Run With The Wolves

Chapter ☾ VII ☽

The last thing I remember today was getting my hair cut.

Next thing I know, I was waking up outside.

There was a rush of cold wind that blew pass me, and I felt the sudden chill that went through my body. I was stiff and could barely move. My body was so cold. My fingers and my legs felt numb because I was laying on the ground. My face was pressed into the icy grass and I was just now realizing it. It hurt, too, because it was freezing.

Something was breathing against my face. A huff of warm air hit my skin, but it did nothing to stop me from shivering. For a second, I didn’t even realize I was laying on the ground. I looked up slowly to see a wolf hovering over me. He pressed his snout against my cheek and breathed on me again.

Maybe this is a dream. That’s why I was so out of it.

I tried to lift myself up, but it was hard to move. The wolf nudged me again, wanting to help but I couldn’t even get myself up enough to hold on to him. I was freezing cold, and I didn’t have on the right clothes to be out here.

How long have I been...

“...Gabriel.” I heard my dad’s voice. “Let’s go inside.” he was trying to get me up. His hand pulled on my arm and I did my best to get up on my feet.

“What...happened?” I was looking around, not sure how I ended up outside.

It happened again.

One of the wolves were brushing up against me. It was Brendan. Did he find me first? How long have I been out here for? I continued to look around, but I couldn’t make sense of anything. It wasn’t even a blur. I just don’t remember anything that happened today.

Dad didn’t say anything as he pulled me inside the house.

I expected him to yell at me, but that’s not what happened at all. He knows that this has happened before, and after my doctor’s appointment the other day, he thinks I’m severely stressed out.

That’s not what it was.

He gave me a blanket to put around myself, and let me sit down on the couch. I wasn’t going to make it upstairs yet. I just laid down on the couch instead and curled up to keep warm. It was absolutely freezing, and I had this feeling like I was outside for much longer than a few minutes.

I wish I knew who was doing this to me.

“Sorry...” I mumbled quietly.

“For sleep walking?” he asked.

He knows it’s not my fault, yet I still feel bad about it. I didn’t know what else to say. I couldn’t explain that something was doing this to me. He wouldn’t believe me. And yet, all I wanted was to ease his worry.

“That dog out there wouldn’t shut up.” he sighed.

So Brendan found me first. He was probably barking up a storm to get my dad outside. It’s not like he’s thrilled about that happening. I sat up slowly, still as stiff as before. I kept the blanket around me as much as I could because I was freezing.

I wanted to tell my dad the truth.

I wanted to tell him someone was messing around with me.

I just...I couldn’t do it. I felt so bad because my parents are worried about me, yet I can’t tell them why this is happening. I don’t know who would want to do this to me, but its more than bothersome. Waking up without remembering what’s going on is scary.

I didn’t even know what happened the rest of the day.

I didn’t know what to tell my dad. I almost wanted to apologize again, but the words never left my lips. I stayed on the couch because I couldn’t sleep. My dad stayed with me.

I started to get a bit sick during the day. I stayed in bed because I didn’t want to do anything else. Ty came to see me in the afternoon. After I told him I ended up outside and that Brendan found me, it didn’t take him long to come over.

He was worried.

So was I.

My parents had gone to work, although I could tell they didn't want to leave me in the house alone. After my dad told my mom what happened, she was tempted to take me back to see my doctor. I just had to tell her I'd rather stay in bed today. I didn't feel like going out.

I felt better when Ty showed up.

He stayed in bed with me.

He kept me close to his body. The warmth from him kept me from shivering. His arms were wrapped around me. I had my head resting against his shoulder, but I was tempted to bury my face in his chest.

I shouldn’t fall asleep, but being with Ty was calming.

Having him here puts me at ease. I like when he holds me. I like when I can feel him breathe. I like feeling his heart beat.

His hand moved against my face gently, his palm on my cheek. I opened my eyes when I felt him touch me, but I didn’t say anything. I just wanted to stay close with him.

He’d protect me. He’d make sure I won’t go wandering around.

I was worried that he was scared for me. I guess I am a little scared for myself so I guess I understand what he’s feeling.

I felt his lips press to my nose, and then to my lips. My fingers tugged on his shirt as I scooted a little closer to him. It wasn’t until his hand moved to my back that I realized he was just paranoid. His finger was tracing over the wound that I couldn’t feel, that I barely knew was there. I pulled away, but I stayed close to him.

Was he worried that someone else marked me?

“I’m yours.” I whispered to him.

He knows that.

Yet, it seemed like he enjoyed hearing that from me. There was this quiet rumble that came from his chest, and I couldn't help but smile when I heard it. He tries so hard to hide that animalistic side of him, but it's part of him. His arms had tightened around me, holding me closer. I wanted to tell him a thousand times that I was his just so he could keep me close to him.

