Run With The Wolves

Chapter ☾ VIII ☽

My hands were shaking.

I mean...I know I was scared.

Henri was a vampire, and although he didn’t tell me that fact, I literally felt the pain when he touched me. There was no other way to explain what I felt. He had to be one of them.

“Where did you...” he was looking at my wrist.

The bracelet...

He knows the bracelet hurt him. His fingers were slightly red, and it seemed like the bracelet actually burned him.

I couldn’t think of what to do. Do I run? Do I say something that let’s him know that maybe I was ignorant to the situation? My mouth felt dry. My legs were stiff. I couldn’t move. I was that terrified, and I tried to ignore it, but it was probably all over my face.

“Gabriel-” it looked like he was going to come closer to me, but I took a step back once the real fear of him touching me set in.

Did he bite me before?

Has he been making me black out?

I couldn’t ask him, but I wanted him to stay away from me. I just couldn’t say heart was beating so fast in my chest because I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know how to get out of this situation. I’m afraid he’ll stop me.

Or kill me.

His eyes shifted somewhere else immediately. He was looking behind me, and it made him tense up.

There was this low growl that I heard coming from behind me. When I turned, I saw a black wolf stalking closer to us. He snarled aggressively as he came over, his piercing blue eyes not friendly. I heard another animal coming from a different direction, an auburn wolf coming out from the trees. The white wolf made an appearance as well. The tree of them were growling lowly as they stalked closer to us. When I looked back to Henri, he held a stance like he was ready to fight.

“I knew they were real.” he said through his teeth. “You smell just like them.” he looked at me sharply.

A second ago, it was like he wanted to tell me something, like apologize to me, but now his expression was cold. I haven’t seen him look like that before. The brightness to his behavior wasn’t there.

He looked like...he could kill me.

“Did you...was it you?” I asked him, my voice shaking.

That was the question that softened him up again. He wasn’t so stiff anymore. His expression turned to guilt and he looked away from me, not answering my question.

He bit me.

That wasn’t what made me upset. It was the fact that he was using me, messing with me, making me forget what was going on through the day. I don’t know why I was taking it so seriously, considering what I know about vampires, but it was still hurting me. He was my friend.

The wolves were around me, still growling and snarling, but they stayed back. I don’t know what they were waiting for, but it seemed like Henri was going to cooperate. He didn’t try to fight, at least not now. He was looking at the three wolves behind me, and it looked like it wasn’t in his best interest to try and fight them.

“Do you know them?” he asked me, gesturing to the wolves.

“You knew they were here.” I said to him, avoiding the question. “Did you think they wouldn’t find out that you were killing people?-”

“No, it’s not-” he stopped himself abruptly, closing his mouth so he wouldn’t say anything else. He thought for a second, then tried again. “It’s not me. I wouldn’t...”

Then why me?

“I don’t control the others.” he said, but more so to the wolves. They wanted answers about what the vampires were doing here and what they wanted. “What they do isn’t my business. All I want is to blend in.”

“They don’t like that.” I said to him when the wolves growled again. “I take it that I’m not the only one being manipulated, and they do not like that.”

Henri wasn’t going to give up much more information. He wasn’t going to say how many more people that are like him are here. He continued to stare at the wolves, and it became more apparent that he had a disdain for them. Slowly, he was shifting his stance again, like he was prepared to fight, and again, the wolves started snarling at him.

“I’m sorry, Gabriel.” he looked at me again.

Then he was gone.

Just as quickly as he disappeared, the wolves followed after him.

The loud sound of aggressive growling began to fade away as the wolves chased after him. The only feeling I was left with was a rush of cold air, and that was it. Now it was just me standing alone in the cold.

There was still this cloud of disbelief looming over me.

I would have never guessed that Henri was the one manipulating me. I couldn’t even find a reason to think that he would. It wasn’t till then that I remembered that I’m just a human. I can’t do anything. And what’s a vampire’s number one interest? I shouldn’t be surprised that he was just using me.

Yet, I was mad at myself for being so gullible.

I didn’t know what to do now.

I looked around, but it was just me in the parking lot right now. My books were on the ground. Some of them I had to return. I was staring at them, almost trying to find a reason to do something so mundane as returning my library books after what I just experienced. Nothing came to mind. But I bent down anyway to pick them up. I felt nothing as I went inside.

I was sitting at our kitchen table, just picking at my food. I wasn’t very hungry, and that was worrying my parents. I tried to eat, but all I managed was a few bites before I lost interest. Considering that my mind was focused on something else, I don’t think eating would be best to solve my problems.

“Gabriel.” My mom said gently, her hand pressing over mine to stop me from moving my fork around my plate. When she touched me, it didn’t hurt.

I was staring at where her hand was on me.

I didn’t feel any pain, and that should be a good thing.

But all I could remember was the pain I felt when Henri’s fingers just grazed the back of my palm earlier. Now the blood was draining from my body because I was scared again. I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

“Are you okay?” She asked me, because I was just staring without saying anything.

