Reign Of The King The Falcon Ridge Series Book 10

Chapter 18


Oh My God! Have I said that already. Well, I’m saying it again. OH. MY. GOD.

If Zander is the king of anything, he’s the king of making me shake uncontrollably and turning to a puddle on the floor.

That was not what I expected at all. I kind of thought he’d be reserved and well behaved in bed. Turns out my king has quite the dirty streak.

His command over me has me weak in the knees and begging for more. Which is weird since I’m usually not like that. I’ve always been the one to take charge. Zander is a hot, exciting change.

I side eye him for like the hundredth time as we walk the streets of London. He’s actually spent the last three days showing me shops and stores. I guess he likes the sight seeing too.

The amazing architecture and the people here are so fabulous and some are so free in their self expressions, I just love it!

We come to a large building that looks like an old church.

I pull out my phone. “Ok. Over to the fence.” I wave him off the sidewalk.

“Ricky. You’ve got a hundred pictures.” He whines.

“And I want one more, Your Royal Whininess.” I smirk. I run to him and pull him to the fence. I sling my arm around him and I take a selfie with my phone on my stick.

I look at the picture. “You know you could smile. Your face won’t break.”

“You want a picture. That’s what you get.” He pushes off the fence and continues to walk.

We cross the street. A double decker bus honks it’s horn. We run the rest of the way. “Will you slow down!” Zander says.

“Oh. I want to go in here." I say as I run into a t shirt shop. Zander opted to wait outside.

After about a half hour, I come out. “Well, what do you think?” I hold my arms out, grinning from ear to ear.

Zander puts his hands in pockets. He reads the shirt. “I wish I had a British accent. Cute.” He mumbles.

I put my bag down. “I got one for you too.” I pull it out and hand it to him. “Put it on.”

“I will not.” He sticks his nose up.

“Well, that’s rude. I paid good money for that.” I put my hands on my hips.

He furrows his brow. “Fine.” He reaches back and pulls of his tshirt and throws it at me. I catch it and put in my bag. I eye people checking out his bare chest as he puts the shirt I bought him on. I eye it too and my mouth waters.

“There.” He says, straightening it out.

I fold my arms. “Well, read it.” I smirk.

He pulls it off his chest and reads it. He shakes his head. “Angry British Guy?” He arches a brow and frowns.

I chuckle. “If you’re going to play the part, might as well warn everybody right?” I back hand his chest. “Come on. We’re losing light.”

“No way!” I yell and cross the street. Horns honk as I book it to the River Tames.

“RICKY!” Zander yells at my back. He meets me on the other side. “Can you not get yourself run over please.” He growls.

“Look!” I point out to the river. My finger points to a speed boat and someone water skiing behind it.

I lick my lips and look up and down the river, then I see it. Water-skiing booth.

I look at him with excitement in my eyes. “Let’s go!” I say mischievously.

“No…Ricky….” Zander protests, but I grab his hand and drag him with me to the booth.

The guy at the booth eyes us. “You two ever water ski before?”

“I have, but I’m sure His Royal Boring pants hasn’t." I smirk at Zander who’s glaring at me.

“I’m not doing it.” He growls with his arms crossed.

I pay for it and turn to him. I lean into him. “Yes, you are.” I grab his hand and drag him to the dock. “It’s fun. Totally safe and easy.” I turn to him. “The rush is amazing.”

He leans to me. “You’re not bringing your crazy stunts here.”

I mimic his angry face. “Yes I am. Suit up.”

The guy on the dock comes over. “Don’t worry, mate. No need to be scared.” He grins.

Zander snatches the life jacket out of the guys hand. “I’m not scared.” He flares his eyes.

“For a bloke who’s not scared, you look pretty scared. Just saying.” The dock guy chuckles.

We go through the rules and get our gear on. We opted for boards. Well, I opted for boards.

We line up on the launch. The dock guy lines up the boat. “Hold on, mate.” He chuckles.

He starts the boat and the ropes tied to it, go taunt. We’re dragged into the water.

“WHOA!” Zanders eyes go wide as the guy speeds up.

“WOOHOOO!” I scream. “YEAH!”

I look beside me and Zander looks panicked. “Relax!” I shout.

He looks over at me. “This is not relaxing!”

“Zander. Loosen up. You won’t have fun until you do!” I shout back.

I watch as he starts to loosen up a bit.

We zoom past people in row boats and walking around the edge of the river. I put a hand up and wave. “WOOO!”

