Ryan Renewed: New York Ruthless: Book 5

Ryan Renewed: Chapter 28

Isit on my bed as I dial Dr. Lisa’s number, keeping my eyes on the door in case one of my overprotective husbands walks in while I’m having this conversation, as it’s one I don’t particularly want them to hear. After a few seconds, Lisa answers the call and I tell her all about Hayden and the tests I’d like her to run. To my delight, she tells me she can squeeze me in this afternoon. That means less anxious waiting because I need answers and fast.

The elevator doors open as Shane and I stand in the apartment hallway and we’re greeted by Dr. Lisa’s smiling face.

“Hey,” I almost squeal as she steps out, holding my arms open for a hug. I don’t get a lot of female company around here and she and I get on so well that I love a visit from her, even if it is going to involve some needles, which I despise.

“Hi, Jessie,” she says as she hugs me with one arm, holding her medical bag in the other.

“Here, let me take that,” Shane offers and she hands it to him before wrapping both her arms around me.

“I’m so glad you could do this,” I say quietly in her ear.

“Anything for you guys, you know that,” she says as we release each other.

“You need anything, Doc?” Shane asks.

“Hmm, a coffee would be nice,” she replies with a smile.

“Sure, I’ll get Mikey to bring us some. He’s got a new machine he loves to impress people with. We can use my office,” he says as he slides an arm around my waist and we all start heading down the hallway. I glance sideways at Lisa. I have a feeling Shane isn’t going to let me out of his sight and it makes me groan inwardly.

As we pass the kitchen, Mikey is in the doorway and we stop to talk to him.

“Hey, Doc,” he says with a smile. Lisa saved his life not long after the brothers first came to New York and they all have a genuine affection for her, and she for them.

“Hi, trouble,” she replies.

“Could you bring us some coffees?” Shane asks.

“Sure thing,” Mikey replies.

“Can I have some peppermint tea instead please?” I smile sweetly.

“Of course. You feeling okay, Red?” he asks, his eyes narrowed in concern.

“Yeah.” I rub a hand over my stomach. “Just feeling a little queasy. I think it’s the thought of the needles,” I say with a shudder.

“You don’t have to do this,” Shane says, his hand gripping my hip tighter. “A cheek swab will do, won’t it?”

“Yes, but you want to be one hundred percent sure, right? There is no way to falsify a blood test. Cheek swabs can be contaminated more easily. I took the blood directly from Hayden’s arm myself. I just assumed I’d take Jessie’s the same way so I don’t have any swab tests with me. Sorry,” Lisa replies.

“Let’s just get this over with as quickly as possible then,” I say.

“If that’s what you want, sweetheart,” Shane says and then we leave Mikey to make our drinks while the three of us walk to Shane’s office.

Once we’re inside, I take a seat while Lisa starts pulling her equipment from her bag.

“What did you think of Hayden then?” I ask her.

“He seems like a nice enough kid,” she says with a shrug. “He didn’t talk much though. Seemed a little jumpy.”

Shane frowns and I see the cogs in his brain ticking over.

“Maybe he’s scared of needles too,” I offer with a faint smile as I try to diffuse the tension in the room and settle my growing anxiety.

I can’t stop looking at the sharp needles that Lisa is pulling out of her bag and each time I see one it makes me feel a little more nauseous.

Sensing my discomfort, Shane perches himself on the desk directly in front of me so I can no longer see Lisa’s torture devices and instead I’m looking up at his handsome face.

“It will be over in a few seconds,” he says with a wink. “And I’ll be right here.”

“I’m fine,” I say trying to keep my voice as calm and steady as possible because I need to convince him that I’m fine. Preferably, I need him to leave and if I start trembling and sweating like an idiot, he’s not going to. “Really. It’s no big deal.” Even as I say the words I feel an urge to throw up right into his lap.

“That’s my girl.” He brushes his fingertips over my cheek and my heart starts racing as Lisa moves around the desk with a needle in her hand.

“Can you see where Mikey is with that tea?” I say with a swallow.

“As soon as this is done,” he nods.


“You ready, Jessie?” Lisa asks. Her voice is so soft and calm that it should be soothing, but it’s not and my breathing comes faster.

Why the hell am I doing this to myself?

Because I need answers and a few moments of discomfort will be worth it for the outcome. My needle anxiety is rooted in the fear of someone drugging and kidnapping me again – and there is no way in hell that Lisa would do that, and even less chance that Shane would let her. I’m completely safe here.

I take a deep breath. “Do it. Just get it all over with quickly.”