He kissed me again, this time rougher than he did before. He was enthusiastic. The way he was kissing me, it was like I had all of his attention and he wanted me to know it.

There was nothing that could make me feel better.

He kissed my lips, my cheeks, my nose, my forehead. I couldn't help but smile as he nuzzled closer to me. He doesn't usually do this, so I was taking this moment seriously.

We're both worried, but him being so affectionate eased the stress that I felt.

However, how little moment was interrupted when his phone began vibrating on my night stand. As much as I intended to ignore it, he reached over me to get it. Though, when he saw who was calling, he just put his phone down and sighed like he was annoyed.

"Who is it?" I asked him.

"It's Channing."

"He probably needs you." I nudged his shoulder.

"You need me." Ty wanted to stay, and I wanted him to stay.

But I still gave him that look like he needed to not be aggravated by his older brother. They're still fighting, and as much as they try to avoid each other, they have problems to deal with and they can't do it alone. Again, he sighed, but he answered his phone.

I just got closer to him as he talked to Channing. His answers were abrupt and short, and his voice lacked emotion. I guess he was trying to keep himself from saying something he shouldn't. But the minute that Channing asked that Ty do something for him, I could feel the resistance. Every time Channing asks Ty to leave me, it's always an argument. I had to nudge him again so he wouldn't start another fight.

Ty was reluctant to agree, but he did.

He started to get out of my bed once he hung up. He didn't seem too happy but I expected that.

"If it makes you feel better, I'm going to the library to study today." I said to him, hoping to see him smile.

It didn't though. He's probably worried that I might black out or someone might take advantage of me. He picked up his jacket and went into one of the pockets, pulling out the bracelet with the black pearls. I don't know if I should wear it yet, I was a little frightened that it would burn me again.

Ty came over to me and took my hand, putting the bracelet on my wrist.

There was a dull ache to the back of my shoulder where I was bitten, but it didn't sting like before. I didn't shift uncomfortably because I didn't want Ty to know I was uncomfortable.

"Hopefully, this works." he said, though he didn't sound that optimistic.

I didn't like seeing him so sad. My hand pressed gently to his face, feeling the warmth of his skin. I wanted to reassure him that I would be fine, but with everything that's happening, I can't really make that kind of comment.

I had enough fate that the bracelet would work though, considering that I could literally feel my wound now.

That had to mean something.

When Ty left, I pulled myself out of bed to get ready to leave. I still had the achy feeling in my body, but it wasn't as bad as before. I just really hope I don't get sick. While I packed my stuff, I texted Henri and asked him if he wanted to study with me at the library, which he was quick to respond yes. Maybe I can be productive today.

Well, I mostly wanted to forget how my morning went.

I also wanted to pass the time. I don't know how long Channing will keep Ty for, so I needed something to do.

Of course I had to convince my parents that it was okay for me to go out for a few hours to do something productive. The second I mentioned that I was studying for my exam, my dad didn't fight me on. He just groaned and told me I could have a few hours to myself in public.

I am still grounded. And it's definitely going to stay like that while I'm blacking out from my lack of control. I mean, I can't tell my parents that I'm being controlled by a vampire, so for now I'm going to suffer.

I had to remind myself to take it one problem at a time.

I also had to remind myself that I had to take this exam.

It was bright outside, the first time that the sky was so clear and it was a nice day. The season is about to change. Despite the cold air, I had a feeling that spring was close by, which was reassuring. I walked outside in the library parking lot, holding my books in my hand. I had a few things to return so I was carrying a lot.

Henri was waiting for me by the entrance. He did his big wave like he always does, and his smile was just as bright as the sun.

Like always.

It seemed like he belonged outside on such a perfect day.

"Hey!" he was happy to see me. "Ready to crack down on the books?" he seemed excited.

"I don't think I have much of a choice to be honest." I laughed.

My arms were starting to get a bit tired because of the weight of the books in my hands. I tried to shift them in my arms, but a few of them fell to the ground.

I struggled to bend down and reach it.

"I got it." Henri said, reaching down just as I did.

His fingers brushed against the back of my palm just as we went to grab the book.

There was a sudden sharp sting to my wrist, a pain that made me flinch away immediately. I knew that pain. It was the same stinging sensation I felt to my shoulder before, that burning pain that made me want to take off the bracelet. The rest of my books fell from my grasp when my attention was on the pain.


It wasn't that.

I was staring at Henri in disbelief because I immediately knew why I felt the pain the second he touched me, and I didn't want to believe it.

He's a vampire.

And by the way he was staring back at me, he knew he was caught.

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