Run With The Wolves

Chapter ☾ IX ☽

Ty planned to stay with me for the night.

He was extremely clingy. Not that I was complaining, but it’s rare for him to be like this. He was practically laying over me, which is nice cause he keeps me warm, but it’s kind of hard not to notice how he continues to rub up against me.

“You smell awful.” His leg moved over me.

I sighed to myself, but I couldn’t hide that I was annoyed. “I took a shower twenty minutes ago. I don’t know what else to do.” He rubbed against me again. There could be multiple reasons why he’s doing that, and I could make a comment about all of those reasons. “If you need to breed-”

That stopped him immediately. In fact, he even put distance between us. He moved away from me and at this point he might not touch me again. I thought he was being dramatic.


“I don’t know where you’re getting that from.”

“You were literally humping my leg!”

“No, I wasn’t.” He denied it and turned over, pulling the blanket over himself and remaining quiet.

I sighed again. “We can have sex-”

“That’s not the issue.”

“It’s okay to want to do it.” I wanted to convince him it was fine, and I wanted to be serious and assuring but I began laughing because Ty was sulking miserably. “It’s almost spring, you literally get tense when I touch you, and I smell different cause you haven’t marked me in like two weeks.”

I figured that any time that Ty can’t get me to smell like him, he just starts to rub up against me until I do. That’s fine. I mean, he can do whatever he wants, except pretend like I don’t know that he’s going through heat.

“I don’t mind.” I put my hands on his back. “Even if it’s ten minutes, that’s okay.” I could feel him tense as my hands moved up to his shoulders.

I know for a fact that he’s going to take longer than ten minutes. When he’s particularly antsy, it’s hard to wear him down. I think he’s the one that’s wearing me down. Again, I don’t mind. I like being close to him.

He pressed his face into the pillow but I heard him say okay, his voice muffled though I could tell he didn’t sound too excited.

Ty tries hard to hold back his urges. I want to say I know what he’s going through, but I don’t. I see all these things happen to him, but I don’t know what he thinks or feels in the moment. And sure I’m agreeing to sex for my own selfish reasons, one of them being that I like it, but I know Ty needs to relieve stress too, and this is the way to do it.

Plus he won’t stop humping my leg unless he gets to have sex. I know he said he wasn’t, but I know when he’s rubbing up against me and trying to take care of his urges.

“I think it’s cute when you hump my leg-”

“Gabriel!” He didn’t like that I said it the way I did. I mean, he can’t say he’s not doing it.

I know what that feels like.

He definitely needs to get rid of some of that tension.

When he looked at me, he caught me halfway pulling my pants down. He said sex was okay so I wanted to be ready. I smiled sheepishly at him, and he just rolled his eyes. He helped me take my pants off and was quick to reach into my nightstand for a condom and lube.

“It would be great if you didn’t smile like that.” Ty said, and I knew he was slightly concerned when he saw my face.

“I enjoy when my boyfriend wants to have sex with me.” It was even nicer to call him my boyfriend. My heart fluttered. His expression didn’t change much, and I figured I used the wrong word. “I’m sorry, I meant mate-”

“That’s not better!”

“Tell me I’m wrong.” I said to him. He didn’t come up with an answer.

Sure I’m teasing him, but at this point I think sex means a lot more to him, considering how possessive he can get when he’s holding me. I like it. I just think it means much more to him, like the sexual act is a very intimate way of claiming me.

I couldn’t help but smile when I thought of it like that.

“We don’t have to do it, Ty.” I said so he didn’t get so stressed out.

“Kind of too late for that one.” He said, and I knew what he meant when he said it was too late.

I had to mash my lips together so I wouldn’t say anything obnoxious to him. I could definitely see the bulging in his pants, and we hadn’t even done anything yet. It doesn’t take much to get Ty excited, when he’s not controlling himself at least.

“I love you.” I wanted to make him feel better.

He sighed, but he came closer to plant a kiss on my lips. That made me smile again.

And when he touched me, I got more excited. I couldn’t describe how much I love being with him, but it was such a nice feeling. He was tugging on my underwear, and I was trying to get his pants off him. We fumbled around to get our clothes off, but Ty didn’t let us get that far.

I still had my sweatshirt on by the time Ty had me laying on my stomach.

He was careful as he fingered me. Even then, he was still rubbing up against me. I could feel his skin pulsing on my back. He was excited. I was smiling because he kissing my shoulder and my neck, and I could feel his excitement.

He wants me.

I wanted him, too.

