
Chapter 23


One thing I didn’t miss was waking up with a pounding headache. I must have added too much last night, but I knew one thing. I was never doing that again. Not ever. Not if it felt like this when waking up.

I searched around the bed realizing that Alec wasn’t here. It made me feel even worst to be a hypocrite.

The door opens and Alec walks in with a glass of water and some pills. “I’m not sure if this will help but I have ibuprofen.”

He handed me it, and I gladly accepted, “I’m never doing that again. Not even if my life depended on it.”

“You are really dumb when you are drunk. Do you remember anything?”

“Not much.” I shook my head.

“So you don’t remember asking me to have sex with you?” He questioned.

I gasped and my eyes went wide. “No, I didn’t!”

“Yes, you did.” He stood by the door with his arms folded. Dressed in a black tee shirt with denim jeans.

Horror set into me. Did we actually have sex? No, I don’t believe he would take advantage of me in a moment of weakness. But I had to ask, “Did we...”

He eyebrows shot up, “Do you actually believe I would take advantage of you like that? Trust me I wanted too and it was hard to turn you down. Especially when you were hanging all over me.” He smirked.

A blush of embarrassment crept into my cheeks. I hid my face with my hands, “That is so embarrassing!”

He laughed, “Do you want to take a walk today?”

“Fresh air sounds nice.”

“Get ready, it’s already two.” He said before leaving.

As he left I decided that I wanted to dress up a little. So I rummaged through our closet, that was now split in half between the both of us until I found the perfect dress. It was really cold out but still, the pack members dressed like it was summer. The dress was a light blue color with see-through lace for the sleeves. The middle of the dress was see-through as well but it was still modest.

Alec saw me walking down the stairs, “Woah, you look beautiful.”

“Thanks, and you always look handsome.” I complimented him. He always looked perfect, even when he didn’t try. Sometimes it made me jealous.

We walked out of the house holding hands. Taking walks through the pack was one of the best feelings ever.

Despite being cold the weather was nice today. No crazy breezes swept through the forest today and it wasn’t snowing yet, but I was hoping that snow would come soon.

When we got to the circle of the village, it was full of life.

A nice game of football was being played by the younger boys. There were only two girls joining their game, and the rest of the young girls were huddled together on a porch playing with dolls that look to be made by stitch.

Two wolf pups were wrestling with each other near the water fountain, and parents talked and laughed with each other.

The leaves were no longer attached to the trees and only a few birds were present.

My eyes zoomed in on two teenagers feeding an animal. Dash. Surprisingly, Dash allowed them to get close enough to pet him. Alec noticed it too, “I guess he is getting use to the wolves.”

“Yeah, and I think they are liking it too.” I noticed when a couple more children started to walk up to Dash. Even adults were wanting to pet the young buck as well.

“First time they could ever get close to a deer before.” Alec rested his hand on my shoulder. “Things have changed since you have been here.”

“I bet.”

“Watch out!” I heard someone yell.

I flinched when Alec’s hand stretched across my face like lightning. A football almost hit the side of my face. It was a good thing he had seen it because I sure didn’t.

I let out a breath I didn’t even know I held.

A boy rushed over, “Alpha! Luna! I am so sorry.” He apologized.

Alec chucked the ball at him. “Be careful next time.”

“Are you all right?” A deep voice asked behind us.

Ace was there with a dark coat and shorts. I nodded.

Alec nodded. “You need to speak to me?”

“Yes, Alpha.”

Before Alec left with Ace to go talk I nudged him real quick. Their conversation was only going to be a few feet away but I wanted to talk a walk now. He would be able to find me later. I just couldn’t wait anymore. The longing to stretch my legs became even stronger.

“I’m just going to go take a walk. You’ll know where to find me.”

Alec nodded, “Just be careful. I’ll be with you soon.”

I turned to the forest and started walking.

Alec would be able to pick up my scent and find me quickly when he was done talking. Besides I wasn’t worried anyway because I was in the center of the woods, right in the middle of the pack.

I decided to sit on a tree stump and listen to the quiet nature of my surroundings.

Charlie appeared by my side. His childish grin told me that he had good news.


“Hey, you look cheerful today. Any news?” I asked.

“I can move things!” He yelled.

“Really! Show me!” I exclaimed. I was happy for him. I knew how much he was bummed out he couldn’t move anything.

“Well it’s not much, but look.” He bent down and poked a stick. He hand went straight through it and the stick stayed still. His eyebrows furrowed, “But I did it earlier! I swear.” He frowned.

