Race to the Next World

Chapter ⌛Four⌛

“Alara, are you sure this is what you want?” I asked her quietly as we walked down the hallway. I was afraid to let her follow Sirus on her own but we have to part ways soon.

I wanted to make sure this is what she wanted to do, because once she's in this, she can't back out. I was afraid of something happening.

But all she did was smile widely at me.

“I can’t even believe they accepted me so soon. Its better than sitting in a stuffy classroom."

I don't want to let her out there.

“This isn’t for you.” I said.

“Don’t worry so much, Aurora. This is what I want to do now. It looks exciting.” she seemed enthusiastic about it, which scared me to death.

"I think you forget the part that this is you joining the army, Alara."

"Fighting for my nation." She mocked. It wasn't funny. "I'm in it for the cool stuff," she admitted to me truthfully.

Someone help us.

She already had on her black suit, her white belt flashing green to show that her tracker was on. She had her hair pushed back out of her face. She even told me she might dye her hair black, too. Alara will soon change to be like the Flyers, its only a matter of time before I lose her as the sweet innocent sister that she is.

“Don’t always do what Sirus tells you.” I warned her and I hoped that she would listen to me.


“Listen to me, Alara. There are people you can trust, and then there are people who will make your life difficult.” I said to her. “Sirus is the second one.” I added.

“He’s so cool.” she said.

“Stop it.”

“Come on, Aurora, show me what you do, okay? I can’t wait to be under your guidance.” she said.

Her and Sirus are not going to be fun. They'd be a dangerous pair. They're both doing this just for fun, to play with the weaponry, and to do nothing else except fly intense space crafts. If they hit it off, it's over. We'd have a distructive force on our hands.

I can't believe Picses thought it was a good idea for Sirus to mentor her.

I watched her go on by herself. I wish our parents would have tried harder to keep her as a civilian instead. I know she’s happy but I don’t want her to change because of all the other Flyers. They can be overbearing. I feared for Alara, she’s only sixteen.

My mind went off on a tangent as the computer scanned my eyes and let me in the control room. I was trying to think of an effective way to let Alara learn everything she needed to but also keep Sirus on a tight leash.

Sirus may be good, but he has a lot of habits that aren't safe. Most Flyers don't do what he does because sometimes they want to stay alive. Alara shouldn't pick up those habits.

I put my headset on as I turned on the computer; I registered Alara into my system, allowing me access to her ship as everything else activated. This is actually happening. They gave her codes and everything.

The last thing she needs is to get assigned. After that, she's staying down here.

“Seems like she looks up to you.” Sirus was laughing.

“Don’t mess up, Sirus. I’m responsible for both of you.”

“Oh come on, its just some simulator, its practically child’s play.” he complained. “Put it on expert.” he said.

“This is not a game.”

“Your sister might think it is. Have you seen her test scores? I didn’t even get that good a score my first year.” he said.

“She might take your spot, Sirus."

"Yeah, that'd be a great loss." He said sarcastically. "The difference between you and me is that I don't care about that shit."

"I'm well aware." My hand pressed to my forehead as I desperately tried to calm myself down. "Please, just...Sirus, she's my sister."

"I'll take care of her-"

"No!" I stopped him. "Just mentor her." I made myself clear. "You have terrible habits, don't pass that on to her."

“My habits are great." He seemed offended. "You'd be lucky if she turned out like me."

“That'd be a nightmare." I said quickly. "You’re not going to need me, Sirus. You’ve run this simulator hundreds of times."

“Or you can have both of us set.” he suggested like I wanted to listen to them both in my ear when I don't. "Put it on expert."

“No.” I said and switched to Alara instead as I checked her status.

She was ready to go. Everything was loaded and at a hundred percent. We still had time for her to change her mind but she didn't.

“So Aurora, how is this going to work?” she asked.

“Just like the test you took before. But there’s been a request to make it harder. Try and match up with Sirus, and you’ll be fine.” I said as the testing simulator began loading.

“Match up to someone like him? That should be fun!” she said quickly.

