Reign Of The King The Falcon Ridge Series Book 10

Chapter 19


As I walk the halls of my palace, Redrick is speaking to me of my treaties. I have my hood up and my hands clasped behind my back. My foot falls echo through the now quiet halls.

I barely hear his words as my mind is an ocean away.

It’s been four days since Ricky left me in the driveway of the palace and still no word from her or anyone else on the Phoenix attack.

“Zander. Are you hearing me?” Redrick tries to see my face.

“Hm…yes…sorry.” I shake my head as I mumble.

“What’s the matter? You seem distant.” He asks.

“Nothing. Just lost in thought.” I say.

“Anything you want to talk about?” He says as we stroll through the halls.

“Not really.” I respond.

Nala’s tiger purrs at my knee.

“No. I would hardly call it heartbreak, Nala.” I side eye her.

“Heartbreak?” Redrick questions.

I shake my head. “That American girl I told you about. She was here for a few days. She got called back four days ago and I haven’t heard from her.”

“And this doesn’t sit well with you.” He states.

“I do wish to be informed on her emergency.” I explain.

“Is that all?” He asks.

Nala growls.

“Yes. That’s all.” I respond in a harsher tone.

“I think you’re right Nala. It is heartbreak.”

I turn to him and he smirks. “It’s not heartbreak.” I face forward. “I mean, yes, we did get…close. But nothing that would warrant what you’re suggesting.”

Redrick stops me. “Go to her, Zander.” He smiles.

“What? I can’t leave now. The treaties. The rumors…” I look at him.

He leans to me. “There’s a whole council that can do that for you. It’s our jobs, is it not?”

I look down and bite my lip. “I couldn’t.”

“I really believe your future may depend on it, Zander.” He smiles.

I look an eye up at him. I look at the tiger sitting beside me. “Nala?”

The tiger chuffs.

I cross my arms, contemplating. I nod and look at Redrick.

He chuckles. “That’s a King. Go get your woman.” He grabs my shoulder and shakes me.

I look to Nala. “Prepare my plane.”

The tiger growls small and walks off.

Redrick wraps his arm around my shoulder. “Don’t worry about London. If things turn for the worse, you’re a phone call away.”

I nod. “Redrick…thanks.”

He stops and shrugs. “What can I say, I’m a sucker for romance. Now, go!” He points down my hall.

I smile and put a hop in my step. I jog down the hall as my hood flips off my head.

I run to my office to grab some paperwork and stuff to take to America.

“What are you doing, Zan?”

I look up and Destiny is lounging on my couch with his feet crossed on it.

“Get you feet off my couch.” I growl. “I’m packing.”

“Why?” He said in a suspicious tone. He folds his hands behind his head.

I sigh. “You know why, Destiny. Don’t pretend like you don’t.”

“Zander.” He almost sings my name ad he gets off the couch. “That’s not the deal, buddy.”

“Yes, well. The deals off. Now, go away.” I growl as I pack.

The next thing I know, I’m pinned to the wall in my office by my throat. Destiny with his young 19 year old face smirks at me. His face mere inches from mine. I grip his arm hard.

“You can’t quit in the middle of my game, Zan.” He looks deep into my eyes.

“You can’t make me play.” I grind through clenched teeth as my feet struggle to find footing.

He ticks his head. “True and I can’t kill you…yet.” He lets me go and straightens his shirt. “I just have to find some other way to make you play.”

I point in his face. “Stay out of my life. I won’t encourage your childish behavior.” I growl.

“You already have, Zan the man. You already have.” He smirks and blinks out.

I drop my arm and look around my empty office.

I had fully intended on going to Hope with the loophole, but then thoughts crossed my mind that she might not even take it. She could still deny me even though I found the way we could spend our lives together.

Then Ricky showed up at my palace gate. I realized just now, that I hadn’t given Hope one thought since Destiny appeared. The whole time Ricky was here and the whole time she has been gone, I never once thought of hope.

