Psycho Werewolf Sisters Michelle's POV

Chapter Chapter Fourty-Two

“Michelle I have been shouting you for the last 10 minutes, what is wrong. And by the way, Jen is stable but she is still out cold.”

“So you went in when?”

“I went in when I got here and you were standing there in your own world.”

I didn’t answer all I did was go into the room to see Jen out cold on the bed looking quite peaceful but I know she’s not because I keep getting a bad feeling. I don’t know what the bad feeling is but I think I should be careful. I sit next to her bed and grab her hand and squeeze it. The next thing I know she squeezes my hand back. I look up at her face but she is still out cold what the, does she know I am here. I squeeze her hand again but there is nothing this time.

“Michelle, you need something to eat it is 6 am come get some food.”

It was my mum who said this and I was sure it was only midnight, I didn’t even look up I kept my head down not moving.

“Michelle you have been sat in that same position for the last 6 hours please little wolf for me get some food.”

This time it was Nik who said something and this time I look up and notice everyone is stood around the room, mum and Nik and Ethan stood closest to me, Damon stood on the other side of Jens bed holding her other hand and Nate and the doctor stood near the door. Nik was pleading me with his eyes and holding a hand out to me. I slowly take his hand and make my way slowly to the kitchen Nik pulling me along, once in the kitchen I stand straight in the middle not wanting to sit or do anything, I notice Nik going through the cupboards and pulling ingredients out for a sandwich. He quickly whips something together and passes it to me, I take one bite and think Nah I am not hungry and take it to the fridge to save for later.

“You need to eat more than that please.”

“I’m just not hungry Nik, just leave it please, I will eat it later I promise.”

I give him the puppy dog eyes and he caves and takes my hand and leads me back to Jen’s room. Once in her room, I go to sit down but Nik beats me to it, I scowl at Nik but he just shrugs but then surprises me by pulling me into his lap and wraps his arms around my waist whilst burying his face into my neck. I mentally awe at him and snuggle closer to him whilst grabbing Jen’s hand again and closing my eyes. Suddenly Jen’s hand flies from mine and my head shoots up to see her looking frantically around the room.

“Jen, thank god!”

I exclaim moving closer to her and next thing I know Jen is off the bed and at the back wall away from everyone including me. What is up with her I have never seen her like this. I look up to my mum to see she has a shocked but knowing look on her face what the hell. I feel like my heart just got ripped out because my sister has just rejected me. My eyes start to water and before any tears could escape I quickly wipe them all away and put my emotionless face on.

“What the hell is the knowing face for mother?”

Mum looks stunned because of the tone that I just used with her. She looks towards me and then back to Jen and then sighs and lowers her head towards the floor.

“I have to tell you, girls, something.”

“What mother?”

“I can’t say it in front of everyone else.”

“Just out with it mother your really starting to piss me off with all these secrets!”

I exclaim with my hair turning black. I feel Nik squeezing me slightly for me to calm down and it works only slightly. Suddenly Jen pipes up from the back wall.

“Just get rid of it all!”

I look at Jen to see she is staring at mum with a pleading look on her terrified looking face.

“Get rid of what!”

Me shouting this makes mum answer my previous questions.


Is all she says, I sit the very confused as to what memories.

“Just get rid of it all NOW!”

Jen nearly screams, she is pleading with mum that load she nearly bursts my eardrums. Jen is now sat on the floor rocking backward and forwards mumbling that the memories need to go. Then mum pipes up something that Jen snaps her head too.

“I can’t your both in too much danger now.”


Next thing I know Jen is up on her feet standing there with an expressionless face and suddenly she starts walking towards the door but doesn’t get there because Damon grabs her arm. She whips her head around and I get a glimpse of her eyes and see that they are pure white. What the fuck is going on.

“Get off me!”

Jen says but it is a different voice than hers or even her Demon’s.

“Haze, don’t you dare do this!”

This makes Jen look at mum with a sinister smile and turns around and says.

“Awe, why don’t we let Lilith and Astrid out to play?”

“Who the fuck is Haze, Lilith, and Astrid?”

This makes Jen turn to me and say.

“I am Haze, your sister’s inner vampire, it is time for me to play after all these years.”

“What the fuck-”

“Give Jen back control now Haze!”

“Nope Jen is taking a break from humanity, Byeeeee!”

Next thing I know there is a gush of wind and Jen or this Haze is nowhere to be seen. It takes me a few minutes to recognize what has just gone on.

“What did she mean Jen is taking a break from humanity and another thing who are all these people she said and what did she mean after all these years?”

Mum starts looking like a fish opening and closing her mouth a couple of times and says fuck sake under her breath thinking that I can’t hear her but I did and then says.

“Haze is Jens Vampire as she said and because of Jen getting all her memories back Jen has shut down because they are very bad memories letting her vampire taking control and turn off her humanity, also the other names are Astrid for my vampire and Lilith for your own vampire.”

“And tell me the last question I said mother, the one about all these years.”

Mum looks away trying to hide her face. I start getting irritated but she speaks up.

“Jen has just got 150 years of memories back both your vampires haven’t been out for 200 years.”

I walk out of the room and straight to mine and Nik’s room, I seriously can’t be arsed with anyone’s shit now, once in the room I don’t even change and jump straight into bed and pull the covers over my head and fall into a restless sleep.

Around about 5 days later I had only been out of bed for food and to use the bathroom, so when Nik comes bursting through the door and chucking clothes at me, I sit up in bed looking at him like he had grown two heads.

“Get dressed, we are going out and no buts or ifs get dressed you have 5 minutes.”

I huff and slowly get out of bed as Nik goes out of the room. Once he’s gone I slowly get dressed and once dressed I walk out and down to the front door to see just Nik standing there.

“Let’s go little wolf just me and you.”

“Where are we going.”

I say monotonously, Nik looks at me with a bit of pity but then shakes it off and smiles.

“I can’t tell you it is a secret.”

We get to the car and I think we are getting in but Nik surprises me by walking straight past it. And into the woods, I follow him and about 20 minutes of me complaining we enter a beautiful clearing and in the middle, there is a picnic blanket and loads of food on it set up. We sit and eat for about half an hour and once done we get up he tells me to leave the stuff but as we are about to walk back I see something shoot through the air and into Nik’s neck and he drops to the floor when I look properly I see it is a tranquilizer dart, then I feel something hit my right arm I look down and see a similar dart to the one Nik has in his neck then I feel something hit my left thigh I know straight away that it is another dart, I look around trying to find the source of who is darting me and my mate my hair is black.

All of a sudden I feel three more darts two in my back and one in my right arm again. I start feeling woozy and fall to my hands and knees slowly I go in and out of consciousness but before fully blacking out I see someone I was hoping I wouldn’t see ever again.

My father Martin.

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