Psycho Werewolf Sisters Michelle's POV

Chapter Chapter Seven

Is what I heard as I was walking out, ha yeah right one of these walls will be rubble by the time I’m finished. I start walking to anywhere really, I make it out to the yard of the school and found a 6ft proper stone wall and started punching it like I would with a punching bag. I’m just imagining it is Barbie’s face. Yep, I don’t want to go jail for killing someone.

The walls started to crumble where I’m punching it and I hear footsteps behind me and their quick next thing I know I am being turned around. I don’t know who it is since all I can see is black cause of how pissed I am. I throw a punch and feel even more satisfied when I hear a sickening crack where my fist met the person’s face.

I start to calm down because I’ve heard bones break and I’m able to see who I punched.

“AWW Damn”

“Shit I am so sorry Niklaus. But you should know not to touch a girl who’s royally pissed off and cant kill someone.”

“Yeah, I figured that now. I actually came out here to say Jen’s freaking out asking where you are.”

As soon as I heard Jen’s name I shoot back into the school and straight to the nurse’s office. Once there I don’t waste another second to slam open the door and see my sister.

“Jen fucking hell I thought you were dead.”

I slam myself into her upright body only to go tumbling to the floor with her because I slammed that hard into her. We both start laughing and then we hear someone’s throat clear behind us. I get up also pulling Jen up and turn to see Damon, Niklaus, and Mr. Tanner stood there with an unconscious Barbie in the bed next to the other wall.

“By the way, I didn’t actually knock her out, I knew that before bringing Jen here so I cant get done for anything.”

I say whilst holding my hands in the surrender position. Mr. Tanner says.

“We know you didn’t she’s always been a drama queen it was just a matter of time before someone taught it to her that she can’t get everything she wants.”

“Yeah well, I hope she does realize because from what I saw of that wall outside I’m surprised she’s alive.”

Niklaus states almost like it was nothing.

“What did you do Michelle?”

Jen asks me.

“What all I did was punch a wall no big deal.”

I say as I flex my knuckles and cringe from the pain. Jen notices the cringe and grips my wrists to see my knuckles. She knows what I can be like when it comes to her.

“Michelle, what have I said about punching things that don’t fight back?”

“That it’s not fun and less satisfying.”

“That’s my girl.”

“Ah speaking of that. Nurse you may want to take a look a Niklaus’s nose.”

Everyone looked over to Nik and you can still see the blood trickling from his nose Jen turned to me and I shrug.

“Let me guess he came up behind you when you were beating the wall?”

“Yes, and I will never ever be doing that again.”

“Good idea.”

The nurse starts checking Nik’s nose out. Turns out I actually broke it and the nurse is too scared to realign it and no one would help him. So I thought since I broke it I can realign it.

“Hey, Niklaus come over here and sit in this chair please.”

“Erm, why?”

“I’m going to fix you.”

Nik hesitantly comes and sits down in the chair I pointed to and sat down.

“Right I’m going to count to 3 then maneuver your nose okay?”


“1...........2.........” Then before I got to 3 I cracked his nose back into place.

“Arghhh what happened to 3?”

“Meh hehe”

All I hear behind me is laughing but the funniest laugh is that of Jen, I look around and notice she’s on the floor holding her stomach pissing herself laughing. Suddenly I feel I stinging in my hand I look down and see the nurse holding something to my knuckles I pull my hand away.

“There’s no need for you to sort my hand out it will be fine.” I start walking out the door and then I feel a hand on my shoulder, I swing around about to punch whoever it is who’s stopped me and they stopped my punch mid-air I look up getting pissed off so my hair is black to see Damon. I rip my hand away from him.

“You need to get your hands checked Michelle.”

“No, I don’t I just need to get home and sleep that’s all I’ll be fine. Just LEAVE ME ALONE!”

I walk out and go to my bike. I hear a small sound behind me and turn to see Jen walking towards me. I carry on towards my bike and jump onto it starting it up. I look at Jen and she’s done the same.

“Hey wait!” I hear someone say across the parking lot I look around and see Damon and Niklaus running towards us. I sit there on my bike.

“What do you two want?”

“Erm, I just wanted to say thank you for erm fixing my nose.”

“That’s fine it’s the least I could do because I am the one who broke your nose, now I gotta go home mum’s waiting Jen.”

“Yeah okay, sis let’s go.”

“Wait you shouldn’t be driving that.”

Jen and I turn to look at Damon.

“Why the hell not.”

“Jennifer you just had a bad hit to your head you can not drive.”

“And who the hell are you my dad I don’t think so.”

With that, we move our bikes out of the parking space and set off home.

Once we get home we park our bikes in the garage and go to the front door, I try to open it but it’s locked.

“That’s weird the doors locked.”

“Yeah that is weird here I’ve got my key seen as you never bring yours out with you.”

Jen unlocks the door and we walk in, it’s very quiet way too quiet.

We walk in and get to the kitchen all lights were off so we switch them on. Looking at the fridge I think we’ll one there’s a note on it and two I’m getting really hungry so I go to the fridge look at the note and it says:-

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