Run With The Wolves

Chapter ☾ VI ☽

I was laying in bed.

The thing is though, I don’t remember how I got home.

I remember going to school today. I remember going to my classes. I was with Ty today, and he wasn’t feeling well. He felt on edge but he couldn’t tell why. His brothers were well enough to come to school too, and they felt what he felt. Something was wrong but they couldn’t figure out what it was. I remember hearing Brendan say that there were too many people here to figure it out, but there was something going on.

I remember going to my classes.

But after that, it’s all a blur.

The next thing I know, I’m staring up at the ceiling, and it’s dark outside. I searched for my phone on my bed so I could look at the time.

It’s three in the morning.

I missed the whole afternoon.

I checked my messages. Apparently, I was responding to everything throughout the day. The last message I sent was to Ty three hours ago. We were just talking about one of the homework assignments in our class. It was...a normal conversation, but I don’t remember it.

Something is definitely wrong.

I had to ask...I can’t ask Ty, he’ll freak out. I don’t know what’s happening, and the fact that he doesn’t even know that this is going on will make him panic. Right now, neither of us need that. I need someone’s help.

Not Channing. He has enough going on. Brendan won’t care. Jackie doesn’t like me. The twins won’t take me seriously. I won’t take Leo seriously. That just leaves...


I regretted this in every fiber of my being.

My gut told me no.

My brain found reasons not to do this.

But at three thirty in the morning, I was sitting in Cina’s car because I desperately needed to tell someone I’m not remembering some things. I wasn’t thrilled to be this close to him, and I knew better but I had to tell someone.

“No.” I said to Cina when he had that stupid grin on his face. He always does this when we get close to each other. “You’re the only one who would actually take me seriously despite your comments.”

“Come on, sweetheart, give me some credit.”

“No!” I wasn’t willing. Cina can get annoying sometimes. And the worst part about that is that he is fully aware of how annoying he can be. “Did you or did you not think I was calling for something other than to just talk?” That was the question that exposed him.

I saw his expression change, the sly look like maybe I was the one lying to myself. I was about to tell him off but that’s not why I asked him to come here.

“Okay, what’s going on?” He turned to show me I had his full attention. I would’ve felt better if he didn’t have that stupid grin on his face.

“I know Ty’s going to find out, but...I’ve been blacking out lately.” I didn’t know how to describe it. “Last week, I woke up sitting outside. An hour ago, I just woke up in bed, and the last thing I remember is walking out of school.” I really was concerned because I don’t know what it is.

“I don’t see why you can’t tell him.”

“Well, I don’t know why it’s going on.” I said. “I mean, I don’t think I’m stressed, and I have a doctor’s appointment later to figure it out, but I have this feeling like I shouldn’t say anything.”

Cina gave it some thought for a moment. And then he shrugged. That wasn’t the response that I wanted from him. I was hoping he could be helpful, but that’s not what happened. I sighed loudly.

“I don’t know what to tell you, sweetheart. I have no idea what could be wrong with you.” He said and he meant it. “We already have one issue going on, and you just had to add another.”


I looked at my hands and remained quiet for a second. The Martin brothers have a lot to deal with right now.

They think something is wrong but can’t figure out what at the moment.

All they can say is that something smells.

“I wonder if your issue has to do with ours.” He said, more so to himself, but I heard him. I glanced over to him to see his expression, he was staring off into the distance, thinking. “Ty says you smell.”

I hate people making comments about how I smell. I can’t help it at this point. I could take three showers a day, but someone is going to say something about how I smell. “Okay! I get it! I smell rusty! I don’t know what the hell to do about that-”

“He said rusty?” Cina asked. Apparently he didn’t know that, and it seemed like key information.

“He and Leo said that.” I remembered.

“I don’t like where this is going.” Cina said to himself again. “Go inside and make sure everything is locked.” He told me. “If I’m right, I have something that might help, but I have to find it.” He said.

“What is it?-”

“I’ll bring it tomorrow.”

He was in a rush to get me out of his car. I should be satisfied that he knows how to help, but I wanted to know what it was. He didn’t even think to tell me.

Now I had to wait a few hours before I find out what it was.

I just needed to make sure I could remember what’s happening.

Cina came and found me first thing when I got to school. He stopped me from rummaging through my locker and turned me around to face him.

He said he had something that might help me. I don’t even know what the problem is. It would be great if he could tell me.

“I think I know what’s going on.” He said as he took something out of his jacket pocket. “I’m hoping that I’m so fucking wrong on this.” He had a bracelet in his hand.

