Reign Of The King The Falcon Ridge Series Book 10

Chapter 21


While I wait for the labs tests results, I decide now is a great time to payback my Royal tease.

I made my way to his suite. Nala let me in and I told her to let me surprise him.

It’s late and I’m there in a short dress with heels.

I walk up the stairs to his royal bedroom.

Looking up and down the hall, I smirk as I slip off my dress and heels.

Slowly, I open the door and slip in. The room is dark. I quietly close the door behind me.

I softly drop my stuff and take light steps into the room.

The dining room and sleeping room is divided by a decorative arch. I slip past the arch. The moons rays illuminates his chest muscles as he sleeps.

I walk to the edge of edge of the bed and bite my lip.

I figure if I’m getting payback, I’ll make it good.

I remove my bra and panties and gently pull the blankets down passed his boxers.

I crawl up him and hook the band and pull them down enough to free his hard erection. Even in his sleep he’s ready to rock. I love it.

I move up more and straddle him. I reach for his shift when a hand slams in my wrist.

“Damn it.” I growl.

He throws me with a yelp to the bed and lands on top.

He tilts his head. “Sneaking into the Kings chamber is punishable by death.” He growls.

“You can’t kill me.” I smirk.

He pins my wrists above my head and eyes my body.

“No, but I could torture you until you beg for death.” His nose rubs my cheek and his lips brush my neck.

“Not even you have that much self control. You forget. You lose too in this torture game of yours, King.” I start to pant a bit.

He spreads my legs with his. “Let’s find out.” He growls.

With a growl, he thrusts his girth into my entrance.

“Oh God!....” I arch back as his girth fills me.

He covers my mouth. “You know the rules!” He growls. “Maybe I should punish you.” He pulls out and slams my pussy again. His strokes are deliberate and hard. His thighs push my legs up higher as he goes deeper.

He removes his hand and thrusts harder.

“Look at me.” He growls.

I open my eyes and stare at him as he grabs my leg and pulls it up.

“Good girl.” He pants.

He fists my hair as his strokes increase.

“Should I let you come this time?” He places his forehead on mine.

I nod fast.

He sits up and holds my thighs. He thrusts harder and faster.

I arch back.

He lets a leg go and runs his nails down my stomach and stops at my clit rubbing it hard.

I’m holding in my screams.

“Come for me!” He grinds deep.

“Fucckkkk!!!....” I scream as my come gushes out. My pussy tightens around him and body hits massive earthquake levels.

He grips my leg again and pounds me harder. “Yes…give it to me.” He growls.

He increases his strokes until he’s sure I’m done.

He lays back on me.

I look into his eye. “On…top…” I pant.

He smirks and rolls us over. “Ride the King, baby.” He says in a cocky tone.

I giggle and shake my head as I position myself.

His fingers grip my hips as I buck them on him.

“Fuck…” He growls as his head arches back.

I move my hips fast up and down his shaft. “You…like…that…” I breathe.

He grabs my breasts. “Fuck yes.” He growls.

I bounce harder and harder.

“Damn, Ricky. I’m gonna…” He arches back again.

“Yeah…my Kings gonna come?” I moan.

“Yes!....” He moans back.

I bounce even faster.

“Yes, Ricky. That’s it!...” He slaps my ass and grips it. Moving it up and down.

I feel his abs tighten and his legs begin to shake. His body tenses and his girth begins to swell.

I stop dead and begin to fix my hair.

“What…what’s wrong?” He looks at me breathing hard.

I get off him and stand on the floor.

“Nothing. I just remembered I have a casserole in the oven.” I stand and smirk.

“What?!” He growls and jumps out of bed.

With a yelp, I turn and run to the door, cackling.

I grab my dress and shoes real quick and run out the door.

“GET BACK HERE!” Zander yells from the upstairs hall.

I practically jump down the stairs.

I get to main floor and run across to the front door.

“Bye, Zan!” I laugh as I run out to the hall.

“RICKY! GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!” He growls as he hits to door.

I see the elevator closing with somebody on it. “Hold the elevator!” I say as I run. The guy stops the door.

I get on and the door closes again just as Zander gets to it.

I look into his annoyed eyes and smirk. “Gotcha.” I wave at him as the door closes.

I put my dress on and my heels. I look over and the guy beside me is wide eyed. “Hi" I give a little wave. “Just, ya know, a little sexual payback.” I smile and pant.

The guy smiles and looks at me like I have two heads.

I blow out a breath feeling pretty good.


Later that day at the council meeting, I sit and smirk at Zander with my legs and arms crossed.