“It is okay. I believe you. Maybe it’s something we don’t understand yet. Like an ability, you’d have to work on.”

“Or maybe it just never happened. Maybe my eyes were just playing tricks on me.” His eyes saddened.

I put my hand on his shoulder, “I think it will just take time, Charlie.”

A stick cracked and the brushing of leaves was heard. I expected to see Alec but I looked around and he wasn’t there. Only Dash was but he looked terrified. Somebody else was with me.

I reached my hand out in the direction of Dash but he ran away quickly. Snarls were heard and I instantly thought someone was about to go after him, but instead, they went after me. A rogue latched into my shoulder with its teeth and slung me to the ground. I groaned as I grabbed my hurt shoulder. It was bleeding badly.

The wolf pounced on me and snapped at my face. My hands instantly flew up to try and stop him from biting my face off. I was strong enough to pry open his mouth, in order for him not to bite, as drool and blood dripped from his mouth.

I heard cries from Charlie begging him to stop, but the rogue couldn’t hear. Even if he did, he wouldn’t stop. He wanted me dead.

When the wolf started to float in the air his eyes widened and he looked confused as he scanned the area. He was a good three feet above me as I didn’t get time to move yet. Before I had the time to roll out from underneath him he was tackled hard to the ground.

Alec’s big dark brown wolf took a protective stance above me. The small rogue shook the dust off him and weakly stood up. Fear struck into his eyes before it vanished.

The next thing you know is that growls and snarls filled the air. Two wolves were fighting and there was only one winner. Then it dawned on me. We could capture him and see what he knows. He looked like a well-groomed wolf so he had to be apart of a pack. Maybe it had something to do with Logan, Miranda, and the other rogue attack that killed Noah’s mother.

“Alec stop!”

Alec had him pinned to the ground making him suffer as he punctured him multiple times. Whines filled the air and I’m surprised no one showed up yet.

I separated the two wolves as they were suspended in the air. Alec growled at me and gave me the stink eye. “We can use him. Take him to the cells and find out what he knows.”

I could tell Alec didn’t like what I did what he finally gave me a loud wolf huff and rolled his eyes before he nodded his head. I let Alec down slowly and carefully. We both watched as the rogue dropped like a bag of potatoes. I hope that hurt.

The stench of blood and mildew fill the cold damp air. The colorless stone walls made it feel even more isolated in the cells. You could hear the sound of water dripping from the ceiling. It was even more sketchy as the lights kept flickering.

Someone cleared their throat before spitting at me, or at least in my direction. It landed before me but that was enough for Alec to notice. I scowled in disgust as my eyes narrowed at a wild looking man. His eyes looked feral and many scars were upon his skin.

It was the rogue that tried to kill me, he was now in human form. He was bleeding from wounds that looked like a knife. They haven’t healed so I could tell that came from silver.

“So it’s true then.” He eyes both of us.

“Guards open the cell,” Alec said in a once familiar voice.

The clinging sounds of keys came forward.

“There is no need. I have completed the goal that he sent me to do. Moon goddess forgive me. For if I don’t kill myself, he will surely do it.” The rogue said while looking above. Then his eyes glazed over. He was mind linking someone.

Alec quickened his pace but it was too late. After he was finished, the rogue repeatedly beat his head off the hard floor really hard and quick. Alec, the guards, and I watched as he killed himself. The chains weren’t short enough to stop him.

I couldn’t stop him either.

“Damn it!” Alec yelled and punch the stone wall. A loud crack echoed throughout the air and little pieces of stone fell to the ground. He didn’t fully break it, he only put a dent into the stone. It sounded like his bones had broke.

The guards stepped back a little to give him space, but I stayed still. I was aggravated too. That was our only key to find out who is trying to get to us.

I turned to the guards, “Did he get you any information when you tortured him?” I asked in a stern and strained voice.

“No Luna, he was very noncompliant. Although he demanded to see the Alpha immediately.” One guard said.

“Thank you,” I said.

“Um, Luna? Your shoulder hasn’t healed up yet and it’s still bleeding. Are you alright?” Another guard pointed out.

I looked at my shoulder. Besides the burning pain, I was okay. I would only heal if I healed myself.

“We should get that checked out. Let’s go.” By Alec’s tone, I knew not to argue. It was clear that he wanted to leave and let off some steam.

Once we ascended up the cells I followed Alec. It was hard to keep up with him when he was angry. His long strides outmatched mine by far.