Should I take this as a sign? Should I say that my ripped heart is mending? Do I dare say it. If this is something that becomes bad, my wolf couldn’t take it. My Zeta emotions would kill me. I don’t think Nala could save me from this.

My thoughts travel my mind as I close my bag and throw the strap over my shoulder. The seed of doubt plants itself that this could all end badly and my kingdom be left in ruin. But, dammit, I’m boarding that plane.

A few hours later, I’m seated in my seat looking out the window as we take off. Nala is in the seat across from me.

“You’re nervous.” Nala says, folding her hands in her lap.

I nod. My chin resting on my fingers. “What if there’s a reason she never called?” I mumble.

“I’m sure there is…a reasonable one.” She says.

I sigh and cross my legs. I fold my fingers in front of me, my elbows on the arm. I look up at her with my head tilted. “What if it’s bad.” I say quietly.

“Then we move on. We use its strength, Zander. You cannot let your emotions get the better of you. Think of your people. You’re not weak like your ancestors.” Nala says.

I nod. “I know, but I feel them, Nala. Even now. My wolf is worried. I feel his concern. I feel his loneliness. His distrust. It’s starting to overwhelm.” I look out the window again.

“Zander, you must trust me when I say, this situation is nothing like before. I’m not saying there won’t be heartbreak, but from what I feel, it’s not the same.” She eyes me.

“I hope not.” I grumble.

Thoughts of Ricky turning me down. Angry at me for leaving London or not even wanting to see me at all, run through my mind on a loop for the whole plane ride. I couldn’t even sleep with my wolf so restless. We have to see her. If only to settle our emotions.

When we land, I’m driven to our hotel suite. I text her yet again. I call her for the thousandth time. She’s not answering any of them.

I put my phone back in my pocket. My eyes filled with worry of rejection. I don’t even know why. We spent a few days together. It wasn’t like we are even exclusive. But my wolf has grown attached. I think she’s grown on me too just a bit. It was deafeningly quiet around the castle after she left.

I press the button for the driver. “Falcon Ridge Security Unit now.” I bark.

“What are you doing? We need to go to the hotel.” Nala says.

“I need to see her.” I grumble as I watch Falcon Ridge pass by my window.

We get to Falcon Ridge Unit and I don’t even wait for the driver. I let myself out and run into the building. The soldier at the counter looks shocked.

“Your highness?...” He says.

“Yes. Yes. Alpha Killian. Is she here?” I ask.

“I’m not sure, sir.” He says.

“Alpha Cole?” I’m sounding rushed.

“Yes, sir. I’ll buzz you in.” He buzzes the door and I rush through the halls to the elevator and ride it up to Bastian’s floor. I get off the elevator with shear determination in my steps. My robes flying behind me.

I get to his office and throw open his door. “Alpha Cole!” I bark.

He looks up and looks at the people sitting at his desk. He looks at me again.

He smiles at the people. “We’ll continue this later.”

The people get up and scuttle by me as I side eye them.

“Your Highness. I didn’t know you were coming.” Bastian stands.

“Ricky. Is she here?” I ask.

“Um…I’m sorry she’s not. She’s in Phoenix. There was an attack.” Bastian informs.

“Yes. Yes. I know.” I say, impatiently. “I require a ride to Phoenix.” I take off my robe

Bastian scratches his head. Well, the Alphas that are here are on the training field.”

“Fine.” I turn and walk out. “Get them and meet me out front.”

I go back down to the limo. I hand Nala my robe. “I’m going to Phoenix. Wait for me at the suite.”

Nala nods and I shut the door.

I watch the limo pull away as a Ram1500 pick up truck pulls up. The window rolls down and Grey smiles. “I heard your Royal highness needed a lift to Phoenix.”

I look in and see Luke and Lucius in the back. “Really?” I arch a brow.

Luke grins. “There might be bad guys to punch. I’m in dude.” He looks at Lucius who nods and they fist bump each other.