By the time I felt him inside me, I was already close to my limit. I had my face pressed into my pillow so I could keep my voice muffled. His hands were gripping my hips as he moved into me. He was so deep. It was hard to hide how I liked it. Even if he was a little rough with me, it’s okay. I still liked it.

For just a second, he stopped and he was holding me against him. I could feel his cock pulsing excitedly inside me. He shifted slowly to rub against me, something he likes to do. I lifted my head up some, laughing quietly because I knew he was enjoying himself. Though I can’t say that I wasn’t either.

He moved over me and he moved his arms around me to hold me close. He nuzzled his face in my hair, but as he moved, I felt him kiss the nape of my neck. I mashed my lips together so I wouldn’t get so loud, but Ty was moving rougher into me and I couldn’t help it. He felt good inside me.

His mouth was pressed over my shoulder. His hips stopped moving abruptly just as I felt his teeth bite into me. This wasn’t the first time, so I knew what the pain was like. It hurts, every single time, it hurts like hell. My hands were gripping the sheets, and I had to hold in my muffled cry because of the pain. Ty was holding me tight, probably so I wouldn’t squirm, though I’d like to think he was doing it to try and ease the pain.

It’s not the first time.

As painful as it was, I could handle it.

He let go and licked over the wound to my shoulder. My head pressed into my pillow again. I was tired from straining, it was getting hot, and I hadn’t realized how tense I was through all of that. Ty was still inside me, and he didn’t seem like he was finished yet.

Which was fine with me.

As his body shifted over me, I felt his hands pressing over mine, his fingers intertwining with mine. I didn’t feel the weight of his body on mine, but he did hold my hands tight.

I sat in my class quietly as others filled their seats as well. The twins sat in front of me, and they both turned around to look at me. They weren’t exactly nice about their expressions.

“If you and Ty are going to start doing it all the time again-”

I just sighed and put my hand up to my face, mostly to hide my blush but I wanted them to know I’m annoyed.

“I told you I have no control over that.” I said.

Ty doesn’t like it when I smell like someone else. He especially doesn’t like that I had the smell of “vampire” on me on multiple occasion. Sex fixes that. I mean, I think it does. I think of it as him marking what’s his. And he definitely did that considering the significant pain to my shoulder. As much as I know it’s not pleasant, the thoughts I had about last night were.

“I have a question.” One twin said as he looked at me, almost smiling. When he does that, he looks just like Cina. His question was not going to be polite. “Is the sex normal-”

I had stopped him there. “Okay.” I sighed loudly. “Let’s not get into my personal life.”

They both scoffed at the comment. “What!” They both exclaimed as well.

I’m going to hear it now.

“You get to be nosy in our stuff.”

“And you have the nerves to say we can’t get into your life.”

“You’re ridiculous.”

I rolled my eyes. Though, they were right. I am nosy, and I do want to know about them. I tried to not look bothered by their comment.

“But seriously, is he actually breeding-”

I wanted to switch seats. I even looked around, but everyone was in their seats already. Maybe if I ask, someone will move for me.

The twins laughed at my desperation to put a stop to the conversation.

“It’s our turn.” They said as they smiled at me. I would hope they wouldn’t bother me, but it’s kind of like karma for always tagging along.

“What?” I was hesitant.

“We heard you found out who the vampire is.” One twin leaned closer to me so he could whisper. “Channing wouldn’t let us come on the little trip.”

I just shrugged. The last person Channing was going to tell any plans to was me. I was lucky that he, Ty, and Cina showed up to protect me that afternoon because I had no idea what would’ve happened.

“We think there’s a lot more.”

“Orca did say there would be many.” I remembered.

“Do you really not remember stuff?” One asked me.

The easy answer to that question would be yes. I really don’t remember anything for some time. When I’m wandering around, I don’t even know it. Henri is doing something to me, and he won’t stop.

“I just blink and I’m somewhere else.” I told them.

They looked at each other before glancing at me again. The other twin leaned closer. “Orca said that’s kind of like a side effect. Like your brain is trying to handle the trauma of being controlled.”

“It would be nice if I wouldn’t end up outside though.” I complained.

“I don’t know, Gabriel.”

“But that shit is weird.”

They both turned around, but not before making this weird expression at me. Again, I’m not sure what to do with that information.

I tried not to worry about it once class started.

Afterwards was a different story. The twins have a habit of talking about other people as if they aren’t standing right next to them. They did it to bother me, which worked, and I knew, yet I let it get to me anyway. The twins continued to gossip about me as they left. I wasn’t going to follow.

