Ryan Renewed: New York Ruthless: Book 5

Ryan Renewed: Chapter 27

I wake up with Conor’s huge arms wrapped around me. When I squirm a little his eyelids flutter open.

“What is it, Angel?” he asks, his voice even deeper than usual in his half-awake state.

“Nothing. I’m just stretching,” I say as I free myself from his arms and stretch my limbs. As soon as I have, he pulls me back to him and buries his face against my neck, tickling me with his beard and making me giggle.

“How is that ass?” he asks.

“Hot and a little sore.”

“Sorry.” He laughs too.

“Don’t be. You know I love it.”

“Hmm,” he nuzzles my neck and I wiggle my ass against his semi-hard cock. “Stop that or I’ll tie you up again.”

“Is that supposed to be a deterrent?” I arch one eyebrow at him. “Because you know it’s not, right?”

He pushes himself up onto one elbow and takes one of my hands in his, turning it over and inspecting my wrist where he tied me with rope. There is a slight pink mark and he rubs the pad of his thumb over it. “You’re a deviant, Jessie Ryan.”

“But you love it?”

“Fuck, yes,” he groans. “But no more fucking this morning.”

“Aw.” I pout and he smiles at me.

“I fucked you so hard last night, Angel, and I’m gonna need you to be able to walk to breakfast this morning or my brothers will be so pissed at me.”

My pussy throbs at the memory of him last night – feral and unrestrained. “I will be able to walk. Promise,” I whisper as I wrap my arms around his neck and pull his face close to mine. “As long as you’re gentle. You can do that, right?” I arch an eyebrow at him.

He rolls on top of me, settling between my thighs as I spread them wider for him. “With you I can,,” he whispers.

“Then fuck me, Conor Ryan,” I giggle.

“No.” he shakes his head and starts to trail kisses over my throat, over my shoulders and breasts, peppering feather light kisses over all of the places where he marked me last night.

“Please,” I plead as I squirm with delight beneath his touch.

“No fucking,” he repeats as he moves lower, trailing his teeth, lips and tongue over my breasts and stomach. “But I will make you come.”

He moves lower until his head is between my thighs and I’m panting for breath. “Conor,” I gasp loudly, running my fingers through his hair as he runs his tongue the length of my pussy lips.

“Relax, Angel. Let me take care of you,” he whispers and then his head dips low and he sucks my clit into his mouth. I press my head back against the pillow and concentrate only on him and his magical tongue.

After Conor took care of me twice with his incredible mouth, we threw on some clothes and are now wandering down the hallway toward the kitchen where the delicious smell of bacon and pancakes is wafting from the kitchen.

“Mmm.” I lick my lips as my stomach growls. “Smells like Mikey is up.”

“Yup,” Conor agrees as he squeezes my hand and together we walk into the kitchen to find his three brothers already in there. Mikey is cooking as usual, with a dish towel slung over his shoulder while he whistles the tune of You know you want me, and the memory of us dancing in the club last night makes me smile. Liam is pouring coffee and Shane is sitting at the breakfast bar flicking through his cell phone. Never off duty!

“Morning,” I say with a smile, making them all look toward me and Conor.

“Morning you two,” Liam replies with a wink.

“Morning,” Mikey says gruffly and I suspect he’s still a little pissed at Conor about last night. Shane places his cell on the counter and smiles at us both. Then he holds out his hand and I walk over to him, allowing him to pull me between his thighs before he gives me a soft kiss. “Morning,” he says softly. “I missed you.”

I wrap my arms around his neck. “I missed you too.”

“Coffee?” Liam interrupts us, sliding his hand around my waist and giving me a kiss on the cheek as he slides a mug of coffee onto the island in front of me.

“Thank you,” I whisper. Shane and Liam release me and I pull out a stool and hop on, wincing as I sit on the hard plastic.

Liam has already walked back over to the coffee but Shane notices my discomfort. He narrows his eyes at me. “You okay?” he asks quietly so his brothers won’t hear.

“Yeah. Just a little tender this morning.” My cheeks flush with warmth as I think about the incredible spanking Conor gave me. How hot it was to see him lose a little of the self-control he works so hard to maintain.

“Come here.” Shane pats his thighs. “It’s a softer seat.”

“I’m not sure I’d describe anything about you as soft.” I arch an eyebrow at him but I take his hand and he lifts me onto his lap. I lean against his chest and smile as he runs his hand over the top of my ass cheeks.

We both watch Conor and Mikey at the kitchen counter. Conor has his hand on Mikey’s shoulder and the two of them talk quietly. When Mikey laughs loudly, Conor wraps his arm around his shoulder and kisses the top of his younger brother’s head before walking to the kitchen island to join Shane and me. Shane smiles at me because we both know their fight from last night is completely dealt with.

When Conor is seated, Liam hands him a mug of coffee too before taking a seat beside him.

“You need any help there, bro?” Conor shouts to Mikey.