“Focus Alara.” I said.

“I am, I am.” She said.

“There should be a number counting down on your screen. When its zero, turn your thrusters on and you should be ready to go.” I said as I gave the okay for Sirus to go first. "There's still time for you to change your mind."

“I’m so excited.” she squeaked. She's not going to change her mind.

“Focus.” I told her.

“Its zero!” she yelled.

Oh dear God. I don't know why she's doing this. She has so much energy and I'm scared that this will make her much more excited. My heart was racing. I was so afraid for her and all we're doing is playing with a simulation.

I know all of her test scores were perfect. And I know all of the officials love to grab people with perfect scores. I know she has to learn by going out there but I can't handle it. I don't want her doing this.

As I saw both their ships on my screen, I put up some prototype ships in their way, moving a small army so they can defend themselves from it. Sirus better not show off like usual, I don’t need him wiping out the whole army in five seconds without giving Alara a chance to do anything.

I got pissed off. How is she supposed to learn anything if he's doing all the work.

"You idiot!" I said to Sirus when I heard him laughing. "How is she supposed to learn if you act out?"

"I told you to put it on expert." He kept laughing. "I'm not a babysitter."

"You're a terrible teacher."

"That's debatable."

I tried again, and I warned Sirus not to do anything to give Alara a chance. But he wouldn't listen.

I just didn't realize that it made her more competitive.

She fought for more hits and it seemed to impress.

"She's fast."


"You're the one that told me not to do anything." He complained.

"Yeah, well you were trying pretty hard a second ago." I wasn't sure if this was a good tactic or not. "Is she making you sweat?"

"Actually, yeah. I'm a little scared." He laughed.

I don't want to push Alara to her limits but I guess Sirus had the right idea by taking everything from her. "If I put it on expert, do you promise to behave?" I asked.

"No." He flat out answered.

I expect nothing less.

I need to give Alara more of my attention because I changed the settings. It seemed like they were having fun before, but Alara needs to be stressed out. That's the entire job. I didn't tell her that I changed it, I was going to pretend that that's just how the normal simulation runs.

“There’s three you can take out on your left. It will give you an access point to getting five on your way.” I said as I made it more difficult for the both of them.

“Whoa, this guy’s a pro.” She said.

“Focus, Alara.” I said as I saw the dots on my screen disappear.

Sirus is doing it on purpose. He's making her work for it.

“I am, I am.” she said.

Since Sirus wants to be aggressive, I can give him something to play with. This will be good for Alara, too. I surrounded Sirus with more ships so he couldn’t get out of needing help. I know he'll try, but I put a small army in front of him and he has to realize that he can't do it all by himself.

“If someone needed your help, how would you address it?” I asked Alara

“Should I force my way through?” she asked.

That’s usually what a Flyer does so that’s not a bad answer considering what she’s doing.

“Sirus needs your help.” I said as I saw her ship move. I put two prototypes behind her, watching them chase her as she went to him.

“Not anymore.”

“What’s he doing?” I asked.

“Well, he just dove.” she said.

She didn't have to describe what he was doing, I already knew. He likes to force the thrusters out after diving. I gritted my teeth. I always tell him not to do that yet he never listens. When he turns off the thrusters like that, it ruins the pressure. He can also burn out the computer system that way.

I tracked his ship, and took control immediately since he never wants to do things the right way. I don't need to do anything maintenance check because of him.

“On your right.” I warned her. That mark was gone within seconds. Her accuracy was a hundred percent so I should make it tougher on her.

“Can I do what he did?” she asked.

“If you want me to take control of your ship I can?” I warned her.

“Did you really do that to him?” she asked quickly.

“He’s an idiot. Do not take his bad habits.” I said, tempted to put his ship on auto pilot so he would be directed back here.

I can count on him yelling right now.

“You two must be best friends.” she said sarcastically. I would never even wish that on my worst enemy.

“Focus.” I said to her when I had enough.

Being teased about Sirus isn’t something I enjoy. I switched to his system and I already have the nerves to yell at him. He's about to hear it from me. “If you do that again, I will put you on auto pilot.” I threatened to him.

