Sasha Swift 2 late to Die

Chapter 12


Tonight is the frat party and I still haven’t been able to pick an outfit. Nothing seems to look right. Since I never go to parties I want to make a good impression. For who I don’t know.

I decide to go see if Chelsea has anything I can borrow. She goes shopping at least once a week so I know her closet is stocked better than mine. I knock on her door and then enter. Chelsea is looking into a full-length mirror checking herself out. She is dressed in a red sparkly cocktail dress and I have to admit she looks amazing.

“You look great! Please help me find something to wear. I’m useless.” I beg her and she just smiles back at me.

“Of course, I have been wanting to dress you up for a party since we met. You have killer legs we need to show them off!” Chelsea gushes and rushes over to her closet flinging clothes all over the place.

As Chelsea looks for me something to wear I text Jonah and ask him to go to the party with me. He quickly replies and tells me he is busy and he will see me later. I sigh disappointed and Chelsea seems to already know what is wrong.

“Jonah again?” Chelsea asks and I nod.

“I have no idea why I expected different. He seems to only want me on his own time.”

“You told me you guys have dated for two years but he hasn’t even kissed you in months. A quick peck on the cheek screams friends, not lovers. You need to change his mind real quick.”

I bite my lip nervously. “Change his mind. How?”

“Sex duh!” Chelsea squeals. “Show him what he is missing and if he still isn’t interested dump him. You deserve the best girl.”

Chelsea goes back to rummaging through her closet while I think about her idea. Do I want to seduce my boyfriend? I’ll admit our relationship is a little boring but maybe it’s because we have been together so long. The honeymoon phase is over.

I always thought I would be in a relationship where we can’t keep our hands off each other. A boyfriend who is also my best friend. Something with passion. But things with Jonah are the exact opposite. But beggars can’t be choosers. I’m an average girl with a super hot boyfriend. I should be happy right?

“Okay, I got it.” Chelsea says interrupting my thoughts. “You will look gorgeous in this. It’s brand new.”

Chelsea holds up a small black leather dress. It zips in the front and is sleeveless. I will admit it’s a very sexy dress.

“Umm, I’m not sure. You don’t think it’s too much?”

“No way!” Chelsea shoves the dress in my hands. “Now go try it on. We only have a few hours to show up fashionably late to the party.”

After a shower, tons of makeup, and sitting through Chelsea styling my hair we make it to the party. I ended up loving the dress on me and I’m glad I tried it on. I paired it with some black stilettos that help compliment my long legs. I leave my long blonde hair flowing down my back.

The party is at the Zeta Phi fraternity house. I know a lot of the people here from class and some of the community service projects our sorority participated in. The frat house is a two-story Victorian home. The inside is very modern with new marble floors, bright furniture, and the newest appliances.

Chelsea and I walk through the crowded house and head straight to the kitchen for a drink. We pass by guys who stare and some even whistle. Chelsea flashes them a smile while I keep my head down and try not to draw attention to myself. I'm not a fan of parties. Who wants to spend all night drinking? Chelsea that's who.

“Let’s get wasted!” Chelsea screams and hands me a plastic cup with some brown liquor in it. I taste it and it burns but tastes delicious.

“What is this? It’s pretty good.” I tell her.

“I never took you for a bourbon girl Sasha. Your surprise me every day.”

As soon as her sentence ends a new pop song starts up and Chelsea grabs my hand and starts dragging me away. “I love this song! Let’s go!”

We both head to the living room where furniture has been pushed to the side and people are dancing. Chelsea starts swaying her hips and waving her hands. “Come on girl loosen up! Let’s party!” She screams and I down the rest of my drink and start dancing with her.

Several songs later and Chelsea isn’t tired. And I need another drink and to rest my feet. I head to the kitchen and go to pour myself some more bourbon when someone grabs the bottle before me and pours a cup. They hand it to me and I look up to see who it is.

The hottest guy stands before me. He has dark brown wavy hair, gray eyes, and a five o'clock shadow. He is wearing a dark blue button-up shirt and dark jeans. He smirks at me and I instantly blush.

“Umm thank you.” I whisper and take a sip of my drink.

“You look beautiful Sasha. I couldn’t keep my eyes off you.”

I bite my lip nervously and he continues to check me out. “Umm thank you again. Do I know you? Do we have a class together?” I ask him and he scrunches up his eyebrows.

“Really? Is that the game we’re playing? You find out about Robin so you disappear and pretend not to know me. By the way, have you seen her? I've been worried about you guys."

I'm so confused. “I have no idea what you’re talking about but I hope you find your friend.” I start to walk away and the guy grabs my wrist stopping me. His touch tingles and I pull my hand away surprised.

The guy looks upset by me pulling away. What does he expect I don’t even know him.

“If you wanted to go to university we could have figured something out. Is that why you left? You know I would have supported your decision right?” He asks me and I’m still so confused. I have no idea who this guy is or why I would care about his opinion.

I hold my hands up so he can’t touch me again. I have no idea what I felt earlier. “Look, mister. I don’t know you. You obviously have me confused with someone else. So enjoy the party.” I tell him and this time I get a few steps away before I’m pushed against a wall.

Tingles shoot up my body from the contact. The guy’s eyes stare right into my emerald green orbs. His teeth are clenched together and he looks furious. Yet I don’t think he will hurt me. His body presses against mine and he puts his face in the crook of my neck.

“Look Sasha big things are happening right now. We don’t have time for your games. Stop pretending you don’t know me and talk to me!” He practically growls at me.

Normally I’m a calm person but this guy is pissing me off. I have no idea who he is and he seems to think he has the right to touch my body however he sees fit. I narrow my eyes at him. “Like I said I don’t know you! Now get off me before I scream. I would hate to see what my frat brothers would do if they see you manhandling me.”

The crazy guy smirks and his lips hover over mine. We are so close if he moved we would be kissing.

“Tell them. I would love nothing more than to rip them to shreds in front of you. They already had their beady little eyes on what’s mine.” He whispers and his hand roams up my thigh. His hand goes between my dress and his finger slides into my panties. He lightly sticks one finger in my wet core. I moan and he pulls his finger out and licks it while looking me in the eye. “Mine.” He growls and lets me go and walks away.

I’m stunned. I don’t even move. I just lean against the wall trying to go over what just happened. Some random guy talked to me like he knew me, claimed I was his, and tasted me. What the hell is going on and why am I hoping to see the hot stranger again?

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