Roses's Dark Knight

Chapter 16 - Marked Mate, Happy Mate


He is so happy. Like nothing happened and we are a happy normal couple.

He takes me to the garage and we get into his car and drive of. To where I don’t know. But the scenery is amazing. The forest smells fresh, after a rain. A rain that cleaned the forest. And the wet leaves shine like jewelry in the sun. It is still early in the morning so it’s not yet warm.

We arrive at some gates where there are a lot of men guard it. I wonder where we are and who lives here that they need so much security.

My questions, quickly get answered when I see Blanca running towards me. And a man, I assume to be her mate is watching from the front door of the house.

„You ….” She screams at me. And hugs me so tight that I feel I have no air in my lungs. My eyes start to water. I am so happy for her. That she found her mare. Her forever-after.

„Hey baby girl. I missed you so much.” I tell her with a smile on my face. A fake smile that I hope that she can’t see.

„Yeah, you know how it is. With your mate being alpha, they don’t let you …” but she stopped talking when her eyes set on my neck.

On instinct my hand for the spot she was looking at. And she turned to face Matteo.

„You haven’t marked her? Why? What happened?” she asked Matteo.

He just looked away and started walking towards Marco, Blanca’s mate.

„What happened? Are you ok?” she looks at me with worried eyes.

„I am ok. Can we go somewhere to talk? Just us two? Please?” my eyes started to water again. I thought I had myself in check. Seems I have feelings. Funny though. Because many said I was a robot for keeping my emotions private and not talking much about me. But here I go spilling everything I have.

„Sure. Let me tell Marco where we’re going.” She puts one arm around me and guides me. I can see her look. It is the look she gives when anything you say can be held against you.


„I blacked-out again. Several times in fact.” I tell her.

„Is that why he won’t mark you?” here she goes again with the marking.

„No, at least I don’t think that is the reason why.” I am starting to get a little angry with her at how she is insisting on the marking.

She hugged me. We were sitting in a gazebo, hidden in a garden filled with fruit trees and wild flowers.

„I have been reading. About you. I mean not only about you, but about shifters.” I try and change the subject.

„And …” Blanca gives me a sign to go on and tell her what I want to ask her.

„And … I love shifters? Well, mostly you!” I missed her so much and I wanted her to be there for me but I have to understand that now she has a mate and is now a Luna.

„Such a sweet talker. But really. Have you at least talked to his wolf? Maybe find out what he thinks about you?” it is like Blanca can’t wait to get me angrier or make me cry.

„Yes. I have talked to Daemon, his wolf. He adores me, at least that is what he said. But he is missing for days now and I don’t know what to do.” I can tell Blanca everything because I know that even if she can’t solve it at least they are safe with her.

„This is not good. The main reason a wolf hides is because they don’t agree with something that the human part wants to do. At least that is what I went through when we met. And since the blood-oath she came back. You brought my wolf back. Maybe you can do it for Matteo?” Blanca is trying to fix things.

„Blanca, not to be a bitch. But he doesn’t deserve it. He tried to reject me. But Santo interrupted him. He is going to choose a mate. All because I am human and thinks I am too weak to be a Luna and help lead a pack.” While I was telling her all this Blanca was looking at me like she can’t believe what she is hearing.

„Are you sure? That he wanted to reject you? Maybe you misheard something … I am sure he isn’t that stupid…” Blanca is trying to defend him, but this only makes me angrier, and I have the feeling that Lucian is watching me.

„I am sure, he said the word reject … but he didn’t get to finish the sentence.” I tell her and she starts crying. I think that I should be the one crying. But I am ok. I hug Blanca and let her cry and get it out. I know rejection is a big thing. I just never thought she would cry.


I didn’t want to answer her question. Because I haven’t decided.

I want Rose because my wolf needs her to stay calm and sane. But I also think that she is weak. Too weak to be a Luna, and lead my pack. I mean those black-outs are not natural. Who in their right mind goes day to day and finds that blacking-out sometimes is, ok?

Humans are weak. The Moon-Goddess must want to put me to the test. Daemon adores her and wants her even if she is broken. What does he know? He is just a wolf.

„Hey Marco? How is mated life?” I ask my friend.

„You should know. And from the looks of it, you still haven’t marked her. Are you going to?” Marco keeps trying to get to the juicy stuff first.

„I’m not sure.” I hope I can trust Marco, since we are good friends.

„What do you mean you are not sure? Your wolf will go crazy if you don’t mate with her. You do remember what they taught us in school?” he is the one to lecture me …

„Yes … yes, no need to remind me.” I am not in the mood to start an argument with Marco today.

Good thing is that Marco started talking about other subjects because I was starting to get annoyed. We have plenty of other more important things to talk about.

Like the fact that a demon has sent a lone-wolf to send me a message. And that he allowed that she-wolf to cross his land in order to get to me.

„About that she-wolf. The messenger sent by the demon.” Marco goes straight to the important stuff.

„What about her?” I ask him.

„Did you know anything?” Marco goes for the killer question.

„Of course not. She was just a lone-wolf. Sane enough to use a phone and ask for permission. And seeing no reason as to why I should not. I allowed her to pass my lands. I did not know she was heading your way.” I might have caused a few problems but I wanted to know where she was going and what other business she has going on.

„I believe you. All of this is making me so …” Marco said, and I can see why he is, because he is having the Luna ceremony in a short time.

„I know the feeling. Having a mate is harder than I thought. Seeing my parents and yours so happy, they made it look so easy. But now, I see the reality. It is hard work having a new mate, starting life together. I finally got used to the idea of being alone, and bang I find my mate. Don’t get me wrong I adore her but she is hard to get used to.” Marco is always the one to point out obvious things.

„She does have a strong personality and a strong wolf. Congratulation’s man, I am happy for both of you!” I tell Marco. And I am happy for him.


Thinking about it after my conversation with Marco I came up with two choices.

Rose is here on a summer stay. She will go back to school.

I could mate with her and when she leaves for school, I tell her to keep in touch and I search for a chosen mate. Or, the second choice is that I leave her be, she leaves and I look for a chosen mate.

If I go with option one, my wolf stays sane because from his perspective we have completed the mating. But from the second perspective I might lose my wolf. So, I think the best choice here is to have a great summer with her and after that we both go on our separate ways.

What other choice do I have? I am not putting my pack at risk.

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