Sasha Swift 2 late to Die

Chapter 17


Ending the night with my girl in my arms is exactly how I wanted the night to end. The fact that we were both naked makes it even better. After I bit Sasha she fainted. It’s been so long since I sucked her blood that she has to get used to it again. I haven't fed off another person since she left. I've been surviving off of the blood bags she had stored in the freezer back home for emergencies. I wonder if she always knew she would leave me. But I try not to think about the past and enjoy my time with her now. She's back hopefully for good.

After a perfect night’s sleep cuddled up to Sasha I wake up feeling refreshed. I roll over expecting to feel her beside me but I’m met with a cold bed. My eyes shoot open and I sit up. “Where is she?” I growl and quickly throw my sweatpants back on.

I really hope she didn’t leave. Of course, to her, she just had sex with a stranger. She doesn’t understand how much we mean to each other. How much she means to me? I can’t lose her again. The last few months have been torture without her. Even before she went missing.

I smell coffee and head toward the kitchen. It must be Theo. The new Sasha doesn’t drink coffee. Which is hilarious. If she ever gets her memory back I’ll have to remind her how she refuses to taste her favorite drink calling it poison. She even accused the vampires who attacked her of wanting her virgin blood. I couldn't help but laugh at that. That sex vixen is definitely not a virgin.

When I reach the living room I stop in my tracks. Sasha is sitting at the kitchen island drinking coffee. Her back is to me. “Don’t just stand there being creepy. Come pour yourself a cup before I drink it all, my beloved.”

She turns around and smirks at me. I can’t believe it. Her memories are back. Swift is back. Sasha is mine again. I can’t help the smile on my face as I run across the room and grab her off the stool spinning her around in my arms.

“Your back! You know your mine!” I tell her and put her back down on her feet.

Sasha backs away wagging her finger at me. “No sir. I seem to remember we broke up. Yet you sneakily seduced me back into your bed last night.”

I raise my eyebrow. “You remember last night?”

“I remember everything. Now kiss me!”

I don’t need to be told twice I grab her face and smash my lips onto hers. I hear Theo come in but I don’t acknowledge him. I just keep kissing my girl pouring all my love into the kiss. Sasha pulls away laughing.

“Well, that’s a sweet way to welcome me home. And Theo I’m sorry about Queen Merda. It’s all my fault.” She says.

“It’s okay the queen usually dies shortly after the new one is born. Wait you remember! Your back!” Theo runs over and hugs Swift. She has tears in her eyes as she looks from him to me.

“I missed you guys. I promise to never leave you again.” She looks at me when she promises not to leave again and I nod saying I understand.

Sasha and Theo pull away and Sasha sits back at the kitchen island. Theo goes to the fridge and grabs food out getting something prepared to cook. It feels like old times. I sit beside Sasha and rub her back she smiles at me suspiciously.

“I’m mad at you. I thought we were done keeping secrets.”

I’m confused. I haven’t been keeping any secrets from her. After Vlad, everything was an open book. Even my days of being a man whore. Sasha shakes her head. “You didn’t tell me you had a brother. Jonah, my boyfriend. He is the one who kidnapped me and erased my memory.”

I stand up from the table and throw the stool across the room. It hits the wall and smashes into pieces. “I’ll kill him I swear! He has crossed me for the last time.” I start marching towards the door when Sasha jumps in front of me.

“You can’t kill him!” I growl and I know my eyes are red from anger. “I meant not yet. He is smart. He kidnapped me and hid me in plain sight for three months. We need to figure out what his endgame is. He told me he isn’t working for the black witch. It was his own revenge. I guess against you.”

“Fine, I won’t kill him, Yet. Tell me how to find my dear older brother.”

“My room. He bought me a phone he told me to always keep on me. I think he was always tracking me. His number is in my phone. You can call him.”

Sasha grabs my hand and I instantly calm down. But not enough. I’m going to kill him for touching what’s mine. He kidnapped my beloved. Hiding her from me. What kind of sick game is he playing?

“I love you. Stay here with Theo. Don’t leave the hotel until I have talked to him, please.”

“I love you too Zane. Please be careful.”

I go to Sasha’s dorm room and text Jonah. I pretend to be Sasha and tell him a man in the school parking lot tried to bite my neck and I’m scared and need him. I can’t wait to see his face when he sees me.

An hour later I hear footsteps. His scent is masked which is why I didn’t smell him on Sasha. He opens the door and narrows his eyes at me. “Hello, brother.”

I growl. “You lost the right to call me your brother when you took Sasha.”

Jonah laughs. “I needed to get your attention somehow. I guess her memories came back.”

“They did and I can’t believe you would stoop so low.”

“Not my fault you can’t keep your pet on a leash. She is a fairy. Only good for her blood. Sadly I never got a taste.”

I grab him and slam him against the wall. “You will regret even looking at her when I’m done with you!” I throw him across the room and he lands on a desk breaking it.

Jonah stands up to his feet and we both stare at each other waiting for the other to charge. “You won’t win this fight, little brother. Remember I taught you everything you know!” He lunges for me and punches me in the face.

I knee him in the stomach and he grabs me and throws me across the room. I hit the closet door and break it. I stand up and ball up my fists. “That’s the best you got. Come at me!”

Jonah charges me again and I jump over him and kick him into the closet. He gets out and tackles me down to the ground. We roll around punching and kicking each other. I flip Jonah over and straddle him. I shove my hand into his chest ready to rip his heart out.

“Brother, please. I’m sorry don’t kill me!”

I laugh. “Did you listen to Sasha beg? I know how you work brother. You probably kept her locked in a cage like a damn animal.”

“It was a large room. I fed her sandwiches. She was perfectly safe.” He groans.

“Did you touch her?” I ask and he doesn’t answer. “I said did you touch her?” I squeeze his heart.

“Yes. I hit her once. But don’t kill me please I’m sorry.” He begs.

“Yeah, you will be. I’ll see you in Hell brother.” I go to rip his heart when I see a tear fall from his eye.

“P-please I know where she is. The black witch. We can go after her together. But you have to keep me alive.”

I let go of his heart and he sighs in relief. I climb off him and hold out a hand to help him up. “You better not be lying or I’ll kill you for real next time.”

“I’m not lying. Now let’s get out of here before campus police show up. I’m sure the whole sorority house heard us fighting.”

“One more thing.” I ball up my fists and punch him so hard he faints. “That’s for Sasha asshole.”

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