“What’s the big deal?” he asked quickly.

“I don’t want Alara picking up your terrible habits that can cost her her life.” I said loudly.

“She knows what she's doing, Aurora. Stop being all prissy and let her do shit-"

“Shut up and mentor.” I said.

“I wonder how well you'd do out here." He said. I'm never curious about that. I don't think I'd do well. "I’d probably let you in my ship again.” he said lowly.

I tensed up. I knew what he meant by the tone in his voice. I don't know why my heart was racing but it was. Maybe because I was nervous. Or maybe because I really did remember.

"Thinking about it?" He asked.

“Sirus.” I warned.

“Don’t tell me you didn’t like it.” he laughed.

“You’re disgusting.” I said with a biting tone to my voice. He doesn't need to bring up what happened yesterday.

“Not as I can be. Once I get back, you’re mine.” he said.

I immediately had my mind elsewhere. I thought of how much time I had after I shut off the simulation to get my things and find a place to spend the night. Who could I stay with tonight and not be a bother? Or should I wait it out late enough knowing that Sirus might leave? I had options, I should be okay.

“Hey, I think she’s going out of range.” he said. Her coordinates were close to the edge of where she was supposed to be. I pulled her on to communication quickly so I could stop her.

“Where are you going?” I asked.

“Aurora, I think the ship is damaged.” she said quickly.

Well that's something. I don't know what she's seeing.

“What is it?" I asked, curious.

“There’s this line..." She was still looking at it. I saw her ship following along the edge. Must be a long crack. "I think its a crack or something."

“Follow her, Sirus.” I said as I gave them more range to move.

Maybe it's just damage from past attacks.

“There’s cracks.” Sirus said, probably seeing what she saw. “Is the ship damaged?” he asked.

“One of the thrusters isn’t lighting, Aurora.” Alara said. She made it that far to the thrusters. They were functional before. I don't know why it wouldn't be.

That's a system error, not a human error. Someone should already know about that. But Sirus and Alara wouldn't be out here if there was a team fixing the thrusters.

I almost didn't want to believe them. I can't see what they're seeing though. Both of them asked if the ship was damaged. It just might be. "I'm turning the simulator off. You two should come back." I told them.

I turned off the computer and took off my head set. I already felt the panic rise in my body, but I didn't know why. Maybe lighting the thrusters should be a simple fix. Was I nervous that Alara found it first? Maybe Picses or the Captain already know about it and I shouldn't be worried.

I left the room and was quick to make my way to Picses command room. He's mostly here so I expected to find him standing in the center of the room and staring into space. He was quick to turn around to see me when I barged inside the room. I don't know if this is a serious crisis or not, but it's a good idea to let him know, right?

“One of the Mother Ship’s thrusters isn’t activated.” I told him.

At first he didn't seem that concerned. He was thinking about it, but then he seemed confused.

“How did you find this out?” he asked.

“We were mentoring my sister and she noticed cracks in the ship, at the base, and the a thruster not operating.” I explained.

“The computer would have found that.” he said to himself as he looked away. “Thank you, Aurora, I will notify the Captain.” he said.

I cannot wait to be in his position. One day, I'll be where he's standing. Hopefully he thinks of me as important.

I let myself out and waited for Sirus and Alara to meet up with me.

They seemed way too chatty. When I saw them, it looked like they were into their conversation. Alara is already a bright and bubbly person and she thinks anything anyone does is cool. Put that kind of person next to Sirus and his ego swells. He secretly wants someone to think he's awesome. I think he really wanted to mentor my sister, mostly because he's my sister. I've never seen him teach anyone anything, except her. And now he's telling her all these things that she's going to pick up on and now I'm worried.

They came over to me and Alara still had that excited look on her face like she did earlier.

"Aurora, this is great." She said, clapping her hands together. "Can we train again?" She asked. "Sirus says there are a few Flyers that like to play with the simulation."