Zander looks around as the boats speeds us down the river. He may have a small smile tugging at his lips.

The boat guy looks back. “You guys Ok?!” He shouts.

I look at him. “Go faster!”

“Wait, what?” Zander looks at me.

I look at him and smirk.

“Ok. What ever you say!” the boat guy hits the throttle.

“What? No!” Zander shouts.

“YEAH!!” I shout loud.

After settling into the new speed, Zander seemed to be getting into it.

I look over at him. “Hold your rope up!”

“What?” He looks at me.

I raised my rope handle up to my shoulders. “Hold it up!”

So he does.

I pull in some rope.

“What are you doing?” He shouts.

“Don’t move!” I shout back.

I lean on my board and squat down. Pulling myself under his rope.

“RICKY!!” Zander yells.

I lean the other way and pull myself back to where I was. Laughing my fool head off. “Just relax!”

“Don’t do that again!” He growls.

I ride the wake of the boat a few times before we have to turn around and head back.

“Hang on!” I warn Zander. “Watch the boat….” But it was too late he hit the wake and was caught off guard.

“OH, FUCK!” Was the only thing I heard as he lost his grip and went skidding across the water.

“ZANDER!!” I dig my board down into the water to slow myself down when I let go. I also go skidding across the water. I reach down and unclip my board.

Swimming to where he landed. He’s treading water, squeezing the water out of his hair.

I’m completely shocked at what he’s doing when I get to him.

He’s full on laughing!

I laugh too. “Are you ok?” I swim the rest of the way, bobbing in front of him.

“I thought I was going to break my neck, but I’m OK.” He chuckles.

“See. Fun right?” I splash water at him.

“Yeah…I’ll admit it was fun.” He actually smiles. He splashes water at me.

“Hey!” I laugh and return his splash.

He jumps forward and we splash each other a few more times. He grabs my arm and pulls me into him. He fists my hair. “Come here.” He growls with a smirk. His mouth covers mine and his tongue enters my parted lips. He holds my head as he deepens the kiss. As we bob in the water, all of London disappears. I wrap my arms around his neck as I devour his amazing lips. Running my fingers through his wet, soft hair.

His other hand lands at my jawline as he pulls back, dragging his teeth across my bottom lip. My eyes are slits as I try to drag myself back to reality.

He gives me a few more small kisses. “You hungry?” He asks.

“Oh, yeah.” I breath.

He chuckles. “For food.”

“That too.” I breath again resting my lips on his.

He smirks and kisses me again.

The sound of the boar horn breaks us apart. “You guys want a lift or should I come back later.” He smiles and bounces his brow, leaning on the edge of the boat. We look at each other and giggle.


Zander looks at me in the car heading back to the palace.

“Ok. We did your thing, now we do mine. When we get home there is a box on your bed. Open it, follow instructions and meet me downstairs in two hours.” He grins as we pull into the palace.

I narrow my eyes. “What did you do?”

He gets comfortable. “You’ll see.”

We stop and the driver lets us out. “Off to your room. Servants will be there in an hour. So hurry.” He hits my backside and I yelp. I turn to him. “Go on.”

I run up the stairs and there’s a big thin box on my bed. It’s white with a red ribbon tied around and a red rose tucked into the ribbon.

I pulled out the flower and smelled it. “What did you do?” I mumble to myself. I open the box and my eyes go wide.

“Oh my God.” I pull out the yellow ball gown. “Holy shit!” I run to my full length mirror and press the dress to my front. “Oh, I can’t pull this off.”

I throw the dress on my bed and go have a shower. After I come out, there’s a knock at my door. “Come in?” I furrow my brow at the door.

A bunch of women come in. “Oh good, your cleaned. Quickly, your dinner reservations are waiting.” One woman smiles.

“Dinner reservations?” I raise my brow.

“Yes, dear. The king has requested your presence at The Queens Garden. A beautiful restaurant. You’ll love it.” She smiles.

“Oh…um…Ok.” I say nervously. Fancy dinners are not what I had in mind. When I said food, I thought a burger or something. Now I’m in silk, lace and pearls. I feel like I’m going to puke.

I stand in front of the mirror and fix my dress that hugs me to just below my hips and flares at the bottom. I hold my stomach as I look at myself. “Ok. So not so bad.” I breath.

“He’s waiting, dear.” The last woman says as she stands at my open door.

I blow out a breath. “Here goes nothing.”

