Reign Of The King The Falcon Ridge Series Book 10

Chapter 20


I definitely feel better now. Nala was right. Ricky did have a reasonable explanation. I’m glad she did.

I spent the next three days, reliving her stress of dealing with her destroyed city and the deaths of 10 of her people.

Unfortunately, I needed to get back to Falcon Ridge as the rumors and doubts about my throne seem to be growing. Minor attacks have started.

The council informs me that they are quashing the uprisings as much as possible, but if things get out of hand, I may have to deal with these rebels myself.

My bed in Falcon Ridge is cold without Ricky in my arms beside me. Hopefully, I can go back soon.

I’m laying on my stomach when I feel it. My intuition tingles through my body.

I open my eye a bit. The room is just starting to become light with the sun on the horizon.

I feel for my threat. My eye moves to behind me. My hand grips my blade under my pillow.

In one swift motion, I twist to a sit, throwing my blade at the threat.

The blade flies through the air and misses a large, light grey wolf drooling in the corner. He moved out of the way at the last second.

My eyes narrow. “What?” No one can move faster than my reflexes. Except this wolf.

I tilt my head as the wolf starts to growl.

His fur stands up and he looks like his body doubles in size. My bedroom drops 15 degrees. Ice starts to form on my windows.

A cold fog escapes my lips.

“You’ve come to die.” I growl. My eyes glow solid white and the wolf jumps on me in my bed. I grab his head and land a punch on his head, sending him to the floor.

I get off the bed and grab the wolf by the back and throw him across the room

He crashes through my table and chairs.

He gets up, shakes his fur out and runs at me. I lunge for the wall and jump on it. Pushing off, I twist and land on his back. I wrap my arm around his neck and pull back.

“SHIFT!!” I command.

He doesn’t. This confuses me. He rolls and my back takes the solid wood frame of my bed. I loosen my grip from the pain and he spins. His open jaws come up in the air and his teeth sink into my forearm.

I feel my blood ice. My skin from his teeth, starts to turn blue and freeze.

I’m snarling, looking directly into his eyes.

My glows glow solid white. My skin, now frozen to my elbow, starts to recede as my healing kicks in.

I shoot daggers at him. “I don’t fucking think so.”

My hand grabs his top jaw and my strength rips his jaws open. I kick him and he flies into the wall. Bouncing off it and crashing to the floor.

I went to move on him again when a big Silverback gorilla crashes through my bedroom door. It roars, thumping it’s chest.

I raise my finger quick. “Don’t let him bite you!” I yell at Nala.

I shift to my white wolf and lunge at him. My wolf shakes him by the scruff like a chew toy and throw him into my dresser.

Nala grabs his tail and slams him into the floor.

I jump on him and grab him by the skull.

“This ends now.” I link.

I twist my head and the sickening crack of his neck fills my room. I separate his head from his shoulders.

My wolf stands and I spit his head on the floor.

I shift. My shoulders heave in heavy breathes and anger.

I look to the open door to my balcony. I walk out and look around.

From where I am, I see what looks like a Grey wolf running down the street away from the hotel.

I walk back in and grab my robe. “GET ALPHA COLE! THIS ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT WILL NOT BE IGNORED!” I yell as I walk into my bathroom to get cleaned up.


I pacing back and forth. I’m mad as hell. They dare attack me in my home. I want blood.

“Your Majesty. Preliminary investigation suggests they got past the guard on this side of the hotel and scaled the building to your open balcony” Bastian says.

“They climbed a forty floor hotel?” I cinch my brow together.

“Yes. They seem to have the strength to not only climb at an impossible angle for a wolf, but fight the high wind speeds up here.” Bastian informs.

I rub my chin with my other arm wrapped around me. “Probably skills from where they live.” I grumble. “I want to speak to the guards on duty on this side.” I turn to him.

“Uh…you can’t.” Bastian arches a brow.

“Why not?” I grit as I ball my fists.

“They’re in frozen pieces.” Bastian supplies.

I press my lips together. “Oh, I’m…sorry for your loss.” I bow slightly.

Bastian looks down. “They were good soldiers.”

“I want this second wolf found. Scour the city. He’s far from home. Somebody knows something.” I demand.

