Psycho Werewolf Sisters Michelle's POV

Chapter Chapter Eight

Dear girls

Hey, my daughter’s, I will be gone for around 2-3 months on a business trip, the bank card is on the kitchen side so if you need anything at all just use that it’s got unlimited money on it I will see you when I get back loves.

Love Mum.

Once we had finished reading it we decided to order some Chinese in. We had to wait 45 minutes but that wait was worth it, in the end, our food was gorgeous. We sat down and started to eat our tea in silence. Jen and I both chatted for a little bit then went to get ready for bed.

Once I was in my room I went to my closet and picked out my best pair of pajama shorts that are pink and my crop top that’s black with the words ‘Don’t wake me up’ written across the front of it. I shouted a goodnight to Jen and jumped straight into bed.

When I am just about to fall asleep I swore I could hear howling, I jump out of bed headed for the window and since it’s a warm night I’ve kept it open I look out and see what seems like eyes with a gold with sky blue speckles. I am sure I’ve seen that sky blue color before but I just must be hallucinating so I close the window and get back into bed and actually drift off into a deep dream-filled sleep.

I wake up in a clearing that has beautiful blue flowers that seem very familiar, I’m laid in the clearing so I stand up to have a proper look around. It seems like it is mid-day and the sun is very hot like scorching but nice. I decide I don’t feel safe just stood here in my pj’s so I start to walk around until I saw something shine through the trees. I try to get a closer look and it seems to be getting further away, I start to run towards the source of it until I’m deep in the trees. I don’t know where I am but then I feel something that I would only know as fur brush past my bare legs. I look down and see what looks like a red husky. ‘awe cute’ I thought but then it turned to look at me like it heard my thoughts and I notice it’s not just red but red with a slight blue tint to its fur and it’s not just a husky it’s a full-grown wolf. I take a step back not frightened but a little intimidated by its size then all of a sudden it lays down with its head to the side with a look on its wolfish face that said ‘come on get on’.

I felt like I could trust this wolf and I don’t know why.

I got on its back and it slowly got up onto its big paws, then it slowly walked somewhere and the next thing I know I can hear water but it’s not a waterfall it looks like an overflow for a huge lake, it is beautiful once this wolf stops I climb off without waiting for the wolf and run over to the edge of the lake.

I know for a fact this wolf is behind me but I don’t care this view is amazing, suddenly I feel a tug on my shirt, I spin around and see the wolf looking at me.

“What’s up big wolf?”

Knowing full well this big wolf can’t reply bear in mind and I still ask it what’s up. Hey don’t blame me I love all animals especially wolves. I look into the wolf’s eyes and notice that it has golden eyes with sky blue speckles in them and then all of a sudden they changed to pure sky blue eyes and back to the golden with sky blue speckles. I am positive I have seen those sky blue eyes somewhere before but I really don’t know where.

“Have I seen you before Big Wolf?”

He seems to nod his head but that could just be me. Next thing I know I’m being flung into the water and it’s like I can’t swim I can’t move my arms or my legs. I don’t know what’s happening everything seems to go dark and dreary.

I shoot up in bed and look around for a second I was sure I was in the lake but now I’m in my bed, it must have been a dream. Thank fuck for that. But I was also sure I’d seen those eyes somewhere before. Anyway, I decided it was time to get up once out of bed I go over to my bathroom and jump under the very hot water of my shower. I use my raspberry scented shampoo and conditioner and slowly massage them in. Once that is done I jump out of the shower dry myself off and go to my closet and pick out my purple lace bra and pantie set and put them on then I turn around to my dresses because I’m feeling like it’s going to be a dress day I pick out my Black and Blue Maxi dress and put it on, my hair is put up into a top of the head bun slightly messy as well, my makeup as always is waterproof Smokey blue eyeshadow and peach lip-gloss.

I stop halfway into putting my makeup on and sniffed the air. I can smell bacon mmmm I love bacon. I quickly finished doing my make-up and came out of my bedroom to the sweet sweet smell of bacon ohhhh and sausages mmmm my favorite combination. I make my way downstairs and I saw Jen putting the food on plates, I lick my lips and my eyes zone in on the food. All Jen did was laugh at me because she knows my obsession with food she’s still laughing as I grab a plate and sit at the island.

“Thanks, sis you’re the best!”

“Now don’t you feel bad for waking me up with freezing water!”

Jen says with raised eyebrows I stop my very nice looking butty mid-air and lock eyes with Jen I bet she thinks I’m like a deer caught in headlights. Haha yeah, right good one.

“I love you, sis, you’re the best.”

“And you’re a creep but I love you too.”

We both move to put our plates in the sink Jen asks me a question.

“Are you ready to have a fun day?”

“Hell yes, today is going to be great.”

“I think so too, so are you ready to go?”

“Yes, I just need to get my coat.”

“Okay let me grab my bag I’ll meet you in the garage so I can lock up.”

“You got it, sis.”

I can still feel Jen’s eyes on me as I grab my coat and walk out the door. I wait next to the family Black jeep. I would have taken my own car but it’s too precious to take just to the spa and mall. Also, the family jeep is easier when it comes to shopping and when it’s both me and Jen.

Jen finally comes into the garage so I jump into the driver’s seat and I guess Jen got the idea because without questions she jumps into the passenger seat. Our first stop of the day is to the spa.

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