Psycho Werewolf Sisters Michelle's POV

Chapter Chapter Fourty-One

I stir slightly and try sitting up but something stops me. It feels like a hand on my good shoulder, I open my eyes to see the hospital room, wait when did I get put in the hospital, I turn my head to see it is Nik’s hand stopping me sitting up.

“Why am I in the hospital?”

“You don’t remember.”

“Remember what exactly Nik?”

“You got attacked by a rogue wolf.”

Then it all came back to me, me in the forest this wolf attacking me biting my shoulder and trying to drag me away and me pinning it down and everything. Ha, beat that I took a rogue wolf down. I start smiling.

“What are you smiling about Michelle you’re in the hospital well pack hospital.”

“Oh just that I kicked butt with that bastard of a rogue wolf.”

He just shakes his head but I see his eyes gloss over, this gives me a chance to sit up and swing my legs over the side of the bed.

“Hey Nik, NIKKKKKK.”

He shakes his head as his eyes stop being clouded and look at me. He gives me a disapproving look and tries laying me down again but I stop him.

“Look I am fine okay, I am not staying in a hospital bed when I need to find my dad and kill him.”

We sit there in silence for about half an hour, now this is getting weird luckily the door bursts open and there stands Jen with Damon and our Mother behind her, I smile at Jen and then scowl at the two behind her luckily Jen thinks I am only scowling at Damon for his growling towards me earlier. I am still sat there on the side of the bed swinging my legs like a child. And Niks sat in the chair next to me.

“Hey sis, how you doing.”

I ask Jen in a sweet voice, because I know she is going to say some shit about me being alone or something haha.

“How am I doing? Really, Michelle, you’re the one who is in the pack hospital and you’re asking how I am.”

She starts raising her voice near the end of her sentence, I think I may have slightly pissed her off with just one sentence.

“You’re lucky you didn’t get hurt any worse young lady!”

“Hey, I’m not that much younger than you!”

“Don’t you dare be smart with me right now.”

“Sorry Jen, I love you!”

I say in my baby voice, Jen walks over to me and gives me a hug.

“Get some rest and stop trying to give me a heart attack.”

“You got it.”

I give Jen a big smile with a quick ‘yep’ hopping off the bed and full-on skipping out of the room with Nik hot on my heels. I walk up to Nik’s room to get into bed. Once there I get dressed into fluffy pajamas and slide into bed and Nik gets into only a pair of boxer shorts and gets in behind me.

“Are you okay little wolf?”

“Yeah, I am, big wolf, let’s go sleep I am knackered.”

“Okay little wolf, goodnight babe.”

“Good night big wolf.”

I scooted closer to Nik so that my back was against his stomach, he put one arm under my neck and the other arm he sat across my stomach and pulled me closer than probably even possible. I felt comforted in his embrace and feel like nothing could hurt me. Next minute I hear him do a contented sigh and kissing my temple he lays back with me in his arms and very soon we both drift off to sleep.

I wake up and I am in a huge flowery field that has a huge tree in the middle, I seem to remember this place but I don’t know where from. There is rustling behind me I swing around and notice someone vaguely familiar behind me.

“Michelle, I need to tell you something.”

That is when it hits me I do know this flying person this is Elaina my fairy.

“Hey, Elaina, what’s up?”

“You need to be careful and keep an eye on your sister.”

“Why what’s going on Elaina?”

“I can’t say anything more just please keep an eye on your sister something bad is going to happen.”

“Obviously I am gonna keep an eye on her.”

Suddenly everything goes black.

I jolt up in bed as I hear someone screaming. The fuck then I realize that is my sister’s scream, I vaguely here Nik asking what’s wrong as I am zooming out of the door and down to the room that Damon and Jen share. I burst through the door and see Jen out cold on the bed whilst Damon is standing in the middle of the room.

“The fuck have you done to my sister?”

I shout at Damon, he just stands there shocked, no scowl or growl what’s up with this guy. I run over to my sister and kneel next to her, I try shaking her but she is hot to the touch, Is this her demon’s doing cause if it is I’ll kill that demon. I look her over for any marks and see a mark in between her shoulder and neck and know straight away that Damon had marked her, but then I see something coming out of her ears I look closer and notice it is blood then when I look at her face I see blood also coming out of her nose and the sides of her mouth. The fuck do I do so I do the only thing I can think of and that is to call our mother. I jump off the bed and run back to mine and Nik’s room grabbing my phone off the nightstand I hurriedly dial mum’s number. And she answers groggily.


“Mum something is up with Jen get to the packhouse quickly NOW!”

I shout the last part and put the phone down before she could ask any questions and throwing the phone on the bed I run straight back to Damon’s room to see that no one is here, I am going to kill Damon for moving her. I run around the packhouse in a panic since I can’t find my sister. I find someone walking the corridors and grabbing them by the collar I lift them up with a strength that I didn’t even know I had and asked them where the fuck my sister was, the answered me straight away and said the pack hospital, just down the hallway and to my left. I let this unknown person drop to the floor but they luckily stood on unsteady legs and I leg it down the hallway and when I get to the door that Jen is behind I stop dead in my track’s, I don’t know why but I couldn’t go through that door. I must have zoned out because the next thing I know I am being poked in the shoulder when I turn my head towards the idiot that is poking me it is my mother.

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