
Chapter 21


“Wow, it is so pretty. I wish mine looked like that.” Alice said looking at my mating mark.

“Did you guys have sex?” Xena asked me.

My cheeks flushed, “No.”

“It has been a week since he left that mark, and you still haven’t banged him yet?” Xena blurted out.

My best friend was very blunt, but at times like this, I could do without her comments. Alice’s faced showed disgust, “Can we not talk about my brother? It makes me want to barf.”

Xena smiled and they both held hands, “Yea sorry.”

We all looked at each other awkwardly. I knew it was going to come. Three. Two. One.

“I’m just saying. Alice and I already mated within the first week. You’ve been together since you left the pack and it’s like he is afraid to touch you. I saw every time he is around you. It’s like he is afraid that you are going to break if he hugs you too hard.” Xena claimed.

“Yeah...” I trailed off. I did notice that behavior too. Alec and I have been hanging out for most of the week since the marking incident.

The way he watches me made me feel uncomfortable but I didn’t say anything. Before the mark happened he still watched me the same way. Even when he hugs me, he acts like I’m fragile. Maybe he was afraid to have sex with me.

Alice pulled me out of my thoughts, “It’s fine. I’m sure he just wants to take it slow so he doesn’t lose you. You are his first serious relationship since...” Alice caught herself. She didn’t know if I knew or not. And if I didn’t I knew she didn’t want to upset me.

“Since Victoria.” I finished her sentence.

Her eyes widened and she nodded, “How did you know?”

“Alec told me what happened.”

Alice and I were just staring at each other.

“Okay! That just got very awkward.” Xena yelled. Leave it to her to be the icebreaker.

Alec walked in through the door and I got very excited. I jumped up from the couch and ran into his arms. He hugged me.

“Are you ready?” He asked.


“Okay give me a second. I’ll be quick.” He kissed my forehead then ran upstairs.

Alec and I were going to go out on a date. He was planning to take me the go ice skating at the rink in town. I wore leggings and a short-sleeved shirt. Alec told me to bring a light jacket to fit in too.

When Alec returned, he held my hand and we walked to his car.

“You can listen to music if you want.”

As he started to drive, I messed with the radio until I found a good station that I wanted to listen to.

What Xena said made sense in a way. Maybe Alec was afraid to take it to the next step. Either way, I wasn’t trying to push it quickly to the next step. I liked the pace that we were going. I just need to stop letting people get into my head because that is exactly what is happening.

“What’s wrong?” Alec asked, taking his eyes off the road.

“Focus on driving. Nothing is wrong.”

“Really? Because it looks like you been thinking on something pretty hard. I noticed.”

I blushed, “Sorry. It’s just...” Should I tell him what’s bothering me? It really isn’t important to bother him about it.

“It’s just what?” He was still persistent.

I should tell him. After all, we are being completely truthful with each other. It wouldn’t do any harm if I told him anyway. So why not?

“Well. First look at the road please,” I hated when he looked at me for a long time when he was supposed to be driving.

“Fine.” He finally looked back at the road. I knew it was a straight away but it annoyed me when he wasn’t paying attention. Werewolf or not, we can still die.

“Everyone keeps bothering me about if we had sex or not,” I said.

“Why let it bother you? We are in charge of our relationship. No one else.” He stated.

“Do you think I’m fragile?” I asked.

“No. Why would you ask that?”

I shrugged my shoulders, “It’s just a question.”

Thinking about everything made me notice something. I need to spend time with some pack members. More like I wanted to. I loved feeling connected with everyone just like they loved feeling connected with their Alpha and Luna.

“After our date, could we walk through the pack?” Werewolves were naturally social creatures. Growing up, you get used to being in large crowds. That was something that would never change in me. I love being around people.

When we arrived at the rink I noticed only two things. One, it was very crowded. Two, Alec looked very handsome today. Even more so than the other day if that was even possible.

While walking in, we caught a few stares but I don’t think Alec noticed. If anything his focus was on me. Casually, he would glance over at me and smile, and he still continued to do so even when he paid and rented shoes.

