Psycho Werewolf Sisters Michelle's POV

Chapter Chapter Fourty

Jen leans in for a kiss on the lips but mum and I look at each other then nodding we pull Jen away from Damon and drag her towards the living room door.

“Time to get ready.”

“Yes me and your sister are going to help you.”

We both start pulling her out of the living room, but she is fighting us.

“No, no I am not letting you two do this to me.”

“You have no choice.”

mum and I start laughing and Jen looks over to Damon.

“Okay, sorry babe but I take it back I am not going on a date.”

Poor Damon looks heartbroken, now I can feel that Jen is feeling bad for him. It’s weird how I can feel what people are feeling like emotionally.

“Aw Jen you’re breaking his little heart, be nice.”

“Be nice.”

Jen looks me in the face.

“Be nice if I let you two do this I will die.”

“Don’t be dramatic, you won’t die.”

Jen turns back towards the guys and I can tell she is looking straight at Nik.

“Get your mate away from me, or so help me god I will make you pay.”

“Um... I”

That little bitch is trying to use Nik against me, I scowl and shake my head to Nik knowing he will get the message of not to interfere with this. Nik is looking between me and Jen trying to think but I can tell that my scowl has paid off.

“Sorry, she’s your sister!”

He says to Jen, Jen gives him the stink eye before she says.

“Prick better watch yourself now.”

Is all she gets out before me and mum both drag Jen through the door and up to the bedroom to get her ready for her date.

When we get up to the bedroom I send mum into the closet to pick out some clothes whilst I send Jen to the bathroom to get a shower.

“Get a shower and make it quick.”

“Yes, mother!”

“Hey, she’s over there!”

I point over to mum who when Jen looks over has her arms crossed and an eyebrow raised. I give Jen a smug look and all she does is roll her eyes then slams the door. Whilst Jen is in the shower I shout orders through the door to her and set out the hair and makeup appliances. The second Jen unlocks the bathroom door I swing it open and yank her out and straight into the chair, I immediately grab the hairbrush and dryer and set to work on drying Jen’s hair all whilst mum lays Jen’s clothes out and then she starts on her hair and make-up. After a little while both me and mum finish torturing Jen and telling her we are finished. Jen starts dressing and I stand there waiting for her. Once she finishes dressing mum pulls Jen to the mirror.

“All done have a look.”

Mum says and that is what Jen does, she looks herself up and down in the mirror and I can tell she likes what she sees. Damon isn’t gonna know what hit him when he sees Jen dressed like this, he won’t be able to hold himself back. Mum picked out some black flats with denim shorts, black vest top with a skull semi see-through blouse. Mum has kept the make-up low-key with a little blue eyeshadow and pink lip gloss. And I have done her hair half up half down full curls.

“So what do you think sis?”

Jen looks at me and mum with a slight smile.

“I think it’s alright but why does it take you two so long?”

“Because perfection takes time.”


Mum looks at her watch then suddenly her head shoots up and she starts talking to Jen very quickly.

“O.m.g come on hurry up your going to be late.”

“So he can wait.”

“Jennifer move your butt now.”

Mum says pushing Jen out of the room and to the stairs so I follow behind them laughing my head off.

“I’m going. I’m going.”

Mum finally stops pushing Jen just as they get to the top of the stair all the while I am still laughing my head off.

“Ye you laugh but don’t worry it will be worse for you.”

I stop laughing when she says this and I am sure I have a look of horror on my face then the bitch starts laughing so I scowl at her as we all make our way down the stairs to meet the lads. As we get to the bottom of the stairs we see Damon talking with Nik Ethan and Nate. They stop talking and all eyes land on Jen, I just smile and watch Jen and Damon interact with each other and then they both went out the front door, once they both had gone Nik turns to me as I finish coming down the stairs he asks.

“Why did your sister say prick better watch yourself now to me?”

“Erm, that would be because you didn’t help her she hates being dressed like a girly girl haha, don’t worry.”

I walk into the kitchen to grab something to eat I grab something out of the fridge and took my food into the living room and plonked my arse onto the one-seater chair and started eating with my legs crossed. I sensed someone come into the living room and sits down on the couch across from me and I could feel loads of eyes on me. I look up to see my mum on the couch and everyone else stood behind it all staring at me.

