Reign Of The King The Falcon Ridge Series Book 10

Chapter 15


“WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!” I bellow as I stomp into the High Council Hall. My heavy footfalls echo off the high decorative ceilings and pillar covered walls.

“Zander. You made it.” Andrew says.

My robes furl out as I walk to my throne with a guard on either side and Nala’s tiger at my leg.

I spin and sit. “Yes. What’s this I hear about my throne being in question?!” My anger resonates off the walls of the chamber.

Victor raises his hand up from his seat. “Now. It’s just rumors, Zander. No reason to panic.”

“I’m not panicking. I want to know why I don’t have a neck to break yet?!” I snarl looking around the room.

“Zander. Calm down. You’re such a drama queen.”

I look down the chamber to the Vampire in a long, leather coat walking toward us.

“Where have you been?” I growl at him as my eyes narrow.

“Investigating the rumors of course. No. I haven’t found the culprits.” He takes his seat.

“I want these rumors quashed and these people thrown at my feet!” I yell, hitting my throne arm.

Andrew leans on his high council chair arm. “Zander...If I may…You seem more agitated than usual. Is something the matter?”

“Yes!” I snap. “My rule is being questioned. I’m upset!”

Redrick crosses his leg. “No. It’s something more than just a bunch of stupid rumors. What’s going on?”

I rub my forehead. “Nothing. The States is proving to be more of a challenge than I thought. I’m…stressed.”

Nala growls. It echo’s off the walls.

“Shut up, Nala. I got enough of your mouth on the plane.” I side eye her.

She growls again.

I shake my head. “Shut Up!” I yell flopping my hand my throne arm. “This has nothing to do with her. Now stop!”

Damon raises a brow. “Her?”

I wave him off. “Just a meaningless American girl. She’s an irritation that I’m glad to be rid of for the time being.”

He leans on his chair. “Doesn’t sound like your glad. Does this girl have a name?”

I lean to him. “Ricky. Trust me. Even Satan himself couldn’t last five minutes in the same room with her annoyance.”

Andrew clears his throat. “Well, you’re Highness, it’s clear from your extreme anger, this Ricky person has a bigger effect on you than you’re letting on.”

I slam my hand down. “Can we stick to the matters at hand! Finding the traitor that questions me!” I yell.

Victor adjusts himself. “Yes. We will investigate further, Zander. But chasing rumors isn’t easy. You must have patience. We know your power. Like I said. No need to panic just yet.”

“Victor. I can not rest knowing I’m being questioned.” I shake my head. “I’ve fought for years to make sure this never happened again. Now that it is, I can not let it go.”

“Ah, yes. The great breakup. It was a dark time in the kingdom.” Damon smirks.

I tick my jaw. “I’m not afraid to kill you, Damon.”

“I know.” He scoffs. “You know there’s a pattern here, Zander. Things always get bad when your emotions get the better of you. Maybe try a rational mind for once?”

I rub my throbbing headache. “Now you sound like Nala.” I grumble.

“Nala’s a smart woman.” Damon laces his fingers in front of him. Resting his elbows on the arms of his chair.

Redrick leans forward. “Look. Go to the palace. Rest. Clear your mind. We will quell the rumors.”

“Wait!” Victor says. “My vote.”

Redrick looks confused. “Vote?”

I sigh. “Victor’s war with the American wolves over Isabella.”

“Yes! They corrupted her and I will punish them for it!” Victor yells.

Redrick smirks. “Really? You want us to vote for you throwing a fit.”

I tilt my head to Victor. “I told you.”

He punches the arm of his chair. “The Queen of the Lycans cannot mate with Shifters!”

Redrick leans on the arm of his chair and tilts his head. “What’s wrong with shifters?”

Victor scowls. “They aren’t Lycans.”

“Maybe so. They are, however the same ultimately. They’re both wolves. I hear there’s a child?”

“Two.” Victor grumbles.

Redrick smiles. “What a blessing, Victor. You should be proud! I’d love to meet them.”

“Yes, well. The father is unbecoming.” Victor scowls.

“I’ve met Gideon. He is an honorable man. If you just gave him a chance. He grows on you.” I say.

“No. I want my vote.” Victor says.

I sit up. “Fine. All those in favor of war with the Falcon Ridge wolves?”

Damon and Victor raise their hands.


Andrew and Redrick put up their hands.

