Psycho Werewolf Sisters Michelle's POV

Chapter Chapter Ten

“Where to ladies?”

“The hottest club in town please.”

15 minutes later we pull up outside a club called Flame Den and even from the outside you can tell it’s heaving inside and the music is blasting.

“This is the hottest club in town and you girls will get in no problem you look great.”

“Thanks let’s go Michelle time to party.”

We pay the driver before getting out turning to head in and see a line full of people staring at us. The bouncers signal for us to go in and we do giving them a wink on the way. As we walk in the lights get lower and the music gets higher I’m loving this already. We walk into a big spaced dance floor full of people. Suddenly everyone turns to look at us before looking away to continue dancing and talking.

What is it with this town anywhere we go everyone looks at us when we walk in. Do we have a sign that says new girls or what?

I don’t have a clue Jen but good thing is that they get to see how good we look.

Haha yeah now let’s drink.

Hell to the yes.

We make our way to the bar my eyes just on the drinks. It is time to get wasted haha. When Jen and I finally make it to the bar we order 10 shots of vodka and a fishbowl each the bartender hands them over and we down the shots straight away before grabbing our fish bowls and moving to the dance floor. We dance for a while finishing our drinks as we put our empty bowls on the bar the DJ talks.

“Alright ladies and gent’s anyone that wishes to sing may take the mic now.”

I turn to Jen and I know I’ve got the biggest smile on my face.

“I’m so going.”

“Have fun sis.”

I walk over to the DJ and ask him.

“Have you got Mr. Brightside by The Killers? Oh and also once I’m done I want my sister to sing Evanescence - Bring me to life”

“Yeah can do that for you lovely lady.”

He hands me the mic and I turn back to Jen and send her a wink. The song starts to play and I can tell Jen knows which song I have chosen.

“Coming out of my cage

And I’ve been doing just fine

Gotta gotta be down

Because I want it all

It started out with a kiss

How did it end up like this?

It was only a kiss, it was only a kiss

Now I’m falling asleep

And she’s calling a cab

While he’s having a smoke

And she’s taking a drag

Now they’re going to bed

And my stomach is sick

And it’s all in my head

But she’s touching his chest now

He takes off her dress now

Let me go

And I just can’t look, it’s killing me

And taking control

Jealousy, turning saints into the sea

Swimming through sick lullabies

Choking on your alibis

But it’s just the price I pay

Destiny is calling me

Open up my eager eyes

’Cause I’m Mr. Brightside”

When I finish everyone erupts into cheers.

“Thank you all now I’m going to hand you over to my sister so she can grace us all with a song.”

Everyone cheers again and I see Jen stare at me shaking her head.

“Aww looks like she’s being shy let’s give her some encouragement.”

Everyone cheers more and I see her move towards the bar. I know what she’s doing she’s getting some more booze in her system. I see the bartender hand over some shots to Jen and her down them. Jen joins me on stage and I hand her the mic with a huge smile on my face.

“Don’t worry the DJ knows what to play kill it, Jen.”


“Yes but that’s why you love me.”

I walk off into the crowd and go to the bar to get some shots whilst Jen’s singing. The music starts and I can tell Jen knows that I know her perfectly well. Bring me to life starts playing and I see her smile as she starts to sing.

“How can you see into my eyes like open doors?

Leading you down, into my core

Where I’ve become so numb, without a soul

My spirit’s sleeping somewhere cold

Until you find it there, and lead it, back, home

Wake me up inside

Wake me up inside

Call my name and save me from the dark

Bid my blood to run

Before I come undone

Save me from the nothing I’ve become

Now that I know what I’m without

You can’t just leave me

Breathe into me and make me real

Bring me to life

Wake me up inside

Wake me up inside

Call my name and save me from the dark

Bid my blood to run

Before I come undone

Save me from the nothing I’ve become”

I see Jen lean over to the DJ and say something and all I hear from what she said was ‘Gomez Wolves’ which means we are singing our most favorite song Selena Gomez - Wolves. I see the DJ start to chuckle I wonder why he’s chuckling with that song. I see Jen turn and look back at the crowd so I down my shots of Jager and wait.