The bracelet was made of shiny black pearls. But that’s all it was. I was expecting this to be more climatic. Still, I lifted my hand so he could put it on me. Before he could though, Ty was right there to stop him.

“What are you doing?” He asked, pushing Cina’s arm away.

He probably thought it was a declaration of war. Knowing Cina, he did this at a time when he knew Ty was watching, just to piss him off. Giving me a bracelet does not look well for him.


“Cina-” Ty was about to warn him.

“Wait,” I put my hand on Ty’s shoulder, “he thinks he knows what’s been going on lately.” I said calmly.

Ty narrowed his eyes. “Why does that involve you?”

“I’ll tell you in a minute, okay.” I promised him. I just need to know if Cina was right.

When Cina put the bracelet on me, I felt a sharp stinging pain to my skin. Not my wrist, but on my shoulder. I flinched and took off the bracelet immediately and Cina was quick to catch it before it fell. I was more concerned with random pain at my shoulder.

“What just happened-”

I moved my hand into my sweater, pulling it back to see what was there but I couldn’t get a good look. There was this pulsing over my shoulder and it continued to hurt even though I wasn’t touching the bracelet.

“That thing just burned me, Cina.” I hissed from the pain as Ty looked at my shoulder because I couldn’t see.

Cina was looking, too.

One of their fingers were tracing right over where I felt the pain. They could see whatever it is. It felt sore as they touched it. I tried not to flinch again, but it was not a pleasant feeling.

What the hell is it?

“Did you do that?” Cina asked Ty.

“No.” He answered.

Whatever they saw, it wasn’t good, because they didn’t know what they were looking at.

“Something bit you.” Ty finally said as he let go of my sweater.

“Not something.” Cina already knew. “A vampire.” He said.

I didn’t believe him. The shock was over my face. I literally thought Cina was just messing with us. “A what-”

“Shh.” Cina shushed me quickly. I did not believe him, but I was the only one because Ty had this drained expression, like he just had a nightmare.

“Cina, you’re joking.” I was quieter as I spoke this time. “Cina?” He wasn’t joking. His expression didn’t change. He looked absolutely serious.

“I’m calling Orca.” He looked at Ty. “There has to be something he knows.”

Ty still looked stunned but I can’t blame him. I don’t know what to say about this either. My hand touched his shoulder but he barely moved. He was staring off into the distance, his eyes dull. Cina had already left and I had to deal with Ty myself.

“I didn’t...I didn’t want to tell you but I’ve had moments where I can’t remember what’s going on.” I said quietly to him.

Ty’s lips were moving. He said something to himself, and then he looked at me. It’s like it made sense to him.

“I’m sorry.” He said to me. “I should’ve-”

“Ty, no one knew that this was happening.” He can’t blame himself for this happening to me. “You can’t expect to watch me all the time and prevent everything.”

“I know, I-” he stopped himself abruptly.

He only looks this panicked when he can’t protect me. He wants to, and believes that he has to, but when he doesn’t succeed, he has this scared look on his face. I don’t like when he looks like that.

“I’m so sorry.” He apologized to me again, and there was this weight to his words. He will always think it’s his fault.

I still couldn’t even wrap my mind around the fact that a vampire bit me. I would like to believe that I would’ve felt that, but I don’t remember it happening. Now Ty was staring blankly at me, his mind probably going a mile a minute because something bad happened and he wasn’t there to stop it.

There’s still a chance that Cina could be wrong, that maybe something else happened, that vampires aren’t real and we’re all just on edge.

“So...” Orca started slowly.

The Martin brothers and I were standing in the parking lot next to Ty’s car. Baron and Cana came because they’re apart of this now, too. They and Orca have to know something. They know all the stories.

Orca was trying to put his words together, but it didn’t come that easily to him. It’s just that he almost didn’t believe that vampires existed. Or he didn’t believe what Cina told him about me getting burned by the bracelet.

“This is not good.” He finally said after collecting his thoughts. “The bracelet has some kind of crystals that’s supposed to ward off evil spirits, so if it’s burning Gabriel, it confirms that he was bitten by something.” He still didn’t seem to believe it.

“A vampire.” Cina knew what it was. “The bite mark is literally a classic image of vampire fangs.” He defended himself when Orca looked at him.

“I...want to believe you, Cina.” Orca said. “But if the legends are true, vampires should be extinct. It’s not like they’re going to evolve or...”

