Reign Of The King The Falcon Ridge Series Book 10

Chapter 14


Damn that was perfect. Sure, we didn’t make out again, but seeing Zander act like a normal guy really did have my stomach flutter in a different way than normal.

My wolf liked seeing him real for once.

I could tell he hated it. He’s spent his whole life trying to be this big, tough King. What I saw on that rock wall was nothing like that.

When he’s not yelling, screaming and demanding, there’s a hint of a nice guy in there. He just has a bad habit of putting his power first. I think it’s a habit I can break.

I may like taking jabs at the guy, but I think deep down, I’m seeing where his cracks are. Once I can get in there, I know I can get him to loosen up.

As I walk up the hall to Comms unit, I see him. Strutting his kingly ass toward me.

“Hey, King. What’s shaking? Besides that cute booty.” I smirk. Kicking a foot out and crossing my arms.

He stops and ticks his jaw. He glances quick to the Falcon Ridge soldiers around us that have also stopped what they were doing to watch our exchange.

He puffs out his chest and clasps his hands behind his back. “Get back to work!” He growls loud, eyeing them.

The soldiers lower their heads and continue on their way.

Zander gets close, but not too close. “Your disrespect of me in public has got to stop.” He growls. “I’m your King. I don’t have…a booty.” He looks down his nose at me.

“Don’t be mad. You should be proud of your stellar ass.” I smile.

He heaves a breath as he bites his top lip. “Will you stop.” He growls low.

I lean into him. “What’s a matter? Can’t take a compliment?” I stare into his eyes and bounce my brow.

“Not from you.” His brows cinch together.

“That stung. I think I may be offended.” I smile.

He smirks. “I really don’t care."

I step close to him. “Listen, we can keep up this battle of wits, that I’m winning by the way, but maybe it’s time you just give up.”

He leans close to my face. “Never.” He growls.

I tick my head. “Ok. You’re funeral. I’m telling you right now. The next kiss, you’re done.”

“Is that right?” He stares into my eyes.

“Oh, yeah. You’ll crack like an egg and I’ll be right there for it.” I grin and bounce my brow.

He bites his lower lip. “It’ll be hard to kiss me if you’re never alone with me again.”

I cross my arms. “It’ll happen, Zan. You lost control once. You’ll do it again. You can’t resist this and you know it.”

His face turns bright red…again and his hands start to raise in a shaking, I’m going to strangle you, kind of way. I don’t back down. He knows I’m right.

“Your Majesty!”

I look behind Zander as he turns to the voice.

“Yes. What is it?” Zander stands tall.

“Michael is contacting you.” The guard bows.

“Ah. Lead the way.” He motions.

I shrug and tick my head. Why not? Let’s see how the other side lives.

I follow behind the rest of the guard to the Comms room.

They pull out a chair at a computer. Zander sits, fluffs himself out and leans coolly in his chair.

I stand off to the side, watching him. He does look regal sitting there. It’s almost yummy.

“Michael. How’s London?” He says in a deep, hard tone.

Michael starts to talk, but the signal isn’t that great.

Zander looks to his guards. “What’s wrong with this?”

“Sorry, Majesty.” The guard leans over and pushes some keys, but he can’t seem to lock it.

I walk over. “Here. Let me.”

Zander eyes me as I lean over his lap.

That’s right. Drink it in, big boy.

I push some buttons. “Ok.” I hit one last button and Michael’s video pops up on one of the bigger monitors on the wall.

I turn to him. “Better?” I smile.

“Quite.” He mumbles.

I back off. “Ok. Do…whatever it is that kings do.” I say, motioning him to go ahead.

“Michael.” He barks.

“Yes, Majesty. London is fine. The pack is functioning normally. It’s the treaties that are under threat.”

Zander has his elbow on the table and his chin rested in his hand. The sight is making me moist for some reason.

“What threat?” He asks.

“The Western Europe Giants firstly. They say they’re being cheated.” Michael says.

“How so?” Zander looks annoyed.

“They want more horses among other things.” Michael leans back.

Zander flops his arm on the desk. “Fine. Add 100 and not a hoof more. Send the rest of their demands to my office here.”

“Yes, your majesty. Second, the dragon flocks have been attacking cities again.” Michael’s face is full of concern.

“Random attacks?” Zander asks like its done everyday.

“Yes.” Michael respond.

Zander sighs. “You send a message from me. You tell D'Lek that if he can’t control his people, I’ll shove my sword down his scrawny neck and use his skin for my next pair of dragon boots.” He arches his brow.

“Yes, Your Highness.” Michael swallows and instinctively rubs his neck. Something tells me that’s not an empty threat.

“What else?” Zander asks.

“There’s talk, Your Majesty.” He swallows again.


“Your reign. There’s…um…doubt.” Michael looks nervous.

