Psychic Enchantress

Chapter 46. Summoned

Mason’s POV

I managed to get some sleep in Xayla’s bed. I haven’t been getting any for quite some time now.

People always say to a man if he’s showing weakness that he should toughen up. Don’t shed a tear. They make it seem as if we don’t have any feelings and if we do, we aren’t suppose to show it. We must keep it hidden and bottled up inside.

That’s exactly what I’ve been doing for the past few months since Xayla was taken from me. I feel this hollow feeling inside of my chest. Sometimes I feel as if I can’t breathe. Its like there is a huge bubble at the back of my throat. Its like there is this heaviness within my chest. It feels like a panic attack on some days when I see things that reminds me of her and that’s practically everyday at school. When I sit at our lunch table with our friends, pain echoes from their body and I can see it on their faces whenever they try to put up a front.

With finals around the corner, I don’t know how they’re even coping with all the stress on their shoulders. With Xayla absent, Jake missing and, well, Shira dead, its hard focusing on just studying.

I feel as if I have no reason for anything anymore. Like what difference does it make if I do the things that i’m suppose to do. It’s not like its going to make me happy.

My mom and dad did their best at trying to give some comfort but I didn’t want it from them. I know I hurt their feelings by isolating myself from them but I know they understand. My sister and twin brothers treated me the same and showed me no sympathy and that sort of helped me. I really didn’t need any consolation. It only made it worse.

My friends could sense a change with me. I know it because they kept asking me questions. I would just grunt whenever they asked me anything. I didn’t speak to any of them. I sat with them but I just kept to myself. I got in a couple fights here and there. With my anger one egde, if I was provoked, I would completely go ballistic. I know Xayla wouldn’t be happy with that but at least the fights didn’t happen on school grounds. Even though I got myself in a lot of trouble, I never once got a detention and I intend to keep it that way. My grades are perfect and with a clean school record, I’ll be able to get into the school of my dreams. Harvard.

I check the time on Xayla’s alarm clock on her desk and it said 11:35pm.

I really overslept.

Xayla couldn’t be back already because if she was, she would’ve woken me up. Her gran had said that she should awaken herself before the clock striked 12 and its pretty close to it now.

I got up and rushed downstairs into the basement to find Kalina, sitting on a chair next to Xayla’s shell of a body, her face buried in her hands.

I looked around the room in search for Gran and I saw her seated in the corner of the room with a thick book in her hand, pretty indulged in it.

“Why hasn’t she woken up as yet?” My voice boomed. It was getting close to 12 and if Xayla doesn’t wake up by then, she’s going to die.

Kalina jumped in her seat, probably frighented by the echo of voice that filled the room.

Gran slowly got up out her chair and walked over to where I was.

“Its a bit harder than it seems. It takes time.” She calmly told me.

“Time?” I belted. “There is no time!”

I marched over to Xayla’s body and grabbed her shoulders, shaking it.

“Wake up!” I shouted at her lifeless looking body. “Xayla wake up right now!!!!”

I felt a hand on my shoulder. “Mason, stop. She can’t hear you.” I heard Kalina softly said.

I looked at Xayla’s face and held it in the palms of my hands, gently caressing her cheek.

“I can’t lose her.” I whispered mostly to myself.

“We know Mason and we don’t want to lose her either.” Kalina whispered, squeezing my shoulder gently.

I drew my gaze away from Xayla and turn to look at Kalina. Her cheeks were wet and her eyes looked red and puffy. She looked extremely exhausted and in sorrow. Of course she knows how I feel. She’s her sister for crying out loud. She lost both her parents and I know for a fact that she couldn’t bear losing Xayla too.

“Can’t we just give Davilla another sleeping potion to extend her unconsciousness?” I questioned Kalina.

She looked at me as if she were considering it and turned to look at her grandmother.

“We can’t. It doesn’t work that way.” Gran answered.

I got up from my kneeling position and sat on the nearby chair that was close to Xayla’s and Kalina’s.

Kalina sat back in her seat as well as Gran.

We waited impatiently for Xayla to wake up but there was no sign of that changing.

Kalina went upstairs and got some ready made turky sandwiches and soda. I didn’t feel for anything so I just sat in my chair with my face buried in my hand.

Its now 11:55pm and still no sign of Xayla waking up.

Gran begun making a potion in case Davilla came back instead of Xayla. She said that it was a spell to bind Davilla from using her powers. She also retrieved a silver bladed vintage looking knife from the thick book she had.

She said that its the only blade that can kill a Psychic Enchantress and it was used to kill Davilla decades ago. A witch that lived in Bronx, dropped it off a day ago. She claimed to be an ancestor of the witch who killed Davilla back then and the blade was passed down, generations after generations in her family.