I look at Victor. “You will not get your war, Victor. You accept your daughters mating and be done with it.” I arch a brow.


“I’ll make it a royal decree if I must, Victor.” I tilt my head forward.

He grumbles under his breath and sits back in his chair.

“Good. Now. I’ll be at my palace. When you find the traitors, bring them to me right away.” I step down and walk down the aisle. “I want to look into their eyes as I drain their lives.” I say as I leave the chamber.

I short while later, I’m home.

I didn’t realize how much I missed London. I definitely missed my palace with its massive towers, quartz brick and over two hundred rooms. It’s impressive.

“Is everything prepared.” I ask the driver.

“Yes, your majesty. Everything is as you requested.” The driver confirms.

“Good. I will not be disturbed. Am I clear?”

“Yes, your highness.”

He presses a button and the 15 foot iron gates open to let us in to the street sized driveway.

We pull up to the front of my palace with the servants lined on the steps.

The driver lets me out. Michael, my delta, meets me at the car. “Your Highness, the treaties are on your desk waiting for your approval. There’s a list of demands from the other treaty packs and we haven’t had anymore new rumors pop up. We may have got ahead of it.”

“Good.” I say as I climb the steps. “Any messages from America?” I ask as he lets me into the palace.

“No, Sire. You were expecting?” He asks.

“No. There’s a few issues there that they are sorting out. I’ve told them to keep me informed. If they do contact London, I want to be told right away.” I say with my chin up

“Yes, of course, Sire.” Michael bows his head.

I turn quick and continue to walk through the palace. “Is it set?”

“Um…yes it is, but if I may ask a question, your highness?” Michael’s says at my side.


“Why do you need a rock wall?” He eyes me.

“It’s something I tried over in the states. I enjoyed it and wanted to have it here.” I raise my head and side eye him.

“Oh. I see. Your Majesty had fun I take it.” He glances at me.

“I was curious I did not have…fun.” I correct. “Now, leave me.”

“Yes, Sire.” Michael bows.

I walk out to the back of the palace to the property outside. In the yard are four newly installed rock climbing walls. All different.

I stand in front of them and smile. I walk up to one wall and place my foot on one hold and my hand on another.

I climb hand and foot to one hold after another. The way my body feels climbing the wall isn’t exactly the same as climbing the cliff, but it’s still exhilarating.

I climb about half way then climb back down. “I’m going to like this hobby.” I grin.

I turn and almost hit Hope square in the face. “Jesus! Must you pop in like this?!”

“Hello, Zander.” She smiles.

I walk toward the palace. “What do you want?”

“I’ve come to see how you are.” She follows.

I turn. “You know, I’d be a hell of a lot better if you’d stop checking in.” I point to her face, clenching my jaw.

“Zander. There’s no reason for your anger.” She stands tall.

“I have an army of reasons for my anger.” I turn back around toward the palace.

“Zander, you can’t continue to hide yourself. You need to face your feelings.” She says to my back.

“My feelings are no longer your business, Hope.” I growl

“I’m just trying to help you move on.” She says.

I spin back around. The sun in her brown hair. The rays on her skin made her glow more beautiful than she already does. This melts my heart and raises my rage at the same time. “You are the last one I want help from. Now. Leave me!” I shout.

She looks at me with this pained, soft look then blinks out of existence.

“Damn entities.” I look to sky. “Stay out of my life!” I yell at the clouds and walk back into the palace.

I walk to my grand bedroom. Decorative walls with gold inlays. Rich curtains and carved wood furniture.

I flop down on my bed. “I don’t want to move on.” I mumble with my head on my pillow and my arms crossed on my chest.

“You really should, you know.”

With a start I sit up. A brown haired young man is lounged in one of my chairs. He looks to be no more than 19. He’s laughing.

My mouth goes small. “What are you doing in my room!!” I growl.

He stands, still laughing. “Dude, you should have seen your face!”

I growl and rush him. Pushing him up against the wall by his throat. “What do you want, Destiny?”

He smiles. “Hey, Zan. How’s it going?” He says in a teasing way.

“You should know.” I grit in his face.

“Great game, huh? I think this is my best one yet.” He smirks. His cocky attitude has me fuming.

“What have you done?” I demand as I still have his throat.

He ticks his head. “Made things a bit more interesting, that’s all?”

“By threatening the cosmos?!” I yell in his face.

