Roses's Dark Knight

Chapter 15 - Time to think


„Santo?” it is my time to ask him now that he is taking me to my room and it is just him and me.

„Hmmm … yes …” Santo was not looking at me, like he was looking for the fastest way to escape. I don’t blame him.

„Do you think he likes me?” I ask him but I am sure that he will keep his alphas’ side.

„Who? Matteo?” I can see that he doesn’t like my question.

„Matteo or Daemon. I can feel that one of them is not honest with me. They are hiding something.” I only hope that I am not making a mistake by telling him this.

„Matteo, I don’t know. Because honestly, he wanted to reject you. That would harm him and you both. But Daemon I know he adores you, maybe that is why he is hiding. Since that day at the lake, he couldn’t shift. I am sorry but if you want to know more, you should talk to him. I am sorry.”

„He said that I make the pack weak. Because I am weak. And a Luna shouldn’t be weak. I felt something was off but I was not sure. And because he keeps saying the word weak, I believe is why he wants to reject me. But why are you sorry for?” I start telling Santo what I feel about Matteo trying to reject me.

„Being an alpha is hard. I don’t mean to defend the fact that what he did is right. I am sorry because I love you like a daughter, you sacrificed yourself to help my Blanca. And for what it’s worth I believe that you would have made a wonderful Luna.” Santo is a good man and it makes me angry that he has to be beta for that selfish wolf.

„That means that he wants a mate, just not me …” all that anger but it only goes to sadness, because men in my life keep doing this. Replacing me, finding someone more important, someone better.

„I’m sorry.” Santo said again and gave me a hug.

I feel tears going down my cheeks. I hope that Santo didn’t see me like thins. I hate crying in public. I head to my bed and plop down on it, hands on my face, and let the tears run free.

I have no idea how long I have been crying. But it felt good to let it all out. And with puffy eyes I head to the bathroom. I think it is a good idea to take a shower. To make me feel better.

The hot shower does the trick and helps me relax. Not so good on the puffy eyes, but I hope that by tomorrow they will be fine.

As I get out of the bathroom in my underwear, I go to the dresser to pick some pyjamas and from the corner of my eye I see a shadow near the window. Now what?

„Darlin’, I know you are not okay. Is there anything I can do to help?” Lucian has such good timing. I wonder if he was waiting for me to finish my shower.

„Wouldn’t you want to know.” My sarcasm comes up when I am hurt. And I end up pushing them away. What I should do is be happy that there are ones that are interested if I am ok or not.

„I know … it is ok … if you want you can hurt me… if that makes you feel better. We could go to the lake and train if that makes you feel better. Just say the words.” The look in Lucian's eyes told me enough. He was hurting also. He felt my pain, and I only added to that.

So, I did the only normal thing I could think of. I went in front of him and asked him, with my finger, to bend down at my level. Lucian is so tall, but I like it.

„I want you to kiss me.” I was looking in his eyes and smiling. I don’t know why but he makes me feel better just with his presence. Because he is here for me, not for the pack, not for anything else. For me.

He had a big smirk on his face. Oh, how I wish I could wipe that smirk. It sometimes makes me grouchy. But that is not what I wanted to do right now.

„Are you sure that is what you want?” Lucian asks me.

„Are you going to make me beg?” I am blushing so hard. I think that even my ears are on fire.

„Never. You only need to tell me and I will make it happen.” Lucian is sweet, wonder how long it will take him to realize he can find someone better.

He kissed me. A small kiss on the lips. It makes me disappointed. I thought he would kiss me with hunger and passion like he did at the lake.

„Was it you who influenced Matteo to reject me?” it kept nagging me to ask him this question.

„Did he, do it?” he asks and I can see his face clear of emotions. It is like he is a blank paper.

„No, Santo interrupted him. So, did you, do it?” I ask him again to clarify my thoughts.

„It was not me. He did it out of his own free will. I just wished I would have been there to rip his throat out for making you cry, for hurting you.” I am not sure if it’s me but I can feel Lucian growing and starting to get warmer, and not in a sexy way.

„It’s not worth it. He is not worth it. His wolf wants me but he doesn’t. Maybe because of that girl.” I just can’t help my mouth. I have to say every shit that comes out of my mind.

„What girl?” he asks while he enters the room and comes closer to the bed.

„There was a girl here. The first day, when we arrived, she was yelling that she wants him. Maybe he loves her and wants to be with her. And I am only in the way.” I admit it sounds realistic, not just something I made up in my head just to play with my own emotions.

„PLEASE do not make yourself small. You are so much more. He is only a fool. And a child. I have waited so long for you, that I would wait as long as you wish. To have you of your free will. Do you understand me?” Lucian said

„I understand. But now, I want to ask you a favour.” I think I am going to like this.

„It will be my pleasure. No need to call it a favour.” Lucian said with a sweet smile on his sweet lips.

„Do you know what I want right now?” I ask him, just to see if he can read my mind. I need to learn how to use this telekinesis power we have.

„Ice-cream?” Lucian asks.

„Please stay …. Wait what?” no, not ice-cream I want him. But I am not going to say no to ice-cream. I mean come on. Would you say no?

We talked at the same time. I wanted to ask him to stay the night. I am too afraid of being by myself and he thinks I am only thinking of food. He might know me, but now ice-cream just won’t do the trick.

„No ice-cream. I just need you to hold me. I am too scared to sleep alone. Please stay?” a stubborn tear falls from my eye, and soon I can’t hold them in any longer and those fat tears start going down my face.

He quickly comes and scops me in his arms and holds me.

„Of course. No need to ask me twice.” He smiled. But I felt like I was going to start crying again, and I just finished making a tear stain on his shoulder.

„Hey, hey, hey. I am here.” He hugged me and took me to bed. Kissed my forehead.

„Good night princess …” Lucian whispered in my ear, sending chills down my spine.

„Good night my knight with shining silver eyes.” He snickered at my reply and held me tighter to his chest.

Sleep came easily. But in the back of my mind, I have Blanca. I need to see her. But I will not tell her about what happened with Matteo. She is happy and I want to keep it that way. Her ceremony is near. And I hope I will be able to attend it with Matteo and appear as if I am happy. Maybe he will leave me alone. Summer vacation will end and I am going back to finish university. He will be able to choose someone else, and his wolf might be ok with his choice of mate.

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