“Why are you all staring at me?”

Mum was the one to speak up and say.

“Michelle, it’s hard to tell you this but I have had word of your dad being around the area, we don’t want you to go out alone.”

I stand up abruptly knocking my food all over the floor, I don’t even care about the food I am starting to get pissed off and feeling a slight bit of fear.

“What do you mean he’s around the area, mum please tell me he is nowhere near this town.”

“I can’t tell you that Michelle like I just said he has been spotted by some people, so I need you to promise me you won’t go out alone.”

I start walking out of the room not even replying to my mother until she says something else.

“Oh and Michelle, please don’t tell your sister.”

I whip around and I can feel my hair starting to change color from natural brown to pure black. How dare she tell me to keep something from my sister.

“Why can’t I tell Jen, she will notice that I am always with one person or another mother. YOU CAN’T KEEP THIS FROM HER, SHE NEEDS TO KNOW ABOUT THAT PRICK THAT IS AFTER ME!”

After that I don’t wait for an answer I run out and get out of the house, I also feel someone running after me and ignore them. I run towards the forest but I can still feel the person about 100 yards behind me, I keep running around the forest whilst thinking about whether or not to tell Jen, I come to the conclusion that I won’t tell her because she would just go on a rampage trying to find him. I slow down and can’t feel the person near me but I can feel something else. I don’t know what it is but I know it is a supernatural being but I’ve never sensed this being before. I stop in my track when I see a flash of brown cross my left side of vision. I look to the left properly and see a huge brown wolf ready to pounce on me.

“ARGHHHHH. What the fuck?”

The wolf jumps at me and tries grabbing my shoulder but I dodge out of the way. But within a second it turns back around and actually grabs my shoulder and I scream out in pain. The huge wolf starts dragging me in the opposite direction of the packhouse. I have had enough of this fucker I manage to get my hand up and grabbing its throat I squeeze until it lets go of me with a high pitched yelp. Once I’m out of its grasp I stand up holding my bleeding shoulder. Fuck this hurts but I have to focus on this bastard wolf in front of me. It starts circling me so I decide it is time to put this doggy down and show who is boss around here. It lunges for me but this time I am ready and stay in my place when it gets within inches of my shoulder again I use my good arm and wrap it around the wolfs neck and body slam it into the dirt effectively pinning it down so it couldn’t move.

“The fuck do you want with me wolf?”

The wolf continues to struggle underneath me but I can’t get loose it is in a death grip so it just snarls at me. Next thing I know is everyone from the packhouse was standing around me all with shocked angry faces.

“Hey guys, you like what I caught?”

They all stand there silent still with shocked angry faces. I am still laid on the floor with smelly horrible wolf underneath me. Why isn’t anyone helping to keep it down.

“Guys could one of you get a lead or something for this pup I think I’m gonna keep him. Even though he did nearly rip my arm off I think I could train this pup to like me.”

Everyone is still silent but this time I could see some faces turn to one of horror and some of amusement. I see Jen start walking up to me so I smile and say.

“Hey sis how was your date?”

“Well it was good until now, but that fucker ruined it.”

Jen says kicking the wolf in its shoulder making it growl so I twist its ear with my bad shoulder hand making it whine a little.

“Bad doggy.”

I say pointing my bad shoulder finger in its face, that hurt like a bitch moving that arm but my good arm is a little busy at the moment.

“Michelle that’s not how you do it!”

I look at her questioningly as she leans down and flicks the wolfs nose making it flinch away from her. Jen stands laughing whilst I’m laughing hurting my shoulder. Damon tells some of the guards to take it to the cells. What no it is my doggy.

“You can’t take my doggy, he would make a great companion for Star.”

“He has to go to the cells because it’s not a real wolf-like Star it’s a rogue.”

Damon growls at me making me slightly flinch inside, that fucker. Jen is so gonna hit him if he carries on with his attitude with me, Jen gives him a look saying say something else now twat. The guards start to surround me so I slowly let go of the wolf and get out of the way whilst the guards do their job. Once up on to my feet I feel slightly lightheaded as I am walking over to Nik I start to lose my balance and when I am about to hit the floor Nik catches me but it is too late I am out cold once his arms are securely around my waist. Everything is just black, great good job dick you lost loads of blood.

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