I looked at Xayla and she looked the same as before. I checked the time on my phone and it said 11:58pm.

I shot up out of my chair and marched over to where Gran was standing.

“Its almost 12:00!” I shouted furiously at her. “Why hasn’t she woken up as yet?”

I know I shouldn’t be shouting an old lady but my anger was boiling over and I couldn’t control my emotions.

Gran seemed as though she was about to say something but something caught her attention over my shoulder.

“Xa-” her voice broke.

I turned my gaze from her and to where Xayla sat, chained to the chair.

Her face seemed as though it got back the color that was suppose to be there. Her hair began to change before my eyes from purple to her natural shade of dark brown.

“What’s happening?” I questioned aloud not to anyone specifically.

“Xayla...” Kalina’s voice trailed off.

“She’s coming back.” I hear gran behind me whisper.

I walked over to where Xayla was and stooped down to her level.

“Xayla?” I called to her.

No movement.

She looked like my Xayla again but she was still unconscious.

“Xayla?” I called once more in hope that she would open her eyes.

“Xay...” My voice trailed off.

Her eyes snapped open so fast I shot up on my feet.

“Step back!” She screamed at me. I did as told immediately. Now her eyes were open, I could see the bright shade of purple in them. I felt my heart constrict with happiness that she was now here but I felt extremely nervous as to what was about to happen.

Xayla looked down at the chain that was locked around her. Immediately, the lock opened and the chain around her fell to the ground.

As she got up, I saw a movement behind her. There was a ghostly figure standing behind her that resembled Davilla.

Xayla swiftly turned to face Davilla raising both her palms towards her. A purple looking smoke came out of her palm and encaptured Davilla like a cage.

Davilla began to cough as if she were choking. She fell on both her knees, clawing at her throat.

“Please stop!” Davilla cried out. “I won’t do anything, I promise!”

It kinda took me as a surprise to see Davilla vulnerable.

"You will no longer come here and harm anyone!” Xayla’s voice filled the room. Her voice was fine but it held power in it.

She used one hand and waved it in a circular motion and a black hole vortex looking thing appeared behind Davilla.

Davilla looked at it still coughing for air and a look of fear came over face.

“No no please don’t!” She cried out once more, her voice sounding more of a croak.

Xayla took her left hand that was holding the purple smoke which encaptured Davilla and raised it, carrying Davilla with her and into the black hole. Once Davilla was in there, the hole disappeared immediately.

Xayla’s hands fell to her side. She closed her eyes and inhaled a large amount of air and then raised her right hand.

I saw her lips moving but i couldn’t quite hear what she was uttering out of her perfectly sculpted lips.

Another black hole appeared and before I knew it, she stepped right into and disappeared before our eyes.

I looked at a Gran and Kalina, panicking. They seemed as panick as I was.

“Wh-where did she go?” I stuttered.

“I-I don’t...” Kalina broke.

I looked back at black hole that was still present where Xayla disappeared into and then I saw two silhouette looking figures walking through it.

I ran towards them and grabbed the guy who looked like he was about to fall any minute.

“Jake, are you okay?” I asked worriedly. He looked paled as ever.

“He’s dehydrated and hungry. That’s all.” Xayla whispered. I looked at her for a minute to admire her features. I can’t believe she’s really here with me again. In flesh.

Someone came beside me and took Jake from me, leading him to a chair.

I never once took my gaze away from Xayla’s.

“Its good to have you back Xayla but couldn’t you have done it sooner?” Kalina laughed. Happy to have her sister back.

“You had us worried sick about you.” Her grandmother walked over, embracing her in a hug.

“Well i’m glad to be back.” Xayla sighed with a smile.

“We’re going to attend to Jake’s needs before he gets any worse. The poor boy is practically passed out.” Gran sighed.

“Let’s go Kalina.” Gran gave her a meaningful look before raising her hand towards Jake’s body where instantly began to float in mid air. She was probably using her telekinesis on him.

They walked out of the basement leaving me and Xayla alone. I guess she figured I’d wanted that.

Xayla walked over to where I stood and looked nervous. For what I don’t know.

“Mason...” Her voice trailed off, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

I don’t know what got over me but I couldn’t control myself.

I grabbed her face in my hands and pressed my lips against hers. Her response was immediate. Our lips moved against each other passionately. I slid my tongue in her mouth and her tongue danced with mine. She wrapped her hands around my torso as she deepened the kiss. My mouth gave an involuntary moan from her actions.

I withdrew my lips from hers and planted a kiss on every inch of her face. First her cheek, chin, then her forehead, her nose, her closed eye lids and then back to her lips.

“I missed you.” I heard her whisper against my lips.

“I missed you too.” I responded, aftervbreaking the kiss to gaze into her beautiful violet eyes.

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