“Y-yeah.” It was hard to pull the answer out. “I just...I’m not feeling well.”

There was a lot on my mind and I couldn’t exactly talk about it as much as I wanted to. It’s hard to keep it in. My parents are worried about me, and I couldn’t make them feel better or assure them. I wanted to pretend like I was okay, but I really wasn’t.

“I think I’m just going to go to bed.” I said quietly as I got up from my seat.

I wanted to be alone with my thoughts. I also didn’t want my parents to worry about me, but I didn’t exactly make it any better.

I went up to my room and closed the door behind me quietly. It was getting dark outside, but I didn’t feel the need to turn on the lights. I just took off my shoes and got into bed, hoping to go right to sleep.

Then I had this fear that I would wake up somewhere I wasn’t supposed to be.

I lifted my arm up to look at the bracelet on my wrist. If I didn’t have this, I wouldn’t have found out what Henri was. To think vampires actually existed was one thing, but to figure out that one of them was actually using me was another. I guess it’s a good thing that the bracelet actually does what it’s supposed to.

I was about to get under my blankets when I felt a large weight over me. There was this burning sensation all over my body and it made me want to scream from the pain.

A hand tightly clasped over my mouth before I had the chance, and that burned even worse. My voice was muffled, but I was still loud enough to cause a problem. I looked up and saw Henri was over me. Tears welded in my eyes because of the pain. I know he felt it, too, but he continued to hold me down.

His other hand broke the bracelet off my wrist and the pain immediately stopped when the pearls broke off and fell.

Now there was nothing that was between me and him.

Touching me wasn’t going to hurt him.

“Calm down.” he said quietly to me.

As much as I didn’t want to, there was this wave of relief that was compelling me to keep calm. He was actually controlling me so I would be compliant and listen to him. The worst part was that I couldn’t fight it. My mind wasn’t in control. I was just...calm.

His hand moved from over my mouth.

I didn’t scream, I didn’t fight. I didn’t feel the need to do anything.

There were so many things I could say, many things I could ask. Why was he here? What did he want from me? I was looking up at him, wanting to be mad, but I didn’t get there. He had this apologetic expression, and I heard his apology before but it’s kind of hard to accept it considering what’s going on right now.

“They’ll come for you.” I said to him.

The family of wolves will find him.

“Make them stop-”

“I don’t control them.” My tone of voice was almost monotone. He said something similar earlier, and I was telling him what he told me. “They don’t like that vampires are here, and they won’t stop until you’re gone.”

He took a quiet breath as he looked away for a second.

Was he considering leaving?

“We’re migrating...” he said. I don’t know if he was trying to explain that to me or not. But he didn’t continue on that. “I didn’t mean to use you.” He apologized to me again. “You’re just really perceptive.”

Was I noticing things I wasn’t supposed to? I couldn’t remember.

“And I...I didn’t mean to bite you either. It’s kind of...a habit.” he didn’t have any other way to phrase it. I had no idea how I was supposed to feel about that comment, but the emotion didn’t make it because he was still controlling me. “I’m sorry.”

“Could you not...” I didn’t like this. “Could you not control me?”

“You’re angry.” he said. I just didn’t feel that way. He was masking my emotions well. “I don’t want you to be angry with me, Gabriel. I know all of my apologies are just words, but I wouldn’t hurt you.” he tried to assure me.

I didn’t say anything.

I couldn’t exactly find the right words. I was supposed to be angry, but I didn’t feel that. I was just staring up at Henri, not feeling the way I wanted, and there was nothing I could do.

He got off me and kept his hands up to show me he wasn’t going to do anything else. It’s not like that was reassuring either. I get that he’s apologetic, but the fact is that he could have killed me. He said he doesn’t want to hurt me, but he still can. Anything could change his mind.

And it seemed like there was something that just might.

“Call your attack dogs off.” he told me before he disappeared.

I didn’t get the chance to tell him that the Martin brothers will literally hunt down everyone Henri knows. What they will do, I don’t know that much, but if they find out how to kill them, they will do it. Ty especially has a grudge on Henri now. I don’t even have to ask Ty about that to know that he won’t stop until Henri pays for what he did.

I didn’t feel my anger rising.

I was still calm.

I think.

All I remember was...

When I blinked, I was looking up at the sky. There were...stars. It was cold, and that’s how I realized I wasn’t in my room. There were faint lights approaching but that’s not what made me sit up abruptly.

There was a piercing howl that was close by, and that rose goosebumps on my skin.

How did I get outside?

Where was I?

There was construction equipment around me. A small area was cleared of trees, but there was a small amount of regrowth. The setting was familiar. That’s because I was at one of Conrod’s construction sites.

Something brushed up against me. I turned quickly and was met with a face full of fur. There was a low vibration that I felt over me as the wolf continued to shield me.

“Gabriel!” My mom’s voice came from where the lights were.

I looked over to see her running to me. My dad got out of the car, too. My mom was the first one to come to me, and she hugged me tightly before she held my face in her hands. She looked absolutely horrified.

“How did you get out here?” she asked me frantically.