The look he’s giving me says ‘Shots fired.’

Bring it on big boy.

Bastian takes the podium. “Ok, River?”

River stands. “Alright, ladies and gentlemen. Hold onto your seats.”

He pulls up a screen of a chemicals.

“Meet the ice potion.” He clicks a button on his laptop. “A chemical compound that can literally make blood cells, ice cells. We’re still trying to figure out how, but it looks like it can change DNA. Temporarily. The samples we have are all normal blood now. The potion dissolves away like it was never there. Much like your exploding wolf, Ricky.” He nods to me.

“So, it’s the potion that’s dissolving the bodies.” I say.

He flips to another screen. “Yes. It looks like it. Now, as surprising as it is, technically this potion shouldn’t work. It’s not pure.” He hits another button. “Underneath, there’s a layer of these chemicals. All different. All do different things and all have the potential to do even more different things.”

“Could these fuse the potion permanently to someone’s DNA?” I ask.

River looks at the monitor. “It’s definitely possible.”

My thoughts roll to Christian. “Ok. So how do we stop it.”

River scratched his temple. “We can’t. At least not yet. We’re testing different things, but it seems like there’s no stopping the potion while it’s active. There’s a blocker.”

He hits more buttons. “This, your majesty, is the nasty guy who blocked your commands. It’s deafens the wolf to not be able to hear you at your Alpha level.”

“Wait. So my commands are useless." Zander says.

River nods. “Effectively, yes.”

“Can we defeat it?” Zander asks.

River clasps his hands in front of him. “This we can defeat. It’s simple injection of wolfsbane and mistletoe. The problem is delivery. We don’t have enough tranquilizers to take care of all the ice wolves. Plus, tranquilizer guns are slow and ineffective during a battle. We will try to come up something.”

“What about semi auto crossbows?” Mica suggests.

River ticks his head. “It may work. I’d have to see this weapon.”

Mica smiles. “I’ll have Hart drop hers off.”

“Ok.” River says. “Now, aside from the Shamans potion, we have a new problem…”

“Yeah! Someone’s ripping throats out in my territory and it’s not me.” Luke punches the table.

Bastian eyes him. “What?”

River changes the slide. “Wolves of Red Rock have been turning up dead. Throats ripped out. Upon inspection, they didn’t fight back.”

Grey leans on the table. “They just let the wolf rip his throat out?”

Zander leans on the table and sighs. He shakes his head. “That’s not wolf.”

All heads turn to him. He eyes the table. “That’s a vampire bite.”

“Fuck off!” Luke yells.

“Zander, are you sure?” I ask.

He nods. “I’m sure. They don’t fight back because of the calling.”

William arches a brow. “Calling?”

Zander nods. “A hormone released by the Vamp. It increases hormonal activity and creates this kind of bubble of…”

“Lust.” I finish.

Zander looks at me.

I shrug. “I read books. The calling or lust trap is where the vamp puts you in a sort of love trace from his scent. So he can feed off you.”

“Very good.” He nods to me. I nod back. “But he’s not feeding off wolves. This is a message. Mostly a message to me. Wolf blood is hard to digest. A vamp can sleep it off for weeks. They don’t like it.

He sits up. “This is deeply concerning. Centuries ago, the Highs made the vamps sign a treaty that prevented them from traveling outside the Scandinavian countries. The fact that one has clearly violated that treaty means I may have found the source of my uprisings.”

“The vamps no longer want to stay put.” Jayson says.

“Correct.” Zander says. “How many bodies?”

“25.” Luke supplies. “Over 3 weeks.”

Zander contemplates. “A single vamp can kill 15 humans a night. It’s possible we just have a single one here. Drawing him out into the open will be difficult.”

“Bastian, can you pull up a map of the territories?”

Bastian types on the laptop. “This is the most updated map.”

“Ok. You’re looking for dark, damp and deep places. Vamps nest at sunup and rise at sundown. They can survive the sunlight if they remain in the shadows. They can walk freely during the day in forests as long as the time between sun is short. Hats and Hoods also offer protection as long as it’s not too hot. They’re cold. They like it that way.” Zander informs.

“Cold.” I state. Zander turns his head to me. “Could a vampire make it across the mountain range to the Nordics?”

Zander nods. “A lower vamp could with a bit of a challenge. A higher one could do it with ease.”

I hit the table. “That’s our damn supplier.” I lean on the table. “Who has access to the shaman?” I arch my brow at Zander.