Great. Now it's the beginning of the bad behavior. Flyers play with everything. They say they're "training" but they end up playing around in space. I know the groups that do it, too. Surprisingly, Sirus isn't one of them.

He doesn't like going out with them.

So if he's going to suggest Alara play with some veteran Flyers, he might as well "babysit". "Only if Sirus is there with you." I said.

"That's fine, right, Sirus?" She looked up at him with this shine in her eyes and she looked so happy. He was kind of stunned that I put the work on him but he asked for it.

I don't trust Sirus, but it seems like all he wants is someone to blow up his ego. Alara is, unfortunately, that person.

"Sure, I don't care." He didn't seem too excited to socialize, but Alara was all for it.

I would hope that she doesn't get overly excited, she doesn't know what's going to happen next. But I would hate to be the one to continue ruining her view and excitement just to make her see everything how it truly is.

“I already told the Commander about the cracks, so you can get going if you want to. You can find him later.” I said to her.

"Okay." She hugged me. "Bye, Aurora." She smiled at me and waved to Sirus as she walked away.

I didn't say anything until she was far enough away. I don't know what to make of the cracks on the ship. I told myself that it might be damage from generations of this massive piece of metal being out in space.

But now that I think about it, that crack wasn't there months ago.

“Thrusters don’t go out.” I said quietly, almost spaced out, but I knew Sirus was next to me. “And if it did, the Computer would have noticed.” I added in.

“It might be a minor error.” he said, mostly because he doesn't care. He started walking and I followed behind him.

“The computer doesn’t make errors, But this is the second incident that it hasn’t alarmed for. What next?” I thought to myself.

“You care too much.” he sounded annoyed. "It's just one thruster."

“Anything can happen.”

“This ship has been around for blah blah blah. Shit happens and damage is a real concept.” he shrugged.

“What the hell is going on?” I sighed again. I was getting more worked up than usual, and its not good for someone like me.

There were voices coming from down the other hallway. I hadn't realized that I was following behind Sirus the entire time.

We wouldn't have cared about people coming around except we heard what their conversation was about. They were talking about the main computer. Sirus reacted faster than I did. He pushed me into a corner where we wouldn't be seen; it was a small space and I was pushed up against him when we heard the conversation. He knew it was serious, too.

“...sort of hard to get into the computer system. The third by pass will only set of the intruder alarm.” the voice said.

I recognized that voice but I couldn't figure out the name...it was on the tip of my tongue.

I was also...a little flustered at the moment.

Sirus’ body pressed against mine as we tried to remain hidden. I couldn’t ignore how close we were together, how my face was close against his neck and I felt his breath on my ear. I didn't want to breathe on him, and I tried not to but my heart was beating hard. His hands were on the wall, holding his weight off me. I should have focused more on those voices but having him so close to me considering how things are going between us made it difficult.

“...maybe its because you’ve been forcefully hacking the computer instead of going about procedures.” A female voice said.

“We don’t have time for procedures.” the other said.

“That’s Xalton.” Sirus whispered to me quietly.

Everything fit perfectly.

Xalton is not a very kind person, he looks down on others a lot. He can be rather mean to people who try to do their best, or who don't take things as seriously as he does. I've had unpleasant encounters with him and I always steer clear since it seems like he hates me.

He’s an older Coordinator. Usually, the older Coordinators and Flyers are quieter. They don't do much. They don't care about everything like the younger ones do. In fact, they seem to protect us more, well the Coordinators do. The older Flyers mind their own business.

But Xalton isn't like that at all.

Every since I joined this division, he’s hated me because I took his spot as number one and haven’t given it back for years now. He curses me for being able to have the Commander treat me as a prodigy, to have more of his respect than anyone can get.

I can't help that.

Rankings are just a number and as much as I take it seriously, it's not a good measure of skill.

But what I really want to know is why he’s hacking into the main computer. I had this serious hunch that he's the one playing with the thrusters.

Who's his friend? Sirus might know.

“Russia will not be happy if you screw up.” the female said. My eyes widened. What is he doing with Russia?

