have you?”

Instead of answering Jonah growls causing both Sasha and Theo to look back at us. I put on a big fake smile.

“We’re all good here nothing to worry about.” I tell them. Theo quickly turns back around but Sasha narrows her beautiful green eyes like she doesn’t believe me.

When Sasha finally stops paying attention to us I elbow Jonah. “I’m not sure what your issue is but I won’t let it cause problems for me and Sasha. She is everything to me. I hope you find your soulmate one day so you will see what I mean. Until then keep your mouth shut and don’t piss her off. Sasha won’t hesitate to stake you.” I warn him.

Jonah nods then turns towards the window. He is probably going to sleep. This drive will take about two days. It’s daytime now and I know Sasha won’t stop at a hotel until dark. Jonah will want to conserve his energy something I should do also.

As I look at Jonah who is asleep now I wonder if I can really trust him. He’s supposed to be my brother but he betrayed me. I haven’t seen him in at least fifty years. Is he still the same guy who would stick up for me? The big brother who taught me how to drive and introduced me to girls.

I close my eyes and start to drift off to sleep. Images of Sasha appear she's smiling and laughing, She’s happy. Then dark clouds cover the sky. It starts to storm and suddenly Sasha is gone. I start to yell for her but she doesn’t answer.

Starting to panic I run around looking for her. But it’s so dark I can’t see anything around, I’m surrounded by fog. My hands feel wet so I look down and see them covered in blood. A sudden sharp pain hits my chest bringing me to my knees.

“Sasha.” I whisper. Something is wrong. She’s hurt. No, it’s worse than that. She’s dying. I look at my hands covered in blood. Did I do this? No, it can’t be. This has to be a mistake. I wouldn’t kill her. I love her.



“Zane wake up!”

I jolt awake. My hand reaches up and grabs another. It’s small but masculine, Theo. I let go and see Theo eyeing me suspiciously.

“Are you okay? You looked like you were having a nightmare. I thought vampires didn’t dream?” Theo asks and I get out of the car practically pushing him out of the way.

“I’m fine it’s nothing.” I say but even I don’t believe it.

Theo scoffs. “Should we tell Swift? She is worried enough with your crazy brother here.” Theo asks and that’s when I notice their both gone.

“Where are they? She didn’t kill him yet did she?”

As soon as my sentence ends Sasha and Jonah exit the hotel's front doors. They are walking side by side and Sasha looks annoyed already. They approach us and Sasha has two sets of keys in her hand.

“I got two rooms. Their right next to each other. Don’t be loud Theo and I need our beauty sleep.” She smirks and pops her trunk grabbing her duffle bag out.

“This is dumb I want my own room.” Jonah whines and grabs his blue duffel bag.

Theo and I both grab our bags and we all head inside the three-story hotel. As we ride the elevator up something clicks in my brain. “Wait your rooming with Theo?” I ask Sasha who stands with her back to me. Her ass looks perfect in her jeans and it’s hard not to stare.

“Really you're worried about getting laid? This is ridiculous I’m the oldest here I deserve my own room!” Jonah argues.

Sasha glares at Jonah. “We always double up for safety. Plus you can’t be trusted.” She answers him and Theo decides to speak up.

“Don’t worry Zane is fun to room with. He taught me how to order room service it’s so fun.”

Jonah starts to argue with Theo when the elevator stops and we all get off. Sasha walks up to her room door ready to unlock it when I grab her arm.

“You can’t seriously be rooming with Theo? I just got you back. We need to talk.”

She has only been back for a day and I want more time with her. Honestly, my nightmare frightened me more than it should have. I want to keep her safe.

Sasha yanks her arm away. “We have nothing to talk about. You wanted him here so he’s your problem. I’m going to eat and relax. I’ve had a very stressful three months!” She shouts and opens her door walking in. She doesn’t even look back at me.

Theo walks up beside me and I slump my shoulders defeated. I knew Sasha might be upset about Jonah coming along with us but she needs to understand it’s only for a short while. We need his help.

“I hope you guys don’t break up again. We need to be a united front. The black witch is still out there. No one is safe until she is gone.” He reminds me.

“We won’t break up Theo. I’ll take care of this.”

“I hope so.” Theo whispers as he closes the door.

I go next door to my room and find Jonah has changed clothes. I drop my bag on my bed and lay down staring at the ceiling. Since when did my life get so complicated? Jonah back in my life, Sasha mad at me, and now I’m dreaming.

A pillow hits me and I sit up. Jonah just stares at me. I don’t think I’ve seen the guy smile once. “I’m going out want to come?” He asks.

“Out? Where? Are you trying to run off?”

Jonah rolls his eyes like my questions are so ridiculous. He knows he would leave and never come back if given the chance. “Look man I just want a drink. A cold alcoholic beverage. You should come with me though. You look stressed.”

