
Chapter Rush 26

Chapter 26

Dalton hung up without saying a word. Ashley was a bit disappointed. She was about to put her phone away when she suddenly had an idea. She picked up her phone again and dialed another number. “Go to General Hospital’s OB-GYN department and check on a report… Yes, the name is Alicia Mayer. Get back to me with any updates.”

By the time Alicia returned to the Slater residence, Dalton wasn’t home. After a full morning of medical tests, she felt exhausted and went straight to her room to nap. When she woke up, it was already dark outside. She grabbed her phone and saw a few missed calls from Charles. Frowning, she immediately called him back.

“Alicia, you finally answered! Did something happen? arles sounded ***led.

He sighed heavily and spoke in a somber tone, “Alicia, brace yourself. The incident where you spilled wine on Mr. Oliver Quinn has spread. Several other banks have now refused us loans, and those that had already granted us loans have suspended funding. Today, loan officers came to demand immediate repayment, and they’re currently at our company’s entrance, refusing to leave.. Don’t return to the office just yet; it’s too risky.”

Alicia was shocked to hear how grave the situation had become.

“The worst part,” Charles continued, “is that JC Technology has already held a press conference announcing the official release of their new energy E-V. This means even if we reclaim our core technology now, it’s too late. Their first-mover advantage is already solidified, and our new car is still in the development stage. Even with our core technology, we can’t catch up in time.”

JC Technology was the company Michael sold their core technology to. In the tech industry, whoever released first controlled the market and the narrative.

Alicia lowered her gaze and took a deep breath. “Is there no other solution?” The halted bank loans and the rival company’s announcement were both devastating blows to the Mayer Group.

“The only way,” Charles suggested, “is to open the password-protected safe and get that document. That’s our last hope to turn things around. If we get that, JC Technology’s new car launch will be halted, giving us the edge we need.”

“Alright, I understand,” Alicia replied, determination in her voice.

“By the way, Alicia, did you contact the investors I asked you to? Do you need the list again?” Charles’s voice came through the phone.

Alicia took a deep breath. “Not yet. I’ll start tomorrow.” She had seen the list. Other than Dalton, she didn’t know anyone on it, and she refused to beg Dalton.

Charles sighed, “The banks won’t wait. You should start contacting them tonight.”

“Okay,” she replied.

Lillian had prepared dinner, but Alicia had no appetite. For the sake of, she forced herself


After dinner, she went back to her room and started calling the investors on the list Charles hack given her. Each call was either cut off as soon as they heard her name or when she mentioned the Mayer Group. In just a few minutes, she had called everyone on the list except Dalton. They all rejected her. Nobody wanted to invest in a small company that had sold off its core technology.

She crossed off name after name from the list. Holding her phone, she sat on the couch, feeling Jost. A new, overwhelming sense of helplessness spread from deep within her. She pondered if it was time to give up since nobody was willing to invest. But if she gave up would vanish forever. Yet, if she didn’t give up, she didn’t know what she

her mom’s hard work d do.

The more she thought about it, the more frustrated she became. It felt like she was drowning, barely holding on. Staying inside any longer would drive her crazy, so she decided to go downstairs for a walk to clear her mind.

Lillian had already gone to rest, and the house was quiet. Alicia wandered alone, passing one streetlight after another. The chilly wind messed up her long hair and skirt, throwing her mind into even more disarray. The cold was almost bone-chilling, and memories surged forth. No one knew the immense pressure she was under. No one knew the fate of the Mayer Group or cared about her future. She felt utterly lost, unable to see the path ahead.

Just then, a black Maybach drove into the neighborhood. Inside the car, Dalton slowly opened his eyes. His sharp features reflected in the car window as his deep, blue eyes scanned outside.

Under a lonely streetlight, Alicia was crouched by the roadside, hugging her knees as her shoulders shook slightly. Tears rolled down her cheeks uncontrollably. Yet, on this cold and empty night, no one noticed. Soon, the car sped past Alicia in the cold wind, splashing water everywhere.

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