Rapunzel (boyxboy)

Chapter Chapter Ten

Not proofread or edited

Rapunzel's POV

Dropping in bed I sighed up at the ceiling as I recalled what happened in the hospital. I found my mate and found out that I was not my parent's kid. I shook my head as I drifted off in a well needed sleep since it's like two in the morning. Closing my eyes I tried to sleep but couldn't, I tossed and turned all night somehow agitated for reasons unknown. Screaming in frustration I grabbed my phone and stared at the time, I sighed for the umpteenth time, one minute after five. I got up from bed and headed towards the shower, I stripped and stood in front the mirror. Amima had yet to make her presence so at least one of us slept. I grabbed the brush and started to detangle my hair, an hour and fifty curse words later it was braided to the side but I wrapped it up to have a quicker shower. Jumping in I gasped as the ice cold water sprayed out on me, with a gaze full of malice I stared at the shower knob. Hissing at it I tried to find the right temperature. While washing up my mind drifted to my mate, Dimitri or better yet known as Alpha. I smiled softly as his face flashed in my mind, I can't believe I'm mated to a werewolf, a freaking werewolf. How awesome is that? I stepped out the shower with a huge grin on my face as I dried off and brushed my teeth. Stepping out into my bedroom I shook my head as I saw Jax spread like a star fish on my bed. "Hey Rapunzel." He mumbled I went to my closet to get dressed before turning around and answering him. "What's wrong?" He looked a bit upset. "I can't believe you found your mate already i mean it was just yesterday that I was wiping shit off of your cute little ass." I shook my head chuckling as I went to sit by him. "Oh come on it's not like I'm leaving home." I tried to reassure him but his mood got even worse. "That's the thing you ARE leaving." He replied pouting. "What do you mean I'm leaving?" He sat up and sighed "when someone finds their mate it is a must that they go to live with them." I stared at the spot where he had been before smiling. "But at least I'll visit." I said trying to cheer him up. He smiled at me as he was going to say something but was interrupted by a knock at my door. "Rapunzel honey wake up." Mom's warm voice washed in from the other side hugging us both. "I'm up mom, just talking to Jax." I replied as she opened the door slowly. Her warm Brown eyes looked at us with love and she smiled softly. "Well then it seems you've been up a while." She replied coming in to sit between us as we make space. "Yah we've both been, well Rapunzel long before I did." Jax muttered as his hulking form stretched across mom's lap where he laid staring up at her. "I realized. Now what's on your mind jax, it seems something's bugging you?" She asked as she ran her hands through his curls. I got up to pack my school bag as they spoke to each other, their voices bringing some form of comfort as I swayed softly to a tune in my head. "I thought it was time for breakfast?" I spun towards the door to see dad standing there peeking in. "Dad!" I shrieked in happiness and ran to him, throwing myself at him as he chuckled softly hugging me to him. "Hey sweetie good morning." He says kissing my crown. My reply was muffled as I nuzzled closer to his chest. I sighed in content as the warm familiar feeling rushed through me. I've always had a stronger connection to my dad than my mum, ever since I was young he was my light, warmth and comfort. "So are we having breakfast? " I mumbled out and they laughed. We made our way down the stairs and into the dinning room where the food was laid out. It was already cold but no one complained as we sat and enjoyed our breakfast in a very comfortable silence.

Stepping from my car, I locked it and walked towards the school. My heart hammered in my chest as the excitement of seeing my mate again pleased me and not only me but Amima as he had not so softly chanted 'mate mate' the duration of our drive. Sighing loudly I dragged my feet towards my locker screaming internally as I saw the goons from yesterday as if waiting on something or someone. Maybe me I thought, I felt Amima rolled his eyes. No shit sherlock. He replied sarcastically. Reaching said locker the one (on his first day) I knocked out sneered at me. "You little bitch you thought I'll let you off the hook." He spat in my direction. Rolling my eyes I looked on uninterested. "Move" I uttered. He laughed humorless and grabbed my shirt collar, successfully lifting me from the ground. Curse my height. I looked deadpan at him as he foamed at the mouth. "What's the little faggot gonna do about it?" He jeered as the rest of the idiots laughed. "Well seeing as you love this faggot all up on you I think there's something you'll like to tell the boys." I smirked as his glare hardened. "How about we start by how that handsome green eyed fellow had you screaming his name non stop last night. Oh Wayne, fuck me, oh Fuck me please. I'm your dirty. little. whore." I finished looking dead into his eyes. Which showed his shock at what I had just found out. The one called Wayne, eyes were wide with shock as the rest stared at them both. The one holding me slammed me against the locker, his fist coming down towards my face. I could've stopped him but I didn't. Why? You ask, oh it's just cuz I could feel my mate round the corner. A growl shook the school as the guy punched me square in the jaw my head whipping to the side and cue the water works. I whimpered as I began to sob loudly knowing my mate can hear me. Suddenly I felt light and I fell to the ground, I looked up to see that Dimitri had buried the guy in a row of lockers. He was stuck in between the metal as it covered him, I felt a warm hand on my face and looked up. "Are you okay?" He asked as he rubbed my jaw. I nodded softly before jumping into his arms, he staggered back a bit before he caught himself. I hugged him tightly inhaling his earthy scent and buried my nose in the crook of his neck. I felt him get up with his arm securely under my thigh holding me unto him. "You four in my office now." He commanded the dominance in his voice sent a shiver raking through my body. I sighed softly as he brought us somewhere in the school, I think I'm gonna like it here.

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