Roses's Dark Knight

Chapter 8 - The past, present and future


We all have a past. Of course, we do. Dark or bright, not sure what it makes it how it is. But us shifters we have the gods and sometimes they like to meddle, the reason us being their favourite or just boredom.

Being a wolf shifter is not an easy life. But it gets harder when you are born alpha but not to the alpha couple. It is rare for this to happen, but history showed us that it is possible. Now, the faith of such young shifters is death. Because one cannot have more alphas in the pack. I was lucky, or I have a god in my favor. I don’t know.

You see, my mom and dad were part of the omegas of the pack. They are the weakest, the most important and they are the nurturers of the pack.

My pack, the one I was born into is called Silver Moon Pack.

A little history …

Every pack is named after the first alpha of the pack. In the beginning when the wolves formed packs to better defend themselves and keep their existence a secret, they formed a council. The council was to be made of the oldest and wisest of the wolves. This rule is kept even today.

The council helps new pack obtain land and keep safe of threats. They also keep an elite group of warrior wolves to defend themselves and to send help when needed.

At first there were only three packs, the Silver Moon Pack called after the silver fur of alpha Dimitri, the Blood Moon Pack called after the brown-red fur of alpha August and last but not least the Black Moon Pack called after the black fur of alpha Marius. The alphas were descendant from the first wolf – The God Wolf – born by or from Moon-Goddess (it is not sure because there are no records of it, only tales about it told by elders), and they were more connected to their wolf spirit, which made them animal like, ruthless killers but they were fair when it came to pack rules or council-wolf rules.

Silver Moon Pack was always a good place, the alphas descendant of alpha Dimitri had silver fur. And every alpha couple had a first born, next in line for the alpha position. Faith has it, a sister of Moon-Goddess, that the alpha couple could not conceive a child.

Luna Ana and Alpha Marcus tried very hard to conceive but they could not, went to doctors around the globe. But the answers were the same, nothing was wrong with them and that they couldn’t find a reason as to why they could not conceive. So, there was no biological reason why they should not conceive a child. I was born alpha blood but my parents were omegas. I have black fur but my parents had white fur from what I have been told.

When I was born, in the pack clinic. As all the babies from our pack are born. Luna Ana was there to welcome the new baby. Little did she know that her wolf would go crazy and kill my mother the second I came out. She smelled the alpha on me and claimed me as her own child. My mother has no fault, neither do I blame Luna Ana. I do not blame her because instinct is strong, a mother’s instinct is stronger, and mix it with wolf, and you have a super mom. My father felt the life fade from my mother and fell into a depression from which he died also shortly after her.

I was raised by Luna Ana and Alpha Marcus as their own. The alpha made sure no one spoke or found out about what happened at my birth. Because, you see, killing another pack member is punishable by death.

They loved me very much and gave me a wonderful life for that I will be grateful to them. They were honest with me, and after my 18th birthday told me about my real parents. I loved them so much, and forgave them. Fate has it that a rouge attack took my father from us, and my mother followed after.

Mated wolves cannot live without their mate. When one dies, the other follows because their wolf spirit dies from grief.

I became alpha of Silver Moon Pack and kept the name of the pack in honor of all my parents.


I found my mate today, she is so beautiful, and blood-sister to my beta’s daughter. Even if she is a human, making a blood-oath changes you. I can smell something different about her but I can address this to the council and find out more. For now, I want to get to know her, she was raised human.


Blanca has some explaining to do about why would she put Rose in danger like that. I have recently found out that taking a blood-oath with a wolf shifter can change you, Rose might be a wolf-spirit. A wolf-spirit is in short terms a wolf whisperer, she can talk to wolves and to shifters. But if the blood-oath is made under false or evil terms the one that made it become Lycan-rogues, evil creatures, half human and half wolf.

My Rose, so good to call her mine, even my wolf is happy to have found her, is a wolf whisperer because they made the oath to protect one another.


Since Blanca and I made the blood-oath I started to hear things. At first, I thought I was going insane. And I went to Blanca with questions, but she did not know.

From what I understand I am now a wolf whisperer. Matteo made sure to find out as much information as he could about it. But there is so little. Maybe because there aren’t a lot of humans that survived it. Basically, I can talk to wolves. At least that is what Blanca found out from her grandmother. I find it interesting. But also, sad because there are a lot of things Blanca is thinking but cannot tell me. For instance, that she is a wolf shifter, and that her wolf Bianca has amazing golden fur. I talked to her wolf sometimes, she told me about her parents and about everything going on in a pack. It was hard listening, because I could feel everything that she feels, and that is sadness for not being able to talk to me sooner, mixed with happiness for finding her mate. It made me feel everything that Blanca feels. But I also felt sad because I realized that it is not the same. Maybe because I am not a shifter but what Blanca feels for her mate is ten times stronger than what I feel for Matteo. I admit that there is an attraction, a need to be near him and to kiss him. But …

Maybe that is why I did not freak out when Matteo shifted into his black wolf in the meadow, because of the blood-oath I somehow felt the bond.

I wonder if there is like a wolf shifter library where you can find books on their history. That would be something good to add to the pack. It would make it easier than to go to the council. Because only the council has the more important documents. Documents like the one about wolf whisperers, and humans mating with wolves.

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