He rips my hand off his throat. “Please. Fates just overreacting. You know how she is.”

I point to his face. “My father is not a toy to be played with, Destiny.”

“Yeah. He’s a buzzkill, but that’s not the goal here. The goal, big man, is to prove how great you really are.” He smiles at me while rubbing my shoulders.

I shrug him off. “I’m already great!” I growl.

He leans to me adjusting his black suit jacket. “No. You only think you’re great. I’m going to make you greater." He smirks.

“What are you talking about?” I eye him.

“You are going to be tested in so many ways, dude. Better get yourself ready?” He folds his arms and smiles.

“What did you do?” I growl.

“I may or may not have started a little coup, but you can handle it." He shrugs.

I push on him. “You started the rumors?!” I yell.

He shrugs. “Not directly. I may have nudged a bit.” He gives me a toothy grin.

“You stop this or I’ll slit your throat.” I growl.

He laughs. “Come on, big man. You know you can’t kill me. Now quit being a party pooper and play the game.” He thumps his finger into my chest.

“I will not play your game, Destiny.” I snarl.

He holds out his hand and a folded paper appears in it. I look at the paper. “What if I told you I found your loophole?”

My eyes flick between his eyes and the paper. “Hope.”

He smiles and nods. “You can have your angel, Zander. But you have to play the game as I have laid it out.”

I go to grab the paper and he snatches it back. “Ah…you going to play?” He tilts his head.

I stare at him. “Fine.” I grumble.

He hands the paper to me in two fingers. I snatch it and read it.

He smirks at me. “Just a tiny drop of her blood and you got yourself a bangin’ angel”

I look at him with an unsure look. “This will work?”

“If she agrees.” He ticks his head and mouth. “Worth a shot, right?”

I stare at the loophole in my hand. For years I searched for a way out so I could have my Hope back. Now that I have it, my heart pounds, but not in the way I thought it would.

“Come on, Zan. I see that hamster running in there. It’s a simple deal. You get your hot celestial being, I get my plan.” Destiny tilts his head and stares at me. His mouth ticks up as he rubs my shoulder.

I take the paper and shove it into my pocket. “Give me your best shot.” I hold my chin out.

“Alright!” He laughs. “See. Of all my players, I love you the best. You always do the crazy shit.” He shakes me.

“I will get my blade if you don’t go away.” I grit.

“Ok. I’m going. You need a beer dude. Loosen up a bit. Have fun! There’s only one destined life. Might as well live it up.” He chuckles as he blinks out of existence.

I pull the paper back out and look at it again. The source of all my misery corrected in one drop of Hopes blood. I feel relieved, but there’s something else. I can’t pinpoint it, but it’s not enough to stop me from getting Hope back.


Now that I know it’s Destiny behind the rumors, it’s time to quash the disloyalty in my kingdom.

The next morning, I decide to hold audience on my throne room balcony.

I look down on all my subjects that attended. I’m tall and threatening.


The audience flinches, but doesn’t move.



“DO NOT SEE MY ABSENCE AS WEAKNESS. I CAN END ANYONE WHO DARES TO DOUBT MY REIGN!” I shout. I spin around. My long coat flailing out as I turn and go back into my throne room.

Michael was standing at the foot of the steps to my throne. I walk up the steps and sit.

“Excellent speech, Sire.” He says. He looks nervous. His eyes are shifty like he wants to say something.

“Yes, Michael. What is it?” I lean on the arm of my throne.

He rubs his head. “Sire. There’s…um…a girl…at the gates.”

“Yes.” I arch a brow.

“She…uh…she says she knows you.” He stammers.

“Did she give a name?” I ask. I’m curious. I wasn’t expecting anyone.

“No, Sire. She gave me a message.” He holds out a piece of paper.

I look at the paper. “Well…read it."

He looks at me with pained eyes. “Must I?”

“Read it, Michael!” I bark.

He looks at the paper. He sucks in his breath. I can tell he doesn’t want to. I’m confused.

“MICHEAL!” I say, impatiently.

He clears his throat and swallows. “Get your Royal Beefcake But out here and give me a hug.” He grabs at his collar as his face turns red and he heaves a breath. “You big lug.” He almost cringes as I sit forward.

My body starts to heat. Sweat starts to form. My heart starts to pound and my stomach ties in knots. I even start tremble.

My eyes widen.


I stand. “It’s fucking impossible!”

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