“Okay guy’s going to do one more song but my sister is going to help so get up here.”

I seriously have no problem with joining Jennifer on stage I love to sing, the DJ hands me the other mic.

“You two ready.”

“You bet.”

The DJ starts the song.

“In your eyes, There’s a heavy blue

One to love and one to lose

Sweet divide, a heavy truth

Water or wine, don’t make me choose

I wanna feel the way that we did that summer night (night)

Drunk on a feeling, alone with the stars in the sky

I’ve been running through the jungle

I’ve been running with the wolves

To get to you, to get to you

I’ve been down the darkest alleys

Saw the dark side of the moon

To get to you, to get to you

I’ve looked for love in every stranger

Took too much to ease the anger

All for you, yeah, all for you

I’ve been running through the jungle I’ve been crying with the wolves

To get to you, to get to you (oh to get to you)

Your fingertips trace my skin

To places, I have never been

Blindly I am following

Break down these walls and come on in

I wanna feel the way that we did that summer night

Drunk on a feeling, alone with the stars in the sky

I’ve been running through the jungle

I’ve been running with the wolves

To get to you, to get to you

I’ve been down the darkest alleys

Saw the dark side of the moon

To get to you, to get to you

I’ve looked for love in every stranger

Took too much to ease the anger

All for you, yeah, all for you

I’ve been running through the jungle

I’ve been crying with the wolves

To get to you, to get to you (oh to get to you)

I’ve been running through the jungle

I’ve been running with the wolves

To get to you, to get to you

I’ve been down the darkest alleys

Saw the dark side of the moon

To get to you, to get to you

I’ve looked for love in every stranger

Took too much to ease the anger

All for you, yeah, all for you

I’ve been running through the jungle

I’ve been crying with the wolves

To get to you, to get to you (oh to get to you)

The crowd starts blazing with cheers and some laugh’s as we make our way back to the bar getting another drink before we start dancing. The club was buzzing and we were having a great time after about an hour and a half Jennifer and I had found some cute guys to dance with. I the guy I’m dancing with said his name was Boomer. A funny name he’s also quite cute but not that cute. He grabs me by the hips as Rihanna Te Amo starts playing pulling me close to him so we are practically grinding with one another. He leans in close to my ear.

“What a beautiful lady like you being in a club like this”

“Something called I can look after myself”

Next thing all I hear is.

“Hay put me the FUCK down before you get hurt!”

I look over to Jen and she is over what looks to be Damon’s shoulder. What the fuck is he doing here? Suddenly my shoulder gets grabbed I spin round and of course, I come face to face with Niklaus. He then grabs me and throws me like a sack of potatoes over his shoulder and starts walking towards the doors of the club.

“Niklaus put me down why are you doing this to us?”

“You’ll find out soon little wolf.”

We make it to the main doors and I hear Jen say.

“Hay dipshits its your job to help. So get this guy off me NOW!”

Haha, that’s my sister for you with words like dipshit. This has never happened in England but the first time we go out in America it fucking happens like really why did we have to move.

Michelle lets show them who the fuck they’re messing with.

Damn right sis.

So what I do next is elbow Niklaus in the back and his grip loosened on my legs so I slip down his back into a handstand luckily I have a tight dress on ha. Once down I stand back up and Jen grabs my hand and we leg it down the street and turn left down an alleyway and continue leg in it until we are on another street and luck is with us when we see a taxi and jump in.

“Where to ladies?”

“Just drive please.”

The taxi driver didn’t question us and started driving, I see Jen smile and turn back around. After 5 minutes Jen tells the driver the address and we are finally on our way home.

“I can’t fucking believe that Jen, Who the hell do they think they are?”

Jen looks over and I can tell she’s looking at my hair because I’m that pissed off that it’s turned black.

“I don’t have a clue but we showed them.”

“Fuck yes.”

We both lean back into our seats just to chill a little bit. Suddenly the taxi slows to a stop so I open my eyes and my side door flies open and I’m dragged out into the street and into someone’s arms. All of a sudden there’s a cloth type material covering my mouth I tried to not breathe but when your panicking its hard not to breathe. Slowly my vision starts to go black and I’m sure my hair is still black. Suddenly I blackout.

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