Zander puts up his hand. “We don’t know that. Yes, a vamp can possibly be supplying them, but let’s not jump to conclusions.”

“Zander. The only other creatures who can do that climb are Nala and maybe you. You don’t look like a weird potion supplier to me. You know vamps.” I protest.

He crosses his arms. “I refuse to lay accusations without all the facts. Now, calm down.”

“Calm down?! My people are dying, Zander!” my anger was rising.

“I realize this. I’m not stupid, Ricky. I’m just saying we need to look at this in a reasonable manner.” Zander holds his hand out to me.

I stand. “Fine. You talk. Discuss. Whatever your Royal ass desires. I’ve got a vamp to kill.” I grit. I stomp out of the council room heading for the front door.

I’m almost there when I’m grabbed from behind.

I’m spun around and Zander holds my arms. “What the hell was that?”

I place my hand on my hip and rub my forehead. “I…I don’t know. I just…10 of my people died. Good, hard working people. Over the last year, we’ve lost so many…with no way to end it. I need to end this.”

“We will. I’ll see to it. I don’t need you going on a suicide mission. Vamps are not an easy kill. It gets worse the higher the level of vamp. Please. Just listen to me. Let’s get all the information first.” He says.

I look down.

“Phoenix city will not fall, Ricky. I won’t let it. As of right now. On these steps. Phoenix city and it’s mountains are under royal protection. If anyone unauthorized even steps one foot there, they’ll face my Royal guard. Will that satisfy you?” He tries to find my face.

I suck in my top lip and nod.

“Ok. Let’s finish this meeting.” He wraps his arm around me and walks be back in.

Bastian looks at both of us. “Everything OK?”

Zander glances at me. “Yes. It’s just an emotional time.”

“I understand.” Bastian says. “Ricky, I discussed this with River. If Phoenix needs extra support, Falcon Ridge is there.”

“She’ll have my guard too.” Zander says with his chest out.

“Caledon will help too.” William says.

“Thanks.” I say slumped in my chair. “I’m sorry for yelling.”

Luke grins. “You aren’t one of us unless you have at least one outburst.”

“Ok, short stuff.” I smirk. “Don’t sign me up for the Alpha tea of the month club just yet.”

“Hey, I don’t drink tea. Often.” He scowls.

“Ok. Let’s get back on track. So we were talking about possible nest sites right?” Bastian leans on the podium.

“Yes.” Zander clears his throat. “Now. Iron collars will protect the throat. Iron gauntlets will protect the wrist. Unfortunately, there’s no protection in wolf form. Myth is popular with a wonderful imagination, but there is nothing a vamp is allergic to except sunlight. It will not kill them unless their heart is directly exposed. But once you remove it from his chest and crush it he’s dead anyway.”

“Deader.” Luke corrects.

“Yes…deader.” Zander scowls. “Wood ash stake and a decapitated head will put a vamp to an end. Make him very deader.” He arches his brow to Luke who grins.

Lucius leans on the table. “And you’re sure there’s only one?” He asks.

Zander eyes him. “yes.”

“Good. I don’t like surprises.” He growls.

Zander crosses his arms. “Neither do I.” He grumbles.

Bastian stands straight. “Ok River. Set up scouts to search the most likely spots. Gideon can Trish help here?”

“I can certainly try. Just tell me what tuh program into huh search parameters.” Gideon says.

‘I already have the parameters, Gideon.’ Trish responds. ‘I gathered the information from King Zanders description. Shall I start at 80% probability?’

“uh…ya Trish. Do dat.” Gideon picked up his phone.

He looks around the room and chuckles. “I forgot she was listenin'.” He grins.

Bastian eyes him. “Let’s turn off spy mode shall we?”

“Right. Sorry." He shrinks.

“I’ll have my guard sent to Phoenix and in the mean time, I’ll speak with Damon to see if any of his people are missing.” Zander nods. “I’ll send some to Red Rock too if the Alpha needs the help.”

Luke rubs his head. “Yeah. Ok. I mean I could take a vamp, but if your guys want a crack first, go ahead.” He smiles.

Zander smirks and shakes his head.

“I’ll come with you.” I stand.

“No, Ricky. The Highs are sacred. No one outside of members are allowed.” Zander says.

“Fine.” I cross my arms. “I’ll be in the Comms.”

“Ok.” Bastian says. “We have a our jobs. Meeting adjourned.”

Zander meets me as I headed out. “We’ll finish this. Don’t worry.” He walks with his chest out.

“I hope so.” I say looking at the ground. “Because I don’t know how much more we can take.”

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