Race to the Next World

Chapter ⌛Three⌛

I paced around, running my hand through my hair as I waited for Sirus. He has to tell me exactly what he saw because this is what Picses will want to know.

If a ship blew up, who’s to say more won’t?

I was sweating, feeling my nerves get worked up.

What if that had been Sirus? What would happen then?

Everything is going to change now, all the protocols will be different because of a ship malfunctioning.

Sirus walked into the hallway. He took the longest time to get here. I thought he might have been hurt or something happened, maybe he got damaged in the explosion.

“What happened out there?” I asked quickly.

“Everything was fine. And then Berz’s ship started slowing down and I could see the heat actually rise.”

That doesn’t just happen. That can’t happen. I need to understand what this means.

“He wasn’t hit?”

“I didn't see it happen.”

“It might be a malfunction," I said. I didn't want to believe it. "Maybe even a human error. But we check the ships, and so does the Computer. And the Computer isn’t wrong...” I rambled on as I thought to myself.

Technology isn’t wrong. Someone will suspect the Coordinator to be lying, or maybe even a traitor. But how would she have access to blow up a ship?

“Did the Coordinator do it?” Sirus asked.

That's exactly what I'm talking about.

They'll think she did it.

I saw the panic on her face when it happened. She freaked out. There's no way she did it.

“I don’t know.” I said as I walked by him. I didn't believe it but I don't know.

Picses was definitely going to say a lot about this.

Sirus followed me and we walked to the technology deck. A ship blew up on its own, or so we think.

I got to the side where there were more Coordinators than Flyers. I heard their whispers of fear as we migrated, getting into the room full of equipment being checked by the Computer. The only reason Picses would talk to us here is because its big enough to hold all of us together.

I looked up above me and found more people waiting up on the stairs, the railings and the multiple other platforms on this deck. There’s thousands of us mixed together.

“Cadets,” Picses face had formed on the large screen in front of us. “There has been a ship that has blown up on its own. The computer has been bypassed but there are traces of someone messing with two-fifty-five’s ship." Who could've done it? That's what people were whispering to each other. "We have a spy on the Mother Ship.” he said.

This caused unrest between us all. Hearing that made everyone panic, even I got scared.

“Coordinators, do a diagnostic on your Flyer’s ship and suit. Report anything suspicious if found. I want a full diagnostic on each and every one of the Flyers equipment.” he said seriously.

That's going to take days on top of all of our other tasks.

Sometimes diagnostics aren't that quick either.

This is going to take some time.

“You’re dismissed.” Picses said to everyone.

Thousands of checks all at once. This is already hectic enough. That's going to be so much information being uploaded at once. After that, the Computer will have to go through maintenance.

No one was calm.

A spy? A traitor? Who would do this?

I wasn’t going to be able to find Sirus in this crowd of people. I walked behind those who were leaving, still panicking with fear. Now we’re going to have to check the ships daily maybe even hourly and do diagnostics on everything.

This battle is now on our territory and we have to resolve the problem before other nations come for us again.

Sirus refused to turn his tracker on. I’ll have to modify his suit so there isn’t a setting for that. And his ship.

I can’t have him disappearing, not after this.

Every time he turns off that tracker, I get in so much trouble for it. I will modify his trackers so I have complete control over them. He won’t even know I did it.

I went back to our room, but he wasn’t there either. We have to check the ship, I can’t get access inside without Sirus. But he was unreachable now, and I know he doesn’t want to be found. I know he saw that ship blow up, I’m sure a lot of people did but that’s no reason to hide from me. Everyone is probably checking their ships while I’m here waiting on Sirus.

At midnight, I decided to leave the room and go looking for Sirus. As I left I saw him; I wanted to yell at him for making me wait so long but he would only shrug and say whatever as if it doesn’t matter when it does.

“Where the hell were you?” I asked.

“Asking people if they noticed anything.” he said plainly.

Oh. Well.

“We have to check your ship.” I said and walked ahead of him. He sighed, but didn’t argue with me. There’s a chance anything might be on his ship, any change, something. And its my job to find it.

We walked down the hall, going to the main sector that would lead us to all the technology rooms.

And finally to ship dispatch. Sirus placed his hand on the scanner so we could get access inside. It identified him and opened the large silver doors to let us in. There was a rush of cold air as we walked in the large space.

Everyone in his sector had their fighter ships here. There's four other hatches like this one. There were plenty of other pairs running diagnostics on the ships. I counted quietly to myself as we passed the ships that were numbered. I could pick his out from most everyone's. I've only make a handful of Flyers that actually take care of their ships.

Ship two-thirty-six was on a platform on a higher level. This is his ship.

Most of the ships are the same at least; some are silver, some are black. As uniform as we try to be, not every ship is the same because we don't all engineer the same. I don't remember the Coordinator who engineered Sirus' ship, but he sure did do a good job. I even tried to mimic his designs with my own batches at first.

Sirus is very protective of his stuff. He does maintenance and repairs on his own most of the time. I try not to underestimate him because doing maintenance is more of a Coordinator task. Sirus knows what he's doing and he does his best to keep his stuff in perfect condition.

