Psycho Werewolf Sisters Michelle's POV

Chapter Chapter Fourty-Three

I wake up to stinging pain in my cheek I go to put my hand upon my cheek but can’t move my hands, what the hell when I open my eyes I see that I am in a cell chained to the wall. How the fuck did I get here? I look up and see the man I thought I would never see in my life standing before me, my father who’s name is Martin, he has a sinister smile on his face. What the fuck does he want now? I already know the answer but like everybody, I can’t help but ask it.

“What the fuck do you want with me, Martin?”

“Now, now is that any way to talk to your father?”

“Your no father to me, you might be blood but you’re not my father.”

I spit to him and next thing I know he is kicking me in my stomach making me double over in pain. The bastard starts laughing maniacally at my pain, I can’t wait for him to get what’s coming to him. I don’t know how long I have been here.

“How long have I been here bastard.”

This makes him stop laughing and scowling saying.

“You have only been here about a day, no one is looking for you and I’ve heard that your bastard of a so-called sister went off the deep end, too bad haha.”

“You arsehole, she is my sister and when I get-”

He starts laughing even more and says.

“You’re not going to get out of here child, you are going to use your powers to help me take over the supernatural world once and for all.”

“Not going to happen arsehole.”

I spit towards him and this also makes him growl and punch me in my ribs which hurt like a bitch but I put my emotionless face on which only pisses him off more. By the end of the torture that day I looked pure bruised and I am sure he broke at least four ribs in the process. After him telling me he will be back when he wants to get more violent he walks out and locks the cell door precisely behind himself. He walks off out of the basement and I go to stand up but can’t one because of the chains and two because I am that sore from the beating he gave me.

So I sit back and close my eyes hoping someone is actually looking for me. It felt like ages when he came back because he wouldn’t bring any food and I got bored really quickly after fully healing within about half a day, wow that was quick even for me haha. Anyway back to now, he comes into the basement but doesn’t make a move to come into my cell, I see him pull something from his back pocket and when I look closer it is a picture of me and Jen as young children. How the hell has he got hold of that, he was never around to get that photo.

“How the hell did you get that?”

“Oh this little thing, I got someone to get it out of your bedroom at the packhouse. If I am right, you also found your mate.”

“Really who was this person you got to get my personal property then?”

“Oh just a little someone who we won’t name but I will say she is one slut isn’t she.”

Then it hit me, Barbie Broomhead, that bitch when she drugged Nik she must have stashed it somewhere. I am going to kill her when I get out of here. Like he could read my mind he then pipes up saying.

“Oh don’t think you’re still going to try and get out of here, there is no way out and I have a foolproof plan to get you to co-operate with my demands.”

“And what is that then you bastard?”

“Oh just a little thing called once and for all killing your sister then you will listen to my rules.”

I can’t believe he just said that about my sister. I manage to get one arm free of the chains and get to the bars but they are just short enough for me not to touch the bars of the cell.

“Oh and I see you have regained your health, well I am going to have to sort that aren’t I.”

That when he picks something up from the other corner of the basement. It is a shotgun but not any shotgun it is a tranquilizer shotgun. The one he must have used on Nik and me.

“Don’t you dare use that-”

I didn’t have a chance to finish my sentence when I get a sharp pain in my neck from where the dart has just pierced my skin. I scream because this is different from the last time he tranquilized me, it is like it is burning. What did he really think that would work what a fucking joke, I will get out of here and boy will he be fucking sorry prick has crossed me for the last time. I look up at him to see he has his evil ugly smile on. I start laughing and he looks at me quizzically like I am crazy. As he makes his way into the cell.

“What is so funny bitch?”

A bitch who me? Never I am wayyy more than just a bitch but I am glad I am getting to him means I have a way.

“Oh, just the fact you think you can kill my sister that easily.”

I say in between laughing and coughing. He steps forward hoping I would coil back with fear but I just sit straighter. He scowls and slaps me across my face making my cheek sting and my inner cheek sting. He steps back a bit, what is he up too. It’s never good when they do shit like that, and not 5 minutes later the main basement door slams open revealing Jen, Damon, Nik, Ethan and Nate and some, what looks like guards. I am glad they have finally turned up but I know my dad is up to something. He turns around quickly then back to face Jen and the guy’s before saying.

“Now she die’s.”

This bastard knew they were coming and suddenly there is an arrow in the middle of Jen’s chest and I see red also my hair turns black with a slight purple tint to it because my sister is hurt I am beyond pissed and upset. Nobody and I mean nobody hurts my fucking sister, I am now up on my feet shouting and struggling against the chains to get to my dad to kill him but it is useless I can’t get out of these chains.

“I told you I would kill her this time when she’s out of the way you will do what I ask.”

“No, I will never do anything for you. If she dies then I will kill you myself you bastard.”

I see Damon whispering trying to keep Jen alive. Don’t you dare give up on us now sister, I know you can get through it just hold on.

“Just stay with us Jen, it’s going to be okay.”

I listen to Damon talking to Jen and I can feel how much it’s killing him to see her like this. My father moves closer to me whilst Nik, Ethan and Nate try to fight off my father but they can’t get anywhere close to him it’s like he has some sort of a force field around him protecting him from their attack, wait could that be what he meant when he was chatting about having a foolproof plan? When he gets to me he raises his hand and backhands me across my face making my head swing around to the left. Fuck that hurt more than normal. Next thing I know is Jen has blue flames coming out of her skin, and she’s no longer wearing her top and tight jean’s but she has red and blue ribbons wrapped around her arms crisscrossing over her chest and stomach with a black bra. Moving down she’s wearing black leather pants with thigh-high black heel boots on, Damn my sister’s demon is bad-arse and it is boiling in here this means she has turned into her Demon Misty has now come to play. In a flash Jen or should I say Misty has my father by the throat and throwing him into the opposite wall.

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