Roses's Dark Knight

Chapter 14 - Where is Daemon


My wolf is furious at me. He stopped talking to me since that day at the lake. Where I fell asleep. I think something happened with Rose and him. Because when I woke up, she was just sleeping there, next to me. And I have no memory of what happened or how we got there.

Rose, I hope she is okay. It is all my fault. Why did I have to sleep? And more important, why did I give Daemon such control over me. I should have done something to protect her.

But I cannot change that. What happened is in the past and I can’t change it. Problem is I don’t know what happened. She was fine, no injury, no weird smell. I checked, hell, even the doctor checked. He took some blood to run tests. But everything came back clean, except for a mild anemia. She is fine.

She is fine. I kept repeating it like a song in my head. But my wolf will not come out. He is so far gone; I can’t even shift.

Rose must feel something is up, because she is looking at me with fire in her eyes, like she is scanning me. Maybe she is looking for Daemon, after all, she is a wolf-whisperer.

Here, I thought that my wolf needed his mate. That what I feel for Rose is nothing more than the bond. But it is more than that. I am starting to fall for her. I have been since I meet her. There is something about her that draws you to her, the way she looks at me like I am the most important person in her life. The way she likes to look into your eyes when she is talking. The way she gets so passionate when something is important to her. The fire in her eyes, her hazel, brown eyes, they have such a beautiful color, sometimes they appear to be green, and sometimes brown. But she is human. She is weak. I cannot be a strong alpha with a weak Luna, everyone will try to hurt her to get to me.

The fact that she slept for 3 days straight got me a little worried. This just goes to prove how fragile humans are. Okay, I admit it, the big bad wolf got a whole lot worried. So, I wanted to get more information about this wolf-spirit. Luck has it that there are no details about humans being wolf-whisperers because they all died. Why is that you ask? Well because they wanted power, and by definition, you cannot form a sacred ritual with evil intent.

Thinking of it logical, the doctor said she was fine. It was the elders that made me worry. Because we don’t know anything about her situation. And I cannot have a Luna that blacks-out and has episodes like this. It will only make me look weak and open the pack up for attacks.

I have to talk to her about this, explain to her my point of view and why she cannot be my Luna, but as a mate she should be by my side because I cannot have heirs with anyone else, even if I mate another. It is her duty to stand by me, and I am sure that after she sees from my point of view she will agree. First thing’s first, and that is getting breakfast.

„I was asking about breakfast. What do you want to eat? So that after we can go to my office and talk about all of this. About what happened. Are you okay with that?” I ask her with my official voice, so that she knows that it is important.

„Yes. Yummy. Let’s eat. I am starving.” But I felt like she was miles away. She might be channeling Daemon. Trying to speak to him.

How do I explain to her that I might have lost my wolf? And that I don’t know how to keep her safe. Or the fact that no matter if I like her or not, I have to keep my pack safe at all cost.

Pack comes first. Duty comes first.

Even if that means that I have to let her go. One thing is for sure, I will not tell her that I still have to choose a mate and have a Luna, even if that means that it isn’t her. It will make me look bad to reject my fated mate and have a chosen mate. But if that makes my pack strong, I will do it.


Breakfast was amazing. Like always. The food is orgasmic. I mean who would not love a tomato salad with feta cheese, scrambled eggs with natural dried pork meat, cheese muffins and on top of that fresh baked bagels.

Did I mention I love to eat?

What kept me from enjoying my breakfast 100% are the thought about Daemon and what they were talking about me that is so hush, hush. At least Matteo promised to tell me everything after breakfast, in his office. And you know what this means, that it is a serious matter because he couldn’t say it in front of the others.


After finishing that amazing breakfast. No surprise, to me, that I was getting sleepy.

Note to myself, stop eating like a pig. Or maybe like a wolf because I do not shift and do not burn the extra fat like them.

Moving on to my problem … if you can call it that.

Just because I might be the first human to survive being a wolf-whisperer that doesn’t mean it is a bad thing or that I should be afraid of it.

But I get the feeling that Matteo is a little.

„Where is Daemon?” I think I caught him by surprise, he just looks at me.

„I don’t know.” Matteo looks a little surprised I just asked him this out of the blue.

„What do you mean you don’t know? He is your wolf, it’s not like he can run if you leave the front door open!” I am asking him a little bit to harsh. I seem to forget he is an alpha.

„I mean, since the day at the lake he just … I mean … I can’t even shift … he is mad at me for falling asleep … and that I have no idea what happened to you …” he looks like he doesn’t know what is happening to him and it is terrifying him.

„I’m sorry. It’s not your fault. There is nothing you could have done to help me. I sometimes black-out. It is ok.” I tell them again. It feels like I have said this a thousand time since being here. Maybe I have.

„No, it is not. You fucking slept for 3 days straight. And wake up like nothing happened, like you just took a fucking nap. And I can’t have a Luna this weak. How will it look to others? This will only open my pack to attack. There is only one thing left to do…” His voice feels like it does not belong to him. He yells but it comes out like a screech, a high yell, like a child …

„Do not take that tone with me.” How is he doing this to me, can’t he see that I am not choosing to have these black-out. That I wish I was normal. But I am now.

„I’m sorry. Please forgive me. This is not how I wanted to talk to you. I want to tell you so much more.” He apologizes but it doesn’t feel like it is from the heart, it feels like he said it just to make me feel better.

„Then do it. I am not a child.” I am angry with him, angry that I am treated like I am only worth half of what I am.

„What if you black-out again?” Matteo asks.

„You are the one that is weak now, Matteo. Just say what you want to say and get it over with. I have an idea about what you are going to say. Daemon might be an animal spirit but here you are the beast!” I am angry. He will reject me. It was too good to be true.

„I Alpha Matteo Russo, of Silver Moon Pack …” he started rejecting me, but the only thing I could think of was Lucian holding me and the kiss we shared …

He was stopped by Santo entering the room. He was looking between me and Matteo with an angry grimace on his face.

„I hope that you are not doing what I think you are doing.” Santo was looking at Matteo, his eyes were full of hate and fire for his alpha.

A mate is sacred for a wolf. It is a gift from the Moon-Goddess.

„Santo, please, can you escort me to my room?” I turn my back to Matteo to look at Santo. I am done taking dirty shots from this supposed alpha.

„Yes Rose. No problem. If alpha is ok with that?” he is still Matteo’s beta and has to listen to him if he uses his alpha voice.

He just nodded his head. He wanted to get rid of as fast as he could …

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