The rink wasn’t cold to me in the slightest. I felt a little bit of coolness and that was it. I knew Alec was warmer than me.

There were mostly kids in the rink with other couples like us. I even recognize a few other pack members too. They bowed their head to us as if paying their respects. It made me feel safe to know that they were there, along with Alec.

I did like humans and had nothing against them but sometimes they made me feel sketchy.

I had nothing to worry about though. I grabbed Alec’s hand as we made our first lap around the rink.

“Why is everyone looking at me?” Alec now noticed all the quick looks and glances he was getting. Stares from pack members were normal, but humans were a different story.

“Well, you are abnormally bigger than the rest and the scars are different.” I shrugged my shoulders. “Just don’t worry about them.”

Alec was a bit unsteady at first but as time went on he could skate like a pro. Well, not exactly like a pro but at least like a normal person.

As for me, I was doing fine on my own. I just liked the feeling of his hand in mine.

We were on our fifth lap and I couldn’t help but notice Alec wasn’t talking much.

“Are you okay?”

He nodded his head.

Before he said anything else a woman skated straight up to us. She had blond hair and brown eyes.

“Hey, Alec.” She said in a sultry voice.

Was she trying to flirt? I narrowed my eyes at her. Could she not see me here. Clearly, she could.

“Hi, Bella,” Alec said in a flat tone.

This is probably why he wasn’t talking much. He most likely saw her here long before I did. This was probably one of the women he had sex with when I died.

Bella was about to say something else but I cut her off.

“Hello,” I announced making myself known. I looked around for a second and noticed all the pack members were tuning in on us.

“Who are you?” She said in a nasty attitude. We were now standing still as others were going by.

“I’m his girlfriend!” I beamed and hugged him. My hand was on his chest and my head was leaning on his shoulders. Alec’s arms snaked around me.

“That’s why you haven’t called! You been out with another whore?” Bella whined.

“Don’t call her a whore. She is everything you are not. You have no idea what we’ve been through.” Alec told her.

She seemed to be fuming, “I can’t believe you, asshole!” With that, she skated off to the other side of the rink with some guy. I could see from over here she was in tears. Well, that was a bit dramatic and short lived.

I kind of felt bad for her. She probably did think they had something special, but they didn’t. As a human, she would not have even been able to handle Alec. Not many females could have.

“Well, that was interesting,” I said. We continued to skate but this time I didn’t want to hold his hand. In fact, I didn’t walk to speak to him. I was aggravated and frustrated and I knew Alec could sense it.

“Yeah, not how I expected the day to go.” Alec scratched his head. I was a couple of feet away from him as we went another lap. I wanted to maintain my distance for a while.

All the sudden, I was body checked out of nowhere. My body slammed to the ground and pain exploded everywhere. I heard a series of growls from everywhere in the room, and I could noises from multiple humans.

Alec flew like a bird to me. “Are you alright?” He asked frantically.

“Yes, I’m not that fragile.” I snarled. I wasn’t mad at him. I was just pissed at who that was.

“That mother fucker,” Alec said to himself. We both looked at the guy who was with Bella. He was snickering and so was she.

Four humans skated up to me. I was still on the ground as everyone crowded me.

“Oh my gosh, are you okay?” I heard a series of questions related to that and I just nodded my head.

“Lun- Lady, are you alright?” I heard a pack member say. The pack members helped me up and blocked the humans from touching me.

Now that I was able to see, I finally looked at what Alec was doing.

“Stop him!” I told the pack members surrounding me.

They looked at me dumbfounded, “That is a suicide mission when he is that angry.”

So, we had no choice but to wait and see what he was going to do.

Alec finally reached Bella and the one guy that hit me. Bella looked startled as Alec grabbed the guy by the throat and slammed him to the ground.

“He’s better on skates now.” One of the members chuckled and they all laughed.

I watched the whole fight unfold. Punches were being thrown left and right to the human’s face. Blood spewed out onto the ice and many screams were heard. Mainly, the high pitch yelling from Bella. I no longer felt bad for her. They had it coming, especially since she probably orchestrated the attack.

