Reign Of The King The Falcon Ridge Series Book 10

Chapter 16


I storm to Michael. “Give me that!” I snatch the paper and read it. Actually, I read it four times because I just couldn’t believe what I was reading.

Smoke comes out of my ears. My blood pressure rises to it’s boiling point. I crumple the paper in my hand.

I clench my jaw and grab Michael by his shirt collar. Pulling him to my face I glare at him. “Get my sword.” I growl.

I throw him back and storm to the door of my throne room.

“SHE’S FUCKING RELENTLESS!!” I throw my arms up as I leave.

I leave the palace and jump into my driver’s car. I peel out if my driveway and head to the gates.

My tires squeal to a stop and I get out. Slamming my door with immense fury.

She’s leaning on the front of a Mini cooper. “Hi!” She chirps.

“What the fuck are you doing here?!” I yell. My arms out by my sides.

“I knew you’d be surprised to see me.” She smiles. “Okay, King. Open the gates. Tell this guard guy I know you.”

I look at the guard. “I’ve never seen this woman before in my life.”

The guard arches his brow and looks between me and Ricky.

“Oh, come on, Zander. Look, I bought a shirt and everything!” She hold out a union jack shirt. “London is awesome!”

“Why aren’t you where I left you?!” I grind. I’m now close to the gate.

She stepped close to the gate. “Well, I was going to stay, but then I thought. I’ve never rocked it in London, if ya know what I mean.” She bounced her brow. “So I hopped a red eye.” She grins.

“Just like that.” I glare at her.

“Yep.” She bounces.

I cross my arms. “So you thought by showing up here, I’d just what, entertain you?”

“I was hoping to entertain the both of us.” She smirked.

The guard smirked too as he watched us talk.

I point to her. “That is not happening.”

“Zander…Come on…I flew thousands of miles to see you. That, at least, gets me a tour of your house. Which, by the way, is crazy! Is that a real canon!” She points.

“Yes, it is.” I narrow my eyes at her. “I should test it to see if it still works.”

She grabs the bars and whines. “Zan…let me in. You know you want to.” She flashes a charming smile.

I grumble. “Fine. One tour, then you’re on the next plane.” I nod to the guard who opens the gates.

“Wicked!” She hops and jumps in her car.

I turn my car around and lead Ricky up to the palace. My knuckles white on the steering wheel the whole way. I cannot believe this. I cannot believe I’m letting her in! I should grab her by the scruff and send her back to America, but instead I’m about to give a tour of my goddamn house! What the hell is wrong with me?!

We pull around to the front in the parking area and I’m still boiling hot. I get out and stomp to the palace.

“Wait!” I hear from behind me. I spin around and she’s at her passenger side door. “I need walking shoes.” She grins.

She opens her passenger door and kicks off her sandals onto the floor of the car.

My eyes immediately check our her long tanned legs and short cut off Jean shorts with the pockets sticking out the bottom. She turns and props a leg up on the frame to put on her converse sneakers.

I lower my head, but I glance up every once in a while as her shorts hug her ass and the bottom of her cheeks threaten to peek out.

I mentally slap myself and force myself not to look. Scratching my temple, I glance one more time.

“Hurry up!” I growl.

“Ok. Ok. You’re really hot under the collar today. In more ways than one.” I smiles as she slings on a back pack.

I watch as her British tshirt hugs her nice sized chest. I clear my throat. “Are you ready now?”

“Yeah. Let’s check out the Royal crib.” She puts a skip in her step and takes the front steps two at time where as I stick my hands in my pockets and climb the steps slowly. “Come on, slow poke.”

“Ricky, in case you forgot, this is my house.” I arch a brow to her.

The doormen open the front doors for us and I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone’s face shine before, but the smile Ricky was sporting as she took in the front foyer, had me pause a bit.

“Oh…my…God. This is like Shangri-La or some shit!” She says spinning in circles.

I hold up a hand. “Ok. Slow down. You’re going to get dizzy, alright.”

“Awe, Zan. I didn’t know you cared.” She grins.

“I don’t. I just don’t want to pick your ass up off the floor again. You’re heavier than you look.” I tilt my head to her.

“Or you’re not as strong as you think you are?” She ticks her head as I bite the inside my cheek.

“Get going.” I wave her into the palace.

She steps into the extra large halls to high vaulted ceilings and a very wide staircase with white and gold carpet. Her eyes are lit up like the stars.

The huge crystal chandeliers hang above her and she practically strains her long neck taking them in. I watch her as she explores every nook and cranny we walk by.

“How old is this place?” She says spinning around in the halls. Bouncing from painting to painting. Feeling the pillars and wood carvings.

I’m walking at a slow, but reasonable pace behind her. “It’s old. Been in my family for centuries.”

