Ryan Renewed: New York Ruthless: Book 5

Ryan Renewed: Chapter 29

The door to Shane’s office is closed over which is a sure sign he’s still in a bad mood. Lisa left three hours ago and I’ve been sitting in my room since. Conor and the twins are working, leaving Shane and me alone in the apartment. We haven’t spoken to each other since this afternoon and I can’t get our fight out of my head.

I push his door open and walk inside. He has his head bent as he frowns at the computer screen. I don’t know if he’s too distracted to have heard me, or he’s trying his best to ignore me, but I pad barefoot across the room. He doesn’t glance up even as I reach him.

Trying his best to ignore me then!

I perch on the edge of his desk and begin to shuffle in front of his screen, until I am squeezing myself between him and his desk and he’s forced to push his chair back slightly to allow me some room. I lift my legs over his and plant them back down between his thighs.

“Jessie!” he sighs deeply. “I’m busy.”

“Are you, or are you just avoiding me?”

“I’m busy!” he meets my eyes for the first time since I came into the room. My heart starts to beat a little faster and warmth pools in my core. Damn. No man has any right looking this fine when he’s pissed at me.

“I’m sorry,” I whisper.

“What for?” He arches an eyebrow at me.

“For hurting you. What I said about you changing your mind about a baby, Shane, that is my deepest fear, but it’s not because I think you’re a coldhearted bastard. It’s because I want it so damn much. I convinced myself that I didn’t but now that I know it’s a possibility, it’s all I can think about. You always put everyone before yourself. I suppose a part of me was worried that you agreed to a baby for the rest of us and not really for you,” I whisper.

He swallows and looks back down at where his computer screen would be if I wasn’t blocking his view. “Like I said, I’m busy.”

Damn! Time to try a different tactic.

“Well, I won’t take up much of your time,” I breathe as I slide forward and straddle him.

He keeps one hand on the desk and one by his side. His knuckles flex and his jaw ticks with the effort of not touching me. This man knows how to push every single one of my buttons, but I can do the same to him. I roll my hips over him as I settle into a comfortable position and his cock is already hardening against my bare pussy.

“Are you wearing any underwear at all?” He glances at my pebbled nipples as they protrude through the thin fabric of the t-shirt I’m wearing, which happens to be one of his.

“No.” I bite on my lip.

“That’s a cheap shot.” He arches one eyebrow at me. “You think I’m that easy that all you have to do is roll that hot pussy over me and I’ll forget about this afternoon?”


“No,” I say instead with a flutter of my eyelashes, “but I just got out of the shower and I’m heading to bed, so what would be the point in getting dressed?”

He checks his watch. It’s the one I bought him for his birthday and it’s the only one he ever wears now, despite having an extensive collection of incredibly expensive timepieces. “You’re heading to bed at seven p.m.?”

“Yup. I’m tired.” I fake a yawn although I actually do feel pretty beat. Then I stretch my arms high so that the t-shirt lifts, giving him a glimpse of my pussy and thighs. “And I don’t want to go to bed with you still mad at me, so I thought I’d come in here and apologize to you. I also wanted to see if you’ve had time to reflect on how unreasonable you were today,” I purr as I run my hands through his hair and grind my pussy against his cock.

A growl rumbles through his chest and I clamp my lips together to stop myself from smiling.

“Unreasonable? Me?”

“Kinda,” I say with a shrug.

“Are you looking to get your ass spanked again today? Is that it?” He frowns at me but there is an unmistakable glint in his eye.

“If that will make you feel better.”

“Hmm.” He rubs a hand over his jaw and his wedding ring catches the light as he does. Suddenly I’m overwhelmed with a rush of emotion as I think about how much I love him and his brothers and how much I want to give them a child. I choke down an unexpected sob and blink away a tear as I rest my forehead against his.

“What is it, sweetheart?” He frowns as he rests his hands on my hips, sending warm pleasure coursing through my body.

“I just want to be able to give you all everything you want, just like you do for me,” I whisper. “If there is something wrong, then isn’t it better that we know sooner rather than later?”

“Jessie!” He sighs again. “You are everything we want. You are everything we need.”

“I just want to know, Shane. Why can’t you understand that?”

He leans back and stares at me. “I do understand, but you went to Lisa behind my back and asked her to run some tests. What if I hadn’t found out, Jessie? When would you have told us?”

“I don’t know,” I admit as my cheeks flush pink. Lying is the one thing that Shane hates more than anything in the world.

“We don’t keep secrets from each other, do we?” He frowns at me.

“No,” I whisper.

“So why didn’t you tell us about your little plan with Lisa?”