“Of course. We’ll take the body to Falcon Ridge and see if we can’t identify him. If anything, we might be able to identify this potion.” Bastian stands.

“Agreed. I’ll call Ricky. Maybe she can help.” I say.

Bastian nods. “Ok. I’ll also talk to Alpha Blake to see if there’s an armor the labs can develop against these bites.”

“Make it happen. Triple my guard. I’ll call the high council. I have a feeling my rebel uprising and this attack are connected some how.” I say in a deeply concerned voice.

He nods and leaves.

Nala walks up beside me in human form. “You believe your rumors have followed us here?”

I nod. I bite my lip. “I do. No one here would be so brazen as to send an ice wolf to kill me.” I turn to her. “There’s a bigger picture here.”

She folds her arms. “The question is….who do you trust?”

“I trust no one.” I growl.

She nods and arches a brow. “Ricky?”

I rub my nape. “I can believe that she wouldn’t do this, but I’m not so sure about the people around her.”

“You think it’s someone around Ricky?”

“Possibly. The ice wolves followed me here from Phoenix. Somehow this all fits together. I almost think the attack on Phoenix was a lure. They can’t get me in London so they knew if Ricky came back, I would follow.” I eye her.

I turn and sit on my couch. Crossing my leg and my arms. “Maybe I should just return.”

Nala sits beside me. “I think it would a bad idea. If they are using Ricky to lure you out, than she’s in more danger than you believe.” She leans on the back of the couch. “She may need your protection.”

I huff. “That girl doesn’t need my protection believe me.”



When Zander called me about the attack I hopped in my car before I could hang up the phone.

Two days later, I’m bursting into Zanders office.

“Zander?” I walk in and he’s sitting behind his desk. “Thank God.” I breathe.

“Ricky.” He smiles and stands.

I run to him and throw my arms around his neck. “What happened?”

He pushes me back. “Ice wolves. They attacked me in my sleep. One I killed, but the other got away.”

“Nordics? Here?” I looked confused.

“There’s more. The wolf I fought seemed stronger than normal and he didn’t respond to my commands.” He looks into my eyes.

“Well, that’s new.” I look down thinking. “Maybe it’s something new the shaman added to his potion.”

He looks at me. “The body’s here if you’d like to test it.”

“I’ll try, but even dead, their defense mechanism kicks in. Hopefully it’s still intact.” I turn my head to him.

He cups my cheek. “I missed you.”

I smile. “I missed you too.”

He leans down and kisses me gently. I wrap my arms around his neck as he kisses me harder. His arms wrap around my waist and pulls me into him.

I can feel his heart race and his body heat. Mine responds the same way. Even as we face an invisible threat, our attraction to each other is hard to control.

He grabs my hair and pulls my head back. Licking and biting my neck.

He lifts me to his desk and presses himself between my legs. “Do you want me, Ricky?”

“Yes…” I breathe as he undoes my pants.

He places his hand on my throat and glares into my eyes. “Do not come.” He growls.

He lowers himself and pulls my pants off. “Keep quiet.”

I rest my hands on his desk as he spreads my legs. I watch as he licks his lips while my pussy drips in desire.

He softly runs a finger down my slit. I press my lips together, stopping myself from moaning.

His incredibly soft tongue hits the lips of my pussy and the urge to moan out was unbearable.

My body shook with every lick. My heat flared in waves as he licked my clit.

A tear escaped my eye and a stifled moan buried itself in my throat.

He teeth clamped my clit. My head shot up from the pain and my jaw dropped.

He looks up at me. “No noise!” he growls with my clit between his teeth.

My eyes lock with his as he wraps his mouth around my pussy and sucks hard.

I’m biting my lips so hard as my climax builds. He flicks my clit hard.

My orgasm rages to the edge. Begging to be released.

He sits back and inserts a finger rubbing my clit with his thumb fast.

He wipes his chin and looks into my eyes.

I’m practically crying as my thighs shake hard. My face is red as I fight my orgasm.

“You want to come hard, don’t you?” He smirks.

I nod my head fast.

“Say it.” He commands.

“..I want to come…” I squeak.

“Really bad?” He tilts his head.