“How many rooms?” She spins and walks backwards.

“200.” I supply.

Her face lit up again. “That’s a big playground.” She wiggles her brow.

I point to her. “Don’t even think about it.”

“As if you haven’t.” She says.

I put my hands back in my pockets. “Never said that.”

“So you have.” A shit eating grin spread across her lips.

I tick my head. “Maybe a hundred or so.” I bite my cheek to stop the smile I was feeling. I’m not supposed to like this conversation. I just eye her up and down.

She spins back around. “I, for one, would have a blast here. There’s so much room. These floors would be awesome for skateboarding.” She makes like she’s sliding.

“Not everyone has time to play, Ricky.” I say in a deep tone.

She spins around again. “That’s why you make time. All work and no play, makes Zander a cute, angry King.” She pretends to pout, but then smiles.

“No. You make me an angry king.” I scowl.

“You missed me. Admit it.” She holds the straps of her backpack as she steps backwards.

“I did not. In fact, I was loving the peace and quiet.” I held my chin up.

She stops and allows me to catch up some. “Oh, Zander. Did anyone tell you you’re a horrible liar?”

I arch a brow. “I’m not lying.”

“Yeah, ya are. See, your tell is every time you lie, you bounce your adorable Adam’s apple a bit. Like you want to swallow, but don’t really. It’s cute, but it gives you away.” She motions to her neck as she talks.

“Now, who’s lying?” I tilt my head to her.

“Ok. Don’t believe me. Just don’t ever play poker. You’d lose your shirt.” She pauses. “Actually…” She taps her chin with her finger.

I can’t help but huff. “It will never happen.”

“Ok. Take me upstairs, hot stuff.” She winks.

I furrow my brow.

She stops and grabs my arm. “For the tour. God, get your mind out of the gutter, would ya?”

I shake my head. “If that isn’t the pot calling the kettle black.” I say as I escort her upstairs.


After the tour, I take her to the front door.

“Alright, King. Awesome place. It’ll be fun to run around in.” She turns to me.

“You’re not running anywhere, except back home where you belong.” I say in an authoritative voice.

She pulls out her phone and checks the time. “See, I would, but check in was two hours ago. I kind of forgot.” She shows me her phone. “But……”

“No. No way.” I point to her.

“Come on. It’ll be great. We could watch movies, have a few drinks, swap stories…Hey. You ever wake boarded?” She points to me.

“No, Ricky. You’re not staying here and that’s final!” I growl.

“Oh…Ok…well, I can hangout in my car for the night, I guess.” She waves and turns. “Thanks for the tour.”

I watch her walk out and cross the driveway.

It’s just one night. Then she can leave. There’s 200 rooms here. I won’t even have to see her. I’ll just hide out until morning. I look at the darkening sky and her walking around her car.

“Wait!” I bark. My voice carries across the drive.

She stops and looks at me.

I wave her back. She grins and jogs back. I put my hand up and she stops.

I hold up a finger. “One night. You stay in your room and your gone by morning. Agreed?”

She bounces. “Yep! You’ll not see me.” She says running up the stairs. “This is going to be so great!” She squeals as she runs by.

“No! This is not great!” I yell into the palace as her laughter floats through the halls.


I have Michael escort her to her room and get her bags out of her car.

I’m pushing her out of my mind. I’m not giving her a second thought.

Michael and Nala come into my office as I’m trying to get through these treaties.

Nala stands at my desk. “So. Ricky’s here.” She says with an arched brow.

“What of it?” I glance up.

“Nothing. It’s interesting since you’ve expressed numerous times your displeasure of her.” Nala takes another step towards my desk.

“It’s one night. She’s staying in her room and she will be gone by morning.” I drop my pen.

Just as I say that, I hear yelps and screams in the halls outside my office areas.

“What the hell?” I jump from my seat and jog out of my office. Nala and Michael are right behind me.

I look down the hallway and staff are pressed on the walls. They point up the hall to the front halls.

I jog out and look around. I see staff getting out of the way as Ricky comes around the foot of the stairs on roller blades. She grabs the banister pole and makes a large turn in my direction.

She wasn’t expecting me to be there and it caught her off guard. She starts to lose her balance.

“OH SHIT!” She yells as she tries to avoid hitting me and stop herself.

I rush her before she falls and catch her by the waist. My arm wraps around her bare waist. The same electric feeling I’ve felt many times, floods my arm to my chest.

I pull her to her feet and glare at her.

“Hi! You have great halls for roller blading. Wanna try?” She grins.

“No.” I growl. I lean close to her while she’s in my arms. “I don’t want to try.” My eyes bore into hers as her cheeks turn the softest shade of pink.

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