Rapunzel (boyxboy)

Chapter Chapter Eleven

Not proofread or edited


Rapunzel's POV

I felt the motion of Dimitri sitting down and I shifted. He cleared his throat loudly as the boys gathered around, the one who was knocked into the locker slumped in his chair still unconscious. I peered from my resting spot at his neck as Amima basked in the warmth of our mate. "Do you know what you've done?" Dimitri's voice rang out smooth but with a threatening growl. The boys visibly stiffened and turned pale as they stared on at their Alpha. "We're sorry Alpha we didn't know he was your mate." The bravest of the group spoke up albeit it was almost inaudible. A growl rocked Dimitri's chest as he spoke "does it matter if it was my mate or not. You're apart of a pack, you treat others as if they're your own family." He lurched forward at the last part of the sentence, momentarily forgetting I was perched in his lap. I grabbed unto his shirt to prevent bashing my head on the hard oak desk. "Laps around the field unto I say otherwise." He grunted out as he sat back rubbing soothing circles on my side. The kids scattered quickly grabbing their unconscious friend and bolting out the door. He sighed loudly before nuzzling my neck. "I'm sorry about them." He muttered out muffled. I smiled pulling myself away just enough to look him in the eyes.

Gazing into his beautiful eyes I leaned forward and planted a soft kiss on his lips. The shocks of the mate bond running through my veins. "You don't have to apologize for them. I could've taken them easily." I replied smirking. He chuckled softly before sighing yet again. "Come on angel you have to get to class." He muttered quickly pecking me on the lips and putting me on the floor to stand just as the bell rung out loud. I groaned loudly before walking out of the office before I was tempted to smother myself in his scent. Hurrying down the hall way I grabbed the few books I had wanted for class before hurrying to English. I groaned internally as all eyes snapped in my direction. "Glad to have you with us Mr. Webbs." The teacher who I had no interest in knowing called out, sarcasm lacing his voice. I ignored him as I made my way towards a seat. sitting down I heard someone clearing their throat annoyingly, turning my head a pair of big brown eyes were literally in my face. 'hey Dylan!' he chirped his eyes lighting up as he smiled. I grinned at him softly before replying.'hey Dylan, call me rapunzel.' I muttered as theteacher cleared his throat and began teaching. 'now back to what I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted.' he said looking at me and to this I rolled my eyes. ' you'll be writing an essay about the dangers lurking in a forest. it will range from six hundred to a thousand words no more no less.'

as he continued to drone on I thought about the essay, dangers in a forest? is that pertaining to humans of wolves? sighing I shook my head I raised my hand to get the teacher's attention. he looked at me before his eyes drifted as if he didn't see me. 'sir I know you saw me see you see me.' I growled out as the man continued to ignore me. well lets see how high your tolerance is then. 'sir.' I called out watching as he turned his back to me. I smiled widely as I lowered my hand, using it to rest my chin on instead.
















'sir.' I smiled widely as I saw his face reddened and a vein bulging in his forehead. I laughed to myself as Amima gave his input 'just a little more babe and he'll explode.' he cackled like the madman he is as I nodded my head in agreement. by this time everyone in the room had been looking at me as if I had grown two heads. I opened my mouth to utter the word but before it had time to come out I was interrupted by a loud snarl '' You little piece of shit, just because you're mated to the Alpha doesn't mean you'll get everything you want you little dipshit. if you haven't come here with your disease ridden self the Alpha wouldn't have been mated to a scrawny, weak, disgusting and ugly faggot like you. but no you and your deadbeat family had to come here as if they were wanted in the first place. if those pathetic excuse of a werewolf hadn't come here then-' before he could say anything else I interrupted him. 'are you done?' I asked in monotonous voice as I glared at him. now don't get me wrong I wanna rip out his throat for even speaking like that but I've heard a lot of this shit growing up and to be frank i'm sick and tired of all this negativity. "no actually." he replied coming right up to my seat, grabbing my collar. " get the fuck out of this town and bring your disease with you."

He growled his eyes changing into a yellow color showing that his wolf is on the verge of coming out and that he's just a lowly common pack wolf. I grin at him as he fangs began to protrude. "only the Alpha can give such an order and if my memory serves me right, I remember I'm his mate which makes me your Luna." he picked me up from my seat and threw me across the room, I slammed in the third wall opposite the area. "you are not my Luna!" he shouted as he stalked after me in a predatory composure. "Dylan!" I snapped my head to the right as I saw dylan tackling the teacher. He however wasn't as strong as the man and had ended up being slammed to the ground unconscious. "you're just a measly low ranking wolf, there's nothing that you can say and do that will stop me from looking down at you." I spoke loudly as I got up and looked at him hunched over as he began to shift. he growled loudly as he rushed forward. bracing myself i slammed my fist in his opened mouth as he clamped down hard on it. using this I grabbed his head with my free hand gripping his fur tightly as he rocked my arm back and forth. I then brought my knee up slamming it in his temple so hard he let go, stepping back and shaking his head. " Let me kill that bastard." Amima growled as I felt my scalp tingle. "I'll do it myself" I replied as I glared down at the pathetic wolf. the kids in the room had huddled themselves in corner too scared to pass the fight to run towards the door, I glanced towards Dylan using my heightened senses to check if he's okay. realizing that he's fine just knocked out. turning just in time to see the little shit lounging a me. my hair lashed out wrapping him in vice grip, Icould see the shocked flashing through his eyes as I tightened the hold on him so tight I hard multiple cracks. "shift." I ordered as he continued to fight despite the overbearing pressure on his bones. " I said shift!" I growled out loud and he did the process excruciatingly slow and agonizingly painful as my hair only gripped him tighter as his body got slender. He looked at me in anger but his eyes showed fear " fuck you Faggot." he growled as he spat blood in my face, I dropped in him the ground as his naked body laid wide. I shook my head as i calmed down my hair laying in its huge curls against my back. I turned towards Dylan as I wiped off the blood from my cheek.

The kids all huddled in the corner whimpered loudly as I stalked closer to them. ignoring them I kneeled beside Dylan shaking him awake. " hey Dylan.'' I whispered gently tapping on his cheek. he groaned and shuffled a bit but laid still again. "you stupid fag." came a whisper I tried to turn but a hand gripped my hair from the roots causing me to gasp out in pain.

I was spun around to see the teacher raising scissors, I glared at him, pushing him back forcefully I slapped myself mentally as the grip on my hair caused the pain the spike higher. rubbing my scalp soothingly I glowered at the man a few feet away from me I felt something warm run down my cheek, lifting my hand to touch it i brought it back to see the red substance on it. I looked up at the teacher grinning at me, in his hand a loc of hair was held in his fist a blunt cut at one end. I growled as I watched my hair lifeless in the man's hand. "my vision blurred as i let Amima took over. the teacher visibly stiffened as he looked at me. "you're gonna regret that." the chilling tone of the souls mixed in Amima's voice got him shivering. the man looked at me before shifting and bolting out the door. the distorted voices cackled loudly as Amima stepped forward "let the fun begin"

hey readers, bye readers

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