“Yup, Let’s go before he kills him.” The pack members took their precious time to skate over.

I’m positive the guy was knocked out as he laid there not defending himself. Many humans were starting to leave because this got out of hand quickly.

Bella jumped on Alec’s back and started to hit him. I’m sure she felt like a fly to him, but no one was going to hit my man. With a little bit of witchery switchery, she fell to the ground at a very hard force. That’s what she gets. The best part is that it looked like an accident.

The pack members finally pulled Alec off and calmed him down. One was telling him something into his ear and they both looked at me.

Alec came over to me, “I think we are being kicked out.” He pointed to staff members that were heading our way.

“Quickly, let’s go.” I pulled him to the exit as our pack members started to distract them.

“It’s kinda funny.” Charlie laughed.

“Yeah, well know we can’t go back.”

“At least he defended you. I’m sure he can always build one in the pack.” Charlie reasoned.

A knock interrupted us and Alec walked in. “Who are you talking to?” He asked.

“Charlie,” I answered.

“The creepy ghost boy?”

“He is not creepy!” I yelled. Charlie stuck his tongue out at him and I laughed.

“What?” Alec questioned


I sat at the desk in my magic room.

“Are you feeling okay?” He asked.

“Yeah, just a little bruised. I’ll be fine.”

Alec looked around taking everything in. I almost decorated it completely. I just had a few more boxes to unpack.

“What does this do?” Alec picked up my glass ball from a box.

I quickly stood to my feet and grabbed it before he broke it, “Careful. It’s very valuable and breakable.” I said.

“I didn’t know.”

“That’s why you don’t go touching things.” I scolded him. “Anyway, it is my glass ball. It allows me to view others.” I said.

“I want to see how it works.” He said excitedly as he sat on the sofa.

I grabbed the base from the box and set it up. Then I sat down and Alec watched like a little kid. Charlie was also watching me as well.

My hand floated over the ball and it changed too many colors. I wondered who I would want to see. Miranda. It’s been a while since we last spoke and it didn’t end well.

“Mirāṇṭā.” Her name rolled off my tongue smoothly.

I felt a strange pulling as the ball turned a dark grey. That was odd. Usually, it would turn blue right before I would see her. It was almost like it was blocked. Maybe, I should go see her. There had to be an explanation.

The only time it didn’t work was if the person was having a personal or intimate moment. Like sex, showering, or something else related to those things. However, when that was the case it would turn red.

I decided to move on to the other person. Christie. “Kiṟisṭi.”

We all looked in to see Christie. She was crying? At least that’s what it looked like.

“I am not going to have a mate that’s a whore!” A voice boomed so loud that I jumped back in my seat. It sounded like my brother.

“I’m sorry. It’s not what it seems.” Christie sobbed.

“Pōtum.” I stopped. I guess she finally told him.

I stood up from my seat, “I need to talk with my brother.”

“Why? It’s true though. She use to sleep around a lot.”

“She use too. Not now, she is a different person.” I said.

I walked out of the house and toward the pack. Alec followed me the whole way there. It was until I got to the circle that I realized I have no idea where she lived.

I turned to Alec. Without a word, he knew what I wanted. “Just follow me.”

It was now my turn to follow Alec.

After pondering, I realized that they didn’t know that I was watching them. Plus, they are mates and I’m sure it will work out. Alec and I went through worse. They needed to figure out their own problems without anyone getting involved.

“Wait. They need to sort their own issues out by themselves.” I said

“Fine by me.”

I started walking in the direction of someone else’s house.

“Where are you going now?” Alec asked as he followed me like a lost puppy dog.


I finally reached her house and knocked on the door. I knocked on the door multiple times but got no answer.

“She should be here,” Alec said as he opened the door and walked in.

“Rude.” I commented. He held up his hand and silenced me as he sniffed around.

“Leah.” He panicked.


“Her scent is so faded that it seems like she hasn’t been here in months.”


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