Roses's Dark Knight

Chapter 9 - Talking to Daemon


Talking to a wolf is not that easy. It takes a lot of energy. After some interesting talks with Blanca’s wolf, I would often take 3-hour long naps.

I have no idea how things with Daemon, Matteo’s wolf, will go.

At first, I have to let Matteo know I want to talk to his wolf. Even if I can go behind his back, it is best to do it out in the open.

„Hey Matteo. Do you have some time? I want to talk to you about something.” I ask him at breakfast.

„Sure love.” He said with a mouth-full of omelette.

Of course, I have to blush like a tomato. And from what I can see he likes to make me blush. It’s like a contest to see how much he can make me blush in a day.

„What do you want to talk about?” and he stood up from the table to take the dishes to the sink.

„Would you like to go in my office or is it in living room okay?” Matteo asks.

Truth be told, I wanted to sit in his lap. And kiss him so much that my face falls off.

„I think maybe it is better in your office? Yeah, i think in your office is better.” A girl has to pick the place, somethings are better left to faith but some can be from us.

„Uhm, please don’t be upset with me. Because … uhm … well …” I lost my courage and just started to panic.

„Out with it. Just say it. Look, I promise to be calm if you give me a kiss.” Matteo was smiling at me with an evil glint in his eyes. He is up to something.

It is like he could read my mind. Wait a second. Can he? Should I say yes, is it that obvious? Ugh, I am over-thinking this. Just be calm and everything will be okay.

Time to ask. Here it goes. I hope he says yes.

„Can I talk to Daemon?” I say and close my eyes because I am scared of his reaction.

„Sorry?” was all I heard before the growl.

I was not thinking. He might say no. I need to explain to him what I did, what I am now.

„Let me explain first!” I say and slowly open my eyes to come really close to his face. I am not sure this is Matteo anymore. I might have made him so angry that Daemon had to be here.

„You know I made a blood-oath with Blanca. The reason we made it was because she was getting out of control. Anger. And all started to go south. She found a book in her grandparents’ house. Now come to think about it, it might be a book from wolf-library. Anyway. And the book had some texts about how you can calm a lone wolf. A blood-oath. Making me a wolf whisperer. I could talk to her wolf, and explain to her things, calm her. And it worked. And I am okay, we are okay. So please don’t be upset …” I am either making things good with him or making them worse. No middle ground. It is still hard to read Daemon because he has a face cut in stone when he comes to the surface in human form.

I did not get to finish what I had to say. Don’t even remember what else I wanted to say. Because he kissed me. His lips to soft and plump. It started out soft and kind but it soon got hungry and he fisted my hair so I couldn’t break free. He pressed his other hand on my back and brought me so close to him I could feel his muscles bulge under the fabric that was separating us. Soon his tongue wanted to explore and I have no power but to let him. But my mind was screaming stop. It was too much for me. What is wrong with me? I wanted this not 3 seconds ago and not I am starting to cry and scream stop in my head.

Out of breath, how do I breathe? But he parted, and I was left to whimper, I did not …

I did not know what to do. He was looking at me as my tears were going down my face.

„I am so sorry Rose! I don’t know what … I was … please forgive me …” said Daemon and Matteo, their voices seemed to blend like there were two people talking at the same time.

I could only hear parts of what he said. He said he was sorry? Because my heart was beating fast and my ears were ringing. And anger was rising in me. I refuse to be some puppet and get pushed around.

He placed his forehead on mine.

„You are going to be the death of me …” his eyes were closed and his hand went from holding the back of my head to holding me tight against him.

He kissed me again. If you ask me Einstein nailed it with the relativity of time. Because it felt like seconds ago, I was screaming and anger was boiling in me. Now I am calm. I don’t know how to react. I feel lost.

I did not get to talk to Daemon about everything I wanted too.

„Daemon?” I was out of breath from the kissing, and the word left my lips like a whisper.

„Yes love.” His voice was rough.

„What do you want from me?” I asked with a bit of anger in my voice. He seemed to ignore it.

„This is a tough question… But do know that I will protect you, care for you, and try to prove myself to you for the rest of my life. I have done plenty of things and will do plenty. One thing is sure, you are my life and I may not feel worthy, but I will try to be.” Daemon said. And I am sure it was him because of the voice, it has a roughness in it.

„What about Matteo. Does he feel that way to?” I spoke.

„I am sure he will follow soon. You must understand that we are alpha blood, and it is hard to have a mate, much more a human mate with a blood-oath that may or may not kill them.”

„Why is that? Why do you say that he will follow soon? Is there something you need to tell me?” I am starting to get worried because they are hiding things from me.

„Well love. For once it is the anger, which I think you got enough practice. And other things might be because you are at danger every second. Sometimes the only way to get to an alpha is through his mate. But you need not to worry, I will protect you.” Daemon talks about protection. But protect me from who?

„Is there a threat now?” I just had to ask and go deeper.

„All I am saying is that you need only to trust Blanca. And only her. I can’t say more …” Daemon is talking like he is afraid, but left before I could find out more from him.

„Matteo? Daemon?” I slowly ask.

I get no answer from Daemon anymore. And I feel like he is hiding somewhere deep in their mind.

„Rose, you need to understand that you cannot do this shit to me or any shifter. Even if you have the power to summon their wolf. Now you go ahead and tell me what you two have been talking before I flip out on you! Understand me?” Matteo is angry, his eyes have a red circle around the iris. I am thinking about running the hell out of that office. Now the living-room sounds more appealing. What was I thinking?

„I … please … Matteo … I wasn’t …” I am spitting words but not sure what to say because I am scared of him right now. He won’t hurt me. Would he?

„GET OUT NOW!” Matteo screams at me

I run from his office as fast as I can, slamming the door behind me as a hear a lot or courses and my name attached to them …

Everyone was looking at me as I ran to the forest, to the place where the wild flowers brought me comfort the last time I was there.

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