Roses's Dark Knight

Chapter 7 - The kiss. The wolf. The girl.


„Show me your wolf!” I said while I was so close to him that I could just kiss him.

Without me having time to think too much. He started kissing me. All thoughts of seeing his wolf are gone. Nothing is going through my head. All I can think about, all I can feel are his lips on mine, so soft, and demanding, like he was starving and I am keeping him alive.

We kissed like no tomorrow. And he held me tight in his arms. I never want him to let go. Just to be here, with him is enough. I wish we could stay like this.

His arms are perfect, muscular, hard. And holding me so tight that it is hard to breath, or is it because of the hot kisses?

Every now and then he gives me small soft kisses so we can catch our breath.

I do not want this to stop.

Because he is amazing. This amazing guy, who I know for only a couple of days. Makes me feel alive, like there is nothing else to eat, just us and the moment.

He kissed me some more, feather kisses. And looks at me, not with lust in his eyes but with love, relief and adoration. I can’t believe I know him for only a couple of days.

„Hi.” Can I get any weirder? Like seriously there are plenty of words in the vocabulary Rose. Must you choose hi?

„Hey.” And he smiles at me.

„I want to show you something. Here, sit next to this tree and close your eyes. No peeking!” Matteo said.

„Okay.” I am unsure about this, and little goosebumps appear on my arms and I feel like someone is watching me. I look around but I see nothing but the flowers and trees.

I sit with my back to the tree and close my eyes. I only open them when I hear something similar with bones being broken, and as I open them, I can only see a black wolf in front of me. His eyes are scanning me, ears are down, like he is afraid. Afraid I might get scared and run. Then he just lays down and … and nothing … he just waits for me to do something … anything … but I am frozen … what do you do in these cases?

Is this my black wolf? From my dream. Yes, he is my wolf. Why am I not freaking out? I am frozen but I am calm. I mean he just shifted into a jet-black wolf. What should I do? Pet him?

He comes in front of me and plops himself on the grass. I guess he is short on patience. His head resting on my lap.

„Uhm, hi … Hello. You must be Daemon?” I softly say to the wolf.

But the big wolf only snorts. Did Matteo put something in my breakfast? No, I do not think so. But I think the wolf understands me.

Weird thing is I feel safe. But that feeling that there is someone watching me just won’t go away.

If I were not crazy, and sarcastic with myself. I would scream or do something in fear. I mean, that would be a more realistic response. Or not.

It is hard to put a puzzle together when you do not think that the image is real.

„So, you are Daemon but also Matteo?” I ask, not realizing that the wolf can’t talk.

The big wolf perks his ears and sits.

Can things get any weirder? I mean, I am standing in the middle of a forest. And on top of everything I am talking to his wolf that can’t respond.

„Wolfie, don’t get me wrong. Because I like you. But where is Matteo? I am starting to get scared here.” I tell the wolf named Daemon.

Daemon lets out a growl which I hope was not directed at me.

The next thing I know is that I can hear bones breaking and I see that the wolf in front of me is shifting into Matteo. A very naked and sexy Matteo. I should look away but … you know … so don’t judge.

I was right, I am not crazy, he is a shifter, they exist … (light out – Rose fainted)


In my wolf form I could understand what Rose was telling me. But I could not answer.

She has a few ideas as to what we are. I should shift and tell her. Be honest with her. That is what Daemon tells me, just to be honest and it will turn out okay.

I started shifting in front of her. And she passed out. I am such an idiot, and a bigger one for listening to my wolf.

I picked her up, bridal stile, with her head on my shoulder. Not giving a damn I was naked. Her heartbeat was normal. No reason to take her to the pack-clinic.

So, I took her to my room. In my bed. And I laid next to her.

At first, I was just watching, making sure she was breathing. But then I got tired, and decided to hold her in my arms and take a nap.


I wake up to snoring. Open my eyes and Matteo is holding me in his arms.

My head was on his chest. His well-toned chest. And his black curls, even if he had a messy hair-style.

His hands were on both sides of my waist, trapping me in his arms. Not that I mind but I had an urge to go to the bathroom, a big one.

No matter how hard I try to shimmy my way out of his arms, he just keeps holding me tighter.

He does look even cuter when he sleeps. If that was possible.

„Matteo! Please wake up. I have to use the bathroom.” I try telling him but seems like he is a deep sleeper. I wonder if I can tickle him. No, he might hit me by mistake.

Let me try something. I wonder if it works.

„Daemon?” I say softly.

Fat chance, I mean can his wolf talk?

„Yes love.” Daemon answers to me.

„Can you please let me use the bathroom? I can’t wake Matteo up.” I tell him without thinking to much because in 3 seconds I am about to wet the bed.

„Sure love. But first tell me. Are you afraid of me?” His voice was deep, animalistic. Not one sound similar to Matteo’s voice.

„No. But please, I need to go to the bathroom. And when I come back, we can talk.” I ask him without looking at him.

„Hurry love!” Daemon said but I was mid-way to the bathroom by now.

I went to the bathroom, did my business, and lucky me, I found a new, wrapped, toothbrush, so I can have fresh breath. You know, just in case we kiss. I do hope we kiss. I wonder if kissing Daemon means I am cheating. It shouldn’t, right? Because they are one and the same. Man and beast, together they are one.

„Daemon?” I ask as I come out of the bathroom.

„Still here love. Matteo not only is a deep sleeper but he also like to sleep so much. A wolf got to entertain himself sometimes.” Daemon says this with a grin on his, I mean their face.

„Why do you keep calling me love?” I ask him.

„Well, because you are my love. My mate. My everything. I will die without you!” Daemon seems a little upset that I don’t know this. Not sure he wanted me to see this in him eyes. But it was there, so clear.

„How do you know I am your mate?” I had to ask. It was nagging at me the whole time.

„Your smell, is honey and apple, it calls to me. It makes me calm. No one can make me calm or talk to me but you. That is how I know. But you, feel it as the bond between us grows, like small electric currents going down your spine, like goose bumps when I am looking at you or am near you. Can you feel it?” Daemon was looking at me, waiting for my answer. I have no answer. Yes, I like him, I feel something but it is … it feels like it is inferior to what he describes.

He walked in front of me. Looking at me. Searching for something.

„I was looking to see if you got scared. Of me. Can I hold you in my arms?” Daemon asks like he forgot that I haven’t answered.

„Yes, of course!” And I gave him my big, warm, Rose smile.

He wrapped me in his arms. And smelled me. I guess it is a wolf thing. He sniffed my neck and rested his nose in the place where my shoulder meets my neck. I can lie and say that we just hugged but luck has it. Or super wolf, or mate ability, that he read my mind.

„Can I kiss you?” Daemon asks in a low voice, like he doesn’t want to scare me.

„Can you read my mind?” I mean, can he?

„Maybe. But that is a talk for another time. Now let me enjoy my time with you!” he said.

I expected him to be rough. I mean, hello, beast, wolf.

But he was gentle like he was afraid of breaking me like some fragile china.

He lifted me in his arms like I was a cup of hot cocoa. And in case you haven’t figured it out yet, I like-looove my food.

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