Grey rolls his head to me. “Think of them as your Royal guard.” He smiles.

“Royal guard. I like that. Hey, can you knight me?” Luke’s brow goes up. Sitting up between the seats.

I point to him as I get in. “No.”

He leans back. “Ok. Just saying. Sir Luke Jackson has a nice ring to it.”

Lucius turns to him. “No, it doesn’t.” He grumbles.

“What do you know, Tarzan.” Luke scowls.

Lucius punches his arm.

“OW!” Luke growls.

Lucius smirks.

“I will kick you both out right now!” I yell.

“We’ll be good.” Luke says. He crosses his arms as I scowl at them both.

In the corner of my eye Luke punches Lucius back.

I shake my head at the fact that I’m stuck in a truck with these idiots for the next two days, but seeing Ricky is important and worth the aggravation.


The ride was great until the questions started.

“So. Why are we on an impromptu drive to Phoenix there, your highness?” Grey glances at me.

“I need to see someone. It’s…important?” I mumble as I stare out the window.

Luke leans forward. “This someone wouldn’t happen to have long brown hair, fabulous body and a fiery attitude would it?” He grins.

I whip my head to him. “No! Now sit back!” I growl.

Grey looks at me and arches a brow. “You sure? I mean, we all see it, dude."

“You see nothing.” I grumble.

“Come on, King. We’re all guys here. Mated guys. We know what we see.” Luke says.

I turn my head to Grey who nods.

“Maybe.” I growl and turn back to the window.

From behind me I hear. “He’s got it bad.”

I flop my arm down. “I do not…got it bad!” I snap.

Luke chuckles. “Dude, be honest. Would you be driving hundreds of miles for just anyone?”

I look down. “Not exactly.”

Grey smirks. “You like Ricky even though she drives you insane right?”

“Ok. Maybe I like her on the smallest of scales. I just need to find out why she hasn’t called me in five days, alright.” I look around the cab of the truck.

“Right. I bet you there’s way more to it than that.” Luke smirks.

I turn to him. “Like what?” I bark.

He points up indicating the moon.

“Never. It’s impossible.” I fold my arms.

“Why is it impossible?” Grey asks.

“Because….” I flop my arms down searching for an answer. “She’s….not….royalty.” I fold my arms again.

“So.” Grey says.

“So…she’s not of proper status. She carries herself all wrong. She’s mouthy and rude. I’m sure fate wouldn’t pair me with her.” I stuck my nose up.

Grey smiles. “You’ve been thinking it haven’t you?”

I glance at him and lower my head “Yes.”

“I knew it." Luke smiles. “I really should start charging for this.”

“Listen. I don’t think we’ll even get to that point Ok. Just…get me to Phoenix…in peace!” I growl.


Pulling onto the mountain road, I watch the view out the windshield.

“What?” I lean on the dash as tall city opens up.

“Welcome to Phoenix City, Your Majesty.” Grey grins.

My eyes widen as I take in the futuristic style skyscrapers with Phoenix carvings everywhere. The city practically shines in the sunlight.

“Fuck.” Grey says.

I look where he’s looking and the dome Ricky was talking about was half gone in broken glass and twisted metal.

“Double fuck.” Luke says. I look at him and look to where he’s pointing.

I can only assume that that’s the security unit with a huge chunk taken out of the side like someone blew it up.

“What happened here?” Lucius asks.

“Nordics.” Grey supplies.

“Son of bitch.” I growl. “I need to find Ricky.

“If anything she’ll be at the pack house.” Grey says.

We drive through the city. I take in some sights, but it’s hard when I need to see and hear from Ricky so bad.

We pull into the pack house that looks tiny compared to my palace.

I get out once Grey parks and run to the front door. I walk in and there’s people walking everywhere. Everyone is busy getting things done since the attack.

I stop a guy. “Have you seen Ricky?”

He points. “She back there somewhere.”

I walk a bit more looking at various people. Then I see her in an office.

“Oh thank God.” I say as I walk in.