Ty was waiting for my by my locker.

“So the twins are making comments again.” I said bitterly as I opened up my locker to get my book for my next class.

“I can’t do anything about that.” He said.

“I said the exact same thing.” I sighed. “Anyway,” I glanced at him, almost batting my eyelashes because I had a question to ask him. “Are you coming over tonight? I could really use the company.”

Ty just stared at me. He had this plain expression on his face, but he does that so I don’t know he’s freaking out. He still has to use a lot of his control to not get overexcited around me. Honestly, I like when he gets all affectionate and touchy. He took a deep breath, but that just made everything worse.

“Can we skip lunch?” He asked after contemplating.

“I’m okay with that.”

I wonder what we’re going to do. Where should we go? The library isn’t a bad place, but it’s not as secluded as going outside or being in his car. Maybe we should go to his car.

“Stop.” He saw the face I was making.

“I had a great time last night.”

Just as I said that, one of his younger brothers walked by. Jackie had looked us up, barely pausing midstep to emphasize that he caught us in a moment.

Then he said, “You two need to get a room,” before walking away.

I looked at Ty. “How many days has it been since he slept?” I asked since Jackie was more grumpy than usual, even if he said one comment instead of a list of slurs and curses.


“He really needs a sedative.”

“Believe us, we’ve tried.”

Only sometimes do I feel bad for Jackie. Other times...I’m indifferent. His mood is definitely related to how much sleep he gets. He becomes more annoyed and irritated much faster than he would be if he got a good night of sleep. Someone needs to tranquilize him.

“Let’s go get a room.” I took Ty’s hand, more concerned about where we were going to go.

He moved his hand to his face, like he was annoyed with me and needed a moment, but I know he was trying to hide his blush. I just smiled more because I make him flustered.

I had just gotten home when my dad wanted to talk to me. I wasn’t concerned because I know I didn’t do anything wrong. It’s just that he wanted to ask me something but didn’t know how to, which isn’t like him because he’ll ask every other question without beating around the bush about it.

“Um...” He started slowly, looking somewhere else.

Now I began to question if I did something.

“So, are you in a relationship?” He asked me, finally getting to the reason he wanted to talk to me.

I usually dodge that question if I have to.


He would only ask if...

“No particular reason...except that the other day, you were super close to that Martin kid...”

I’m glad the question wasn’t "are you gay". I already know that my dad had that question in mind but I guess he was being more polite by asking if I was in a relationship first.

I didn’t really want to answer though.

He continued to look around and not at me. Usually subjects like this make him nervous, mostly because he’s such a blunt person and ends up saying the wrong thing almost every time. I should put him out of his misery.

“Yes.” I finally said.

“Oh.” He didn’t sound disappointed. Though I was curious what he thought. Then he said, “No matter what, I still love you.”

I scoffed at the comment. “Dad, that’s gay.” I laughed.

It was supposed to be a joke but he looked absolutely horrified. I almost didn’t know how to not laugh at his expression.

“I’ll be right back.” He rushed off to the kitchen. And not a minute later did I hear him talking to my mom on the phone because he didn’t know how to respond to my comment.

He does that.

So I guess I’m out now.

And now I know Ty can’t come over as often. There will be no other way to explain wanting him over. My dad, and very soon my mom, will know that we’re dating, and that means no more sleepovers ever again. I had to tell Ty so we can come up with valid excuses to spend the night together. As sneaky as we try to be, it’s really difficult to hide having sex at three in the morning, especially when my parents are worried about me not remembering what I’m doing.

I went up to my room and tossed my stuff in my chair. I closed the door and planned to start doing my homework since there’s nothing else for me to do. Well, want to do.

Just as I took off my jacket, something came into my view quick. It was near my window, but as I took a step forward, something passed behind me. I could feel a rush of air that made me turn around to look.

I thought it was Ty messing around with me.

But he wouldn’t...

I turned around but there was nothing there. That didn’t make me feel any better. In fact, I began to panic a bit. When I turned again, I saw who was messing with me.

A hand clasped tightly over my mouth before I could shout.

Henri was here, and he shushed me quietly because he could feel my anxiety go up. He looked me in the eyes, and I thought he was controlling me, but I didn’t feel anything yet. My heart was pounding in my chest, I just about thought I was going to pass out.

He slowly moved his hand from my mouth.

“Why are you here?” I asked him.

I don’t really want him here either, considering that every time I’m around him I end up forgetting a few hours of my day.

“I owe you.” He answered.