It definitely makes my job much easier.

I waited for him to give me access inside, I don’t have control over this part unfortunately, there is only so much I can control. But once inside, its just as though its my ship.

Coordinators have more control over the computers in the ship than the Flyers do. They don’t get the kind of access we get. If only Sirus would stop messing with the computer, I would have my control. I've had to reset settings so many times.

I know he changed some things again so he has to help me.

“Why are you just standing there?” I asked him.

“Do what you have to.” he told me.

He's never that willing.

“Get up here, Sirus.” I snapped. I’ve had it with him today. Enough has happened and I don’t need anymore.

It's a tight fit and I know that, but with the changes I'll have to rewrite, Sirus needs to be in here.

“Its pretty small.” I murmured.

“Its meant for one person, Aurora.” he said to me with an attitude, as if I should have known that.

I ignored his comment and moved my hand low to find the Coordinators’ button under the seat. I tried not to sit on him, but I had to move around to find that button. Where was it again? My finger hit something, and it scanned my finger. all the settings came up.

“Welcome, Aurora,” the computer said.

“I hate this thing.” Sirus said bitterly.

He’s only angry that there’s something he can’t access. I ignored him as I got up more to press the keys on the hologram.

“Run functioning diagnostic.” I said to the computer as I gave in my pass code. All the data on the ship came up one by one, giving me options.

"Everything is fully functional."

"Maintenance diagnostic."

The screen began to load as the diagnostic performed. It should take a few minutes if everything is okay. I don't expect less from Sirus' stuff.

It was quiet for a moment. Then Sirus’ hands moved on me, going to my zipper of my suit.

That was abrupt.

I tried to turn back to see what he was doing but he pulled down more on my suit. "Sirus, what are you doing?"

He didn't answer me.

He licked me where I shouldn’t be licked, and I just about started yelling at him for it. Why is he licking me there?

“Sirus!-" I panicked because of the surprise.

I know how he is, so I don't know why I was surprised, but we're in a cramped space and he hasn't done this before.

His hands gripped me tightly as he kept licking and sucking at my skin. I couldn’t hold my body up, my fingers spread across the keys. All I was thinking about was Sirus putting his mouth on me.

My hips were moving on their own, wanting him to do so much more for me instead of just lick me. This diagnostic might have to wait for a while since Sirus won’t quit. I moaned quietly as he held me up higher, licking more. And when his tongue was inside me, my legs got even weaker.

I put my head down on my arms and did my best to hold back my voice. It's kind of hard to hide myself now, Sirus already knows I was into it.

I have to finish the maintenance. There's an actual deadline this time.

I tried getting more information on his ship but I was so distracted. I stopped trying and let the pleasure consume me. He let go of me but he pulled me down on his lap, his cock rubbing against me. I hadn't realized that he was touching himself, but I'd be stupid to think that Sirus wasn't going to get something out of this.

“I’m n-not... finished yet.” I gasped. I was trying to finish the maintenance but Sirus didn't want to.

“I'm not stopping.” he didn't care what I was doing. He just wanted to get off.

I can’t just continue. He doesn’t understand that when he does things like this, I can barely think. Its not helping that he’s trying to have sex with me. We came here to do something and he’s distracting me.

He moved inside me, filling me up deeply. I covered my mouth to stop my voice. I leaned my body on his as he thrusted into me, his cock rubbing inside me as it throbbed.

His hands spread my legs more as he moved his hips faster. I started to move with him, liking how it felt. Even he liked it, I know him well enough to know he likes it when I don't fidget and fight him.

I just tried to remind myself that this is for me.

I was stressed and needed something to do.

But I just started thinking more about Sirus because he had his arm around me and I was the one moving now. I shouldn't be into this, but here I was, wanting to make this last a little longer because I wasn't close yet.

I tried to slow down a little more. He's always so rough and I didn't think he needed to be.

“Ah yeah, just like that.” he moaned, his hands grabbing at my hips as he moved me the way he liked it but he kept it slow. Its like he knew what worked for us best.

I bit my lip and moaned quietly to myself.

I am not going to last long, especially with the way he was grinding against me.

“Sirus- I think I...I’m c-c-”

“Come on, you can hold out.” he said, biting my ear.

I leaned more onto him, my arm wrapping around his neck as my fingers ran through his hair. I felt his lips pressing to my neck. I could feel him breathing hard against me. I was almost tempted to hold on to him.

This was different.

I haven't felt this overwhelmed since the first time Sirus had me.

I was shaking.

And he continued to kiss my skin as he thrusted into me.

The computer had finished the maintenance scan, and I wanted to try and continue but my mind was fuzzy. I leaned forward again, but all I could do was put my head down on my arms like earlier. Sirus gets a better view from me at least. He had one hand in my hair, making me lift my head up as he moved faster.

He always grabs so hard. It wasn't pleasant, but I almost couldn't tell. Sirus could feel my disdain

“Come on, baby, keep going.” he edged me on.

I tried but I was getting close. I wasn't sure if I was going to last a minute longer. Sirus still had his hand in my hair, and he was still holding my head up so he could hear me. I had to cover my mouth again because I was moaning too loud.