“Yeah, I wonder why.” I reply. “But no I don’t want to come I need to talk to Sasha.”

Jonah shakes his head. “So you're staying in to talk to your girlfriend? What gives? You used to love to drink and party. We went out every night.”

“That’s the old me. I’m responsible now. I’m not here to party We’re in the middle of a mission to find the black witch. This isn’t the time I-”

“You’re so boring!” Jonah cuts me off. “I’ll see you later, don’t wait up.”

“You just better come back. Don’t make me hunt you down.” I warn him but Jonah just shrugs and walks out of the door.

I run my hand through my hair nervously. Maybe I should have gone with him to get a drink. But I’m still shaken up from my dream. I can’t believe I actually had a dream. The sound of someone knocking interrupts my thoughts. I already know who it is, Sasha.

I walk over to the door and take a deep breath before I open it. Sasha stands before me in the tiniest red shorts with a matching sports bra. Biting my lip my eyes roam her body.

“You wanted to talk so here I am.” Sasha says interrupting my dirty thoughts that involve ice cream, whip cream, and strawberries.

“Umm yeah come in.” I stand back letting Sasha walk in. She takes three steps before she turns to me with a scowl on her face.

“Where is he? Where’s Jonah?”

Rubbing the back of my neck nervously I shut the room door and lock it. I’m like a deer trapping myself with a Lion which probably isn’t the best idea.

Sighing I answer her. “He went out.” She opens her mouth to speak but I continue. “He will be back I promise. He just went to the local bar to cool off.”

“And how do you know he will come back? Because he said he would. He could be halfway across the state now.”

The look in Sasha’s eye tells me this is stressing her more than it should. I rub her shoulders and she slowly relaxes. “Look I know he hurt you-”

“Hurt me!” She yells. “He kidnapped me! murdered your friend in front of me and he manipulated me! I will never forgive him!” She shouts and I hold my hands up to surrender.

“I know love and I’m still pissed about it. But we need his help. We’re going to have to trust him. He will come back I know it.”

Sasha stands with her arms folded tapping her foot. She still doesn’t look like she believes me. I wrap my arms around her waist pulling her close. Her arms automatically go to my neck while she tries to hold in a smile.

“Let’s focus on us love. Did I tell you that you look absolutely gorgeous?” I start kissing up her neck while Sasha practically melts in my arms. “Let me make you feel good.”

Sasha’s legs wrap around my waist as I walk her to the bed and lay her down. Our lips collide in a needy and desperate kiss as we make love and then fall asleep in each other’s arms.

Standing in the middle of a dirt road black ash falls from the sky. The road seems to go on forever even though I’m in the middle of nowhere.

Running down the road looking for a way out I feel something coming, a dark evil presence. I keep running until I see a giant cardboard box in the middle of the road.

Finding it strange I open it. But inside is my worst nightmare. Sasha’s pale dead body covered in blood. I pick her up and cradle her limp body in my arms.

No! I cry out and drop to my knees. The tears stream down my face and I go to wipe them away when I see my hands covered in blood again.

It can’t be! I wouldn’t kill her! This is a mistake I love her. This is just a nightmare. It can’t be real!

“Save her.” A voice whispers.

I look around unable to see where the voice is coming from. The fog is rolling in faster and I still have to wake Sasha up. She can’t be dead. I won’t let her die on me.

“Sasha wake up please!” I cry.

“Save her.” The female voice repeats and it sounds familiar.

“Robin?” My eyes fly open and I sit up quickly to see I’m drenched in sweat and still in my hotel room.

“Are you really dreaming about another woman when you just slept with your girlfriend?” Jonah's annoying voice rings out and I see him leaning against the wall with a smug look on his face watching me. He has a plate in his hand eating what looks like breakfast.

I stand up and run my hand through my messy hair. “It wasn’t like that.” I answer and look at my empty bed to see Sasha isn’t in it.

The last thing I remember was us exhausted from a third round of sex. We had showered and gotten back dressed just to cuddle and fall asleep in each other’s arms. Things felt back to normal and I loved it.

“Where is Sasha?” I ask hoping my dream is exactly what I thought it was. A dream, nothing else.

Jonah smirks and looks towards the door. “She went to get coffee. Do you want to tell me why you are having dreams now? Does Sasha know?”

Grabbing my duffel bag I walk up to Jonah ready to punch the dumb look off his face. “No, I wasn’t. And even If I was Sasha doesn’t need to know. Keep your mouth shut!” I growl.

Walking towards the bathroom ready for a cold shower I hear Jonah laugh behind me. “Haven’t you learned by now lying to your girlfriend gets you nowhere?”

Ignoring my brother I go into the bathroom ready to shower and forget all about the weird dreams I had. But I cant stop asking myself did I really hear Robin’s voice? And what did she mean by save her?

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