Orca went quiet again, thinking to himself.

His brothers were staring at him, hoping he would have the answer. I was hoping he would have the answers too. There had to be something that could lead him to it.

Leo was the first to speak after the few seconds of silence. “What’s that one story about the village of vampires that was destroyed and the children were taken with the tribes?”

Orca sighed and put his hand to his forehead. “The children...” He muttered. It sounded like he figured it out. “The tribesman thought the children were taken for food, but they were one of them.”

“So this is real?” Brendan asked. “You’re telling us that we’re going haywire because there’s vampires here?” He didn’t want to believe it.

But by the silence around us, there was nothing else that would explain what’s going on.

“What do we do about Gabriel?” Ty asked.

That is a good question considering I was bitten by a vampire. This was the first time I was able to feel it. Had I not put the bracelet on earlier, I would’ve never noticed it. I hadn’t felt pain there at all.

“It’ll take a couple days for the wound to fully heal, but when it does, give him the bracelet. It should keep whoever it is away from him.” Orca said.

“How are we going to find who it is?”

“Clearly they go to school here cause we’re having trouble just walking in the halls.” The twins were just as concerned.

“It’s hard to figure out who it is because they’re rubbing off on everyone.” Channing said.

“That’s not the only thing.” Orca said. “In the legends, vampires are notorious for their persuasive abilities. They can compel humans to the point where they don’t even remember what they did.”

Cina looked at me sharply.

That was all he needed to confirm that he was right. When Cina looked at me, so did Ty. And then the rest of his brothers did as well.

“Gabriel?” Orca asked.

Well I have to come clean now.

“There have been two instances where I can’t remember how I got somewhere.” I admitted, almost slightly ashamed because I did keep it secret.

I didn’t think it was this bad.

“We’re fucked.” Brendan said.

“I mean, it would be great to figure out who it is so we can, like, kill them.” Jackie said.

Orca made a face, and it wasn’t reassuring in the slightest. “Where there’s one, there’s many.” He added in quietly, and that did not make Channing happy.

“We don’t have anything to ward them off.” Cana said.

“And I don’t know if it’s a good idea to actually want to fight them.”

“What else can we do?”

Orca didn’t have the answer for that one. He was thinking though, which meant there had to be something that could be done.

“You’re leaving.” Channing said to him. “Today.” He emphasized.

“He’s right, Orca.” Baron agreed. “We’ve felt like shit ever since we changed. You can’t get wrapped up in this either.”

“I can make my own decisions-”

Channing had this glaring look in his eyes and that was all he needed to make Orca comply. Channing was the alpha of this pack even if Orca was the eldest brother. What Channing says goes and he isn’t willing to be challenged on that at the moment.

So Orca’s getting kicked out.

“Can I see the bite mark?” Leo asked abruptly, his big eyes staring at me with a shine to them.

“I guess...” I don’t know why he was excited.

I didn’t even know I had a bite mark on me. He came over to me as I pulled down on my jacket and my sweater to expose my shoulder. I heard him gasp behind me when he saw it.

“That’s a big one.” He said loudly. But then I felt his hand hold my shoulder and yank my sweater the other way. “Look, there’s another one-”

“No.” I stopped him, pushing him away from me. What he thought was another vampire bite mark was actually not.

Ty put his hand to his face.

I didn’t want to tell Leo what it actually was but he still looked at me with that expression on his face like he wanted to know what the other scars were. I wish he wouldn’t do that.

“You're an idiot.” Jackie snickered at his little brother.

He knew what it was.

“Let’s just get back to class.” Channing told the others. “We can figure out what to do later.” He seemed stressed out, and rightfully so because we all just found out that vampires actually existed and they’re here.

I went over to Ty’s house before my doctor’s appointment in the afternoon. Channing and Orca were going at it about Orca leaving today, right at this moment. Orca doesn’t get loud when he argues, he just puts in a lot of facts and guilt trips people. It seemed to be working because Channing was getting frustrated.

I was sitting at one of the side tables, listening to them argue around the house, occasionally their other brothers chiming in because it was a serious argument. Mrs. Martin was cleaning my wound.

She knew how to help, which was especially convenient.

Ty did say that it was her side of the family that all this comes from.

She knows a lot.

That's why Orca knows a lot.

Mrs. Martin is really nice. Every time she sees me, she gets really happy. It's kind of nice to have someone else's parents like me. She also knows about me and Ty, and I don't know what to do with that information, but she doesn't bring it up as much.