“No other nation would be happy if I did. Everyone wants this.” he said bitterly. Their voices were beginning to fade as they walked down the hall. I strained my hearing, wanting to hear so much more.

“Blowing out a thruster should slow them down for now. All the high tech Coordinators will be out in space trying to fix it.” the woman said. That’s the last I caught of them because they went through a set of doors.

“I'm not surprised." Sirus said as he moved out of the space and looked around.

“Well, it's good to know we have a spy for Russia.” I wasn't particularly happy having this information, but now I know.

“Do you know how to get into the main computer?" Sirus asked me. I've always wanted to try but I don't know. I stared at Sirus because I didn't know where he was going with that. "He should be number one."

I hit his arm.

"I'm sorry I'm not that cool." I apologized sarcastically.

"We can work on that." Sirus laughed.

As I looked, white lights began to flash around all over the hallway. Its a meeting call for all the Coordinators.

“Look at that.” Sirus said. "They're really going to have you out in space." He laughed but I wasn't so excited.

I think I might cry.

If I get picked to go into space, I might have a fit. I'm tired of being in space.

"Need help taking the edge off?" He asked.

I looked up at him slowly and I probably had this blank expression on my face. I know what he was asking and I almost said yes.

"No." Came out of my mouth instead.

“They won’t need you for the first ten minutes.” he said, grabbing my arm.

He tried to kiss me, too, but I hit him. Not hard but hard enough to get him to back away. “I’m not letting you touch me.” I said bitterly.

He grabbed my ass. And that didn't make me happy.


“Shut up, Aurora." He groaned. "You're so prissy about everything."

"I wouldn't have to be if you left me alone." I hit him again but he put his other arm around me and brought me close to him.

I don't like being pressed up against him.

He bit my ear but I didn't wince from the pain. I've felt it before. My heart raced in my chest when I felt him bite me. It wasn't a pleasant feeling. He didn't try to be nice about it.

All he did was bite me.

I was prepared for more groping or to be pushed against the wall, but that didn't happen.

"Come find me if you want some." Sirus said as he let me go. He had that smug expression like I was definitely going to find him later.

That's a debatable assumption.

I touched my ear. There was this pulsing heat where he bit my skin. I could feel it at the tip of my finger. He bites in the same area. I don't know if he thinks I like it or not, or maybe he doesn't care.

That seems right.

But he always bites me.

It's not the worst I've gone through, but it's certainly not pleasant.

I walked over to one of the other larger conference rooms where the Coordinators were all filing in. There are other rooms like this in other sections. Picses likes to address all of us at once sometimes.

There were a lot whispering and quiet chatter.

I wondered if Taurus was in this room or one of the others. I don't talk to a lot of people.

Picses' hologram was up at the center of the room and that's when we got quiet.

“There has been some damage to one of the Mother Ship’s thrusters." He said.

And that means we're going out in space.

"I need a team of Coordinators who are willing to fix what is blocking that broken thruster.” he said.

A few hands were raised, but mine was not one of them. I wasn’t interested in going out into deep space when I’m sure there are others who are more capable. Its dark, scary, and quiet. I hated it out there.

I tried blending in as well as I could so I wouldn’t get picked on. I’m not the one to actually go into space, and I would prefer not to. But knowing Picses, he might be searching for the people who would know what to do without being told instructions on how to fix the thruster. I really did try my best to fall back into the crowd, bit apparently, it wasn’t working.

He added my number to the list of people.

I almost put my head down when I heard him call out my number. It's not like I can pretend not to hear him.

This is going to be the worst experience.

“Report back in the release area to get suits gassed and checked at fourteen hundred hours.” he said.

That’s in two hours.

I didn’t mumble or sigh. I’ve been given a job and I have to take care of it just like the others.

I didn’t feel too scared about going though. But then I slowly started to panic because all kinds of things can happen.

We won’t be protected as much. It will only be us in a body suit with equipment. I mean, it's deep space. I don't think a meteor is going to come and knock us all out, but I would feel better if Picses and the other officials would include the Flyers.