I haven't sounded like this before. Usually I'm good about keeping to myself, but for some reason this time was different.

I felt my release. I bit my hand hard and closed my eyes. There was this flash of white that made me pause. My other hand was digging into Sirus' arm to get him to stop for just a second so I could collect myself. My body was shaking, not just my legs. I haven't had these spasms before either.

That was the last thing on my mind.

I felt lighter for a moment as I came. And it was the best I've felt in days.

Sirus came inside me. I felt him throbbing inside me, and I definitely felt his cum, too. He had slowed down enough for him to hold me down on his lap.

His breathing was ragged against my neck. I could hear his voice in my ear. I had to take a deep breath to calm myself down.

His lips pressed on my back, kissing me lightly as he still moved me. I opened my eyes, seeing the green screen showing me completed data. As he moved, I felt his cum. Again, I got another shiver that went right up my spine.

I lifted myself up enough for his cock to slide out of me. I hit his hand that was holding on to my waist. He also let go of my hair, too.

I was still breathing hard so I put in another input on the computer to check for. I didn't have the strength to hold myself up so when I was done, I leaned my body back, my head on his shoulder as I watched the computer scan the ship.

“You’re getting better at this.” Sirus kissed my neck lightly.

“I’ve always been able to run a diagnostic.” I sighed.

“Not what I meant.” he said as he continued to kiss me.

"I know what you meant." I wasn't stupid. He just thinks that I'll want to have sex with him more often now that he thinks I'm getting used to it.

"We can finish this somewhere else-"

I slapped his hand away when he tried to hold my hips again. "You clearly finished." I snapped at him.

I'm not doing this again.

"Oh, come on-"

"You got what you wanted, keep your hands off me-"

The computer alarmed, the lights turning red. I stared at the image and it took me a second to figure out what it was showing me. There was a foreign item on the ship. It looked like it was somewhere where I'd have to go searching for it, not in plain sight.

I tried to fix my suit on. Sirus wasn't willing to help me till I hit his arm. That usually gets him to do things.

I jumped out of his ship when I was fully clothed, and went to go find the foreign item that was placed inside the thrusters.

It was a small... square chip.

"What...?" I wasn't sure what I was looking at.

I looked at it closer.

Is this what made Berz’ ship blow up?

“The hell is that?” Sirus asked me.

I didn't know. “Something that would have killed you.” I said and turned it over.

I couldn't figure out what it was supposed to do. What made it lethal? Does it react with something?

I couldn't tell just by looking at it.

I jumped off the platform, walking off to where we came from. Sirus was coming behind me. I could hear his steps with mine, only slower.

"Can we, like..."

I know Sirus' question. I stopped abruptly and turned around to face him.

"We are never doing that again." I made myself clear.

"Yeah, I'm sure." he smirked as he walked ahead of me.

"We have to go see Commander Picses."

"Go without me-"

"Sirus, I swear to God, just do something I say for once!-"

"Damn, okay." He got annoyed as he continued walking. He mumbled something under his breath, and he's lucky I didn't catch it.

Sirus just followed me to Picses' Command room. He got everyone’s report except our’s. Sirus is always a delay when it comes to something important. He does it on purpose.

“Aurora and Sirus, I’m sure you have that report for me.” he said to us.

“I found this in his ship.” I said, as I walked over to him to hand him the red chip. He stared at it for a moment.

“Where was this?”

“Close to the thrusters, sir.” I answered.

“I’ll get this analyzed. Thank you, Aurora. Sirus, I would like to speak to you privately.” he said.

I hope he recommends a correctional facility for him, that would be beneficial for me.

I wasn't going to stay for the disciplining. It's not in my taste to hear reprimanding. Sirus could definitely use it though so I hope he enjoys it.

I went back to our room, changed my clothes and got into bed. I don't know how long I have, but I was going to try and get as much sleep as I can. Hopefully, Sirus doesn't come back for a while.

It was pure bliss to have a silent night instead of a loud one.

It hadn't even been thirty minutes when he came back, barging in with the widest smile on his face. That's not the attitude of someone who got in trouble. I was actually staring because I haven't seen Sirus smile like that. Then again, I had a feeling like he was happy because I was about to be pissed off.

“I didn’t know your sister wanted to be a Flyer.” he said, surprised.

I didn't believe that Alara actually went through with it!

We get to mentor her tomorrow.” he said, laughing.


How did she get in so quickly? I thought she would consider it at the end of the year.

That's what Picses wanted to talk to Sirus about! But he couldn't tell me, Alara's brother! I couldn't believe this.

“I’ll request a change for her.” I said as I got out of bed.

“And how will you argue that you want to take her away from the best?” he asked.

“The last thing I need is her picking up your terrible habits." I said quickly. "I'm not letting you near her."

“I won’t forget to give you attention, Aurora.” he said, belittling me as usual. “But if she's any good-”

“Shut up, Sirus.” I said bitterly and covered myself in my blanket.

I can't believe this is happening. This is the worst idea ever and I wanted to know who came up with it. How am I going to manage Sirus and my sister tomorrow? Everything is going to go wrong.

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