She gives the whole "Mamma Bear" vibe, although all her sons are wolves.

"Who would've thought." she laughed quietly to herself as she pressed a wet cloth to my bite mark.

I didn't feel pain.

I didn't feel anything other than the warmth of the oil she was putting on my skin.

"Apparently, Cina." I said. "He was the one who tried to give me the bracelet."

"That was quick thinking on his part." She continued to laugh. "I'm surprised he's not having a panic attack at the moment."

I sometimes forget that Cina gets moments of severe anxiety. There are times where it gets so crippling that he doesn't come to school. He's always so confidant, considering how daring to get into people's personal space he can be so it's definitely jarring to see him have a panic attack.

It's not as frequent anymore though.

"Once it's spring, the boys will calm down." She was hopeful.

"Do you think they'll be able to leave?"

I only asked because she seems like an optimistic person. Maybe she doesn't want her sons to leave. I can understand that.

"Worried about Channing and Brendan?" she asked me. Was it that easy to tell? "As difficult as it is, it won't keep them here forever. However, I know what it's like to have everything planned and having one minor inconvenience ruin that." she continued to press the cloth on my skin. "And Ty? Well, he didn't start becoming a fighter until recently, so I know he's definitely leaving."

I felt the heat on my face. Thank goodness my hair was covering my ears because I was turning red.

"Who would've thought..." She said again, her voice soft behind me.

All this happened so quickly.

I kept quiet as she cleaned my wound. Her sons were still yelling at each other, and they didn't quiet down after some time. Channing came barging into the kitchen abruptly.

"Ma! Tell Orca he has to go home-"

"I'll go home when everything's settled-"

"Both of you are so loud." she clicked her teeth. "I don't see why you two are fighting over this. Channing, Orca is your older brother-"

Orca chimed in quickly. "Exactly!"

"Eliza called this morning asking when you're coming home." She looked at Orca. "How am I going to lie to the only daughter I have?"


"Please, Orca, go home." She said to him kindly. "Your brothers can handle the issue while you're at a safe distance." She agreed with Channing.

"Alright." Orca gave up. "I'll go." he shook his head as he turned away, leaving the kitchen.

"Thank you." Channing was rather grateful that his mother could settle the fight for them.

"You need to stop fighting everyone." she wasn't letting him off though. I wanted to pretend like I wasn't here, but I was staring at Channing.

The way his face softened up as she talked to him.

It's different.

"I know that you're leading your brothers, but nothing good will come out of you being harsh with them." she said.

Channing just wrinkled his nose and crossed his arms, not saying anything else. He wasn't going to talk back to her, but Channing isn't like that. He might have a scary demeanor but he's very respectful of his elders.

Except, well, Orca, because he wasn't listening.

Mrs. Martin put her hand on my shoulder after she placed a bandage over the wound. "I know you don't feel any pain, but keep watch to make sure that it actually heals." she said to me.

"I will." I picked up my shirt so I could put it on.

"Give it two days before you try to wear the bracelet so it doesn't hurt you." She said as I turned to her.

She had a soft smile on her face and a tired look in her eyes. She always has that expression, and as reassuring as it can be, she must be exhausted.

One thing that no one will be able to miss are the scars that crossed her face and down her neck. They were dark claw marks on her skin, not as faded as I thought they would be, but I'm told it's not as bad as the first couple of weeks. She didn't use her white hair to hide the scar. She usually has one long braid, but she keeps it on the other side instead of hiding her scar.

I've never asked her about it.

And I wasn't going to.

But from what I'm told, she thinks proudly of the scars even if Cina was the one that gave it to her. It was an accident, and everyone knows that.

"Tell your mom I said hello." she waved at me.

Ty was waiting for me. He was wearing the bracelet that I was supposed to have, but because I can't put it on yet, he was holding on to it for me. I walked over to him and picked up my stuff off the floor by the front door.

"Stop with that look." I said to him. He had this sad expression on his face, and he's had it all day. "I don't know how many times I'm going to have to tell you that this isn't your fault."

It might have to be a thousand times.

I know how Ty is. I know that he can't help how he feels. He's probably going through everything in his mind right now, replaying what he's done wrong when in reality, he hasn't done anything wrong.

"I'm fine." I hoped that would make him feel better.

It didn't.

I'm lucky to be alive.

That's how Ty will see it. "I know..." He sighed quietly as he looked away. I don't like it when he's sad, and I didn't know what I could say to make him feel better.

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