As I walked in the room, I saw that Sirus was doing the same thing that he always does. Computer work. I don’t know why he would be he does it anyway. I prayed that he ignores me. I don't want any trouble. I definitely don't want anything distracting.

All I could hear was the ringing in my ears from how nervous I was.

I went in my closet to get another suit to wear, the one I want to burn up. This one is adjusted to the climate of space, which I heard isn’t safe.

It's a tight suit, not like the regular uniform. There's another part that I'll have to wear over this one when we get to the hatch. I pulled up the zipper on the side and took a breath.

My hands were trembling.

It's just cause I was frightened. I get a little panicking when I go out in space. This is normal for me.

"Scared?" Sirus was watching. I couldn't even answer him. I was terrified. “How long do you get?” he asked me after a bit of silence.

“Two hours.” I said.

“That means we have time to-”

“No, we have absolutely no time to do anything.” I said quickly because I don’t intend on doing anything with him, or for him.

I heard him get up and come to me. I didn’t move as he touched me, his hands on my shoulders. “You’re scared, aren’t you?” he asked.

Scared of what? Going into space? He already knows I don't like it.

“So?” I asked.

“I can help ease that tension,” he said was curious to see if I would give in. He almost kissed my neck until I moved away from him.

“I don’t have time for this.” I said quickly, trying to shove away from him but his arm was around me tight when I was about to move.

“Yes you do. Stop complaining.” he unzipped my suit, his hand moving over my chest as he bit my ear.

I reminded myself to keep breathing, to not tense up, to stay alert. I didn't want to get super distracted either but...

He got me on my bed and at first I didn't do much, but I know how he can be. He's not exactly nice when it comes to...things like this, and I don't like how rough he is. So I attempted to push him off me but he didn't let me get that far. He pinned my hands down on the bed and continued to kiss me. I fidgeted under him, moving my legs around so I could wiggle from under him. That just got him agitated.

“Would you stop it?” He asked me.

“I’ll keep moving if you don’t get off me.” I told him.

“What makes you think I won’t tie you down?” he laughed as he moved my suit down from my body. His other hand gripped down on my wrists, keeping me in place as he undressed me.

Sirus would really tie me down, and that’s what scared me. I stopped moving because of his threat. Now what? I was supposed to be calming down, not getting irritated because of Sirus.

He got my suit off me, touched me, kissed me.

The usual.

I don’t know how long I was going to wait on him to actually do something. He should honestly just skip the foreplay and get this over with. Sex was his suggestion, he should at least do that. Now I was the one that was agitated. He can’t just get me all hot, and take his time. I had to be somewhere, I don’t have time for him to mess around.

“Sirus, just get it over with.” I said as he kissed my neck.

He was still touching me, still fingering me, and I will be a mess in a matter of minutes. I can’t just lay here and wait for him. He never responds to me just kindly asking him anything. When he let go of my hands, too busy somewhere else, I moved my fingers in his hair, yanking hard so he would get that I’m not patient enough to let him have his fun. He continued to laugh, breathing over my stomach as his fingers moved deeper.

“You never listen.” I said through my teeth.

“I’m surprised you’re begging for sex.” he moved up over me, his fingers still thrusting inside me slowly.

I don’t beg. I’m not going to let him get away with saying that. I will not beg.

Whatever he thinks I’m doing, its not begging.

His other hand moved under my chin, and when I moved my head, his fingers pressed on my neck. I glared up at him and dropped my hand from his hair. The way he looked at me, I couldn’t describe it. He wanted so much from me and I didn’t want to give it to him.

"Beg, Aurora.” He said.

My legs were shaking from him fingering me. I tried to ignore everything, all the touching, the grabbing, the kissing, everything. My body was getting hotter, and he knew I wouldn’t say no to having sex only because we’ve gotten this far.

Is he trying to scare me into giving in?

Well, I can say its working.

I stared up at his face, and I could tell that he wasn’t going to let go until I said something. His fingers didn’t grip hard around my neck. It was just enough to scare me, and to actually want to keep going.

I learn things about myself that's surprising.

I was a little worried.

