
Chapter 22


I was patiently waiting for the meeting to end. Anxiety was getting the best of me in this situation, which is the only reason I did not attend this meeting. I just couldn’t make a fool of myself in front of the other warriors and guards. Although I was a warrior myself, apparently they did things very differently. Alec is teaching me about the pack structure which is very different, but he said that I was not in the role of a warrior anymore. A Luna had far more different roles then a warrior. I knew that, but I never knew what exactly they did. I never thought I would be anything but a warrior.

It’s a good thing that Alec is the best teacher I could ask for. He was very mature in his role of being an Alpha, and he was very serious about his pack. Might I add very protective as well.

He hasn’t gotten much sleep since Miranda was deemed kidnapped. We have no idea where she is and her sister Lily doesn’t either, which is strange since they are close. Miranda has been gone for almost four months, and it was hard for her family when Thanksgiving came.

Also, some eventful things have happened other than sending out search parties for Miranda. It has been four months already and Xena and Alice have had their mating ceremony. Chris and Christie had theirs too. While they were taking the next steps in their lives, Alec and I moved into the same room together last week. When the girls found out that they step that we took, they immediately wanted to celebrate. I told them I would take a rain check on that.

The door opened and Alec walked out first followed by Rem, Ace, and Damon. Damon was included in all matters even without a title because he was stronger than Rem. Any help is necessary.

Alec stood by my side as all the higher ranking wolves and stronger warriors left the meeting. We were in the packhouse and most of the higher wolves had houses of their own. I remember Alec saying before we entered the meeting that it was custom for the Alpha’s to wait until the others left the packhouse. Which is why Damon was included, he was just standing on the opposite side of the hallway.

Once everyone filed out, Alec nodded his head at Damon and we left.

Halfway back to our house Alec grabbed my hand. “I did relay a message about Dash.”

I smiled, “What did you say?”

“I told them if they see a deer with a collar don’t kill it and to pass that message on. Many already know you have a weird choice of pets.”

I laughed, “By the way, thanks for the collar.” Alec had ordered me a spiked collar for dash online. When Dash started going back outside again, Alec thought it would be dangerous for him to free range around the pack because wolves did hunt on this land. Luckily, the collar fits well.

“Are they continuing the searches?” I asked.

“Well, I’m definitely not going to quit. We will find her.”

“I know.” I gripped his hand reassuringly.

“Rem and Damon planned a get together for us. I offered to have it at the house if that’s okay with you. Alice just wants everyone to relax.” Alec said.

“Sounds fun.”

“They are going to be drinking though.”

“And you aren’t?” I questioned.

“Not unless you are okay with that.”

“You can drink with them. I don’t care as long as you limit your drinking.” I said.

Alec kissed my forehead.

Cleaning up the house for the gathering wasn’t so bad. The house was clean the majority of the time. Alec did put up all the breakable decorations because he said drunk werewolves was never a good idea with expensive things. He knew that they were planning on getting hammered tonight to forget about all the stress that had happened recently so obviously pills were going to be involved. The kind of pill that allowed werewolves to get drunk in the first place.

I had a bad feeling about tonight and it was not about Alec. It was the fact that there was going to be seven drunk werewolves in the house tonight. I knew Alec wasn’t going to be an issue because he already stated that he didn’t want to be plastered tonight in case of an emergency.

Witches couldn’t get drunk off of normal alcohol unless we added a special herb in our drinks. It was sometimes a curse and other times very helpful. I didn’t plan to get drunk tonight but maybe one drink wouldn’t hurt.

I heard from Insuvai that if we add the herb then it is like ten times more stronger. She warned me to be careful of doing such things around a large crowd of people because it can be easily escalated. Adding too much can have a huge effect. That was one of the first lessons she taught me when I came back. The problem that I didn’t know what was considered too much. Maybe it was better to just not drink.

The first person to arrive was Damon. Walking in with beer and liquor, he made his way to the kitchen where Alec was.

I was talking to Charlie anyway, but now that people were showing up it was best to just stay quiet. With Charlie leaving more people arrived. Rem and Grace came the same time as Xena and Alice did. Lastly, Chris and Christie showed up. I was just happy to see them getting along together.

I smiled at each of them. “Where is Noah?” I asked Alice and Xena.

“Not a good idea to have a child around.”

“I could have watched him,” I said.

“You’re not drinking?” Xena asked.

“Not tonight, I don’t think it’s a good idea.” I waved off.

Xena pouts, “Oh come on! Let loose for a little bit. You were such a party animal back at the old pack. What happened?”

My eyes widened, “Shhh.” I tried to shut her up but it was too late. I hated that part of myself.

Even Damon and Alec were looking at me from the kitchen.

“It is true.” Xena shrugged her shoulders.

“It is. Like the one time, she was hanging all over this guy at a party. I wondered what happened when they went to the basement to get more drinks together.” Chris added.