His assault on my pussy is pure torture.

“…Yes…” I grit as I whine. Fighting my climax has another tear well in my eye.

He full on stops and stands. He grabs a handkerchief from his pocket and wipes his hand off.

“Wha?....” I sit there flushed and panting in burning heat.

He eyes me. “Not now. We have work to do.”

He grabs my head by the hair and kisses me as I whine on his lips. He cleans me up.

He pulls me back. “Put your pants back on.” He growls.

“You asshole!” I say as I glare at him.

He grips my hair again. “I’m not an asshole. I’m your King. Now get dressed.” He kisses me again.

I shake my head as I get dressed. “I’m so going to get you back for that.”

He side eyes me with a smirk. “You can try.”

I point to him. “You better watch out, King. You wont know what hit you.” I smirk back and grab his chin giving him a quick kiss.

He chuckles. “Go test that body.” He says as I walk around his desk.

Fucking guy. If he thinks I’ll let that go , he’s has another thing coming.


Heading to the labs, I try to calm myself as best I can.

I run into Declan.

“There you are. Why do you look like you just ran a marathon?” He looks at me as he joins my side.

“Because I did.” I blow out a breath.

“What?” He looks confused.

“Nothing. You have something?” I ask.

He hands a file to me. I open it to a picture of our dead ice wolf.

“The gonads on this guy must be huge. To attack the King of Wolves, he must have been promised something huge.” I say as I read the information in the file. It’s not much. The Nordics are almost as elusive as the Nomads.

“Do you recognize him?” Declan asks.

I study the picture again. “Isn’t this one of Christians travel buddies?”

Declan nods. “I think his name was Eli or something.”

“Right. Eli Baxter. Why would he be involved in an assassination?” I close the file.

“Maybe it’s not me you should be asking.” Declan eyes me.

I scowl. “Call him.”

We walk into the first room of the lab.

River is in with some assistants. There’s windows on one wall and in the room is the headless body. There’s fog coming down from the ceiling.

“Ricky. Glad you’re here." River smiles.

“I wish it was a different kind of party though.” I fold my arms and look out to the body. “Where’s the head?”

“Um…we tried to get a brain sample and…” He scratches his temple.

I arch a brow. “It disintegrated onto a billion pieces.” I finish.

“Yep.” He responds. “We’ve dipped the temperature of the room past survivability. Hopefully, that will keep him intact.”

“Ok. Get me a suit.” I smile.

They fit me and Declan with thermal suit and we enter the room.

“If this works, our problems will be solved.” I say through the communication mic in the suit.

“Ricky.” Declan points to the Nordics arm.

I look closely and hold my hand over the rising bruise. “Is that a hand print?”

“Yeah.” Declan confirms.

“Zander?” I look at him.

Declan shakes his head. “This was sometime before then attack. Look.”

Just above the bruise was an five prick injection site. “He was injected.” He held his hand over the print and made like he was holding an injection gun. “Most likely by force.”

“Probably what stopped him from listening to Zanders commands.” I say.

I heave a breath. “Ok. Let’s get a piece and get out of here. With him frozen solid, blood will be frozen so I think a finger maybe enough.” She looks around. “Hand me those snips.”

Declan hands them to me and I slowly approach the dead wolfs hand. I gently lift his pinky finger. “You’re OK. I’m not threatening you. Just relax.”

“It’s OK. I’m just nervous.” Declan says with his arms folded and looking between me and the body.

I turn to him.

“What?” He holds his hands out.

I shake my head and go back to placing the snips slowly and carefully around the bottom knuckle.

My hand is shaking a bit is I suck in a breath.

I snip the finger off and as soon as the finger separates, the body explodes. Frozen, bloody shrapnel fires out in all directions, shaking the table violently. The boom shook the instruments and equipment.

“SHIT!” I yell as I duck out the way.

Declan slams himself onto the floor. “I hate it when they do that.” He growls.

“Declan.” I turn and hold my hand out.

He stands and looks at the pinky in my hand. “You got it.” He smiles.

I turn to River. “Get a box filled with dry ice. We need to keep this baby frozen.” I giggle.

River smiles and nods from the other side of the glass.

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