I couldn’t answer her question. My mouth was open but there was nothing that came out. She had this bewildered look on her face, and I just didn’t know what to say to make her feel better. My dad wasn’t that happy either. Not because of the wolf that was still hovering over me and mom, but because they found me outside, away from the house just as confused as they were.

“We’re taking you to the hospital!-”

“No.” I didn’t want to go. “I’m okay, I’m just....”

Mom’s hand moved against the side of my head, and she gasped when she looked. I caught a glimpse of the darkness over her fingers. I’m bleeding. I don’t...I don’t feel anything. Did I hit my head when I fell?

“We’re going to the hospital.” My dad said immediately, and both of them were helping me off the ground so they could get me to the car.

A quiet whine came from the white wolf. I looked back to see him sitting where we were, and I had this feeling like he was not happy. Something happened again, and he wasn’t there to stop it. If I could tell him, I would tell him how I ended up outside, but I didn’t know. I mouthed “I’m sorry” to him before I was put in the car.

I was laying in the hospital bed quietly. I was forced into one of the hospital gowns and I had to get my head scanned considering that I’ve had a head injury not too long ago. I don’t think I hit my head, but the staples I had to get placed on the right side of my scalp says otherwise.

It’s five in the morning.

My dad called out of work. My mom was talking to my doctor outside the room.

I couldn’t describe the feeling I had accurately, but it just seemed like everything was passing me by and I was just...watching. I’ve had this happen before, so I knew the feeling, but I didn’t like it.

I know it’s because Henri controlled me earlier. But would he make me do this? I don’t remember anything after he disappeared.

My mom and the doctor came back into the room. He didn’t seem that concerned, and my mom was trying to hold in her outburst, but she believes there’s something wrong. She’s right about that, but it’s nothing that I could tell her about.

“Your scans came back fine.” the doctor told me. “There’s nothing emergent we should worry about right now, but considering that this might be a second head injury, I think it’s best if you don’t do anything strenuous for a few days.” he said.

That’s just another reason for my parents to keep me in the house.

“I feel fine.” I told him, hoping that would make things better.

“And that’s a good thing.” he assured me and my parents. “But because you couldn’t remember where you were, it’s still a good idea to make sure you take it easy for the next couple of days.”

I didn’t try to fight it. I can’t make my parents worry for me even more. I just nodded and complied. I won’t be going to school for a few days but that’s the least of my problems right now.

When I was allowed to leave, there was this lingering gloom over my parents. I tried to pretend I didn’t notice, but it was hard not to. I just kept looking at the time. I had to make sure I don’t black out again. Would it even help if I paid attention to the time? If Henri didn’t break the bracelet, this wouldn’t be an issue. I didn’t say anything as my parents talked to each other. I heard them talking about me, though I don’t think they were trying to keep it a secret. They were worried about me.

I couldn’t sleep.

I just laid in bed for most of the morning.

My parents stayed home with me. They were babying me, which wasn’t a bad thing, but at the same time, they don’t have to go through the trouble. I was mostly upset that it was a nice day outside and I wouldn’t be able to enjoy it. That, and I had a rough night.

I went downstairs in the afternoon and walked to the kitchen.

“Ty’s outside, can I get my stuff from him?” I asked my dad.

“You don’t have to ask me to stand outside.” he told me, and I scoffed as I turned away. Clearly this will turn into something else in the next day or so.

I went outside to great Ty, and was quickly embraced in a powerful hug that practically choked me. Ty knows his own strength, but right now he wasn’t paying attention. His arms were so tight around me that I thought he was going to crush me. I couldn’t even move my own arms around him.

I scared him last night.

“I’m okay.” I choked out.

That didn’t make him feel better.

He continued to hold on to me. It took me a moment, but I realized that he was slightly trembling. I don’t think it’s anger, at least that’s not what it seemed like. He’s still scared. Nothing I say will make him feel better. I closed my eyes and let him hold me. His arms had tightened around my body to keep me close to him.

“Hey.” I rubbed his back. “I’m okay.”

“You fell.”

“You saw?” I asked him.

Does he know what happened last night?

He pulled away to look at me. “You were wandering around that construction site and tripped over a shovel.” I don’t remember that happening. I was staring up at him, trying to make sense of what happened, but there was not much I could work with. “I couldn’t exactly get you up so I went to get your parents.”

There’s a lot going on.

“Henri...he broke the bracelet.” I remember that happening. “He came to apologize but he...I don’t know what’s going on. He said that he’s migrating...”

Neither of us knew what that meant.

Ty wanted to say something, but he couldn’t get the words out of his mouth. I know how he felt, I’ve been feeling the same way. It’s been difficult to come up with the right words lately, and it’s not getting any better.

I took a step closer to him and wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him close to me again. He wrapped his arms around me, too. If we could stay like this, I would feel much better but I can’t stay outside long.

“Come over later.” I said quietly to him. “I don’t want to be alone.” I would prefer if he were here with me tonight.

“Okay.” he said.

However, neither of us could let go.

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