I scowled at him. That was a lie. I never hung out with any guy when I drank.

Alec scowled at me and went upstairs.

I glowered at Chris just like everyone else did.

“Nice job dick face,” Alice said to Chris.

Chris just smiled and shrugged his shoulders. Christie slapped his chest, “What was that!” She yelled.

“She has secrets of her own. Looks like you two have a lot in common.” Chris said ignorantly.

“That was uncalled for. You know I never hung out with guys when I drank. At least I’m a virgin unlike you.” I called Chris out on his shit.

Christie looked very pissed. “You’re a lying asshole! After I told you everything about me, you said you were a virgin. I poured my heart out to you about my past, only to find out you lied to my face.”

“What it’s not like you were a virgin.” He remarked.

Things were getting really heated and everyone looked to be in an awkward spot.

“I told you I wasn’t. Then you lied to me in return.”

“At least I wasn’t a whore. I only had sex once.” He pushed her away from him with force. That got a couple growls from everyone in the room.

Christie had tears in her eyes. She looked like she was tired of keeping something in. She threw her hands in the air and yelled to the top of her lungs, “I was abused!”

By the shocked look in Chris’s eyes, I could tell this was new to him. “I was abused by my own father! That’s when I spiraled downhill. I thought you could understand, but I guess my own other half doesn’t care.” She cried and walked out the door.

Chris was about to go after her but Rem slammed him against the wall first. He held him by the collar and they growled at each other. I remember Christie telling me that there was a pack trial so Rem had to know of what happened to her. I do know that he had a soft spot for her anyway.

“You bitch! You’re lucky I don’t kill you right now. She may not be my mate but I’m not going to watch you treat her like shit. Realize that you have a mate ready to give you everything she has. You are the first guy that she wants wholly.” Rem said.

“Also. Don’t forget who the Alpha’s are in this pack. Other than the Alpha and Luna of this pack. There is me, the sister of the Alpha and Damon, who has Alpha blood. Don’t disrespect any of us here. We are all higher than you.” Alice added as she wrapped her arms around Xena.

I watched as Rem let go of Chris and he left.

“Sorry about that Leah.” Rem said.

“It is fine. He deserves it.” I said.

After that whole entire mess, I went upstairs to find Alec. I need to set a couple of things straight.

I found Alec in our room. I walked in and didn’t say anything at first.

I sat down beside him on the bed. “What Chris said was a lie.”

“I know I heard everything. I want to kill him.”

My eyes widened, “He is my brother Alec.”

“I know. He is lucky. Christie doesn’t deserve that fucking shit. She already had enough.”

“I think that was already settled by Rem,” I told him. “Are you coming back down?” I asked.

“Only if you drink with me. Just one is all I’m asking.”

My sharp intake of breath and shaking of my head gave him my answer.

“Why not?” He asked.

“I can’t get drunk.”

“Is that a witch thing?” He asked.

“A witch has to add a special herb into the drink to get drunk. It’s an unnecessarily long process.”

“Oh okay.” He sighed.

“But if you want I guess I’ll take one drink.” I offered. “But it will have to be when they leave.”

“Alright then, let’s try to enjoy the rest of this night.” Alec grabbed my hand.

When everyone left I was glad for it to be just Alec and I.

Alec never took any pill so he was completely normal. He was only drinking for the taste, not to get drunk.

He handed me a beer. It only took me a couple of minutes to add the herb into it then I was back downstairs in a flash.

We decided to watch a movie. A choice of Alec was a horror movie. I didn’t hate horror movies but I wasn’t a fan of them either. I didn’t want to admit it but I was secretly afraid of them but I wasn’t going to say it. However, I’m sure my actions showed. I was cuddled very closely beside him while watching.

I even had to hold in a scream when someone popped out of nowhere. To me, it’s kind of pathetic that I was afraid of scary movies. I was a supernatural creature. Usually, people were afraid of me.

By the time the movie ended, I could feel the effects strongly. I felt really woozy and my vision became slightly blurred.

“Leah.” I could hear an echoing sound.

“Leah.” Followed by the snapping of fingers.

I giggled loudly and got off the couch. I end up tripping and falling into someone’s arms.

Alec looked at me in shock, “Are you alright?”

“Woah. Did that always use to be there.” I poked at his arm and laughed.

“Okay, you need to go to bed. This was a mistake.” Alec lifted me into his arms and carried me to our room with ease.

He laid in bed with me as I continued to laugh. It was like the whole entire room was spinning. On top of the dizziness, I was beginning to feel nauseous.

This was too crazy. I found myself poking at his face, “Oh no!” I gasped. “My poor baby.” I cupped his face and sadness filled me because I stared at his scars. The last thing I remember was kissing him.


A/N: Miranda is a woman in chapter 11, the sister of Lily. She kicked Leah out of her house after she freaked out over a flower.

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