“Doubt about what?” Zander sits up.

“You. Some question your abilities now that you’re there. They feel that your role on the High Council has become weak.” Michael says.

“Who?! Who is saying these things?! Tell me!” Zander stands and yells.

“It’s just words, your Majesty. I don’t know who. But someone is laying the seed of doubt. You may need to come back to quell the rumors.” Michael leans into the screen.

Zander places his hands on his hips. He turns his head to me slightly and side eyes me. “I’ll be there in two days. No one questions my rule!” He growls loud. “Assemble the Highs. I’ll meet with them as soon as I land.”

“I can assemble all, but Damon. He’s not here.” Michael informs.

“Where is he?” Zander leans on his desk.

“I’m unsure, Your Highness.” Michael says.

“Find him. Now!!” Zander yells.

“Yes, Majesty.”

The screen goes black and Zander stands. “Pack my things. I leave for London tonight.” He demands. He storms past me and out the door. His guard on his tail.

“Wow.” I mutter as I watch them leave. Not only am I dumbfounded, I’m impressed. Seeing a King in action kind of got me hot. It’s certainly different then the normal guys I mess around with. I’m intrigued.

I walk out and bump into Declan. “You’ve got to see this.”

“What?” I ask.

He pulls me back in and pulls up a screen with one of the ice guns.

I lean in. “Whoa. It’s huge!”

“I know right and crazy powerful. River found one in one of the boxes that hasn’t been inventoried yet. Ricky, I fired this thing. Wow!” Declan’s eyes went up.

“So it was made by Alliance Labs.” I look to him.

“This is the prototype. They shelved it thinking they wouldn’t have a use for it. But it’s schematics are on the servers. It was part of the hack that happened last year.” Declan informs.

“What else is out there?” My brow goes up.

“I don’t know, but from what I’ve seen, Alliance Labs was into some really crazy shit.” He rubs his head.

I turn to him, my brow goes up and a smile spreads across my face.

“What?” He asks.

“You just broke your swear code.” I stand and hold out my hand. “Cough it up.” I smirk.

“Fuck!” He grumbles and slaps a hundred dollar bill in my hand.

I point to him. “That was a pretty good run.”

“Double or nothing.” He scowls.

“You’re on.” I smile.

“Ok. So someone broke in. Stole the plans for the gun. What about the ammo?” I ask.

Declan hits some more keys and a bullet comes up. “Modified version of the Liquid silver nitrate bullet. They took the plans for it and engineered their own ammo using this concept.”

I rub my neck. “Damn. Gabriel’s not making this. We need the hacker. He’s the one who gave these plans to the guy supplying the Nordics.”

I pull up the information regarding all the hacking attempts since last year. “Check the code. Maybe there’s something there that can point us in the right direction.”

“Yep. On it.” Declan sits and starts typing.

I want to get to the bottom of this, but there’s something I have to check first.


I stand at the door and fix myself up. Hair, nails, breasts. Check.

I knock on the door while clearing my throat.

“Come!” A loud bark came from inside.

I open the door and peek in. “Hey.” I give a little wave.

“I do not have time for you!” Zander barks as he packs a bag with things from his office.

“Oh, I know.” I walk in swinging my arms playfully. “You got important King stuff to do. I just…you know…wanted to know when you’ll be back?” I kind of wring my hands together and play with my fingers while smiling.

He stops and scowls. “I don’t know. It’s not like I can take care of my King stuff in a matter of hours.”

“No. I get it. Important things take time. Just…you are coming back, right?” I step in more. I pass Nala who’s purring. I look at her and smile. Giving a little wave to her too.

He puts more papers in his bag. “I can’t be sure. I need to find the one who questions my throne.” He looks up with a snarl, holding his fist in front of his face. “Then rip out his heart and crush it in my hand.” He picks up his bags. “Come, Nala.”

The tiger stretches and walks behind Zander.

I’m kind of jogging behind them both. “Ok. Well, good luck on your Kingly rampage. I…uh…I’ll hold the fort for you while you’re gone.” I say trying to keep up. “Make sure everyone is still in tip top Kingly shape for when you get back.” I grin.

He stops and turns. I almost bump into him. I press lips together.

“Why are you following me?” He growls.

I shrug. “Just…seeing you off.” I batt my eyes innocently.

“Go. Away.” He snarls low and close to my face.

“Right. I’ve got a ton of things on my plate anyway. I’ll…um…see ya later?” I pause waiting for an answer.

He doesn’t say a word. He just glares, turns and continues down the hall to the elevator. Leaving me there, chuckling to myself nervously and turning pink. “I guess not.”

I stuff my hands in my back pockets and head to the other elevators. The doors open and I step in. Blowing a lock of hair, I cross my arms and lean on the back wall of the car. “I’m going to be so bored now.” I say to myself as the doors close.

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