Psycho Werewolf Sisters Michelle's POV

Chapter Chapter Fourty-Four

“You really shouldn’t have done that!”

Misty says before walking towards my dad with blue flames dancing across her skin, my father stands up looking at her in absolute shock.

“How that arrow should have killed you.”

“You didn’t plan on that did you Prick!”

I say to him, Misty doesn’t answer the bastard but she grabs hold of him before getting him on the ground and hovering above him pulling some knives out of her right and left boots and stabbing them both into Martin’s hands effectively pinning them to the ground. Fucking hell why couldn’t I be part demon too? Don’t get me wrong I like the idea of being Fairy, witch, vampire, and wolf, but seeing my sister kick-arse looking fucking hot makes me wonder what I would look like as a demon. Then again having two psycho sisters is bad enough what would happen if we were both demons, now that thought could send shivers down everyone’s spine. Next thing I know she is pulling the arrow that was stuck in her chest out cringing a little ouch I would cringe way more than that, maybe it’s the adrenaline. But I could tell it only hurt Jen and not Misty, Misty looks at the arrow before she smiles down at my father. I feel a hand on my arm and I look up to see Nik looking at me with happiness and sadness in his eyes.

“Thank the goddess you’re here big wolf.”

“I am so glad we got here little wolf, now come on let’s get these chains off of you.”

Nik pulls hard at the chains and manages to break them off but not before getting blisters on his hands.

“They must have been covered in wolfsbane.”

“What is wolfsbane, actually answer that once we are back home because I need to stop my sister or her demon actually.”

I give him a quick kiss on the lips leaving him smiling as I walk over to Jen.

“And how did you get a hold of a Hybrid killer? A little tip before I take a lot of pleasure in killing you, next time know how to use it.”

Then Misty stabs the arrow into my father’s chest about five times. I think she might be a little angry but what a way to make sure he’s dead for good. I put my hand on her shoulder and her head snaps round to look at me.

“Jen it’s okay. He’s dead. You can turn back now.”

Misty shakes her head before pulling all the knives out of my dead father and putting them all back in her boots, she then stands properly and turns to face me.

“I can’t do that. We have to leave now.”

What the hell? Can’t? What is she talking about of course she can change back.

“Why can’t you change back?”

“Because if I do Jen will die.”

I stare at Misty in shock, she starts leading me out of the room with everyone not far behind us. I am still so shocked. Once we are outside, granted it feels great to actually feel the sun beating on my skin, we wait for the guys to shift, Nik comes up to me with his clothes in his mouth so I grab them and put them around me to keep me slightly warmer, once I have them on I take a huge breath relishing the scent that is my mate, I jump on the back on Nik’s red with slight blue color wolf and pat his head getting over the shock of what just happened. I turn to Misty and say.

“What did you mean if you shift back Jen will die?”

“As I said to him he had a Hybrid killer, that is the only weapon that is even close to maybe killing a Hybrid. The witch side to Jen is doing a spell to keep me in control for as long as possible. And the inner wolf is trying to heal the wound if we turn back before it’s healed enough then Jen will die and so will all of us.”

“Nik. Damon.”

I say and Both wolves turn their heads towards me.

“Move your wolfy butts I won’t lose my sister.”

They both nod as I finish what I was saying before sprinting off into the woods with us on their backs. The bastard would love it if she does die, but I won’t let that happen not now not ever. When we finally get back onto pack land, they both let us off their backs so I take the shorts I put on of Nik’s and hand them to him and both wolves go and shift back. I look over to Jen feeling the pain that she is going through and I can’t really believe she’s still standing cos man that shit hurt’s like hell.

“Michelle I’m sorry.”


Before Misty could answer she starts swaying but I stop her but not good enough as we both fly to the floor.

“Misty? What’s happening?”

“You already know.”

“No! Just a little longer, look you can see the house!”

I know I am making Jen feel worse but I can’t lose my sister not yet she can’t die. I see Damon and Nik running over to us.

“I’m sorry.”

Then Misty loses control and the flames die down and Jen’s clothes come back but this time there is blood coming from the wound in her chest. I can see she is struggling to breathe.

“Jen! Come on you can make it through this, look at all the crazy shit we have done through the years.”

Jen gives me a weak smile as Damon falls to his knees next to her and Nik comes behind me and wraps his arms around me.

“We will always be the psycho sisters!”

“Damn straight!”

“Hey, that’s my line.”

Jen says before she starts coughing, there is blood coming up at the same time.

“Michelle, Jennifer!”

I swing my head round to see mum running up to us, I have tears in my eyes and my hair is pure purple.

“You can’t get rid of me that easy.”

Jen coughs through that whole sentence and she also manages to finish with a bad joke.

“I told you when I die I’m haunting you.”

“Don’t, why are you making jokes.”

“Cos I’m psycho.”

There is a small silence before Jen speaks again.

“Just have a good life.”

I see Jen’s breathing get harder and tears fall down her face, no this can’t be happening I can’t lose her, I see mum fall to her knee’s next to Damon putting her hand on Jen’s wound to cast a healing spell.

What can I do Elaina?

Let me take over Michelle. Please! I can help!

Really, you can help Jen?

Yes now let me take over.


I let Elaina take over, Elaina’s clothing consists of a long silver dress which is fitted at the chest area and flows into a silky long skirt that turns gold near the bottom, her shoes consist of 6-inch gold and silver high heels and her hair is the same length as mine but pure white for purity and I am just at the back of my head pacing around. Then I hear Jen.

“I really do..... Love you all.”

I see her start closing her eyes and slowly she stops breathing altogether. I hear mum and the guys all shouting different things like ‘Jen no’ or ‘you can’t’ but all I can do after I hear this I also sit down with my knees to my chest feeling hopeless but then I see Elaina go over to Jen and putting her hands over her chest and reciting some words I can’t decipher, Will this even work? Can we really save her? Then suddenly Elaina pulls a small vile out of her pocket and it was a white colour liquid. What the hell is that? God, right now I really wish I know anything about my fairy. Still, with her hand over Jen’s chest, she uses her teeth to get the cork out of the vile and then tips Jen’s head back pouring it down her throat. Nothing happens or so I think.

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