It was to the point where I was jogging to catch up with him.

Alec noticed and stopped in his tracks until I could catch up. He raked his hand through his hair. A habit I noticed he did often when he was stressed or upset. Mad even.

“Are you alright? How long will it take to heal?” He asked.

“I can heal it myself in a private area,” I whispered.

His lips lightly turned up and he tilted his head. “Then I have something to finally show you.” He reached for me.

We held hands as he leads me deeper into the forest.

“This is one way to make this day better.” He whispered.

We picked up our speed as we jogged through the forest, but I was still slowing him down. He abruptly stopped and pick me up bridal style. Then he ran with me in his arms. Which was perfectly fine with me.

In no time we got to our destination. He placed me on the ground but held on to my shoulders preventing me from turning around.

“This place is forbidden to everyone. Including Rem. I come here often when I need to think. This place is very special to me. I want this to be our spot too.” He let go of my arms and I turned around.

I turned around and almost gasped at such beauty. I never wanted to paint something so much in my life. I was a horrible painter so maybe that wasn’t a good idea because I would hate to ruin such a beautiful place. A waterfall. A beautiful waterfall that cascaded into a crystal clear lake. It was so perfect that it almost sparkled. How was it even physically possible?

“Wow. I don’t know what I say.” I was still stuck on the beauty of it all. And how the tall trees surrounded it perfectly. This was insane.

“I’d say it’s not as beautiful as you.”

I looked and him and smiled. “How did you find this place?” I asked.

He looked down at the ground then at me. Right into my green eyes. This was a perfect moment. All I needed was some music or candles.

“My mother would take me here all the time. We would swim and talk for hours. This was once are spot,” He sat down and sprawled out on the grass. I joined him. “She use to tell me that when I’d bring my mate here it would be the most special feeling ever. She wasn’t wrong. I can feel my heart racing.”

My heart melted, but I could tell I melted his a lot more since we met. I interlocked my hands and rested my chin on them, so it wouldn’t touch the dirt. “Mine is too.” I still had a hard time trying to form words. This was just too overwhelming. “I can tell I finally did it. I finally chipped away the walls that you built to guard your heart.”

“The truth is that you were in the process of doing that long before you died.”

I leaned on him and stayed like that for a moment.

“Do you want to swim?” He asked.

“I’m wearing a dress.”

“Then take it off.” He suggests.

“I have no bra on.”

“Even better.” He remarked.

I smacked his arm.

He chuckled and his eyes crinkled. That was my favorite part of his body. Other than his scars.

He got up and stripped down to his boxers. Then he went into the lake. He yelled, “Come on in. The waters fine.”

I pondered it for a moment. What is that worst that could happen? After all, it was just us.

I took off my dress with a funny struggle and laid it on a rock. My shoulder throbbed even more which reminded me I was injured. I was so absorbed in the lake’s beauty I forgot I was hurt. I put my hand over my shoulder. This time the burning sensation caused by me was enjoyable.

I slowly walked into the water which was a tad bit cold. I was worried that my blood would affect the crystal clear lake but it didn’t. It cleans off my shoulder and I was left with not a single mark on my skin. The only thing remaining were red marks but they would go away.

I swam over to Alec, who was eyeing my chest like a piece of cake. “You know this is hardly fair. I’m all exposed.” I tilted my head and gave a quick glance to Alec’s boxers.

“You could have said something sooner.”

When he removed his underwear I removed mine. We were now naked in front of each other.

After we were done exploring the other person with our eyes, Alec was the first to approach me. Our feet were still touching the ground and the water stopped at my shoulder.

Alec caressed my face and gave me a demanding kiss. I felt like this kiss was different than the others. It started out slow and demanding. Then it turned into a great passion. My heart was beating so fast I thought it would explode.

Even though there were no sparks the way our bodies molded together was like two pieces to a puzzle. It was magical without the sparks and all.

My hands wrapped around his neck as we continued to make out. He hosted me up by his arms as my legs wrapped around him.

We both pulled away from each other and breathed for a second. “I’ve been thinking about something.”

“What’s that?” I asked.

“I love you.” He said.

When the words came out of his mouth I burst with joy. I could also tell something down below me burst with joy as well.

Anyway, I waited so long to hear those words from him. Now that I finally had it. I felt complete. I finally had him tell me he loved me.

I kissed him then pulled away to where our noses were touching, “I love you more Alec.”


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