“Just listen.” He said calmly.

The thing was that I didn’t want to listen. I didn’t want to hear what he had to say. I walked around him because I wasn’t in the mood.

“I heard what happened with you.” He said. “It’s my fault you’ve been blacking out.”

“I sort of figured.”

“Gabriel, I’m sorry.”

It seemed like he wanted me to know how sorry he was. He continued to tell me. And he sounds so heart broken when he says it.

I sat down on my bed and looked at him. I didn’t have much to say, and I don’t know what he was expecting from me. I just shrugged.

“I’ll try not to...I won’t try to calm you down anymore.” He assured me.

So that's what he's been doing? Is that how he's phrasing it? I didn't want to make a sarcastic comment but by the way he phrased his sentence, I wasn't that nice about it. “It’d be great if I don’t wander around or hit my head anymore.” I said sarcastically.

“I’m sorry.” He apologized again. “It’s kind of like a bad side effect.”

I don’t want to say it’s fine because it wasn’t but I didn’t say anything. It’s just easier to not say anything. We could talk about something else, that seemed better.

But my curiosity got me.

“Do you know who’s...”

A few people have gone missing, and some others have turned up dead in the city.

Henri sat down on my bed next to me and took a hesitant breath. “I do know.” He answered quietly. “Think of it as a mini social system. There are people at the top, and there are people at the bottom.”

“What are you?”

“Definitely not at the top.” He scoffed at my question. “It’s easier to not cause trouble. Trying to tell them what to do is bad news.”

“The wolves aren’t forgiving.”

“And that’s on them.” Henri wasn’t going to get involved, that's the way he made it seem by not telling me to make them stop again. “I won’t get involved when the fight happens.”


It seemed like he knew something would happen, like it was sort of inevitable. I wanted to know what he meant by that. He looked at me slowly. “They know about the wolves. And vampires aren’t particularly nice about being ran out of places.”


Henri wants to be neutral. I feel like that’s too easy, but that’s his business. Whatever he’s going through has nothing to do with me.

“ old are you?” That question is definitely a must to ask. He just about rolled his eyes, and I had to admit that it make me smile a bit.

“I’m almost two hundred years old. Give or take.”

“Okay, so you could be doing anything, but you decide to just go to school and act like a teenager.” I don’t understand why would want to do things like other teenagers. The fact that he’s studying for the SATs is beyond me.

“Believe it or not, but I like making friends who aren’t consistently hurting people.”

I didn’t know how to follow up with that comment. It just reminded me of the deaths that’s been happening lately.

And then I thought about the scar on my back.

“Why did you...bite me?” I was curious. “And if you say you were just hungry, that’s a lame excuse.” I added.

He smiled, laughing quietly at my comment. “That’s the only excuse I have.” He shrugged.

“I don’t remember you doing it.”

“Cause it’s the most painful thing to do to someone.” he said. I mashed my lips together. Again I was curious. I looked at him, about to ask my question, though he was quick to tense up. “No. I’d have to make you forget because it’s not pleasant.”

“Let me decide that.” I held my hand out to him, my wrist turned up to him.

“You’re not going to like it.” he warned me.

There was this serious look in his eyes. I've only seen that in him two other times. He wanted me to know that it wasn't worth it to indulge my curiosity..

“You owe me.” I said to him.

He was still hesitant, but he did take my hand. I looked at his face, and I saw his lips part, his teeth growing in his mouth. They looked much sharper than what I've seen before, but that's not what caught my attention. His eyes were no longer a bright blue, but a dark red.

I was braced for the pain. I thought I could handle it.

But his teeth tore into my skin, and it felt like my entire hand was on fire. I had my breath knocked out of me just from feeling his teeth pierce my skin. I tensed up sharply but I couldn't pull away. He was gripping me tight, and that made it hard to shift away.

The pain only got worse, the burning sensation traveling up my arm.

I thought he was biting my wrist off.

Yet, that’s not what it looked like.

I was trying to fight the urge to scream. My teeth were clenched down, and I did my best to breathe through the pain but I felt my tears welding up in my eyes and I couldn't stop from crying. It hurt that badly. I couldn’t push him away, not when he grabbed my other wrist to stop me.

My heart was racing.

I felt like I couldn’t breathe.

He warned me before. He told me it wasn't pleasant and I chose not to listen. Now I was terrified.

Then I felt this sudden wave of relief over me, like I was being forced to settle down, and it was working. By the time I realized what Henri was doing, it was already too late.

I couldn’t remember anything.

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