
Chapter Rush 27

Chapter 27

Water splashed on Alicia as the black Maybach sped past. She looked up instinctively, seeing the car’s taillights disappearing. She frowned, ‘Is that Dalton’s car? Did he just see me in such a sorry state?

Just then, her phone buzzed with a message–it was from Monica Hicks–her best friend. Monica: [Alicia, I’m back in the country! Don’t forget about our school’s anniversary celebration tomorrow! And remember, you promised to study for the exams with me. We can get the materials from the admissions office tomorrow. See you then!]

A month ago, she had married Dalton. Now, the Mayer Group was in deep le, and her life had turned upside down. How could she possibly think about studies in this situation? An hour later, after making a decision, she messaged Monica back and walked toward the Slater residence.

From the second–floor balcony of the Slater residence, Dalton, dressed in a dark gray robe, was seated in his wheelchair, holding a cigarette. The floor was littered with cigarette butts. Smoke clouded his expression.

Alicia had been crouching outside for an hour, and he’d been watching her the whole time. He wanted to know why she was crying. He pulled out his phone and called Nick. Nick reported that the bank had cut their loans and all the investors had declined to fund her company.

Deep down, Dalton knew all she had to do was ask him for help, and he would give it. But she refused to seek his assistance. He was not sure if it was because of her pride or if she just did not want his financial support, like refusing to accept his money.

Women were always around Dalton, each with their own agendas. But Alicia was different. He couldn’t see through her. Her sorrow troubled him deeply. This feeling was new to him–a first in his life. When Alicia finally entered the villa, Dalton stubbed out his cigarette, wheeled himself back to his room, and didn’t look back.

The next morning, Alicia woke up feeling heavy and a little stuffy. She wobbled down the hall in a daze.

She poked at her breakfast absent–mindedly, clearly not her usual self. Dalton noticed right away. “Are you heading out?” Dalton asked with a frown, noticing her pale face.

“Mm–hmm. Going to the school’s anniversary event,” she replied weakly.

Dalton paused for a moment, and then called Daniel over. “I don’t need my car today. Drive her to the school.”

Alicia was stunned. His straightforward gesture stirred something inside her. She really didn’t have energy to spare, Normally, walking from home to catch a ride would take her half an hour–a walk she wasn’t up for today. Maybe Dalton wasn’t as terrible as she thought.

“Didn’t Nick just said that you need…” Dalton shot a sharp glance his way, and Daniel immediately zipped his lips. “I must have remembered wrong! Mrs. Slater, please come with me.”


At fast. Allen Wanted to refute, but she felt so unwell, and since it wasn’t her idea anyway, she

Kim Daniel dropped her off at school, the Hepped out of the car and stood by the driver’s window. “Thank you, Mr. Nickerson Til just grabs a cab home after the event. Once he drove away Abci antied in te bef

Thai was when à vibrant and stylish young woman walked up, draping an arm around Alicia’s shoulders. “Alicia, come on, be honest. Was that Maybach your boyfriend’s?The young woman was hone other than Alicia’s best friend, Monica.

Monica had been abroad and only returned for the school’s anniversary event. Alicia hadn’t expected to run into her at the gate. Monica knew Alicia had a boyfriend but had never seen him. No, we broke up.” Alicia shook her head. “Sorry, Monica, there’ve been some changes at home, and I might not be able to help you study for the GRE

Monica hugged Alicia tightly, feeling her pain. “I heard a bit about your family’s situation. Don’t be sad, Alicia, everything will be alright.”

Alicia had no idea about the future. She just wanted to focus all her energy on solving the company’s problems as soon as possible.

“I have some money here. I know it’s not much, but please, Alicia, take it. Consider it a token of my support.” Monica took out a prepped bank card and pressed it into Alicia’s hand.

Alicia couldn’t refuse her friend’s earnest gesture and accepted the card. Just then, her phone buzzed with a message from Dalton.

“Hey, Alicia, wasn’t that the same Maybach that dropped you off?” Monica asked curiously, seeing a car moving toward them.

Dalton: [Daniel will pick you up now.] Looking at the message, Alicia was wondering if it was something wrong at home. Alicia’s heart skipped a beat. She turned to Monica, saying, “Something came up at the company. I can’t attend the anniversary celebration anymore. Let’s catch up next time, okay?” Leaving those words behind, Alicia quickly walked over to the Maybach, which sped away as soon as she got in.


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