“No,” he replies with a vigorous shake of his head. “I got it.”

“So, Con,” Shane says, wrapping his arm tightly around my waist. “Why is that Jessie here has a sore ass when you were supposed to be apologizing to her?” He arches an eyebrow in amusement making Conor rolls his eyes while Liam chuckles softly beside him.

“You want to tell them, Angel?” Conor asks me with a tilt of his head.

“No.” I blush.

“What did you do, Red?” Mikey wanders over now and leans his elbows on the counter, resting his chin on his hands.

“You been in your office yet?” Conor asks Shane.

“No. Why?” Shane frowns.

“Jessie tied me to your chair,” he replies and both Liam and Mikey start to laugh.

“You tied him up?” Shane asks me.

“Yeah,” I whisper. “It was his punishment.”

“I would pay good money to see that,” Mickey chuckles.

“That wasn’t really the punishment though, was it?” Conor narrows his eyes at me.


“What else did you do, Red?” Mikey asks with a devilish grin.

I look at Conor, too embarrassed to describe what happened next myself.

“She gave me a fucking strip tease,” he says with a smile.

“Fuck!” Shane whispers as his hand grips my waist.

“Now that I would definitely pay good money to see.” Mikey grins at me.

“That doesn’t sound like a punishment to be honest, Con,” Liam says with a shake of his head.

“I was tied up, Liam,” he reminds his little brother. “She was standing there in stockings and black lace underwear, peeling it off and I couldn’t fucking touch her.”

“Evil genius,” Shane whispers in my ear making me shiver.

“Ah that wasn’t all,” Conor goes on.

“Conor,” I say, blushing to the roots of my hair.

“I can’t stop the story now, I’m getting to the best bit,” he replies.

“Which is?” Mikey urges him to finish.

“She sat on the sofa right in front of me and started playing with her pussy,” he says matter-of-factly and his brothers let out a collective groan. “I begged her to untie me and she wouldn’t. So that’s why she got the spanking of a lifetime.”

My ass throbs deliciously at the memory.

“So how did you get out?” Shane asks.

“He hulked out on your new chair,” I say with a grin. “It’s currently in pieces on your office floor.” That makes Liam and Mikey erupt into a fit of laughter. “He was standing there with parts of a chair still tied to him, stomping around like a giant who had just trampled a tiny village.” I snigger and the twins laugh harder.

Liam rests his head on the kitchen island as he giggles uncontrollably while Mikey holds onto his stomach as the tears roll down his face.

“A… fucking…stomping…” Mikey gasps through his tears and Conor shakes his head as he watches the two of them before turning to me. I have to bite down on the inside of my cheek from laughing too hard along with them.

“Sorry,” I mouth.

“Careful or you’ll be getting another spanking later.” He winks at me.

Shane seems completely immune to the hilarity going on around him and is instead focused on the demise of his beloved chair. “For fuck’s sake,” he grumbles. “That chair was custom-made.”

“Yeah, we all know it was, and why, you fucking deviant,” Conor laughs now too and the twins start off again. Shane had an extra wide and reinforced office chair made to accommodate all of the fucking he and I do in his office. We work together almost all day, at least four days a week and there is only so long I can spend in a room with this man before I jump his bones.

“It will take weeks to get a new one,” Shane adds.

I run my fingers through his hair. ‘We’ll just have to use the sofa for a while. And we can fit on the other chair too,” I remind him.

His hand skims over my ass again and I shiver at his touch. “Well, just to be sure, I think we’d better test your theory this afternoon.”

“Sounds fun.” I smile at him.

Mikey wipes the tears from his eyes. “That was the funniest thing I’ve heard for a long time,” he says as he straightens up. “I’m not surprised you got an ass whooping, Red.” He winks at me before he goes back to his cooking.

I sigh contentedly as I look around the room at my four hot husbands. Nobody is mad at anyone else right now and the world feels right again.

“So, about this DNA test?” Shane says, abruptly changing the subject and making me groan inwardly. I should have known the calm wouldn’t last.

“I definitely want one,” I say firmly before any of them have a chance to disagree. “I think we need to know one way or another whether Hayden is my half-brother.”

“I agree,” Shane says with a nod and Mikey and Conor voice their agreement too.

“Liam?” I say quietly.

“I know, baby,” he says with a slight nod of his head. “You have to find out.”

I heave a sigh of relief. “Good. I thought we could ask Dr. Lisa to do the tests. Then we know for sure there will be no tampering or anything.”

“Want me to call her?” Shane asks.

“No, it’s okay. I’ll speak to her after breakfast.”

As if by magic, Mikey places a huge plate of bacon and eggs on the breakfast bar in front of us all and my stomach growls noisily, but the sound is masked by Conor and Liam’s loud grunts of appreciation.

“You want me to sit on my own stool?” I ask Shane.

“No, you’re fine right where you are,” he says before bending his head and placing a soft, sweet kiss on the nape of my neck that makes me shiver.

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