“Because I knew you would try and talk me out of it, Shane. In fact, you would have talked me out of it. You have this way of making me agree to anything. You tie me up in knots and sometimes it’s easier to ask for your forgiveness than for your permission.”

His tongue darts out and he runs it along his bottom lip as he continues to glare at me, My pussy walls contract as I think about his magical tongue on me instead. Focus, Jessie!

“I swear I never meant to lie to you. But it is my body, Shane, and I have every right to know if there’s a part of it not working right.”

“No.” He shakes his head.

“What?” I blink at him in confusion.

He reaches for the edge of my t-shirt and lifts it and I raise my arms in compliance, allowing him to pull it over my head. Then his warm hands run over my back as he pulls me closer. “This body is mine, Jessie.”

Wet heat surges between my thighs. “Really?” I breathe.

“Yes,” he growls as he slides his hand between my thighs and he thrusts two thick fingers inside me, making me gasp as I grind against him. “This belongs to me and don’t ever forget it.”

“God, Shane,” I pant as my walls clench around him and the pleasure starts to spread through my core.

“Jesus!” he hisses as he curls the tips of his fingers. “You’re fucking soaking, sweetheart.” Then he looks down at his suit pants. “You have any idea how much my dry cleaning bill has increased since you moved in here?”

I look down too and blush as I see the stain of my arousal on the expensive dark fabric. I run my hands over his chest and onto his biceps, feeling his powerful muscles flexing beneath my palms. “Well, you will insist on wearing these incredibly expensive tailored suits all the time.”

“You think I should start walking around here in just my sweatpants like Mikey and Liam?” He arches an eyebrow at me as he presses his fingers deep inside.

I suck in a breath as specks of light begin to flicker behind my eyelids. Damn this man can do things to me that should be illegal. The thought of him in just his grey sweatpants is certainly appealing enough, but I love the way he fills a suit.

“I love your suits,” I purr, “the way your muscles stretch the fabric.” I lean closer and plant a soft kiss on his throat. “The way you look so polished and respectable on the outside.” I kiss him again and a soft groan escapes his lips as he continues finger-fucking me. “How the soft, expensive fabric hides all of that ink on your hard muscles.”

“Jessie,” he groans as my kisses grow hungrier.

I graze the soft skin of his throat with my teeth and he shudders, making me smile against his skin. When I trail my tongue from the base of his neck, along the thick column of his throat, tasting the sweet saltiness of his skin, his soft groans turn into animalistic grunts as he drives his fingers deeper and harder. I ride them, sinking my hips low enough that I feel his hard cock straining against his zipper.

“You’re so hard for me,” I purr against his ear and that’s when he loses all control. Pulling his fingers out of me, he hisses out a breath before standing and sitting me on the desk in front of him.

“You want to feel how hard I am for you?” he growls as he unfastens his belt and zipper.

I reach for him, squeezing his cock in my hand and making him growl deeper before he takes my hands and pins them behind my back, reminding me exactly who is I control here – who is always in control.

I pant for breath as I wait for him. My body desperate to feel him inside me and sate the constant need that he stirs in me whenever I’m around him. Holding my two wrists in one of his large hands, he wraps his other hand around my throat as he pushes the tip of his cock inside me.

“This is what you want, right? What you always want?” he says, his fiery green eyes burning into mine.

I lick my lips as I stare back at him. His jaw clenched and his fingers flexing as he maintains a firm grip on my hands and throat. He is on the edge just as much as I am, desperate to drive himself inside me just as much as I want him to.

“Tell me what you want, Jessie.” He grinds out the words as though it pains him to say them.

“You inside me,” I breathe and he rewards me by filling me with his huge cock.

I gasp loudly and he tightens his grip on my wrists while the hand on my throat slides to the back of my head where it fists in my hair so he can pull me closer as he nails me on his desk.

He kisses me as he fucks me, claiming my mouth with the same intensity he claims the rest of me and my head spins from the rush of endorphins and euphoria flying around my body. I wrap my legs around his waist, pulling him tighter and deeper as I try to take everything he can give me.

Eventually, he releases my wrists and circles his arm around my waist instead. I snake my arms around his neck until we are pressed so tightly together, I feel his heart beating wildly against my chest.

“You gonna come hard for me, sweetheart?” He groans into my mouth as he tilts my hips back slightly, driving against that sweet spot deep inside me. My legs tremble and my core feels like it’s become liquid chocolate as my orgasm rolls through my body while he keeps on kissing and fucking me until he finds his own.

I cling to him even as he pulls out of me, desperate to maintain the contact between our bodies. He presses his damp forehead against mine, keeping the connection that he knows I need from him.

“I love you,” I whisper.

“I know.”

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