Psycho Werewolf Sisters Michelle's POV

Chapter Chapter Nine

It doesn’t take us too long to get to the spa and for once and only once in my life I haven’t sped. You see I love speeding, I love racing and also love fighting. Our first appointment is to get a stone massage we enter a room that holds two beds the lady tells us to take everything but our knickers off and lay face down on the massage beds. Once we are ready the massage lady comes back in and puts towels over our bottom half of our bodies and works her magic getting rid of our tension in our muscles. This sort of massage is brilliant because of all the working out me and Jen do in one day. After about an hour our massages are done, I feel hella better, we make our way to the hair and nail part of the salon.

“Hello ladies my name is Cat, is there anything, in particular, you were looking at getting today?”

“Well I would like a half up-do anything you would want to do is fine with me can I also have black and red nails with make-up to match thank you.”

Jen looks over to me to see what I want and straight away I know what I want.

“Can I have half-up bun the rest curled with diamond pins in the bun, make-up natural and can I have my nails all blue except for the middle fingers I would like them black with sparkles thank you.”

“Can do now just lay back and relax.”

That is exactly what we do, we lay back in the leather chairs and let the ladies do their jobs. Four hours later we are done hair and make-up was done to perfection including false eyelashes normally I wouldn’t get my eyelashes done but it’s our first time going clubbing in America.

“You ladies have a good day.”

“Thank you, you too.”

We make our way out of the spa and walk over towards the mall.

“Hay Jen can we please, please get some food now!”

“Really what is it with you and food I like food as much as the next person but your obsession really needs looking into.”

“I will if it makes you happy now can we please get some FOOD! Please.”

“Yeah, Yeah whatever you want. Lead the way.”

We make our way to the food court, I really need food I am literally using my nose to guide us to the food court. Once there I feel like I’m in food heaven all I can see is multiple food outlets O.M.G cannot wait till we get my food it can get into my belly. We get McDonald’s and KFC yes we got both I love my food I could eat more HA. We take our food and go and sit down at a random table who cares as long as we get to eat our food.

“Okay, so where are we going are we one look around or two we just get our clothes and shoes plus a bottle or two of wine.”

I finish stuffing my face just for a moment and tilt my head trying to think which option I want well that is obvious derrr it’s going to be the wine option.

“I pick option two and we are getting two bottles. Plus I can’t be bothered walking around for ages.”

Jen and I are both joking around whilst eating our food. I see Jen looking elsewhere so I turn my head and see Brad and Conner and the messed up Bitch Barbie who’s face is caked up in make-up but you can still see the big fuck off bruises that is on her face thanks to moi. It’s even better because of the cast that her arm is in as well as the crooked nose that she’s sporting.

Michelle, you did good beating her.

Thanks, sis I’m quite proud of myself.

“Well hello, again ladies lovely to see you again.”

“Brad, what do you want? And why is that slut here?”

Barbie sneers at Jen and Jen gives her a glare then Barbie decides to open her fat mouth.

“How dare you call me a slut you hoe.”

Within second Jen’s up on her feet with her fist ready to connect with Barbie’s face when I think it’s gone too far so I stop Jen’s arm and I spin Jen around and I grab the nearest chair and launch it straight at Barbie’s head. And let me tell you it looked like it was a heavy chair but I didn’t feel a thing,

“Why didn’t you just let me hit her?”

“Because if I let you hit her you wouldn’t have stopped after what she did to you.”

“That’s fine with me that way we wouldn’t have to deal with her again.”

“Yes but mum wouldn’t be happy coming home to find one of her daughters locked up now would she?”

“Whatever let’s hurry up I want to go home and hit the gym.”

It doesn’t take us long to find what we will wear tonight because we already had an idea of what outfit we wanted and what we got was what we are happy with. When we get home without much time to spare me and Jen both unpack our shopping bags before we do anything else Jen goes to the kitchen to get some glasses so I decided to open a bottle ready. Once our glasses are filled we start to get dressed 15 minutes later we went to the living room to get another glass of wine dressed and ready to go.

I’m in a Black and Blue dress tight fitted blue sequin crop top style with tight thigh length skirt and black thin lace type veil material attached at the hip and touches the floor. This dress goes brilliant with my make-up and nails because of the color I also have 6-inch blue glitter heels on.

“Looking good sis.”

“Thank you, sis.”

Jen is wearing a bask style dress the bask is tightly fitted with black and red striped fabric and the skirt goes down to her mid-thigh which is also tight fitted with 6-inch red heels all this goes with her make-up.

“You ready to go Michelle?”

“Sure am.”

“Good then let’s show this town.”

“Let’s do this the taxi is outside.”

We make our way out the door Jen makes sure mum’s bank card is in her bra so we don’t lose it. Jen makes sure I have some money on me and then she locks the door and since I normally lose my keys she has put it on her necklace before we both jumped into the taxi.

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