“Zander? What are you doing here?” She furrows her brow.

“Why haven’t you been returning my calls!” I yell. “I wanted to be informed! It’s been five days!” I throw up my hands at her and my face is full of anger.

She picks up a file and walks to a other person. “Has it been five days? Honestly it’s been so crazy here, I lost all track of time.” She walks and picks up a box. I’m following her out to the hallway.

“Ricky, I was worried. I was going out of mind.” I say to her back.

“I’m sorry, Zander, but if you haven’t noticed, we’re kind if having a crisis here. With the labs exposed, we’ve had to move everything here. It’s a complete mess.” She hands a box to another person and continues on.

I grab her arm. “Ricky. I’m a mess. Just take two seconds to talk to me Ok?”

She sighs. “You’re right I’m sorry. I just…I get so into my job. I…you know what here.” She reaches into her pocket and pulls out keys. She holds up one. This is my apartment downtown. If you want to meet me there, then I can relax with you. I just really need to get these lab reports and experiments contained and secured. I’m really sorry.”

I take the keys. “One hour or I’m coming here and carrying you out.” I growl.

I turn and stomp out.

I feel like she’s trying to push me away, but it could be all in my head. She seemed really stressed out. I get it. Disaster struck here. If it was me, I’d have no time for her either. We’re both so devoted to our jobs, I really hope they don’t get in the way. I’ve been down this road before.

I sit in her apartment and wait. While I do, I have a chance to look around a bit. I see pictures of sky diving, scuba diving, bungee jumping. All the daredevil things she has shown me so far, but then I see something I didn’t expect.

Ricky very young. Dressed simply with a more innocent look. From the various pictures, I see there’s no thrill seeker here. She looks quiet. Cautious almost. Like it was another life. Mostly sitting at a desk with a computer.

I pick up a picture of a handsome young man in a Falcon Ridge uniform. I see a picture of Ricky hugging him. Friend or maybe brother. There’s also a wood box on the table with the picture of the young man.

I look around and look to the box. I lift the lid with my fingertips. Inside was also a sight I didn’t expect to see. A folded up American flag with medals on top. This is only given to the surviving family members of a dead soldier.

My heart sinks as I close the lid. It’s clear her brother died while on duty. I close my eyes as I back away. This explains a lot. I believe Ricky took up her adrenaline addiction after her brother was killed to either prove she’s not scared of dying, or to join him at some point. Either way, what she’s doing isn’t exactly healthy.

I look around the rest of the small apartment. It’s definitely a sight of a single person. Very minimal belongings. For some reason it doesn’t really feel like her.

I’m walking around when the door opens.

She smiles. “Hi.” She breathes.

I stride to her, taking big steps and I grab head. Devouring her lips.

She drops her bag and melts into me. I kiss her within an inch of her life.

I pull her back and she looks at me with her slit eyes.

I smile. “Hi.” I whisper.

She smiles back. “Sorry, I took so long.”

I rub her arms. “It’s fine.” I grab her hands and she leads me into the living room.

“So, I realized after you left that my phone was still off when I left the restaurant. Zander, I wasn’t ignoring you. Honestly, I was just crazy busy. This attack was the worst one yet.” She leans on her knees and rubs her neck.

“Hey I get it. Head Alpha is a big job and this attack….you probably didn’t need me coming at you like I did.” I scrub my face and roll my head to her. “I’m sorry.”

“Hey. You flew thousands of miles just to see me, you should get something it.” She smiles.

“Oh yeah? What should I get.” I smirk.

She grabs my nape and pulls my head to hers. She presses her lips to mine.

I thread my hand into her hair as my soft tongue swirls with hers. I grab her hair and pull her back.

“Where’s your bed?” I mumble on her lips.

She points to the hall, not taking her dreamy eyes off me. “Third door on the left.” She mumbles back.

I kiss her again and stand, pulling her up with me. I lift her up and wrap her legs around me. I carry her off to bed to give her some much needed stress relief.

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