“...I...” I have no idea what I was about to say.

“What was that?”

“I want you inside me.” I said weakly and looked away while my face got hot.

“That wasn’t so bad, now was it?”

I hated myself.

I didn’t respond as he moved between my legs. He pulled his fingers out of me, but it didn’t take long for him to move his cock inside me. If only he wouldn’t be so rough with me. Before I could try to grab his hair or yank on him, he pinned my hands down again, and he moved deeper inside me.

I bit my lip as I tensed under him. All of his cock was inside me. My legs began to shake again, and Sirus was barely doing anything to me yet. This was better but I know Sirus, he’s going to be too rough with me. Honestly, if he were a little gentler, I wouldn’t fight him as much as I do.

My teeth bit down harder on my lip and I did my best to hold in my moans. Its embarrassing enough when I can’t cover my face, but to hear myself.

He came closer to me, kissing my neck as he moved harder inside me. His hands tightened over my wrists and kept my hands down on the bed so I wouldn’t go anywhere. I wasn’t going to say I didn’t feel good, but if Sirus were to let go of my hands, I would feel a bit better. He really doesn’t have to hold me down, I won’t fight him...I would fight him, that’s why he’s holding me down. He kissed me and bit me, leaving marks on my skin. That wasn’t the part I cared about. He was moving so roughly and I wanted to get him to slow down enough for me to get use to it.

I just couldn’t say anything.

I couldn’t find any words to say.

His hands let go of my wrists finally, but he was touching me everywhere else. I could barely move, not because I didn’t want to but because I was stunned. I felt good, he was making me feel good. I breathed deeply and moaned out, feeling him breathe with me as he moved. His lips were pressed at my neck, but then he kissed behind my ear, and then my cheek. As rough as he was being, he didn’t kiss me that way.

I closed my eyes and just let go of everything I was trying to hold on to.

Sirus had his hand at my waist, holding me as I tensed and arched under him. I breathed harder as he kept pulling me to him. I wasn’t going to be able to last much longer, especially with the way he was thrusting inside. I hated how good this felt, I hated how it was so easy for him to do this to me.

This is how I waste my time, doing things like having sex with Sirus.

I’ve never been so distracted.

Yet, I didn’t want to leave either. My hands gripped his arms, feeling him tensing up just like I was. I couldn’t bite my lip any harder, if I did, I would hurt myself. My moans gave away how close I was. Sirus didn’t care, he kept going, but I knew he was listening to me. All he ever says is he wants to hear me beg for him.

I couldn’t tell him not to cum inside me. I couldn’t tell him anything. All I could do was moan helplessly as he moved inside me. My fingers were holding on tighter to his arms as I got closer to my climax.

Sirus came before I did. I was still lost in the heat; I was stunned by everything I was feeling that I didn’t know what to think. My legs pressed up against him and my fingers gripped harder on his arms as I felt my release. For a moment, I couldn’t think. I couldn’t cry out, I couldn’t move, I couldn’t do anything.

And finally when I came back from whatever that was, my body began shaking. Sirus was kissing me, his lips at my neck as his hands moved on the bed. This wasn’t helping with my trembling. My breathing was shaky, just like the movements with the rest of my body.

“Better?” he asked me.

“No, not better!” I snapped and shoved him away from me. My legs were still shaking. “Now look at me, I won’t be able to do a thing.” I complained as I tried to sit up.

“We could keep going if you need the help.” he suggested, yet he was trying to push me down on the bed again. I know we have time or whatever excuse he plans to use, but I would like to be able to walk! “Relax, Aurora, come on-”

“Get your hands off me.”

“Beg for it.” he said, and when I didn’t say anything, he kept my hands down on the bed as if he was about to start threatening me. “Beg for it, Aurora.” he urged.

I didn’t.

"Get away from me." I kneed him hard enough for him to get off me.

What’s the worst Sirus could do to me? I’ve already been through it all with him. He already got his time. I’m not going to beg just because he wants to have more fun.

I had to be somewhere, but this is how I waste my time. With Sirus.

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