Sasha Swift 2 late to Die

Chapter 11


It’s been three months. Three terrible months of looking for Sasha with no clue where she went. Robin is missing also and I can only hope they are together and safe. They're the two strongest women I know. If anyone can survive against all odds it's them.

I still can’t explain the incident with our mark. Mine was made when I became a vampire but when I marked Sasha it connected her to me. We can feel each other’s emotions and we can always tell where the other is. But I can’t tell where she is. I can only tell she is still alive. It’s the only hope I have right now.

I have Dougie my hacker working around the clock looking for Sasha. I didn’t want to cause a panic so the only other person who knows is Theo. He and the elves are also doing what they can to find her.

I have been lying to Kandy every time she asks about her. I tell her she is either working or asleep. I told her Sasha and I made up so we're busy But I think she is starting to get suspicious. Everyone knows Sasha loves to drink, especially her bourbon. She goes to the bar weekly. I would just compel Kandy to forget but I promised Sasha I would never do that to her friend. So I just keep lying to her hoping not to get caught.

I don’t sleep anymore. Sasha invades my thoughts and all I can see is her face looking back at me with pure hatred for pretending to be with Robin. I don’t know why I did it. I shouldn’t have lied. I should have got on my knees and begged for her to come back. Anything to spare her heart. She's my beloved I shouldn't be pretending to be with someone else. There is no one else, only her.

I’m starting to think this involves black Magic. Our bond is barely hanging by a thread someone is trying to break it. My first suspect is Jewel, the black witch. She put the bounty on her head so I know she wants her dead. If only me and Robin would have found her first.

Standing in my living room drinking away my bourbon I hear my phone ring. I hurry and answer in case it’s Sasha. I answer and hear Dougie’s voice.

“Unless you have something useful don’t call me!” I shout through the phone. My anger has risen to a whole new level since Sasha went missing.

“I have something. I found her.”

I drop my phone and then quickly pick it back up. “You found her. Where? Is she hurt? How soon can I get to her?” I start to ramble off more questions but Dougie stops me.

“Calm down dude she is a flight away. I found her at Blue Lakes University. She has been attending the last three months.”

I’m shocked. College? If Sasha wanted to go so badly why didn’t she tell me? I would have supported her dreams. I even would have paid for it if money was an issue. Is that why she left and tried to get rid of her mark? Does she want a new life?

“Zane there is one more thing I have to tell you.” Dougie sounds nervous as he speaks and I hope it isn’t bad news.

“If something happened to her I'll-”

“Nothing happened to her.” Dougie cuts me off. “But be alarmed she isn’t going by her last name Carmichael. She is going by Sasha Wilder.”

Dougie hangs up and I’m stunned. She is going by my last name, not hers. Does she want me to find her or is this some way to screw with me since she thinks I’m dating Robin? This is all one big mind fuck and I have no idea what to do besides go get my girl.

Blue Lakes University here I come.

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