My body is heated with nerves as I descend the steps. I get to the top of the main steps. I turn and look down. Zander turns and I almost fall over. Shivers run through my body as I look at him in his tuxedo. This is really happening.

A smile spreads across his face as I take the steps slowly praying I don’t break something falling down them.

He holds his hands in front of himself. “You look…I knew yellow would look good.” He bites his lip.

“You chose this?” I look at the dress.

He holds his head up. “Of course, I couldn’t leave such an important decision to just anyone.” He said confidently.

“Oh, well thanks.” I blush and fidget with my hair. I’m a bundle of nerves.

He stands in front of me. “Ok. You’re out with me now. On my turf. So if you want to play my game, you have to act the part.”

He eyes me. “When you walk, you hold your head up, don’t slouch. Carry yourself with confidence. Don’t ask for respect, you command it. Understand?” his voice is deep and his chest is out.

“I think so.” I breath.

He shakes his head. “No doubt.” He presses my back and abs. “Stand tall. Like this.” He raises my chin. “Feel it, Ricky.”

I smile. “Ok.”

“Good.” He holds his arm out. “Ready?”

“Yes.” I smile.

He nods and motions us to the front door.

When we walk into the restaurant my heart jumps into my throat. “Zander.” I tug on his arm.


“I’ve…um…never been in a restaurant like this.” My eyes travel from crystal chandeliers, to silk table settings, to Buttercream curtains and everyone is staring.

He leans to me. “Just relax. You’re with me. Own it.” He grins.

I kind of relax as I hear the soft music of ‘Fast car’ by Tracy Chapman playing in the background. I was half expecting Mozart. Maybe it’s not so bad.

We’re escorted to the table. Zander holds my chair out and sits me. The waiter holds Zanders chair out and he sits.

He leans on the table. “You ok? You look a little green.”

I look around. “Why are they staring?”

He leans back. “I…um…I don’t date.” He looks at the menu.

“You…Mr. Everyone Loves Me, doesn’t date.” I look at him.

“Hey.” He points to me. “You are in my yard which means no insults or smart mouth comments.” He warns.

“Sorry, but you don’t date? Ever?” I ask.

“No. I’m way to busy.” He says looking at the wine list

He orders for us and hands the menus back. “I hope you like steak.”

“Are you kidding? It’s my favorite.” I grin.

“I thought so.” He scrunched his nose.

“Ok. So you’re too busy to date, but so far, you’ve dropped everything to do stuff with me.” I arch a brow.

“Well, to be honest, I feel if I satisfy your incessant bugging, you’ll leave me alone long enough to actually get some work done.” He smirks.

“So this is catering to me.” I sit up.

“Not all of it.” He bounces his brow.

“But you admit, you like the stuff make you do.”

“It…may be growing on me.” He takes a sip of his wine.

“Ok. So before me, what did King Zander do?” I ask.

“Work, fight. That’s about it.” He leans back.

“No fun at all.” I eat a bit of food.

“Um…no.” He pops some steak in his mouth.

“Wow. I figured a guy like you would be swimming in girlfriends and having the time of your life.” I smile.

“It takes a lot to be ruler of a global pack.” He says.

“I can see that. Well, all I can say then, is thank you.” I eye him.

“For what?” He asks.

“For interrupting your life for me and my craziness.” I smile.

He smiles back. “No. Thank you.”

I lower my head to hide my blush.

My phone dings.

“Your phone should be off.” He warns.

“It is. This is my emergency line.” I glance at him.

I read my message. My jaw drops and my heart sinks. “I have to go.” I look at him with wide eyes.

“What? Now? What is it?” He leans on the table.

My shaking hand holds my phone. “Phoenix. It was attacked again. The domes been destroyed and the unit building is on fire. Um…multiple casualties. I’m sorry, Zander I have to leave London.”

“I’ll come with you.” He stands.

“No, you have important stuff to do. I can go back on my own.” I insist.

“Ok….I’ll take you back to the palace.” He says as he motions me to the door.

At the palace, I change and run down the stairs.

“Um…you’ll update me on the outcome?” Zander says, following me out.

I walk fast to my rental car. “Yes, course. As soon as I can. I’ll call you.”

“Good. Keep me informed." He says as he follows me.

I turn quick. “Um…Thank you….for everything.” I smile as I get in.

“You’re welcome.” He grins.

He watches me leave and waves as I speed down the driveway.

As much as I want to stay and explore if me and Zander have anything at all, I have a city to protect back home. Hopefully, we won’t be apart for long.

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