Roses's Dark Knight

Chapter 17 - It hurts so much


Talking to Blanca made me feel better. Not better of the situation, but better as in my best friend has my back. We talked about the mating rituals and what I read about it for a short amount of time, but we soon switched it. Because she told me all about her training, she will be a Luna.

A Luna is the equal of the alpha in the pack. She is the mate of the alpha. And because she had only trained to become a beta, she now has to learn how to take care of a pack from a decision-making level.

She will be fine. It is like she was born to do this, maybe that is why she was paired with an alpha mate. To complete him. They are perfect together; it is easy to see how much they adore each-other.

Leaving thoughts about Matteo and Daemon aside. Because thinking of them and worrying is never a good thing.

I do have my duties, and they are not Luna duties.

I help with the restaurant. That is why I came to Italy, to help. I mean to get a job and make money, but after everything how can I ask for money from Blanca’s parents?

I spend my mornings reading, or looking for a new book to devour.

Weird thing is that Matteo is nowhere to be seen. Maybe it is for the best. When I ask for him, they always tell me that he is busy. I get that it’s not easy but come on, I would have liked the truth, even if it hurt!

At the restaurant they need me to help at lunch and dinner. So, between them I have about 4 hours of rest. That have now become me and Lucian time.

„Hey there love. What new book are we reading today?” Lucian and me time usually meant that I brought a book and asked him about it. He reads more than I do. Or he is cheating. I still haven’t found out how he cheats.

„This one is about you.” I tell him.

„ME?” he asks with enthusiasm in his eyes.

„Well not exactly you. But about demons.” I plan on reading it but as soon as I sit next to him every thought of reading goes away. All I can think about are his arms and how well defined they are, his neck …

„Need not bother with that book. I can tell you everything you want to know about my kind and then some.” He talks like he doesn’t notice me looking at him like some baked potato.

„How old are you?” I ask out of nowhere.

„How old are you? What a silly question. I need not answer that!” and he kissed me. It took me by surprise. A kiss that tells me he did notice me lucking hungrily at him. Soon his tongue starts exploring and it is like we are dancing. And I can’t get enough of him. Not sure if he wanted to make the move or it was by mistake but as we got closer, I fell with my back on the grass and he was on top of me with a hand behind my head so I don’t hit it and his other hand was on the small of my back.

„Am I your only mate?” I ask while I was looking in his eyes, his lips were parted and rosy from kissing me.

„You are my only everything!” and he kissed my cheek, but closer to my lips.

He makes me smile.

Lucian started kissing my face. Showering it with kisses. Making me giggle.

„Do you ever answer questions the normal way?” I ask him.

„What would be the fun in that?” his eyes sparkle.

This time I kissed him on the lips. But it was not just a small one. My arms went behind his head, and I hugged him. He hugged me back and started kissing me back with passion until I had no air left.

Leaving the kiss for air, I looked him in the eyes. Just looked at him, and placed a smaller kiss on his lips.

„May I visit you in your room?” Lucian asks me, taking me by surprise.

We have been meeting everyday and we kiss … I admit that I have no experience when it comes to love. He must have had plenty of girls throughout his life.

I think that my cheeks blushed with a million red colors.

„Not like that. Only if you want to. Just to spend time together. I feel like this is not enough anymore.” He smiles at me and it makes me relax.

„Yes, I would like that. But ….” I want to tell him that I have o experience. Maybe he knows?

„No buts.” He looks at me and kisses me again.

I forgot what I wanted to find out. To know more about him. He placed me on his lap, hugged me and I rested my back on his chest.

We were just looking at the lake, admiring the forest and listening to the wonderful music coming from the birds. I could stay like this forever.


I am avoiding Rose at all cost. I even told the wolves that live in the pack house that if she asks for me that I am busy. I am such a coward. I should just tell her and get it over with. But I can’t. Some nights I go into her room and watch her sleep, that is when my wolf comes out and talks to me. When I am near her, he howls in pain. He knows what I want to do.

I am such a coward.

I can’t help myself. I need her. Without thinking I go next to her, in her bed. And I start kissing her rough and as she waked up and stares at me I rip her clothes of and just look at her. She is so beautiful. I can smell she is a virgin. I want her so bad. My mind is clouded and all I can think about is fucking her. In one swift motion I tear my clothes of. So that I can feel her skin on mine. I cannot stop myself.

She just looks at me. Not a single word, no shouting, no crying. What is wrong with her?

Good thing I didn’t mark her. So, I can get on with my life and find a suitable Luna, a strong Luna for my pack.

She starts whimpering and I can see tears are forming in her eyes.

I am stopped from doing anything more. I can feel someone yanking me of her but I don’t get to see who because my head hits the wall and I black out.


I am just looking at him. Not in a million years did I think that this could happen to me. And of all the people to do it.

I am sure I locked the door. He must have gotten the key. It is his house after all.

Matteo just tears my clothes of like they are nothing and just looks at me at me. I think I am in shock because the next thing I know he is yanked away from me by a large looking Lucian.

„YOU OK?” I am not scared; this must be Lucian when he transforms. I am glad he came when he did.

He saw my tears before I felt them and hugged me. I was shaking but not from the cold. He didn’t say a word, just held me in his arms.

„I want to go… I want to go home now!” there was no going back on what I said. Lucian held me in his arms without saying a word. What is happening?

^I am sorry dearest. ^ he tells me telepathically.

^Sorry for what? ^ I ask.

^That you had to see me this way. ^ I can’t see his face.

^Lucian please stop. I am not scared. Please let me see you. ^ I tell him and wait for his answer.

The beast he was transformed into looked at me. It was still him but bigger, with more muscles and his eyes were glowing like fire was in them.

^I want to kill him … ^ but he did not get to finish what he wanted to say.

„He is not worth it. You know he wanted to reject me.” I am sure that he will have a massive head ache when he wakes up. If he wakes up.

„Is he alive?” I ask Lucian.

„I guess so. Would you like me to check?” by this time Lucian went back to his normal size.

„It will make me feel better.” I tell him while he hands me some clothes so I can get dressed.

Lucian goes to check on Matteo to see if he is still breathing.

„He is alive. Unfortunately …” as he punches Matteo in the face.

I just look at Lucian.

„He deserves more than what I just gave him. If it were up to me, he would get tortured.” Lucian said this with no emotions on his face.

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