“Okay,” she says softly. The next thing I feel is her warm soft hand on my arm.

I stare into Shane’s eyes and he smiles at me. I need to keep his attention only on my face. If I can do that then maybe we’ll pull this off.

“So, you doing anything later?” I stammer, my voice trembling as I try to distract the two of us.

“Apart from you?” he arches an eyebrow at me.

Lisa half-groans, half-chuckles and my cheeks turn pink.

“Yes,” I whisper aware that Lisa’s grip on my arm is tightening signaling she is about to stick me with her giant needle.

“Just a scratch, Jessie,” she says softly as the metal pierces my skin, and I flinch but she holds me steady.

“Almost over, sweetheart,” Shane says as he takes my free hand and squeezes it in his.

“It’s no big deal.” I pant out a breath. “So, later? A movie?”

“Hmm.” He narrows his eyes at me as I start to babble about the new Fast and Furious movie. I don’t look at Lisa taking blood from my arm but I feel a slight tug and a sharp sting and I know she’s filled her first vial.

I wince as Shane turns to her and takes a hold of her wrist as she is attaching the second vial to fill.

“Why do you need more blood?” he asks with a frown.

“I need to attach this right now.” She looks down at the small plastic tube in her hand. “She’s still bleeding.”

Shane loosens his grip but he doesn’t let go, and she attaches the second tube to the needle in my arm.

“Extra just in case,” I say, trying to distract him.

Shane doesn’t look at me and instead continues to glare at Lisa who glares right back. “Why?” he asks again. “And don’t make me ask for a third time.”

Lisa looks between him and me, her jaw ticking as she wrestles with what to tell him. She would never breach my confidence but I know she doesn’t want to lie to his face. I also know that he is not stupid and he is so damn overprotective, he’s not going to let this go.

“I asked Lisa to run a few additional tests for me, is all,” I answer for her and he releases his grip on her wrist and turns his fierce gaze and all his attention to me.

“What kind of tests?”

I suck in a breath as I glance between Lisa and him. “Just to make sure everything is working okay,” I whisper.

“Is this about a baby?” he growls.

“Yes!” I snap as I sit up straighter in my chair.

“We discussed this, Jessie!”

“No, you gave me an order and I obeyed like an obedient little puppy.” I see the hurt flash across his eyes momentarily but he continues glaring at me. “But now that Lisa is here taking blood, what’s the harm in taking a little extra and running a few tests?”

“So you two planned this behind my back?” he snarls as he looks between Lisa and me now.

“It’s my body, Shane!” I shout.

“There is nothing fucking wrong with you!” he shouts back while Lisa rolls her eyes in frustration at the two of us.

“You’re not having any tests. It is perfectly normal not to get pregnant straightaway. Tell her,” he barks to Lisa.

She shakes her head. “I am not getting in between you two, but if Jessie wants the tests then I’m her doctor.”

“Then I’ll find her a new one,” he barks.

“Shane! Stop being such an asshole!”

He turns back to me, his nostrils flaring in temper. “Lisa, can you give us a minute, please?”

She takes the filled second vial and the needle from my arm and places a small piece of gauze over it, fixing it with some tape.

“Sure. I’m just outside when you want me to take the rest of that blood, Jessie.” She winks at me. She knows I’ll win this argument. Shane is grumpy and unreasonable, but I can wrap him around my little finger and she knows it. He knows it too.

“Why are you so convinced that something is wrong with you?” he says, glaring at me.

“I’m not, but I just want to know, Shane. Why can’t you understand that?”

“Why are you putting so much pressure on this, Jessie? You’re driving yourself fucking crazy. You’re driving me crazy!”

I swallow as tears prick at my eyes. “I’m scared I’ll miss my window,” I whisper.

“Your window? You’re only twenty-seven years old.”

“I mean with you,” I admit.

“With me?” he frowns.

“What if this gets too hard and you change your mind? What if you decide that having kids isn’t for you after all?”

I see his Adam’s apple bob as he swallows hard. “That you went behind my back and conspired with Lisa to have tests run without any of us knowing is bad enough, Jessie, but the fact that you honestly believe I’m such a coldhearted bastard that I would do something like that…” He shakes his head as he trails off.

“Shane.” I reach for his hand but he pulls it away.

“Do whatever the fuck you want,” he snaps and then he walks out of the door leaving me sitting alone. A fat tear runs down my cheek and I swipe it away with my hand. Why am I so goddamn emotional all the time?

A few seconds later, Lisa walks back into the room. “Everything okay?” she asks.

“Yeah,” I sniff as I hold out my arm. “Let’s get this over with.”

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